Trump Made A Mistake

When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.

He understand, that's why he released the transcript
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
Wait, so your beef is not his crimes, but that he got caught?

That's sad.

Got caught what? He didn't do anything wrong.
Using a foreign country and foreign gvt to help one win in an upcoming election is WRONG Ray.

It breaks campaign finance law, and most importantly, breaks our constitution and founders concern on us, not being able to govern ourselves, by picking our own leaders, without foreigner' s influence..or help.

Extorting foreign help, by using your elected by we the people's govt power, by holding back on an official white house meeting until the foreign gvt announces on TV for all to see and hear, that you are investigating the political rival and son...

Is gov't corruption.

And doing this by holding back military aid that was greatly needed and passed by Congress,, until the foreign gvt made this public announcement of his political appt is doubly wrong, and a serious abuse of power...along with cheating.

Soliciting the help from China to also interfere, and calling them to investigate ihs political opponent is also WRONG Ray, and an abuse of the presidents power.

It also weakens us tremendously as a Nation, and makes Americans SECOND to the foreign countries that help Trump win... who he will FAVOR over us American citizens, who constitutionally have the sole power to pick our own leaders.

Obstructing ALL of Congressional subpoenas and oversight SPITS in the face of our Constitution is wrong as well.

Unless the President can call witnesses in his trial that could somehow prove he did not do those things, removal from office through impeachment, is the only legal remedy.

Would you really be defending a president Obama for doing those same things? Honestly?
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How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

How about you fuckers not talk impeachment before he's even sworn in ?

Then when it actually happens, more than half the country won't think it is sour grapes. Which it is.
who talked impeachment before he was sworn in? who is ''you f-ers''? a handful of people, like there were republicans saying about Obama before he even took his oath?

no one was talking impeachment early on...

their hopes were put in the electoral college following their conscience... in the early stages of TDS! :D

You dont even know how electors work.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Do you know how electors work? How the state's get the number of electors? Do you know what gives smaller, less populated States their advantage?
How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

How about you fuckers not talk impeachment before he's even sworn in ?

Then when it actually happens, more than half the country won't think it is sour grapes. Which it is.
who talked impeachment before he was sworn in? who is ''you f-ers''? a handful of people, like there were republicans saying about Obama before he even took his oath?

no one was talking impeachment early on...

their hopes were put in the electoral college following their conscience... in the early stages of TDS! :D

You dont even know how electors work.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Do you know how electors work? How the state's get the number of electors? Do you know what gives smaller, less populated States their advantage?

Do you?
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
Wait, so your beef is not his crimes, but that he got caught?

That's sad.

Got caught what? He didn't do anything wrong.
Using a foreign country and foreign gvt to help one win in an upcoming election is WRONG Ray.

It breaks campaign finance law, and most importantly, breaks our constitution and founders concern on us, not being able to govern ourselves, by picking our own leaders, without foreigner' s influence..or help.

Extorting foreign help, by using your elected by we the people's govt power, by holding back on an official white house meeting until the foreign gvt announces on TV for all to see and hear, that you are investigating the political rival and son...

Is gov't corruption.

And doing this by holding back military aid that was greatly needed and passed by Congress,, until the foreign gvt made this public announcement of his political appt is doubly wrong, and a serious abuse of power...along with cheating.

Soliciting the help from China to also interfere, and calling them to investigate ihs political opponent is also WRONG Ray, and an abuse of the presidents power.

It also weakens us tremendously as a Nation, and makes Americans SECOND to the foreign countries that help Trump win... who he will FAVOR over us American citizens, who constitutionally have the sole power to pick our own leaders.

Obstructing ALL of Congressional subpoenas and oversight SPITS in the face of our Constitution is wrong as well.

Unless the President can call witnesses in his trial that could somehow prove he did not do those things, removal from office through impeachment, is the only legal remedy.

Would you really be defending a president Obama for doing those same things? Honestly?

First off, look up the word extortion in the dictionary, and show me where that definition took place in that phone call. Secondly, I would be against the Republicans for impeaching DumBama for anything but a serious charge. Speaking of which, DumBama twice held back aid to foreign governments, and yes, that aid was also passed by Congress.

In that phone call, Trump never once mentioned anything about Joe being his rival or the election. If anybody is tainting Biden's name, it's the Democrats for making a big deal out of nothing and dragging it out for months.

