Trump makes noise with his orange, fat mouth again. This time claiming Earth’s moon is part of Mars

Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:
So that's your defense of the moron president?

"Yes, we're morons, but we won an election!"


If you liberals are so intelligent how did we crush you like a bug and take back the White House? Here I'll answer for you...but but but...but. (confusion)
Sorry crybaby, this thread is about something very stupid that your master said. The 5 billion crybaby wingnut threads are that way ->

No, it's about stupid twitter followers who are not able to remember the first part of the tweet in order to tie it with the last part of tweet.
Twitter erupts over Trump claim that the moon 'is a part' of Mars

Lol I can’t wait for republicans to try to justify this pure stupidity. Perhaps Trump supporters have no basic understanding about our solar system to begin with and are just blindly assuming Trump is correct about this like any other assertion this stupid orangutan says to them at one of his rallies. I don’t really know. I like to think anyone with an average IQ would know the difference between Earth and Mars and which planet had only one moon. Please tell me republicans are better than this.

You know, if a republican in Bush II’s era said to me “Billy, it’s unfair hyperbole to call Bush a fucking moron. He can’t be THAT dumb.” I would react with “okay, perhaps you’re right. He is intelligent and dignified in SOME ways despite still being among the dumbest of US president.”

However, If a republican said this same thing about Trump, I would call him or her a fucking moron for believing such a thing.

The people who don't understand the difference between a male and a female are mocking the God-Emperor for not understanding science.

Um what?

Male and Female.

I suppose you have already removed these from your dictionary. It was simply too difficult to tell the difference.
Lol um okay whatever dude.
Here is the tweet:

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago," he wrote. "They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He obviously was talking about the moon mission being a part of the way in going to the Mars. Fail...

Leftists just refuse to understand language, reality, or anything for that matter. It's all snark and bully.
But why would he rule out the moon if it required the moon to get to Mars? Lol
Here is the tweet:

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago," he wrote. "They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He obviously was talking about the moon mission being a part of the way in going to the Mars. Fail...

Leftists just refuse to understand language, reality, or anything for that matter. It's all snark and bully.
But why would he rule out the moon if it required the moon to get to Mars? Lol



Wise words from a wag who thinks his hands are guns.

Just sayin'.
Are you talking about the Gunslinger's Creed from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King? The piece of fiction? Are you saying that not only have you completely misunderstood it, but you think I have, as well? You, the guy who's intimidated by a tiny painting of a fictional character?

Sheesh. I knew leftists had trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, but bloody hell, dood.
Twitter erupts over Trump claim that the moon 'is a part' of Mars

Lol I can’t wait for republicans to try to justify this pure stupidity. Perhaps Trump supporters have no basic understanding about our solar system to begin with and are just blindly assuming Trump is correct about this like any other assertion this stupid orangutan says to them at one of his rallies. I don’t really know. I like to think anyone with an average IQ would know the difference between Earth and Mars and which planet had only one moon. Please tell me republicans are better than this.

You know, if a republican in Bush II’s era said to me “Billy, it’s unfair hyperbole to call Bush a fucking moron. He can’t be THAT dumb.” I would react with “okay, perhaps you’re right. He is intelligent and dignified in SOME ways despite still being among the dumbest of US president.”

However, If a republican said this same thing about Trump, I would call him or her a fucking moron for believing such a thing.


:funnyface: :up:

Twitter erupts over Trump claim that the moon 'is a part' of Mars

Lol I can’t wait for republicans to try to justify this pure stupidity. Perhaps Trump supporters have no basic understanding about our solar system to begin with and are just blindly assuming Trump is correct about this like any other assertion this stupid orangutan says to them at one of his rallies. I don’t really know. I like to think anyone with an average IQ would know the difference between Earth and Mars and which planet had only one moon. Please tell me republicans are better than this.

You know, if a republican in Bush II’s era said to me “Billy, it’s unfair hyperbole to call Bush a fucking moron. He can’t be THAT dumb.” I would react with “okay, perhaps you’re right. He is intelligent and dignified in SOME ways despite still being among the dumbest of US president.”

However, If a republican said this same thing about Trump, I would call him or her a fucking moron for believing such a thing.
Yeah, mars is a moon of earth now, hardy har har. I didn't vote for the Trumpster because he was a noted astrophysicist. I voted for him as a counter weight against the weirdo nihilist leftist dingbat whatzits that don't care what planet orbits what, and want to legalize man on couch marriage and their brand of nonsense.
Twitter erupts over Trump claim that the moon 'is a part' of Mars

Lol I can’t wait for republicans to try to justify this pure stupidity. Perhaps Trump supporters have no basic understanding about our solar system to begin with and are just blindly assuming Trump is correct about this like any other assertion this stupid orangutan says to them at one of his rallies. I don’t really know. I like to think anyone with an average IQ would know the difference between Earth and Mars and which planet had only one moon. Please tell me republicans are better than this.

