Trump makes noise with his orange, fat mouth again. This time claiming Earth’s moon is part of Mars

That is not what he said. The president of the united states should not need his followers to tell us what he really meant.

He was only talking to the people with over 60 IQ, who do understand plain English.

So are you only pretending to be retarded, or an actual retard?

I love watching you worshipers twist and turn to cover for your god. This is the best part of the Trump presidency, seeing you people fight to see who can shove their head up his ass the furthest.

If you don't understand written English, perhaps not participating in a forum that is based on english language is a way to go.

Golfing gator is such a Gamma Bitch.

If your god understood the English language he would not need you followers explaining what he really meant on an almost daily basis.

If those that misread what he said would you some logic, they would have understood it, like the vast majority have.

There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?
Seems pretty clear what Trump ment.

Leftists can either admit they were misled by fake news or continue to look foolish.

Actually it's pretty easy to GUESS what he must have meant. But again, that isn't the question.

Question is, why is it so UNeasy for y'all cult Rumpbots to admit what he actually WROTE?

And why would he write it that way? I'm going with "abject stupidity compounded with illiterate mindlessness". What do you get?


Wise words from a wag who thinks his hands are guns.

Just sayin'.
Are you talking about the Gunslinger's Creed from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King? The piece of fiction? Are you saying that not only have you completely misunderstood it, but you think I have, as well? You, the guy who's intimidated by a tiny painting of a fictional character?

Sheesh. I knew leftists had trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, but bloody hell, dood.

Why no Dave, I'm not talking about that. I don't read Stephen King. Doesn't do a thing for me.
Is Mars one of our 57 states?

No, it's a very wonderful place in Germany.

Believe me.

That's what's really concerning about Rump. He's so gullible that he buys his own bullshit. Which in turn means he can be led around by the nose to literally anything.
Jesus CHRIST you leftists are pathetic.

The Moon IS a part of NASA's plan to send a manned mission to Mars, and that's clearly what he's referring to.

Nasa will have manned Moon base by 2028 – and turn it into lunar 'gateway' for crewed Mars missions

You idiots are so blinded with TDS it's a wonder you can even put your fucking socks on in the morning.

Oh look, it's the YouTube fascist.

Guess you'll be leaning on Tweeter to force them to change this, huh.


What's that say? I don't have my glasses.

Covfefe that. Oh and do tell us again where "the Bronx" is.

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He is very plainly stating that a Mars mission involves operations on the moon. I'm sorry you're too stupid to figure this out. Maybe you need to seek meds for your TDS.
Exactly and Elon will be the one delivering engines(fuels) to the moon so the Russians and Chinese can refuel there on their way to the moon while we piss our money away fucking with Brown People.
He was only talking to the people with over 60 IQ, who do understand plain English.

So are you only pretending to be retarded, or an actual retard?

I love watching you worshipers twist and turn to cover for your god. This is the best part of the Trump presidency, seeing you people fight to see who can shove their head up his ass the furthest.

If you don't understand written English, perhaps not participating in a forum that is based on english language is a way to go.

Golfing gator is such a Gamma Bitch.

If your god understood the English language he would not need you followers explaining what he really meant on an almost daily basis.

If those that misread what he said would you some logic, they would have understood it, like the vast majority have.

There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?
He was only talking to the people with over 60 IQ, who do understand plain English.

So are you only pretending to be retarded, or an actual retard?

I love watching you worshipers twist and turn to cover for your god. This is the best part of the Trump presidency, seeing you people fight to see who can shove their head up his ass the furthest.

If you don't understand written English, perhaps not participating in a forum that is based on english language is a way to go.

Golfing gator is such a Gamma Bitch.

If your god understood the English language he would not need you followers explaining what he really meant on an almost daily basis.

If those that misread what he said would you some logic, they would have understood it, like the vast majority have.

There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?

If you just read that isolated part alone, yes it would.
When read with the 1st part of the paragraph,you know he was talking about NASA's options in 2017 .
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Wise words from a wag who thinks his hands are guns.

Just sayin'.
Are you talking about the Gunslinger's Creed from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King? The piece of fiction? Are you saying that not only have you completely misunderstood it, but you think I have, as well? You, the guy who's intimidated by a tiny painting of a fictional character?

Sheesh. I knew leftists had trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, but bloody hell, dood.

Why no Dave, I'm not talking about that. I don't read Stephen King. Doesn't do a thing for me.
Then you're afraid of a small picture of an imaginary man with guns pointed in a safe direction.

How can you believe that improves your image?
Seems pretty clear what Trump ment.

Leftists can either admit they were misled by fake news or continue to look foolish.

Actually it's pretty easy to GUESS what he must have meant. But again, that isn't the question.

