Trump Mocks DNC Debate: Only 6.7 Million View ABC Dem Debate – Compared to 18 Million Viewers for GO

US economy is on solid ground —

MarketWatch-Dec 20, 2015

Sales of new and previously owned homes are rising. ... The majority expect an improved U.S. economy to continue along the same ... in 2016 to the fastest pace since the recovery began in the middle of 2009. ... Auto sales, for example, are on the verge of hitting 17.5 million in 2015, eclipsing an industry ...

U.S. economy set to grow less than 3% for the 10th straight year

This guy needs to make up his mind.

the Millions of people who kicked out the Democrats from Control of Congress after only two years of Obama know what the hell is going on. they aren't as stupid as that Democrat party or their loser tools/slaves want's to make them out to be
US economy is on solid ground —

MarketWatch-Dec 20, 2015

Sales of new and previously owned homes are rising. ... The majority expect an improved U.S. economy to continue along the same ... in 2016 to the fastest pace since the recovery began in the middle of 2009. ... Auto sales, for example, are on the verge of hitting 17.5 million in 2015, eclipsing an industry ...

U.S. economy set to grow less than 3% for the 10th straight year

This guy needs to make up his mind.

the Millions of people who kicked out the Democrats from Control of Congress after only two years of Obama know what the hell is going on. they aren't as stupid as that Democrat party or their loser tools/slaves want's to make them out to be
Look WHAT they do to US these DEMOCRAT PARTY they do; aw gawd they's do to US
The DemoRAT debate was DESIGNED to be seen by NO ONE..... aafter all it's a FACT that every time the Hildebeast OPENS HER PIE HOLE, her poll numbers go down!

US economy is on solid ground —

MarketWatch-Dec 20, 2015

Sales of new and previously owned homes are rising. ... The majority expect an improved U.S. economy to continue along the same ... in 2016 to the fastest pace since the recovery began in the middle of 2009. ... Auto sales, for example, are on the verge of hitting 17.5 million in 2015, eclipsing an industry ...
Home sales are cyclic higher from April to August and lower the rest of the year.

As to the rest, the 'experts', who are really just industry whores, have been saying they see green shoots for about 6 years on a row now.

That the DNC debate only attracted 1/3 of the viewership is telling. The far left droning has become dull in people's ears, even frightening when you consider Kim Davis. If democrats were a company, I'd sell my stock fast.

I meant a real source

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a think tank that, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), has "been part of a broad-based and well-planned effort to attack immigration in all forms" even though it now seeks -- and has largely attained -- more mainstream credentials.[1] It bills itself as an "independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization"[2] and testified before Congress almost 100 times between 1995 and 2009.[1] According to its website, CIS is "the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States." CIS states that its vision of America is "pro-immigrant, low-immigration," seeking "fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted."[2] But according to the SPLC, "the reality is that CIS has never found any aspect of immigration that it liked."[1] CIS is part of the John Tanton Network, the anti-immigrant "empire of organizations" created by, or connected to, population-control advocate and nativist John Tanton.
More bullshit flying out of your mouth.

The SPLC is a libtard Marxist slander site that makes unwarranted accusations an industry.

Besides the data is freely available from other sites and was derived from Labor Department stats anyway, you stupid fuck.

Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
US economy is on solid ground —

MarketWatch-Dec 20, 2015

Sales of new and previously owned homes are rising. ... The majority expect an improved U.S. economy to continue along the same ... in 2016 to the fastest pace since the recovery began in the middle of 2009. ... Auto sales, for example, are on the verge of hitting 17.5 million in 2015, eclipsing an industry ...
Home sales are cyclic higher from April to August and lower the rest of the year.

As to the rest, the 'experts', who are really just industry whores, have been saying they see green shoots for about 6 years on a row now.

And they'll keep saying it until a Republican is elected POTUS. Then they'll bemoan the horrible economy and demand that the President fix the problem RIGHT NOW. At that point, they will be pretending the last 8 years didn't even happen.
US economy is on solid ground —

MarketWatch-Dec 20, 2015

Sales of new and previously owned homes are rising. ... The majority expect an improved U.S. economy to continue along the same ... in 2016 to the fastest pace since the recovery began in the middle of 2009. ... Auto sales, for example, are on the verge of hitting 17.5 million in 2015, eclipsing an industry ...
Home sales are cyclic higher from April to August and lower the rest of the year.

As to the rest, the 'experts', who are really just industry whores, have been saying they see green shoots for about 6 years on a row now.

And they'll keep saying it until a Republican is elected POTUS. Then they'll bemoan the horrible economy and demand that the President fix the problem RIGHT NOW. At that point, they will be pretending the last 8 years didn't even happen.

