Trump Made A Mistake

How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.
Forget Putin's help.

You'll piss him off and he won't help this time around.
The Russians are already helping Trump again. Lev Parnas, one of the Giuliani goons arrested a few weeks back for Campaign Finance Fraud, for donating $350k of foreign Russian money to a TRUMP Political Action Committee, is likely losing his bail terms and heading to jail for lying about his income and assets, which determined his bail terms.

He was paid a million bucks by MOSCOW Bank months back and conveniently forgot to tell the court.

Parnas, is the one who paid Giuliani $500k to work for him, at around the same time he got the million from the Russians...

And the same time as Parnas and Igor and Giuliani met with Ukrainians who sympathize with Russia to MANUFACTURE this crap on Biden's....

Basically, Giuliani who says he is working for the President but the President is not paying him to do this stuff in the Ukraine, has been paid by Parnas, who was paid by Moscow.... :eek:

Yet everything that President Trump does works in favor of the people of the USA and against Russia and Putin.
You can't be that stupid.
Wait, never mind.
That is incorrect.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
Heads of state, including leadership in the house and senate need MORE transparency not less
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.
Forget Putin's help.

You'll piss him off and he won't help this time around.
The Russians are already helping Trump again. Lev Parnas, one of the Giuliani goons arrested a few weeks back for Campaign Finance Fraud, for donating $350k of foreign Russian money to a TRUMP Political Action Committee, is likely losing his bail terms and heading to jail for lying about his income and assets, which determined his bail terms.

He was paid a million bucks by MOSCOW Bank months back and conveniently forgot to tell the court.

Parnas, is the one who paid Giuliani $500k to work for him, at around the same time he got the million from the Russians...

And the same time as Parnas and Igor and Giuliani met with Ukrainians who sympathize with Russia to MANUFACTURE this crap on Biden's....

Basically, Giuliani who says he is working for the President but the President is not paying him to do this stuff in the Ukraine, has been paid by Parnas, who was paid by Moscow.... :eek:

Yet everything that President Trump does works in favor of the people of the USA and against Russia and Putin.
You can't be that stupid.
Wait, never mind.
That is incorrect.

How the fuck would you know?
How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.
Forget Putin's help.

You'll piss him off and he won't help this time around.
The Russians are already helping Trump again. Lev Parnas, one of the Giuliani goons arrested a few weeks back for Campaign Finance Fraud, for donating $350k of foreign Russian money to a TRUMP Political Action Committee, is likely losing his bail terms and heading to jail for lying about his income and assets, which determined his bail terms.

He was paid a million bucks by MOSCOW Bank months back and conveniently forgot to tell the court.

Parnas, is the one who paid Giuliani $500k to work for him, at around the same time he got the million from the Russians...

And the same time as Parnas and Igor and Giuliani met with Ukrainians who sympathize with Russia to MANUFACTURE this crap on Biden's....

Basically, Giuliani who says he is working for the President but the President is not paying him to do this stuff in the Ukraine, has been paid by Parnas, who was paid by Moscow.... :eek:

Yet everything that President Trump does works in favor of the people of the USA and against Russia and Putin.
You can't be that stupid.
Wait, never mind.
That is incorrect.

How the fuck would you know?
I live here, dumbass.

I'm.guessing you don't.
Forget Putin's help.

You'll piss him off and he won't help this time around.
The Russians are already helping Trump again. Lev Parnas, one of the Giuliani goons arrested a few weeks back for Campaign Finance Fraud, for donating $350k of foreign Russian money to a TRUMP Political Action Committee, is likely losing his bail terms and heading to jail for lying about his income and assets, which determined his bail terms.

He was paid a million bucks by MOSCOW Bank months back and conveniently forgot to tell the court.

Parnas, is the one who paid Giuliani $500k to work for him, at around the same time he got the million from the Russians...

And the same time as Parnas and Igor and Giuliani met with Ukrainians who sympathize with Russia to MANUFACTURE this crap on Biden's....

Basically, Giuliani who says he is working for the President but the President is not paying him to do this stuff in the Ukraine, has been paid by Parnas, who was paid by Moscow.... :eek:

Yet everything that President Trump does works in favor of the people of the USA and against Russia and Putin.
You can't be that stupid.
Wait, never mind.
That is incorrect.

How the fuck would you know?
I live here, dumbass.

I'm.guessing you don't.

You are the least informed retard in the group.
The Russians are already helping Trump again. Lev Parnas, one of the Giuliani goons arrested a few weeks back for Campaign Finance Fraud, for donating $350k of foreign Russian money to a TRUMP Political Action Committee, is likely losing his bail terms and heading to jail for lying about his income and assets, which determined his bail terms.

He was paid a million bucks by MOSCOW Bank months back and conveniently forgot to tell the court.

Parnas, is the one who paid Giuliani $500k to work for him, at around the same time he got the million from the Russians...

And the same time as Parnas and Igor and Giuliani met with Ukrainians who sympathize with Russia to MANUFACTURE this crap on Biden's....