Question is, why is it so UNeasy for y'all cult Rumpbots to admit what he actually WROTE?

And why would he write it that way? I'm going with "abject stupidity compounded with illiterate mindlessness". What do you get?

Twitter only allows a certain amount of characters.
I love watching you worshipers twist and turn to cover for your god. This is the best part of the Trump presidency, seeing you people fight to see who can shove their head up his ass the furthest.

If you don't understand written English, perhaps not participating in a forum that is based on english language is a way to go.

Golfing gator is such a Gamma Bitch.

If your god understood the English language he would not need you followers explaining what he really meant on an almost daily basis.

If those that misread what he said would you some logic, they would have understood it, like the vast majority have.

There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?
I love watching you worshipers twist and turn to cover for your god. This is the best part of the Trump presidency, seeing you people fight to see who can shove their head up his ass the furthest.

If you don't understand written English, perhaps not participating in a forum that is based on english language is a way to go.

Golfing gator is such a Gamma Bitch.

If your god understood the English language he would not need you followers explaining what he really meant on an almost daily basis.

If those that misread what he said would you some logic, they would have understood it, like the vast majority have.

There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?

If you just read that isolated part alone, yes it would.
When read with the 1st part of the paragraph,you know he was talking about NASA's options in 2017 .

Once AGAIN --- that may be what he had in mind, but it's not what he wrote, is it.
Seems pretty clear what Trump ment.

Leftists can either admit they were misled by fake news or continue to look foolish.

Actually it's pretty easy to GUESS what he must have meant. But again, that isn't the question.

Question is, why is it so UNeasy for y'all cult Rumpbots to admit what he actually WROTE?

And why would he write it that way? I'm going with "abject stupidity compounded with illiterate mindlessness". What do you get?

Twitter only allows a certain amount of characters.

And that doesn't require claiming the moon is a part of Mars.

Moreover anybody who wants to can arrive at that 140 with an ellipse and continue in the next one, which even Rump knows. He's done it for years. So no, that's not selling either.


Wise words from a wag who thinks his hands are guns.

Just sayin'.
Are you talking about the Gunslinger's Creed from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King? The piece of fiction? Are you saying that not only have you completely misunderstood it, but you think I have, as well? You, the guy who's intimidated by a tiny painting of a fictional character?

Sheesh. I knew leftists had trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, but bloody hell, dood.

Why no Dave, I'm not talking about that. I don't read Stephen King. Doesn't do a thing for me.
Then you're afraid of a small picture of an imaginary man with guns pointed in a safe direction.

How can you believe that improves your image?

Looks to me like you're pointing them at Peach. That's a nono.

As for my "image", never thought about it but look at your pic and look at mine. Obviously I ain't the one who needs "improvement".
From what I understand, the moon would be necessary for human exploration of Mars.

Predictably liberals don't always understand Trump's language, admittedly because Trump doesn't always communicate clearly.

Trump is not tweeting science. He's tweeting program, or things we are doing. The moon would be a part of our doing a Martian program.
If you don't understand written English, perhaps not participating in a forum that is based on english language is a way to go.

Golfing gator is such a Gamma Bitch.

If your god understood the English language he would not need you followers explaining what he really meant on an almost daily basis.

If those that misread what he said would you some logic, they would have understood it, like the vast majority have.

There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?
If you don't understand written English, perhaps not participating in a forum that is based on english language is a way to go.

Golfing gator is such a Gamma Bitch.

If your god understood the English language he would not need you followers explaining what he really meant on an almost daily basis.

If those that misread what he said would you some logic, they would have understood it, like the vast majority have.

There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?

If you just read that isolated part alone, yes it would.
When read with the 1st part of the paragraph,you know he was talking about NASA's options in 2017 .

Once AGAIN --- that may be what he had in mind, but it's not what he wrote, is it.

No one is denying what he wrote. However, it's not news, because what he means is what actually matters. Not your snarky bullshit.


Wise words from a wag who thinks his hands are guns.

Just sayin'.
Are you talking about the Gunslinger's Creed from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King? The piece of fiction? Are you saying that not only have you completely misunderstood it, but you think I have, as well? You, the guy who's intimidated by a tiny painting of a fictional character?

Sheesh. I knew leftists had trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, but bloody hell, dood.

Why no Dave, I'm not talking about that. I don't read Stephen King. Doesn't do a thing for me.
Then you're afraid of a small picture of an imaginary man with guns pointed in a safe direction.

How can you believe that improves your image?

Looks to me like you're pointing them at Peach. That's a nono.

As for my "image", never thought about it but look at your pic and look at mine. Obviously I ain't the one who needs "improvement".
I'm sure that fantasy reassures you, since you're afraid of a painting of a fictional character with fictional weapons.

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