It's Bush's fault
And they'll keep saying it until a Republican is elected POTUS. Then they'll bemoan the horrible economy and demand that the President fix the problem RIGHT NOW. At that point, they will be pretending the last 8 years didn't even happen.

Our cuckservative leadership decades ago decided to abandon the humanities fields to Marxists at the university level and do nothing at all about their infiltration. 'So what?' they would ask, 'Humanities types are just losers who cant do anything right anyway. That is why they are humanities majors!'

And now these humanities majors are 90% of the journalists, idiot professors, reviewers, script writers, history experts, etc and they dominate our national psyche.

There is nothing more destructive to the conservative cause than all these fake conservatives who are merely milking us for our donations and giving limp leadership to the movement.

Check this out.

50 Million Down The Tubes: How 17 Conservative PACs Are Spending Their Money | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
It’s also worth noting that there were a lot of interesting details our researcher turned up that won’t be shown in the numbers. For example, did you know that despite the fact that it raised a staggering 13 million dollars, The National Draft Ben Carson for President isn’t affiliated with Ben Carson and the small percentage of money it spent on independent expenditures didn’t go to him? Now you know why Ben Carson’s business manager, Armstrong Williams wouldn’t allow the group’s campaign director to take a picture with Carson and said, “People giving money think it’s going to Dr. Carson and it’s not. …Our hands are tied. We don’t want people exploited.”

We also found quite a few PACS that made large payments to vendors who were owned by people who worked for the PAC. This certainly can be done for legitimate purposes, but it’s also an easy way to move money around while keeping your donors from seeing what you’re actually doing with it. For example, this is done in some cases to obscure how much people at the PAC are really making. The Senate Conservatives Fund and American Crossroads appear to have done that. However, it can also be a way for PACs to siphon off money. If a PAC officer pays a vendor he owns, he doesn’t have to report what the vendor did with it to the FEC, which means nobody really knows what happens to the money. That’s why PAC payments to vendors owned by people who work for the PAC look suspicious and should set off red flags for donors. It’s a huge conflict of interest. If the independent expenditure you pay yourself looks the same on the FEC report whether you take 10% of it or 90% of it, the temptation will be to keep as large a share of the money as possible whereas an unaffiliated vendor would feel pressure to take as small a cut as possible in order to try to keep your business.

It’s also intriguing to find out where some of this money is coming from. For example, one of the reasons PACs like American Crossroads and Club for Growth Action are able to pay out a higher percentage of money in independent expenditures is because there are a lot of wealthy donors cutting them huge checks. That significantly cuts down on their fundraising expenses. If you’re a smaller group raising money from the general public, by necessity your fundraising expenses are going to be significantly higher. Other groups like the Republican Main Street Partnership have found a way to bypass Republican sources entirely for significant portions of their fundraising. This excerpt is from the original 170 page report written by my researcher.

Labor unions provided significant funding for the (Republican Main Street Partnership) with Working for Working Americans, the International Union of Operating Engineers, and the Laborers International Union of North America all contributing around $250,000. The United Transportation Union ($30,000), Seafarers International Union ($20,000), were joined by the Teamsters, Air Line Pilots Association, International Association of Firefighters, and various other unions who contributed $10,000. SEIU contributed $5,000, as did the Laborers Union, the Transport Workers Union and various others.

After a contentious email exchange with the Republican Main Street Partnership, its COO Sarah Chamberlain claimed that it was receiving union money because it supported “fiscal responsibility and less government.” Since unions don’t actually care about either of those things at all, you can draw your own conclusions about why so much liberal union money is pouring into a Republican group that’s considered to be generally hostile to conservative Republicans.

US economy is on solid ground —

MarketWatch-Dec 20, 2015

Sales of new and previously owned homes are rising. ... The majority expect an improved U.S. economy to continue along the same ... in 2016 to the fastest pace since the recovery began in the middle of 2009. ... Auto sales, for example, are on the verge of hitting 17.5 million in 2015, eclipsing an industry ...
Home sales are cyclic higher from April to August and lower the rest of the year.

As to the rest, the 'experts', who are really just industry whores, have been saying they see green shoots for about 6 years on a row now.

And they'll keep saying it until a Republican is elected POTUS. Then they'll bemoan the horrible economy and demand that the President fix the problem RIGHT NOW. At that point, they will be pretending the last 8 years didn't even happen.

It's Bush's fault
Always and forever.
Another report on the PAC bullshit that is allowed to go one by the Professional Political Class.

Less than 30% of donations make it to the candidates or is spent for the candidates.

There is quite a list there and it is shocking the way some groups have taken in millions of US dollars and have only spent a few thousand on their candidates they supposedly support.