But because you and the commies claim you know how to read minds, you completely disregard why Trump said he did hold up aid. And that's why this is a crime-less Thought Police impeachment. He did nothing more than DumBama, he did nothing more than Biden, and in fact, less than both of them because the aid was released unconditionally. Not so with DumBama and Biden.

If Trump is impeached, it will change our politics forever. The opposing party leadership of the House will impeach the President from this time until long after we are off this planet. Thank you Democrats. You ruin everything you touch.
our duly elected President!!!
He wasn't duly elected, he cheated.

Sorry edthecrackpot, Cartoons are for children. Trump is as duly as they come. That's why Hillary conceded to him in 2016 and his legitimacy has never been contested and he took the Oath of Office officially sworn in Jan. 2017 with his hand on the Bible (unlike Obama). If you want to win too without cheating, all you need to do is get 270 or more Electoral votes next year. Or maybe you think the Russians have fixed that as well.
No matter how much the truth triggers you snowflakes, he had to cheat to steal the election.

According to the left, anytime they lose, the election was stolen. It doesn't matter if it's the presidency, leadership in the House, leadership in the Senate, Governorships, you name it.

I never heard the Democrats lose an election and say "We screwed up, we need to try something else."
No Republiscum has ever won an election without cheating one way or another, but you knew that already!

Let me explain this in an attempt to get you out of your bubble:

For years, Democrats have been telling us the Republican party is over; a bunch of old white men dying off. The new path to America is Socialism and Communism.

The problem with that is Democrats win elections and Republicans win elections. But the Democrat party cannot be honest with you about that. If they dare told the truth to their sheep, they would lose interest and stop coming to the polls.

So how do they do that? By creating fables about Republicans cheating. Given the fact that Democrats are inherent liars, the sheep just follow the shepherd.

They have you convinced that the country is liberal. After all, most of my family is liberal, many people at work are liberals, nearly everybody at my Starbucks are liberals, so the country must be liberal.....right? Sure, there are Republicans around; in flyover states, in their pickup trucks with the gun rack, on their yachts, but the rest of us are liberal.

So when you lose elections, the only possible way for that to happen is Republicans must have cheated. Why? Because most of the country are liberals. The Democrat party told me so!
Do please tell us how Reagan "cheated."
Voter suppression.
Where is your proof of that? Link? Do you have the names of 5 people who wanted to vote against Reagan and couldn't? That should be rather easy for you to prove considering that 49 states all voted for Reagan over Mondale. That is an awful LOT of voter suppression! :21:

Screen Shot 2019-12-18 at 9.43.49 AM.png
How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

He wasn't duly elected. He lost by 3 million votes. The people said "No".

Three years later and you still don't know how the USA elects Presidents
You literally have to be one of the dumbest people on the planet.
He wasn't duly elected, he cheated.

Sorry edthecrackpot, Cartoons are for children. Trump is as duly as they come. That's why Hillary conceded to him in 2016 and his legitimacy has never been contested and he took the Oath of Office officially sworn in Jan. 2017 with his hand on the Bible (unlike Obama). If you want to win too without cheating, all you need to do is get 270 or more Electoral votes next year. Or maybe you think the Russians have fixed that as well.
No matter how much the truth triggers you snowflakes, he had to cheat to steal the election.

According to the left, anytime they lose, the election was stolen. It doesn't matter if it's the presidency, leadership in the House, leadership in the Senate, Governorships, you name it.

I never heard the Democrats lose an election and say "We screwed up, we need to try something else."
No Republiscum has ever won an election without cheating one way or another, but you knew that already!

Let me explain this in an attempt to get you out of your bubble:

For years, Democrats have been telling us the Republican party is over; a bunch of old white men dying off. The new path to America is Socialism and Communism.

The problem with that is Democrats win elections and Republicans win elections. But the Democrat party cannot be honest with you about that. If they dare told the truth to their sheep, they would lose interest and stop coming to the polls.

So how do they do that? By creating fables about Republicans cheating. Given the fact that Democrats are inherent liars, the sheep just follow the shepherd.

They have you convinced that the country is liberal. After all, most of my family is liberal, many people at work are liberals, nearly everybody at my Starbucks are liberals, so the country must be liberal.....right? Sure, there are Republicans around; in flyover states, in their pickup trucks with the gun rack, on their yachts, but the rest of us are liberal.

