Trump making millions off his ignorant supporters!

Trump is making a fool of all his right wing supporters!

What Fresh Hell? Trump's kleptocracy comes into sharper focus

Trump is the man! What a guy! I want to name my first born after him.

I understand in Israel, they have streets and things all over named after him.

Just think, someday, there will be a US Navy aircraft carrier: The USS Donald Trump.

Well he is about as wide as one.

What is that, another FICTION you try to maintain? Or simply swallow here? Trump gains 75 pounds every time one of you idiots posts a picture of him. I just went online to download some recent images taken of Trump; here is one of him getting off Airforce One. He doesn't look like an aircraft carrier to me.

View attachment 193275

Nor did he look like one on pictures taken a few weeks ago at one of his rallies. The problem with you Derps is that you are either so dumb you don't recognize Photoshop when you see it, or are so stupid, you assume everyone else is as well.

Here's a guy who seeks out and marries an international model and you really think he is going to let himself go to pot? The best sign that you guys know you haven't got shit on Trump, from the Mueller investigation now falling apart, to attacking his policies succeeding one after the other to his self is that if you REALLY had any angle of real substance and credibility, you wouldn't be out there making up petty bullshit about his "orange" hair, his "toupee," or "pot belly," about his "incompetence," or his "mental delirium," you would have REAL issues and arguments to pick against him.

The problem of the Left is that it doesn't know where reality ends and their fantasies begin. But they will have another rude awakening this fall when come the mid-terms, the big blue "tsunami" they hope for and predict turns out to be just more blown smoke up your follower's asses.

Why did you not include this photo????????????????View attachment 193288

Why did you not include this photoView attachment 193379

Because it is as childish as are you! Trump relies upon your lack of intelligence!

Trump is the man! What a guy! I want to name my first born after him.

I understand in Israel, they have streets and things all over named after him.

Just think, someday, there will be a US Navy aircraft carrier: The USS Donald Trump.

Well he is about as wide as one.

What is that, another FICTION you try to maintain? Or simply swallow here? Trump gains 75 pounds every time one of you idiots posts a picture of him. I just went online to download some recent images taken of Trump; here is one of him getting off Airforce One. He doesn't look like an aircraft carrier to me.

View attachment 193275

Nor did he look like one on pictures taken a few weeks ago at one of his rallies. The problem with you Derps is that you are either so dumb you don't recognize Photoshop when you see it, or are so stupid, you assume everyone else is as well.

Here's a guy who seeks out and marries an international model and you really think he is going to let himself go to pot? The best sign that you guys know you haven't got shit on Trump, from the Mueller investigation now falling apart, to attacking his policies succeeding one after the other to his self is that if you REALLY had any angle of real substance and credibility, you wouldn't be out there making up petty bullshit about his "orange" hair, his "toupee," or "pot belly," about his "incompetence," or his "mental delirium," you would have REAL issues and arguments to pick against him.

The problem of the Left is that it doesn't know where reality ends and their fantasies begin. But they will have another rude awakening this fall when come the mid-terms, the big blue "tsunami" they hope for and predict turns out to be just more blown smoke up your follower's asses.

Why did you not include this photo????????????????View attachment 193288

Why did you not include this photoView attachment 193379

Because it is as childish as are you! Trump relies upon your lack of intelligence!

View attachment 193396
Trump is the man! What a guy! I want to name my first born after him.

I understand in Israel, they have streets and things all over named after him.

Just think, someday, there will be a US Navy aircraft carrier: The USS Donald Trump.

Well he is about as wide as one.

What is that, another FICTION you try to maintain? Or simply swallow here? Trump gains 75 pounds every time one of you idiots posts a picture of him. I just went online to download some recent images taken of Trump; here is one of him getting off Airforce One. He doesn't look like an aircraft carrier to me.

View attachment 193275

Nor did he look like one on pictures taken a few weeks ago at one of his rallies. The problem with you Derps is that you are either so dumb you don't recognize Photoshop when you see it, or are so stupid, you assume everyone else is as well.

Here's a guy who seeks out and marries an international model and you really think he is going to let himself go to pot? The best sign that you guys know you haven't got shit on Trump, from the Mueller investigation now falling apart, to attacking his policies succeeding one after the other to his self is that if you REALLY had any angle of real substance and credibility, you wouldn't be out there making up petty bullshit about his "orange" hair, his "toupee," or "pot belly," about his "incompetence," or his "mental delirium," you would have REAL issues and arguments to pick against him.

The problem of the Left is that it doesn't know where reality ends and their fantasies begin. But they will have another rude awakening this fall when come the mid-terms, the big blue "tsunami" they hope for and predict turns out to be just more blown smoke up your follower's asses.

Why did you not include this photo????????????????View attachment 193288

Why did you not include this photoView attachment 193379

Because it is as childish as are you! Trump relies upon your lack of intelligence!

View attachment 193396

Hillary lost ,go light a candle.5995c149f1a8501d008b5ab4-960-720.jpg 116796be854099f07d63e44209a220f1.jpg
Nope. It doesn't say that.
This is what it says, dickhead!

“No Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
And that's what he and his cronies are violating.
Nope. It doesn't say that.
This is what it says, dickhead!

“No Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
And that's what he and his cronies are violating.
His cronies? Who has done what?
His cronies? Who has done what?
Oh please! Scott Pruitt paying $50 a day for a New York condo? Steve Mnuchin trying to use a military transport to go on his honeymoon? Trumps daughter selling her clothing line right out of the White House. Give me break!
When she was speaker of the house, Nazi Pelosi flew home every weekend on a givernment issued 757. Just her and her friends.
His cronies? Who has done what?
Oh please! Scott Pruitt paying $50 a day for a New York condo? Steve Mnuchin trying to use a military transport to go on his honeymoon? Trumps daughter selling her clothing line right out of the White House. Give me break!

Why would Pruitt rent a condo in NY? I don't think you know what you're talking about.

well even is its true hey I am glad to have him president over that evil with hitlery the fact he is the FIRST president since carter who is serving the people and NOT the bankers and cleaning up government corruption.the fact he is doing that,i have no problem with him making some money off me.:2up::banana:

He continually hires ex Goldman Sachs guys, you know that? Introduced banking deregulation laws and orders...

At least learn the truth...
Trump isn't running his company and selling goods and services at market prices does not an emolument make, doesn't make a damn difference who the customer is.

You can not accept money from foreign governments for private use.

Trump even came out and said he's making a lot of money off this Presidency.
Trump isn't running his company and selling goods and services at market prices does not an emolument make, doesn't make a damn difference who the customer is.

You can not accept money from foreign governments for private use.

Trump even came out and said he's making a lot of money off this Presidency.

So what government has written Trump a check, not a business, to him personally.


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