Super PACs | OpenSecrets

Technically known as independent expenditure-only committees, super PACs may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, associations and individuals, then spend unlimited sums to overtly advocate for or against political candidates. Unlike traditional PACs, super PACs are prohibited from donating money directly to political candidates, and their spending must not be coordinated with that of the candidates they benefit. Super PACs are required to report their donors to the Federal Election Commission on a monthly or semiannual basis – the super PAC's choice – in off-years, and monthly in the year of an election.

As of December 22, 2015, 1,527 groups organized as super PACs have reported total receipts of $315,793,006 and total independent expenditures of $92,379,194 in the 2016 cycle.
Trump's good at mocking.

Does he do anything else?

However, he has a point.

I couldn't bear to watch the DNC debates.

They are sooooooooo boring.

Plus, they say all sorts of leftist shit which makes me less likely to vote for them.
Trump's good at mocking.

Does he do anything else?

Yeah, he does.

He make billions in real estate deals.

He makes millions as a wildly successful TV personality.

He makes millions as a very successful author.

He gets millions in free air time by provoking idiot libtards to talk about him all the time on the airwaves and the internet.

And he runs circles around his opponents who cant even understand HOW Trump manages to beat the hell out of them all the time and make them look like fools...because they are fools.
Really? Than why didnt you post those years since you seem to think they support your position?

And what about the record numbers not participating in the workforce?
And the record number of people receiving gov assistance?
And the falling income levels?
And sky rocketing healthcare costs due to Barrycare?
You try and paint a rosy picture when we all know things are going to shit.

here's his economy. so good it hasn't put a dent in people on welfare. but now dnc trolls will ride in and tell you that they don't what they are talking about. while they post some worthless graph
Over 45 Million Americans Have Been On Food Stamps FOR 53 STRAIGHT MONTHS

December 22, 2015

In President Obama’s America, food stamps and welfare programs are the new norm and we now have the data to now back that up.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

The number of individuals receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, otherwise known as food stamps, has exceeded 45 million for 53 straight months, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture.

There were 45,415,445 beneficiaries of the food stamp program in September 2015, the latest month for which data is available. The number declined by 48,988 from August to September.

all of it here:
Over 45 Million Americans Have Been On Food Stamps FOR 53 STRAIGHT MONTHS - Progressives Today
where was that thread about how the Republicans are diminished. ? only 6MILLION watched that ugly nasty thing they called a debate. this says a LOT about who is Diminished. :banana:


The numbers are in and only 8 million people bothered to tune in to the Democrat-Socialist debate on ABC Saturday night.

Americans had better things to do than listen to more lies from Hillary Clinton.

The Republican debate last week with Donald Trump drew an audience of 18.5 million viewers.

Donald Trump mocked the poor ratings for Democrats.

Face it Democrats — After seven years of Obama’s failed policies and lies Americans just aren’t that into you.

all of it here:
Trump Mocks DNC Debate: Only 6.7 Million View ABC Dem Debate - Compared to 18 Million Viewers for GOP Debate - The Gateway Pundit

Did you know that more people watched the democratic debate with Obama his second term, with no one really running against him, than all of the GOP debates that year with Rommney and the others? Now, correct me if I'm wrong...could it possibly be that this time around, people like myself...and I'm a democrat, tune into the GOP debates just to see what stupid shit Donald Trump will say? Just sayin
Really? Than why didnt you post those years since you seem to think they support your position?

And what about the record numbers not participating in the workforce?
And the record number of people receiving gov assistance?
And the falling income levels?
And sky rocketing healthcare costs due to Barrycare?
You try and paint a rosy picture when we all know things are going to shit.

here's his economy. so good it hasn't put a dent in people on welfare. but now dnc trolls will ride in and tell you that they don't what they are talking about. while they post some worthless graph
Over 45 Million Americans Have Been On Food Stamps FOR 53 STRAIGHT MONTHS

December 22, 2015

In President Obama’s America, food stamps and welfare programs are the new norm and we now have the data to now back that up.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

The number of individuals receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, otherwise known as food stamps, has exceeded 45 million for 53 straight months, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture.

There were 45,415,445 beneficiaries of the food stamp program in September 2015, the latest month for which data is available. The number declined by 48,988 from August to September.

all of it here:
Over 45 Million Americans Have Been On Food Stamps FOR 53 STRAIGHT MONTHS - Progressives Today

And should the GOP take the white house, expect those numbers to increase...LOLOLOL:banana:
Trump's good at mocking.

Does he do anything else?

However, he has a point.

I couldn't bear to watch the DNC debates.

They are sooooooooo boring.

Plus, they say all sorts of leftist shit which makes me less likely to vote for them.
Not only that, they use them big college type words. That`s always a teabagger turn off.

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