So when you lose elections, the only possible way for that to happen is Republicans must have cheated. Why? Because most of the country are liberals. The Democrat party told me so!

And they would be right, Ray. I'd bet 99% of the Resistance Lefties here all live within one of these tiny liberal islands, where they can legitimately look around like a goldfish in a bowl and say: Yep! Everyone here agrees with me!

Democrats America.jpg
Do please tell us how Reagan "cheated."
Voter suppression.
Where is your proof of that? Link? Do you have the names of 5 people who wanted to vote against Reagan and couldn't? That should be rather easy for you to prove considering that 49 states all voted for Reagan over Mondale. That is an awful LOT of voter suppression! :21:

View attachment 295365

Not only that -
Bush 41 won solely on the promise to continue Reagan's Policies and Legacy.
To be honest - Nancy could have won if she had made that promise.
But that is not how the party Hierarchy works.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:
why, you don't care when he does.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
How could he have made a mistake if the call was "perfect?"
it was, it was the liars listening was the mistake he made.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
Wait, so your beef is not his crimes, but that he got caught?

That's sad.

Got caught what? He didn't do anything wrong.
Using a foreign country and foreign gvt to help one win in an upcoming election is WRONG Ray.

It breaks campaign finance law, and most importantly, breaks our constitution and founders concern on us, not being able to govern ourselves, by picking our own leaders, without foreigner' s influence..or help.

Extorting foreign help, by using your elected by we the people's govt power, by holding back on an official white house meeting until the foreign gvt announces on TV for all to see and hear, that you are investigating the political rival and son...

Is gov't corruption.

And doing this by holding back military aid that was greatly needed and passed by Congress,, until the foreign gvt made this public announcement of his political appt is doubly wrong, and a serious abuse of power...along with cheating.

Soliciting the help from China to also interfere, and calling them to investigate ihs political opponent is also WRONG Ray, and an abuse of the presidents power.

It also weakens us tremendously as a Nation, and makes Americans SECOND to the foreign countries that help Trump win... who he will FAVOR over us American citizens, who constitutionally have the sole power to pick our own leaders.

Obstructing ALL of Congressional subpoenas and oversight SPITS in the face of our Constitution is wrong as well.

Unless the President can call witnesses in his trial that could somehow prove he did not do those things, removal from office through impeachment, is the only legal remedy.

Would you really be defending a president Obama for doing those same things? Honestly?

First off, look up the word extortion in the dictionary, and show me where that definition took place in that phone call. Secondly, I would be against the Republicans for impeaching DumBama for anything but a serious charge. Speaking of which, DumBama twice held back aid to foreign governments, and yes, that aid was also passed by Congress.

In that phone call, Trump never once mentioned anything about Joe being his rival or the election. If anybody is tainting Biden's name, it's the Democrats for making a big deal out of nothing and dragging it out for months.

But because you and the commies claim you know how to read minds, you completely disregard why Trump said he did hold up aid. And that's why this is a crime-less Thought Police impeachment. He did nothing more than DumBama, he did nothing more than Biden, and in fact, less than both of them because the aid was released unconditionally. Not so with DumBama and Biden.

If Trump is impeached, it will change our politics forever. The opposing party leadership of the House will impeach the President from this time until long after we are off this planet. Thank you Democrats. You ruin everything you touch.

First off, look up the word extortion in the dictionary, and show me where that definition took place in that phone call. Secondly, I would be against the Republicans for impeaching DumBama for anything but a serious charge. Speaking of which, DumBama twice held back aid to foreign governments, and yes, that aid was also passed by Congress.

Extortion is a crime in which one person attempts to force another person to do something against his will. Extortion is used to force the victim to give property or money to the perpetrator, or to take some action, such as giving someone a promotion, or voting for something.

In that phone call, Trump never once mentioned anything about Joe being his rival or the election. If anybody is tainting Biden's name, it's the Democrats for making a big deal out of nothing and dragging it out for months.
Ray for goodness sake, a crook does not announce in words, the crime they are committing, and your comment is just downright off the wall silly.

But because you and the commies claim you know how to read minds, you completely disregard why Trump said he did hold up aid. And that's why this is a crime-less Thought Police impeachment. He did nothing more than DumBama, he did nothing more than Biden, and in fact, less than both of them because the aid was released unconditionally. Not so with DumBama and Biden.
Ray Ray Ray. Every witness that showed up testified otherwise. Did you not watch the hearings? If Trump can provide witnesses that can show otherwise, like Mulveney or Pompeo then he has his second chance to do such in his trial.

