Trump makes noise with his orange, fat mouth again. This time claiming Earth’s moon is part of Mars

What kind of idiot thinks that Trump meant the Moon was a part of Mars, when it is obvious the meant the exploration and development of the moon was part of the same effort to explore and develop the resources of Mars. Good Gawd! If liberals weren't so freaking stupid they might grasp intent instead of being Grammar Nazis.
They seem confused because they thought the Moon is part of Mars.
There is only one Mars Donald knows.

If only he didn't have the vocabulary and communication skills of a ten-year-old, people might understand him gooder.
He seems to post so that even the dimmest among us may understand but apparently it's still to difficult for you. Get an adult in your life to explain.
He may be a simpleton but not near and dear as Bush II when he talked Texican...
What kind of idiot thinks that Trump meant the Moon was a part of Mars, when it is obvious the meant the exploration and development of the moon was part of the same effort to explore and develop the resources of Mars.

Good Gawd!

If liberals weren't so freaking stupid they might grasp intent instead of being Grammar Nazis.
Do you always cover for the Dotard in Queef?

We all know what the Don was thinking all along...
Star Wars Action Condoms

What kind of idiot thinks that Trump meant the Moon was a part of Mars, when it is obvious the meant the exploration and development of the moon was part of the same effort to explore and develop the resources of Mars. Good Gawd! If liberals weren't so freaking stupid they might grasp intent instead of being Grammar Nazis.
They seem confused because they thought the Moon is part of Mars.
Well some of them lose sleep wondering if an island can tip over.
There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?
There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?

If you just read that isolated part alone, yes it would.
When read with the 1st part of the paragraph,you know he was talking about NASA's options in 2017 .

Once AGAIN --- that may be what he had in mind, but it's not what he wrote, is it.

No one is denying what he wrote. However, it's not news, because what he means is what actually matters. Not your snarky bullshit.

crying shame he lacks the basic IQ to say/write what he actually means.

The president of the United States should not need his worshipers telling people what he meant.

You need to be told exactly what to think with that IQ of yours. Even then it's not enough.

As for the rest of us who are not living in a media bubble, we understood just fine. It took me tenth of a second to understand what Trump meant upon seeing the tweet. If your IQ is not high enough, better stick to something that's your level. Too bad your leftist masters didn't tell you that snarky comments need to at least appear to be smart, otherwise they are no good.

Dude, you defend everything Trump does and says, the fact you "understood" it meaningless. He could have spoke in a language you did not even know and you would claim to understand it.

He wrote what he wrote, and even your stupid ass admits he did not write what he meant.
There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?
There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?

If you just read that isolated part alone, yes it would.
When read with the 1st part of the paragraph,you know he was talking about NASA's options in 2017 .

Once AGAIN --- that may be what he had in mind, but it's not what he wrote, is it.

No one is denying what he wrote. However, it's not news, because what he means is what actually matters. Not your snarky bullshit.

crying shame he lacks the basic IQ to say/write what he actually means.

The president of the United States should not need his worshipers telling people what he meant.
There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?
There's really no way to misread "Mars (of which the moon is a part)". It has no exit ramp.

Obviously that's erroneous, but that isn't the point. The salient point is, why can't he just MAN UP and admit he fucked up?

If you just read that isolated part alone, yes it would.
When read with the 1st part of the paragraph,you know he was talking about NASA's options in 2017 .

Once AGAIN --- that may be what he had in mind, but it's not what he wrote, is it.

No one is denying what he wrote. However, it's not news, because what he means is what actually matters. Not your snarky bullshit.

crying shame he lacks the basic IQ to say/write what he actually means.

The president of the United States should not need his worshipers telling people what he meant.

Our media has been doing that to their viewers for years.

Which is why I stopped watching TV news a decade ago.

Give it a try, you might like it.
I like C -Span, Washington Journal and book tv.
I've gotten some very good books to read watching them.
I like C -Span, Washington Journal and book tv.
I've gotten some very good books to read watching them.

I watch TV for two things shows and sports

Sent from my iPhone using

Sports is really the only thing TV does honestly. And even then its two-dimensional form prevents even that from accurate representation, but at least it doesn't tend to lie about it.

I'm a baseball fan and I find the audio (radio) description infinitely more useful. I'll watch the video later if it's something unusual but the audio-only feed is by definition more descriptive and it's their job to be painstakingly accurate with it.

TV's basic purpose is to sensationalize, to milk the emotions, to basically lie, in a form of hypnosis that allows it to then sell you a pickup truck capable of towing an asteroid so you can make that trip to the grocery store. That's why Book TV and C-Span and the like, don't "sell" or draw flies (called "ratings"). That's why when William F. Buckley held his talk show he did it on PBS --- not there to sell anything.

Decades ago there were travelling salesmen who knocked on every door to sell all manner of questionable product. Nobody was very keen to let them in the door. Yet when television developed for exactly the same purpose, the same people not only let it in the door but went out and spent money so that it could get in. Doesn't make a lick of sense, but there it is, the story of the 20th century Dumbdown.

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