Trump Mocks DNC Debate: Only 6.7 Million View ABC Dem Debate – Compared to 18 Million Viewers for GO

US economy is on solid ground —

MarketWatch-Dec 20, 2015

Sales of new and previously owned homes are rising. ... The majority expect an improved U.S. economy to continue along the same ... in 2016 to the fastest pace since the recovery began in the middle of 2009. ... Auto sales, for example, are on the verge of hitting 17.5 million in 2015, eclipsing an industry ...

Did you even read your link?

I meant a real source

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a think tank that, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), has "been part of a broad-based and well-planned effort to attack immigration in all forms" even though it now seeks -- and has largely attained -- more mainstream credentials.[1] It bills itself as an "independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization"[2] and testified before Congress almost 100 times between 1995 and 2009.[1] According to its website, CIS is "the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States." CIS states that its vision of America is "pro-immigrant, low-immigration," seeking "fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted."[2] But according to the SPLC, "the reality is that CIS has never found any aspect of immigration that it liked."[1] CIS is part of the John Tanton Network, the anti-immigrant "empire of organizations" created by, or connected to, population-control advocate and nativist John Tanton.

So where's your link?

I meant a real source

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a think tank that, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), has "been part of a broad-based and well-planned effort to attack immigration in all forms" even though it now seeks -- and has largely attained -- more mainstream credentials.[1] It bills itself as an "independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization"[2] and testified before Congress almost 100 times between 1995 and 2009.[1] According to its website, CIS is "the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States." CIS states that its vision of America is "pro-immigrant, low-immigration," seeking "fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted."[2] But according to the SPLC, "the reality is that CIS has never found any aspect of immigration that it liked."[1] CIS is part of the John Tanton Network, the anti-immigrant "empire of organizations" created by, or connected to, population-control advocate and nativist John Tanton.

A "real source" is relative to the "facts" presented.
notice the trolls spew the same crap over and over? Obama is great. All Heil Obama and the Progressive/dem/commie party. you really don't know what you have been living under this thug Obama regime the last seven years. it's all because of the media, Rush, because we are smarter and you all are stupid.

my gawd do they get paid?

I meant a real source

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a think tank that, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), has "been part of a broad-based and well-planned effort to attack immigration in all forms" even though it now seeks -- and has largely attained -- more mainstream credentials.[1] It bills itself as an "independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization"[2] and testified before Congress almost 100 times between 1995 and 2009.[1] According to its website, CIS is "the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States." CIS states that its vision of America is "pro-immigrant, low-immigration," seeking "fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted."[2] But according to the SPLC, "the reality is that CIS has never found any aspect of immigration that it liked."[1] CIS is part of the John Tanton Network, the anti-immigrant "empire of organizations" created by, or connected to, population-control advocate and nativist John Tanton.

A "real source" is relative to the "facts" presented.
A "real source" is relative to the "facts" presented.
Federal Statistics Show Job Growth Among Natives Has Far Outpaced Job Growth For Immigrants
Since Lows During Recession, There Are 6.9 Million More Jobs Among The Native-Born And 4.1 Million Among The Foreign-Born. According to the BLS, the number of foreign-born workers reached a low of just under 21 million during the recession, in February 2009, and reached a new high of 25.1 million in November 2014 -- an increase of over 4.1 million jobs. The native-born workforce did not reach its low point until January 2011 (115.7 million), and has since recovered to 122.6 million as of November 2014 -- an increase of about 6.9 million jobs.


[Bureau of Labor Statistics, Household Data Table A-7, accessed 12/22/14] <-----SOURCE
A "real source" is relative to the "facts" presented.
Federal Statistics Show Job Growth Among Natives Has Far Outpaced Job Growth For Immigrants
Since Lows During Recession, There Are 6.9 Million More Jobs Among The Native-Born And 4.1 Million Among The Foreign-Born. According to the BLS, the number of foreign-born workers reached a low of just under 21 million during the recession, in February 2009, and reached a new high of 25.1 million in November 2014 -- an increase of over 4.1 million jobs. The native-born workforce did not reach its low point until January 2011 (115.7 million), and has since recovered to 122.6 million as of November 2014 -- an increase of about 6.9 million jobs.


[Bureau of Labor Statistics, Household Data Table A-7, accessed 12/22/14] <-----SOURCE

Media matters.
How many times can people listen to a broken record?

they haven't had a new idea in over 30 years. it's always the same. raise taxes and then promise people the world if they vote for them.
They raise taxes to pay for GOP wars that were put on the nation`s credit card. I pay all of my bills. How about you?
Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
How much has Obama put on the credit card since he took office compared to other Presidents?
Why would you want to go there? Reagan and Bush were at the top of the heap when it came to increased govt. spending. Obama spent a lot of money paying for your wars and ending the Bush Recession. That`s not exactly breaking news.
Obama has out spent all presidents combined.
How many times can people listen to a broken record?

they haven't had a new idea in over 30 years. it's always the same. raise taxes and then promise people the world if they vote for them.
They raise taxes to pay for GOP wars that were put on the nation`s credit card. I pay all of my bills. How about you?
How about you?

she is on ssi, food stamps and medicaid , we are all paying for her
US economy is on solid ground —

MarketWatch-Dec 20, 2015

Sales of new and previously owned homes are rising. ... The majority expect an improved U.S. economy to continue along the same ... in 2016 to the fastest pace since the recovery began in the middle of 2009. ... Auto sales, for example, are on the verge of hitting 17.5 million in 2015, eclipsing an industry ...

U.S. economy set to grow less than 3% for the 10th straight year

This guy needs to make up his mind.

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