Trump never mentioned corruption once in either of his two phone calls with the Ukraine govt.

Giuliani has said a thousand times on Fox this is about him helping Trump With his campaign, working for him PERSONALLY.

Trump himself asked for Russia's help in 2016, and asked for China's help, and the Ukraine's help on tv for this 2020 election by asking then to investigate the Biden's, his political rival and family.

IF, the President was interested in fighting corruption in the Ukraine, he would have gone through our Foreign corruption division and the DOJ, AG Barr and not used Giuliani and the corrupt goons charged with money laundering Russian money donations to a Trump super pac, $350 k worth, and Ukrainian Russian oligarchs, and a corrupt ex prosecutor.

If Trump is impeached, it will change our politics forever. The opposing party leadership of the House will impeach the President from this time until long after we are off this planet. Thank you Democrats. You ruin everything you touch.

He broke the Constitution Ray, his oath of office, there is NOTHING more important or egregious than that...!!!!

We will just have to disagree.
How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

He wasn't duly elected. He lost by 3 million votes. The people said "No".

You need to take a Civics class too. Of course, you're so stupid you wouldn't understand.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
Wait, so your beef is not his crimes, but that he got caught?

That's sad.

Got caught what? He didn't do anything wrong.
Using a foreign country and foreign gvt to help one win in an upcoming election is WRONG Ray.

It breaks campaign finance law, and most importantly, breaks our constitution and founders concern on us, not being able to govern ourselves, by picking our own leaders, without foreigner' s influence..or help.

Extorting foreign help, by using your elected by we the people's govt power, by holding back on an official white house meeting until the foreign gvt announces on TV for all to see and hear, that you are investigating the political rival and son...

Is gov't corruption.

And doing this by holding back military aid that was greatly needed and passed by Congress,, until the foreign gvt made this public announcement of his political appt is doubly wrong, and a serious abuse of power...along with cheating.

Soliciting the help from China to also interfere, and calling them to investigate ihs political opponent is also WRONG Ray, and an abuse of the presidents power.

It also weakens us tremendously as a Nation, and makes Americans SECOND to the foreign countries that help Trump win... who he will FAVOR over us American citizens, who constitutionally have the sole power to pick our own leaders.

Obstructing ALL of Congressional subpoenas and oversight SPITS in the face of our Constitution is wrong as well.

Unless the President can call witnesses in his trial that could somehow prove he did not do those things, removal from office through impeachment, is the only legal remedy.

Would you really be defending a president Obama for doing those same things? Honestly?

Tell that to the shrilary who so far is the only candidate WE KNOW, did that. We KNOW Trump didn't.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.

Donald failed to learn the lessons of Hillary: make all your calls in secret on a private phone and keep all your messages on a personal server that you can erase and destroy when the dogs get too close. But Trump's mistake is understandable: he wasn't doing anything crooked he thought he had to hide. You don't see any private call transcripts or whistleblowers for any of Hillary or Obama's calls because they didn't have 500 deep state creeps sneaking around behind every bush trying to sabotage them.
He didn’t make a mistake. The Zelensky call was a boomerang. He did it on purpose because he knew the dems would take it to this extreme and he could show the country how corrupt they are. He knew nothing would happen to him simply because of the fact that the call was totally normal. I’d say given the situation with dems walking away from the party and the polls shifting more and more in favor of trump everyday, that his plan worked exactly the way it was intended.
How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

How about you fuckers not talk impeachment before he's even sworn in ?

Then when it actually happens, more than half the country won't think it is sour grapes. Which it is.
who talked impeachment before he was sworn in? who is ''you f-ers''? a handful of people, like there were republicans saying about Obama before he even took his oath?

no one was talking impeachment early on...

their hopes were put in the electoral college following their conscience... in the early stages of TDS! :D

You dont even know how electors work.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Do you know how electors work? How the state's get the number of electors? Do you know what gives smaller, less populated States their advantage?

California has 55
Texas has 38
New York has 29
Florida has 29

The seven least populous states -

Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming each have 3
So those seven combined have 21 - less than any single one of the top 4.

Describe the advantage that you see the smaller states having.

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