Trump May Not be a White Supremacist but He is In Fact a Bigot

I said what I meant. It was not confusing.

What you said was that what Christians say about their God, and what their God actually does are two diufferent things.

You say God forgives. You say baking a cake goes against your religious beliefs. Which means you don't think God forgives. So you're here saying one thing about God, then saying the exact opposite thing right after. Which makes the whole thing a load of shit.

So if God won't forgive you for baking a cake for a party, why the fuck are you evangelizing and marketing your faith on the idea that God forgives all????
YOUR standard for jail was that they "knowingly" broke the law.

Which they did. Because the law is clear. You can't discriminate. And you can't discriminate by pretending your faith says one thing, while at the same time evangelizing it says the opposite.

"God forgives...except for baking cakes. Join Christianity!"

Not quite an effective marketing slogan, is it?

NOthing about your negative opinion of Christianity is relevant to their Right to REligious Freedom.

As I've said countless times, I think all religion is stupid and pointless. Not just Christianity. All of it. If you are feeling butt hurt that I'm being so mean to you about it, that's because you're the one here trying to justify discrimination along these lines because you don't have the balls to come out and say what you really feel; that gay people make you feel icky about your own sexuality.

Such a fucking snowflake.
If they blow themselves up without harming anyone else or damaging someone else's property, it could be seen as free exercise. Once actual harm is done to something or someone else, though, that goes out the window. Interesting mental exercise.

So just like I said, you are establishing -on the fly- bizarre and arbitrary standards for what you, personally, perceive as justifiable religious law breaking. So I'm wondering why you're so keen on letting people violate the law because of religious action, yet not keen on violating religious "law" because of non-religious actions?

The answer is, of course, that you're a hypocrite.

More derpy repeated talking points. boring.

So then if they're just talking points you should be able to refute them. But you can't. In the end, it comes down to a "feeling" argument with you, which is weird because I thought liberals were the touchy-feely people, not the rugged Conservative individual tough guys. From where did I get these "talking points" anyway? All I'm doing is posing questions that seem to pull at the loose thread of faith, and that predictably upsets you. More of those "feelings"! Yeesh. Get over yourself.

Your posts reek of it. your need to insult religious people with your magic cloud fairy crap is the icing on the cake of your bigotry. And again, boo fucking hoo if you have to witness religious people doing religious things. does it give you the vapors, scarlett?

But God is a magic cloud fairy, is it not? And that's just a faith-based belief system, with no justification. I don't care if you worship a magic cloud fairy, a flying spaghetti monster, or a box of Triscuits. Faith is not a substitute for fact. Never has been, never will be. Keep it in the churches or in the privacy of your home, not in society where many don't share those views or beliefs. Boo-fucking-hoo that you have to bake a cake for a party. Oh, woe is the poor bigot who has to do their job and make money. How awful.

In any legal proceeding harm has to be established. And people do discriminate based on non-religious things, like politics, with all those "I wont serve Trump voters, hurr durr" stupidity.

I already refuted most of them 5 pages ago, you keep bashing your head against the wall.

I don't know, and I won't find out until I die, just like the rest of us. And no, you can't restrict Religion to be behind walls or doors, deal with it snowflake.
I don't care whether you agree or disagree with their religious beliefs.

See, you keep trying to make this about agreeing with religious beliefs (despite not proving these are even religious beliefs in the first place) and I'm telling you it isn't even about that. It's about Christians like you evangelizing your faith that God forgives, yet turning around in the same breath and saying the selling point of your faith (forgiveness) isn't actually true because the God you say forgives doesn't forgive baking a cake for a party. But if God forgives, then there goes the argument that your religious beliefs are harmed.

So you just avoid it altogether. Typical.
I have been very clear that your opinion on those beliefs is completely irrelevant to their rights.

Again, you are trying to make this about agreeing on least you've moved to say that their opposition to gay marriage is an opinion now...did you realize you even did that?

Secondly, my acceptance of their opinion isn't even the issue here. The issue is that what they evangelize contradicts the argument they're making here. If God forgives, then there's no harm.
You lefties fined the shit out of some one for not baking a cake.

Consider it a "Stupidity Penalty" since you're bullshitting us when you market your faith as "God forgives your sins", then turn right around to market your bigotry by saying God doesn't.

That victimizing them.

Ah, so this gets to the "why don't you tolerate my intolerance" argument.

No. I'm not going to do that, so don't ask.