You know, if a republican in Bush II’s era said to me “Billy, it’s unfair hyperbole to call Bush a fucking moron. He can’t be THAT dumb.” I would react with “okay, perhaps you’re right. He is intelligent and dignified in SOME ways despite still being among the dumbest of US president.”

However, If a republican said this same thing about Trump, I would call him or her a fucking moron for believing such a thing.


:funnyface: :up:

Well, it really doesn’t matter how I react huh? Trump is still a moron and you are to blame in part for his election.
Here is the tweet:

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago," he wrote. "They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He obviously was talking about the moon mission being a part of the way in going to the Mars. Fail...

Leftists just refuse to understand language, reality, or anything for that matter. It's all snark and bully.
But why would he rule out the moon if it required the moon to get to Mars? Lol

Yep, that’s all you got.
Twitter erupts over Trump claim that the moon 'is a part' of Mars

Lol I can’t wait for republicans to try to justify this pure stupidity. Perhaps Trump supporters have no basic understanding about our solar system to begin with and are just blindly assuming Trump is correct about this like any other assertion this stupid orangutan says to them at one of his rallies. I don’t really know. I like to think anyone with an average IQ would know the difference between Earth and Mars and which planet had only one moon. Please tell me republicans are better than this.

You know, if a republican in Bush II’s era said to me “Billy, it’s unfair hyperbole to call Bush a fucking moron. He can’t be THAT dumb.” I would react with “okay, perhaps you’re right. He is intelligent and dignified in SOME ways despite still being among the dumbest of US president.”

However, If a republican said this same thing about Trump, I would call him or her a fucking moron for believing such a thing.
Yeah, mars is a moon of earth now, hardy har har. I didn't vote for the Trumpster because he was a noted astrophysicist. I voted for him as a counter weight against the weirdo nihilist leftist dingbat whatzits that don't care what planet orbits what, and want to legalize man on couch marriage and their brand of nonsense.
A noted astrophysicist? Are you kidding me? This is something a fifth grader learns in science class.
Trump? Meeh. On one hand , we have liberal leftist ideologues telling us homosexuality is OK, and calling someone a Homophobe if they disagree. Which is worse, a man licking a mans anus and swallowing another man's semen, or someone that might find that a little...distasteful? These amoral moralist scolds LOVE to dish out morality.
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Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:
So that's your defense of the moron president?

"Yes, we're morons, but we won an election!"


If you liberals are so intelligent how did we crush you like a bug and take back the White House? Here I'll answer for you...but but but...but. (confusion)
Sorry crybaby, this thread is about something very stupid that your master said. The 5 billion crybaby wingnut threads are that way ->

The moon is part of the Mars mission plan imbecile. Its not our fault you stupid idiots are too dumb to understand what Trump was saying. :anj_stfu:

It's also not your fault that he's too friggin' illiterate to articulate it, so quitcher bitchin'.
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:
Hahaha! And the Orange Mammon Gawd you worship lost the House. Such a great leader. Not!

Who gives a Shit Tard, the SENATE is the TRUMP card dick brain....

So does that mean you agree with Trump that the Moon is part of Mars?

Yes or No, please?
It's part of the planned Mars mission you stupid fuck.

Its unbelievable how easily duped fools are by FAKE NEWS

What's "fake" about it? It's a real Twit. Already posted.

Wanna see it again?



Oops, I shoulda warned you ---- you can't unsee that.

Hey, when you have to top ""the Bronx is a very wonderful place in Germany", you gotta break some eggs, let alone some celestial bodies.

Yup --- it's real. DEAL widdit.
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:

Tell us again about the time you elected an orange-painted moron who thinks the moon is part of Mars, who thinks the countries between India and China are "Button" and "Nipple", who thinks "would" means "wouldn't" and who's never held a job in his life, into the most responsible job in the world, Uncle Jed.

LMAO your Trump hate outburst is noted, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:
If the idiot-in-chief told you the Earth was flat, you bootlicking toadies would believe him.

You are one of those people who is so stupid, you don't even realize how stupid you are.

^^^ here's another liberal idiot who doesn't know the moon is part of the Mars mission plan.

Oh we all know that. Everybody knows that. Everybody, that is, except Rump.

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