Basically, Giuliani who says he is working for the President but the President is not paying him to do this stuff in the Ukraine, has been paid by Parnas, who was paid by Moscow.... :eek:

Yet everything that President Trump does works in favor of the people of the USA and against Russia and Putin.
You can't be that stupid.
Wait, never mind.
That is incorrect.

How the fuck would you know?
I live here, dumbass.

I'm.guessing you don't.

You are the least informed retard in the group.
Since it's seems I'm passing out nicknames today we will call you MP3.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

When has anyone ever heard of any president’s calls. That’s bullshit. That’s why he was elected. More made up facts, by hysterical [emoji24] douche bags. I hope he makes dims more miserable than have been for the past few years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At this point I wouldn't blame President Trump if he asked Rudy to get him disposable trac phones for future calls. What he says on his calls is his business only. Democrats and Deep Staters don't need to know what was said.
At this point I wouldn't blame President Trump if he asked Rudy to get him disposable trac phones for future calls. What he says on his calls is his business only. Democrats and Deep Staters don't need to know what was said.

It's been going on for a long time. It's not Trump, it's all Presidents.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.
May I suggest you use your energy to get a Constitutional Amendment passed to remove the Impeachment clause out of the Constitution since you hate that totally legal process so much?
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

How about you fuckers not talk impeachment before he's even sworn in ?

Then when it actually happens, more than half the country won't think it is sour grapes. Which it is.
who talked impeachment before he was sworn in? who is ''you f-ers''? a handful of people, like there were republicans saying about Obama before he even took his oath?

no one was talking impeachment early on...

their hopes were put in the electoral college following their conscience... in the early stages of TDS! :D
Care... you have fallen ALL the way OFF THE WAGON of REALITY.

You know, there is this thing called the INTERNET, you're ON IT, and ALL the evidence is there that makes EVERYTHING you're saying make you sound like you've been LIVING ON ANOTHER PLANET.

Seriously girl... good God...
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.
May I suggest you use your energy to get a Constitutional Amendment passed to remove the Impeachment clause out of the Constitution since you hate that totally legal process so much?
Why do that? The republicans are already planning the impeachment of the NEXT DEMOCRAT president... if there ever is one.

What goes around comes around... I hope you like it then too.
The republicans are already planning the impeachment of the NEXT DEMOCRAT president... if there ever is one.
They were doing that well BEFORE lying scum Tramp was ever elected, so what is the downside????
Yeah, he cheated by sending a few million to Russia for fake information to put together a phony dossier to use to get the FBI to wiretap his opponent.............oh, wait...............
.........Oh wait, it was Russia that funneled $30 million to the broke NRA to spend on Tramp's election.
Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo) “They (the Dems) don’t have anything. This whole thing is a joke, and it’s time to get the President exonerated. The House has no evidence of any impeachable offense. There’s nothing there, and they didn’t even charge a crime. They’ve had their chance, they’ve had their kangaroo court, they’ve had their circus for weeks and months. There just isn’t anything there and there’s no way I’m voting for Impeachment for somebody who hasn’t committed any impeachable offenses.”
WOW! A Republiscum LYING to protect lying scum Tramp, now that is a great source. NOT!
our duly elected President!!!
He wasn't duly elected, he cheated.

Sorry edthecrackpot, Cartoons are for children. Trump is as duly as they come. That's why Hillary conceded to him in 2016 and his legitimacy has never been contested and he took the Oath of Office officially sworn in Jan. 2017 with his hand on the Bible (unlike Obama). If you want to win too without cheating, all you need to do is get 270 or more Electoral votes next year. Or maybe you think the Russians have fixed that as well.
No matter how much the truth triggers you snowflakes, he had to cheat to steal the election.

According to the left, anytime they lose, the election was stolen. It doesn't matter if it's the presidency, leadership in the House, leadership in the Senate, Governorships, you name it.

I never heard the Democrats lose an election and say "We screwed up, we need to try something else."
No Republiscum has ever won an election without cheating one way or another, but you knew that already!
our duly elected President!!!
He wasn't duly elected, he cheated.

Sorry edthecrackpot, Cartoons are for children. Trump is as duly as they come. That's why Hillary conceded to him in 2016 and his legitimacy has never been contested and he took the Oath of Office officially sworn in Jan. 2017 with his hand on the Bible (unlike Obama). If you want to win too without cheating, all you need to do is get 270 or more Electoral votes next year. Or maybe you think the Russians have fixed that as well.
No matter how much the truth triggers you snowflakes, he had to cheat to steal the election.

According to the left, anytime they lose, the election was stolen. It doesn't matter if it's the presidency, leadership in the House, leadership in the Senate, Governorships, you name it.

I never heard the Democrats lose an election and say "We screwed up, we need to try something else."
No Republiscum has ever won an election without cheating one way or another, but you knew that already!

Do please tell us how Reagan "cheated." Basically, what Edthepimple is claiming now is that ONLY DEMOCRATS ARE LEGITIMATE HEIRS TO THE WHITE HOUSE! The GOP need not even apply! We are a one party nation and there is no need to even hold elections! :auiqs.jpg: :21: :04: :badgrin: :asshole:
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about he did. He's the fucking president. HE sets policy, not state department pricks.

You need to take a damned Civics class.

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