And you are open about wanting to deprive them of the right to practice their religion openly in public.

First of all, the God they evangelize is supposed to forgive all sins. That's the main marketing point used to pitch faith to customers. Now you're saying God doesn't forgive. Which would mean the marketing of your faith is deceptive false advertising, isn't it? Do other Christians know that God won't forgive them?
Pretty sure. IF you want to post what you think is an exception, how about something similar to the topic of bakers?

Alright, then. It's your belief system's funeral, so here we go:

In order for you to claim that baking a cake is a religious act, you first have to prove that your God said anything as such in the Bible. .....

THat's an interesting claim, that a religious belief has to be proven before it is covered by Freedom of Religion.

Care to support that claim, with a link to a law or a ruling?
Really? You think discrimination can be easily proven? Or are you just fine with kangaroo courts?

So then you don't believe in our Judicial system, then. Which means you don't believe in the fundamentals of our democracy and the three branches of government that provide checks and balances. So since you believe all that shit, then you'd be un-American and anti-democratic. Instead, you are a theocrat. You seek to impose religious law over state law, which is basically Sharia. Thing is, pal, not everyone subscribes to you flawed belief system, so why should laws based on your stupid religion apply to those who don't share your belief in your bigoted, maybe-will-forgive-but-maybe-won't-we're-not-sure-because-the-standard-changes belief system. So throw religion out of the equation and you're just left with people. Some of whom have a personal abhorrence of sexuality that is informed by their belief system, which they seek to impose on everyone.

So how are you any different than the mullahs who want Sharia Law? Because your God is white and theirs is brown?

Sorry, I got about two sentences in and was done.

I saw nothing addressing whether discrimination was easy or hard to prove, on topic at all.
He is the result of the sneakiest, most underhanded, shadiest Muslim administration this country has ever seen. Obamy and Hitlery are the reason we elected Trump.
Sadly, the Regressive bigots who helped get him elected still refuse to look in the mirror.

2016 was the clearest, most obvious pushback on PC/Identity Politics you could imagine, yet they still won't see it.

What makes you think we aren’t looking in the mirror...and voting for what we see there?
I have been very clear that your opinion on those beliefs is completely irrelevant to their rights.

Again, you are trying to make this about agreeing on least you've moved to say that their opposition to gay marriage is an opinion now...did you realize you even did that?

Secondly, my acceptance of their opinion isn't even the issue here. The issue is that what they evangelize contradicts the argument they're making here. If God forgives, then there's no harm.

You state that your acceptance of their opinion is not the issue, and then immediately explain why you disagree with their opinion, as though that is relevant.

Interestingly enough, this shows that YOUR belief system is contradictory.
In any legal proceeding harm has to be established.

Great! So if your religious beliefs dictate that God forgives all, then you cannot prove harm by baking a cake because...GOD FORGIVES THAT!

They only way you could prove harm is if you say God doesn't forgive. But the entire core tenet of your faith is that God does forgive and Jesus died for your sins. So where's the harm? Nowhere. The "harm" is just bigots being faced with their own bigotry, and feeling bad about it. Your feelings being hurt doesn't prove harm. So it's not even about religion. It's about your prejudices against homosexuality. And that comes from your own sexual repression and insecurity.
You lefties fined the shit out of some one for not baking a cake.

Consider it a "Stupidity Penalty" since you're bullshitting us when you market your faith as "God forgives your sins", then turn right around to market your bigotry by saying God doesn't.

That victimizing them.

Ah, so this gets to the "why don't you tolerate my intolerance" argument.

No. I'm not going to do that, so don't ask.

And you are open about wanting to deprive them of the right to practice their religion openly in public.

First of all, the God they evangelize is supposed to forgive all sins. That's the main marketing point used to pitch faith to customers. Now you're saying God doesn't forgive. Which would mean the marketing of your faith is deceptive false advertising, isn't it? Do other Christians know that God won't forgive them?

So, you failed to address that fact that being punished validates being a "victim" so that point stands.

You also failed to deny that you are open about wanting to deprive them their rights, so that "victim" point also stands.

You lose.
I said what I meant. It was not confusing.

What you said was that what Christians say about their God, and what their God actually does are two diufferent things.

You say God forgives. You say baking a cake goes against your religious beliefs. Which means you don't think God forgives. So you're here saying one thing about God, then saying the exact opposite thing right after. Which makes the whole thing a load of shit.

