Trump: Military intervention in Venezuela an 'option'

Trump's neocon puppet masters appear to be at it again, as the president does another uncharacteristic 180° on foreign policy . And whatever the US decides, you can rest assured that right now 30 million Venezuelans are praying that their country does not become the next Iraq or Libya.

President Trump in an interview broadcast Sunday said U.S. military intervention in crisis-torn Venezuela is an “option.”

“Well I don't want to say that,” he told host Margaret Brennan on CBS’s “Face the Nation” when asked about military intervention and any national security interest.

“But certainly it's something that's on the — it's an option,” he added.
Trump: Military intervention in Venezuela an 'option'

Donald Trump 2 years ago;

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"Trump says he declined meeting with Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro"
Trump says he declined meeting with Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro | Watch News Videos Online

I wonder why the Great Deal Maker is afraid to meet with Maduro? Perhaps there's little chance of a Trump Tower in Caracas?
Obomber attacked every country in the ME. Trump hasn't attacked Venezuela and the Losers are having a pre-cry meltdown.
Left Wingers are dumb and people suffer because of it.

Trump's neocon puppet masters appear to be at it again, as the president does another uncharacteristic 180° on foreign policy . And whatever the US decides, you can rest assured that right now 30 million Venezuelans are praying that their country does not become the next Iraq or Libya.

President Trump in an interview broadcast Sunday said U.S. military intervention in crisis-torn Venezuela is an “option.”

“Well I don't want to say that,” he told host Margaret Brennan on CBS’s “Face the Nation” when asked about military intervention and any national security interest.

“But certainly it's something that's on the — it's an option,” he added.
Trump: Military intervention in Venezuela an 'option'

Donald Trump 2 years ago;

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Of course its an option, but that doesn't mean that President Trump will exercise the option.
People think the refugee 'crisis' is bad now, wait until we turn Venezuela into 1970 Vietnam.
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And then use that to scare US into allowing them to wall in our society "for safety", with our militarized police state and for profit detainment center apparatus. Fweedumb.
millions cross our borders everyday for Commerce; the right wing harping on our refugee issue is nothing but bigotry.

The funny bit is that our Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class has always lobbied, cajoled and think tank draft legislated to insure "illegals" would be here, and WE ALL enjoyed the cheaper price points we gained by NOT paying for our fellow americans to be able to live doing those jobs. But as americans we are not socialized to think, we are taught to believe, to fight, and to blame. Assuming any responsibility for anything can always be sidestepped with blame.
There is no prohibition clause in our Constitution since the Repeal of that Bad Idea in those then, modern times.
Left Wingers are dumb and people suffer because of it.
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We have a federal doctrine in the US. Thank Goodness FDR was a left winger. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine, Only results.
Do you think if the congress would have worked with Trump when he very nicely asked them if much of the agendas both sides like and now do not that this would be an issue?
Left Wingers are dumb and people suffer because of it.
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We have a federal doctrine in the US. Thank Goodness FDR was a left winger. There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine, Only results.
Do you think if the congress would have worked with Trump when he very nicely asked them if much of the agendas both sides like and now do not that this would be an issue?
Trump's problem is the right wing is clueless and Causeless about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

The left would have made much more progress with Your guy.
Left Wingers are dumb and people suffer because of it.
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Who do you blame?

"Petroleum also broke the plantation-conuco system, rupturing existing patterns of production and consumption.

"To fill this void, the government in 1936 initiated an agricultural modernization program, funded by petroleum dollars and designed to replace imports of highly consumed foods in the growing urban centers.

"The push for modernization was part and parcel of the Green Revolution then sweeping much of the global South, part of an anticommunist Cold War strategy among the United States and allies.

"In Venezuela, the process was ushered in by U.S. 'missionary capitalist' to Latin America and godfather to the Green Revolution, Nelson Rockefeller.

"As the home of Standard Oil’s most profitable regional affiliate, the country held a special significance for Rockefeller, who made Venezuela his home away from home, even establishing his own hacienda."

Monthly Review | The Politics of Food in Venezuela

Missionary Capitalism?
Obomber attacked every country in the ME. Trump hasn't attacked Venezuela and the Losers are having a pre-cry meltdown.
It was your own Gomer Bush who took over 20,000 casualties searching for WMDs that we knew weren`t in Iraq, not Obama.
There's a twist to that most don't know.
When we armed Saddam in the 80's to help him
defeat Iran, some of them were anthrax bio-weapons which he never used.
So in other words Cheney and Rumsfeld knew he had wmd's but
couldn't say because these were illegally produced .

US Foreign policy = Follow the oil......

Actually, America is self sufficient as far as petroleum since The Donald began serving as our President.

Since we are the Saudi Arabia of oil nowadays, a revival of Venezuela competition won't help our country at all.

US Foreign policy = Follow the oil......

Actually, America is self sufficient as far as petroleum since The Donald began serving as our President.

Since we are the Saudi Arabia of oil nowadays, a revival of Venezuela competition won't help our country at all.
We are not self sufficient enough not to continue giving hand jobs to Saudi Arabia tho....

Again....if Venezuela didn't have significant oil reserves; the thought of military intervention would be all political parties.
Trump's neocon puppet masters appear to be at it again, as the president does another uncharacteristic 180° on foreign policy . And whatever the US decides, you can rest assured that right now 30 million Venezuelans are praying that their country does not become the next Iraq or Libya.

President Trump in an interview broadcast Sunday said U.S. military intervention in crisis-torn Venezuela is an “option.”

“Well I don't want to say that,” he told host Margaret Brennan on CBS’s “Face the Nation” when asked about military intervention and any national security interest.

“But certainly it's something that's on the — it's an option,” he added.
Trump: Military intervention in Venezuela an 'option'

Donald Trump 2 years ago;

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Just send DEVGRU in, assassinate Maduro and move on.

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