Trump Mocks DNC Debate: Only 6.7 Million View ABC Dem Debate – Compared to 18 Million Viewers for GO

Trump's good at mocking.

Does he do anything else?

However, he has a point.

I couldn't bear to watch the DNC debates.

They are sooooooooo boring.

Plus, they say all sorts of leftist shit which makes me less likely to vote for them.
Not only that, they use them big college type words. That`s always a teabagger turn off.


Big words like "redistribution."
The Democratic debate was a few old white people debating. The DNC really needs to step it up on diversity.
Trump's good at mocking.

Does he do anything else?

However, he has a point.

I couldn't bear to watch the DNC debates.

They are sooooooooo boring.

Plus, they say all sorts of leftist shit which makes me less likely to vote for them.
Not only that, they use them big college type words. That`s always a teabagger turn off.


Big words like "redistribution."

and phrases like 'dictatorship of the proletariate' .....
you on the left/lib and democrat supporters just might as well accept you had a hand in taking down your party by putting in some nobody half term in our congress community agitating thug in as President . now go sit down and lick your wounds for about 10 years. and as bad as things have been I guess there is one thing to be thankful for after suffering under all the misery, the chaos, the put downs, the nastiest ever Obama Regime.

Sunday, August 23, 2015
Obama Has Destroyed The Democratic Party

Do you remember when I wrote about the defeat of all those Democratic princelings? How about all the articles where I pointed out that Obama’s legacy is crappola? How about the articles where I pointed out that the Democratic Party had serious electoral problems? Well, Jeff Greenfield has caught up to me! Observe.

Writing in Politico, Greenfield wrote that Obama’s legacy has left the Democratic Party old and weak. This is true.

In 2008, when Obama swept to power, the Democrats held a massive advantage in the House (257-178), a supermajority in the Senate (62-38), the Presidency, four of nine Supreme Court seats, and most governorships (28-22) and state legislatures (27-14 with 9 mixed) nationwide. Even worse, they held the benefit of the doubt of the voters.

Then came Obama.

The GOP now controls the House (247-188) and is projected to be guaranteed to keep it until 2020 at least. The GOP controls the Senate (54-46). The GOP has a better than 50% chance of winning the White House. Obama lost nine millions voters in his re-election. The GOP still controls 5 of 9 Supreme Court seats even after three Obama appointments.

The GOP now controls 70% of the upper and lower chambers of the state legislatures (30-11-9). They control 31 governorships. In 24 of 50 states, the GOP controls both the governorship and the legislature. There’s little evidence of any of that changing soon. Indeed, the Democrats use words like “decimated” when talking about their state parties.

Speaking of the White House, because the Democrats lost all their princelings, they are essentially short of candidates to run for President. The names that are left are uninspired and they are ancient. As Greenfield notes, Obama is one of the few who is not eligible for social security. Indeed, look at who they have: retread Hillary Clinton age 67... original socialist Bernie Sanders age 73... retard Joe Biden age 72. The rest of their leadership is no better: Pelosi (75), Hoyer (76), Clyburn (75) and Reid (75).

How about their governor of California, which is usually a solid launching point for candidates... Jerry Brown (77). Now name another Democratic governor other than Andrew Cuomo, who is in criminal trouble. See the problem? There simply are no Democrats who have name recognition and can inspire. They have no “bench” and their starting line up is crap.

Then add the political problems I’ve pointed out over and over again and you’ll see why their supporters are demoralized.
(1) The Democrats exposed themselves by voting on nothing when they had the power to actually pass laws.

(2) Obama tried to pass a ton of laws by Executive Order and they were all overturned. His eight years have essentially be rewound to the starting gates by the courts.

all of it here:
Obama has almost destroyed the democrat party - Yahoo Search Results

and many more:
The Left's Destruction of the Democrat Party - Breitbart
ObamaHasDestroyedThe DemocraticParty | Live Trading News
Obama May HaveDestroyedThe DemocraticParty For A Generation
and on and on and on and on and on
you on the left/lib and democrat supporters just might as well accept you had a hand in taking down your party by putting in some nobody half term in our congress community agitating thug in as President . now go sit down and lick your wounds for about 10 years. and as bad as things have been I guess there is one thing to be thankful for after suffering under all the misery, the chaos, the put downs, the nastiest ever Obama Regime.