So if God won't forgive you for baking a cake for a party, why the fuck are you evangelizing and marketing your faith on the idea that God forgives all????

I've never said anything about any of that.

I've said that your opinion on Christianity is irrelevant to the religious freedom of Christians.

Do you have any religious or spiritual beliefs?
I already refuted most of them 5 pages ago, you keep bashing your head against the wall.

No you didn't. IN fact, you haven't even addressed the central point of my argument which is that your religious beliefs are bullshit because you can't possibly be harmed when the God you worship is supposed to forgive your sins.'re now saying God doesn't forgive your sins. In which case, why the fuck do you worship God????

How is that a "talking point" that you've "refuted"? Kinda seems like a giant knife in the heart of your belief system to me. I mean you are here saying the thing marketed most heavily by your faith isn't actually true; that God doesn't forgive. And if God doesn't forgive, why the fuck do you worship God in the first place????

I don't know, and I won't find out until I die, just like the rest of us. And no, you can't restrict Religion to be behind walls or doors, deal with it snowflake.

You don't get to skirt away from this that easily. The central pillar of your faith is that God forgives you for your sins. So if baking a cake is a "sin", but God forgives the sin, then how are you harmed? That simple quesiton is one no one of faith can answer. Because it undermines the concept of your faith completely.

You say baking a cake "harms" these people, but how? Their God is supposed to forgive their sins, right? So how can they possibly be harmed by baking a cake if their God forgives their sins? Obviously, they cannot be harmed, and all this is just an exercise in the justification of bigotry.
In any legal proceeding harm has to be established.

And how are Christians harmed by baking a cake? Isn't their God supposed to forgive? If their God won't forgive them for baking a cake, then all the evangelizing about God forgiving sinners and Jesus dying for your sins is all bullshit, isn't it?

And people do discriminate based on non-religious things, like politics, with all those "I wont serve Trump voters, hurr durr" stupidity.

Discriminating based on politics is absolutely OK. Because your political affiliation isn't a protected class. It's a choice you actively make. So you have to be responsible for that choice. I know you people scoff at the idea of responsibility (and it's no wonder why since your belief system pushes responsibility on an invisible higher authority), so it's no surprise you'd equate choosing to be a Christian with being born black.

I don't know, and I won't find out until I die, just like the rest of us. And no, you can't restrict Religion to be behind walls or doors, deal with it snowflake.

Your religion has no place in the framework of the law. Period.
You state that your acceptance of their opinion is not the issue, and then immediately explain why you disagree with their opinion, as though that is relevant..

You and they are the ones who evangelize Christianity as "God forgives your sins".

So if God forgives your sins, then how are you harmed by baking a gay cake?

This isn't an opinion issue because I don't have an opinion on the self-contradiction within your faith. And it's not an opinion that you contradict your own faith argument, you actively do that when you claim bakers are "harmed" by baking a cake.

So all the shit you spread about Christianity is bullshit because the central tenet of your faith, that God forgives, isn't true if you're saying bakers are harmed at baking gay cakes.

Interestingly enough, this shows that YOUR belief system is contradictory.

You're so confused you don't even know what the fuck you're saying. This is bullshit.
[So, you failed to address that fact that being punished validates being a "victim" so that point stands.

Oh, they're victims...not of the state or gay people, but of their own bigotry. They chose to not bake the cake, claiming it harms them despite them saying all the time that God forgives.

So how could it harm them if their God forgives? Does God forgive or not? If not, why are you marketing your faith under the slogan that God does? Is that deliberate? Are you deliberately deceiving people?
I've never said anything about any of that.

So then God doesn't forgive. OK, now that we've established that you don't think God forgives, the next obvious question is why then is faith being marketed as if God does? And the next obvious question from that is; if God doesn't forgive, and saying he does is false advertising, why are you even worshiping that God at all??

So you become a Christian because you believe God forgives, but then cry harm at baking a gay cake because...God doesn't forgive? So why are you all saying God does forgive if that's not true, and should you refund all those people who subscribed to your religion (and tithed) on the basis that you deceived them with false advertising?

Cause I get pretty pissed at companies when they market their products or service do something that they don't (like AT&T's cell "coverage").
Do you have any religious or spiritual beliefs?

This isn't about me or what I believe. This is about you and what you say you believe vs. what you actually believe. You say you believe God forgives your sins, yet you actually believe he doesn't and baking a gay cake isn't a forgivable offense but covering up centuries of institutionalized child rape is...way to go, showing where your priorities lie!

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