Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president

Biden raped a woman, and Biden is sucking off the taxpayers. He has never worked an honest day in his life.
Neither has Veggie (the 5th). He's a trust fund baby. Living off daddy's $$$ his entire life.
The people who conflate shell companies with legitimate businesses do the same thing with illegal aliens and legal immigrants. It's a waste of time arguing with them.
Don't worry Jerk.

I've got on record as an anti-American, anti-Constitutionalist, Marxist-Socialist, anti-Capitalist, parasitic deadwood POS.
Keep supporting your sock-puppets like useless Joe Biden and we'll know which target list you belong on.

Cause I don't worship a game show host in a fake tan, and heap unbridled contempt upon those who do?

Guilty, I guess.
Joe Biden is guilty of bribery and selling influence. Trump is guilty of running a successful multinational corporation. Biden is a criminal and Trump is a star.
Gee, if Trump is so successfull why is he begging his supporter's for cash?

Becasuse he's a fucking lowlife conman, that's why.
Well similar manipulations were done for Clinton, Obama, and Biden.
Check their bios. Neither of them did any significant time post college in the private sector creating wealth, they have careers spent wholly in Guv'mint sucking off the taxpayers in the "redistribute wealth" sector. Serving the parasite deadwood citizens that voted for them.
Liberals hate Trump's rag to riches story.
Cause I don't worship a game show host in a fake tan, and heap unbridled contempt upon those who do?

Guilty, I guess.
Because you do worship non-achieving socialist con-artists with fake credentials whom heap unbridled contempt upon honest working class Americans whom they call deplorable.

You are beyond guilty, no doubt.
Gee, if Trump is so successfull why is he begging his supporter's for cash?

Becasuse he's a fucking lowlife conman, that's why.
Nature of our current political process and rules about individual contributions to a Party for campaign support. It's the campaign/Party system.

The "fucking lowlife conman" are the likes of the non-successful parasites such the Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's. And the parasitic scum bottom-feeders that support and vote for them.

Please re-locate to a third world cess pool where you belong.
Donald Trump made at least $9.6 million from countries in the Middle East during his presidency, according to years of reporting and a CREW analysis of his tax returns. That means Trump pulled in at least six times his official presidential salary in side income from the Middle East alone during his time in office. The total is likely much higher, but public reporting only sheds light on the most high profile instances of profiteering, and he is only required to report certain types of income on his tax returns.

After Trump was elected president, he made the unprecedented decision not to divest from his business interests, and remained very much involved in the Trump Organization, creating an endless number of conflicts of interest by blurring the lines between the government and his businesses. The profiteering paid off, and Trump raked in tens of millions from international business interests during his time in office.

While he got patents for his dtr and made Kuskner a rich man, thanks to the Middle East.
/——/ Trump lost money while president. I recall libtards mocking him for it.
You're a silly fucker. The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner, and has 22,450 employees on the payroll

So what's your name worth, besides nothing? You'll never earn one million dollars in your entire lifetime.

Trump employs 22,000 people?

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