Sunday, August 23, 2015
Obama Has Destroyed The Democratic Party

Do you remember when I wrote about the defeat of all those Democratic princelings? How about all the articles where I pointed out that Obama’s legacy is crappola? How about the articles where I pointed out that the Democratic Party had serious electoral problems? Well, Jeff Greenfield has caught up to me! Observe.

Writing in Politico, Greenfield wrote that Obama’s legacy has left the Democratic Party old and weak. This is true.

In 2008, when Obama swept to power, the Democrats held a massive advantage in the House (257-178), a supermajority in the Senate (62-38), the Presidency, four of nine Supreme Court seats, and most governorships (28-22) and state legislatures (27-14 with 9 mixed) nationwide. Even worse, they held the benefit of the doubt of the voters.

Then came Obama.

The GOP now controls the House (247-188) and is projected to be guaranteed to keep it until 2020 at least. The GOP controls the Senate (54-46). The GOP has a better than 50% chance of winning the White House. Obama lost nine millions voters in his re-election. The GOP still controls 5 of 9 Supreme Court seats even after three Obama appointments.

The GOP now controls 70% of the upper and lower chambers of the state legislatures (30-11-9). They control 31 governorships. In 24 of 50 states, the GOP controls both the governorship and the legislature. There’s little evidence of any of that changing soon. Indeed, the Democrats use words like “decimated” when talking about their state parties.

Speaking of the White House, because the Democrats lost all their princelings, they are essentially short of candidates to run for President. The names that are left are uninspired and they are ancient. As Greenfield notes, Obama is one of the few who is not eligible for social security. Indeed, look at who they have: retread Hillary Clinton age 67... original socialist Bernie Sanders age 73... retard Joe Biden age 72. The rest of their leadership is no better: Pelosi (75), Hoyer (76), Clyburn (75) and Reid (75).

How about their governor of California, which is usually a solid launching point for candidates... Jerry Brown (77). Now name another Democratic governor other than Andrew Cuomo, who is in criminal trouble. See the problem? There simply are no Democrats who have name recognition and can inspire. They have no “bench” and their starting line up is crap.

Then add the political problems I’ve pointed out over and over again and you’ll see why their supporters are demoralized.
(1) The Democrats exposed themselves by voting on nothing when they had the power to actually pass laws.

(2) Obama tried to pass a ton of laws by Executive Order and they were all overturned. His eight years have essentially be rewound to the starting gates by the courts.

all of it here:
Obama has almost destroyed the democrat party - Yahoo Search Results

and many more:
The Left's Destruction of the Democrat Party - Breitbart
ObamaHasDestroyedThe DemocraticParty | Live Trading News
Obama May HaveDestroyedThe DemocraticParty For A Generation
and on and on and on and on and on
Lets hope so; I am tired of their Marxist bullshit.
Politifact is an establishment whore. Who gives a shit what they think they count?

Hillary is caught red handed lying about Trump, saying that ISIS is using videos of him to recruit, when in fact they are using an image of BILL CLINTON, not Trump in any way shape or form.

So to try and wash that shit stain away, you now engage in bullshit agit prop claiming that Trumps assertions have been 76% lies? Lol, that is still 24% better than Hitlary is doing, ass hat.
where was that thread about how the Republicans are diminished. ? only 6MILLION watched that ugly nasty thing they called a debate. this says a LOT about who is Diminished. :banana:


The numbers are in and only 8 million people bothered to tune in to the Democrat-Socialist debate on ABC Saturday night.

Americans had better things to do than listen to more lies from Hillary Clinton.

The Republican debate last week with Donald Trump drew an audience of 18.5 million viewers.

Donald Trump mocked the poor ratings for Democrats.

Face it Democrats — After seven years of Obama’s failed policies and lies Americans just aren’t that into you.

all of it here:
Trump Mocks DNC Debate: Only 6.7 Million View ABC Dem Debate - Compared to 18 Million Viewers for GOP Debate - The Gateway Pundit
A dogfight will allways draw more people than a debate.

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