trump mocks Biden's stuttering...again.

Yeah and one that gets worse with age. At some point a disability will render one incapable.

Not necessarily. Most adults learn breath control and that can minimize the problem of stuttering.
Trump's pancake makeup is orange. He thinks it makes him look young and sun kissed. It's voluntary.
If that is true, so what? Biden's reading everything from cue cards is voluntary too. What is becoming more and more obvious is seeing how Biden continually stutters, forgets and gets confused when not prompted what to do and say.
Of course, those with disabilities can say what they want and not get any smack talk in return. Keep winning elections Prog. You are the ticket to pure vengeance, and we see it expanding. I only tell you that you are wrong. Always remember the authoritarians who screwed you over. Never forget. And wait. Just wait.
Trump mocking Biden's stutter shows once again what a low I.Q. jerkoff that he really is.

Btw, is Spanky still mad over Barron growing taller then him? :auiqs.jpg:

trump once again proves he lacks dignity and empathy. He has mocked disabilities before and will do it again...cause that is who he is.
Yes! Lost On Stage *Joe has a stuttering problem that makes him forget words, complete sentences,names, where he is and fall down a lot.

trump once again proves he lacks dignity and empathy. He has mocked disabilities before and will do it again...cause that is who he is.
Biden has turned the entire justice system on Donald Trump to DESTROY HIM personally and politically. And this is the whiny baby shit that offends you? FFS get a grip.
If that is true, so what? Biden's reading everything from cue cards is voluntary too. What is becoming more and more obvious is seeing how Biden continually stutters, forgets and gets confused when not prompted what to do and say.

Have you done any public speaking? Cue cards help with focus. Trump talks for hours... Rambling, idiotic tangents.

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