trump mocks GHW Bush at rally

That, Toddsterpatriot, is confused, which is normal for you.

We all know the polls called the PV for Clinton, which was right.

That FOURTEEN MILLION MORE VOTED AGAINST TRUMP THAN FOR HIM was the important item that was unforeseen.

In the upcoming elections, which to an important extent are a referendum on Trump, his EV cannot come to his aid.

We all know the polls called the PV for Clinton, which was right.

You bet!!
They called the PV in enough individual states that Hillary had a 99% chance of winning the election.
Unfortunately, for Hillary, polls in some of those Midwest states were inaccurate.
Winning California by 3.4 million votes, and the country by 2.9 million votes didn't translate into enough electoral college votes for the corrupt old sot to win.
And guess what, far righties?

The 77000 out of the 138 million odd votes cast came to 0.005 5579% of the total vote.

So the polls were even better than when Toddster says they were.

Thanks, Todd.
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

You loons on the left have mocked GHW for decades, and now you oppose it. Your cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy are duly noted.
The Bush Family represents pure Evil. They sit at the top of the NWO Pyramid. They're real sickos.

So i'm with Trump. The Republican Party will be a better Party once the Bush Family fades away.


The alt right lies about the Bushes are pure evil.

That's not true, boedicca. 41 has been generally respected by all Americans.

But even if the lie were true, Trump was an asshole for doing what he did.
The alt right lies about the Bushes are pure evil.

That's not true, boedicca. 41 has been generally respected by all Americans.

But even if the lie were true, Trump was an asshole for doing what he did.

The Bush Family represents everything wrong with our world. They rank among the most evil of NWO Globalists. The sooner they fade away into oblivion, the better off the Republican Party will be.
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

You loons on the left have mocked GHW for decades, and now you oppose it. Your cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy are duly noted.

Democrats mock Republicans....Republicans mock Democrats....but a sleazy Republican mocking another Republican is as low as you go.

trump is the scum on the bottom of my shoe.
The democrat Clinton draft dodger establishment thought GHW Bush was an easy target and mocked him in cruel ways at the time even though he was a WW2 hero. Today the freaking left wing idiots think a Media Matters sound bite can split the republican party when the democrat party is so fragmented that they can't decide whether they want to run as capitalists or socialists.

You have bone spur trump trying to be president and you have the nerve to talk about a draft dodger? Really?
And they totally ignore the fact that Clinton was in school during that time and part of it weas in the UK where he was a Rhodes Scholar.
The democrat Clinton draft dodger establishment thought GHW Bush was an easy target and mocked him in cruel ways at the time even though he was a WW2 hero. Today the freaking left wing idiots think a Media Matters sound bite can split the republican party when the democrat party is so fragmented that they can't decide whether they want to run as capitalists or socialists.

You have bone spur trump trying to be president and you have the nerve to talk about a draft dodger? Really?
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And guess what, far righties?

The 77000 out of the 138 million odd votes cast came to 0.005 5579% of the total vote.

So the polls were even better than when Toddster says they were.

Thanks, Todd.

It's true, those state level polls made everyone think the corrupt old bitch had it in the bag. DERP!
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

You loons on the left have mocked GHW for decades, and now you oppose it. Your cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy are duly noted.

Democrats mock Republicans....Republicans mock Democrats....but a sleazy Republican mocking another Republican is as low as you go.

trump is the scum on the bottom of my shoe.

Jealous much?
And guess what, far righties?

The 77000 out of the 138 million odd votes cast came to 0.005 5579% of the total vote.

So the polls were even better than when Toddster says they were.

Thanks, Todd.

It's true, those state level polls made everyone think the corrupt old bitch had it in the bag. DERP!
That is not the point, my fellow derpaderp. :lol: The point is the polls were right, and in a thousand elections may be wrong once or twice. Trump won the lottery. He never will again. The people hate him now even more than then.
And guess what, far righties?

The 77000 out of the 138 million odd votes cast came to 0.005 5579% of the total vote.

So the polls were even better than when Toddster says they were.

Thanks, Todd.

It's true, those state level polls made everyone think the corrupt old bitch had it in the bag. DERP!
That is not the point, my fellow derpaderp. :lol: The point is the polls were right, and in a thousand elections may be wrong once or twice. Trump won the lottery. He never will again. The people hate him now even more than then.

The point is the polls were right,

No. The polls in each individual state were not right.
Those polls said Hillary was going to easily get over 300 Electoral College votes.

There were no national "popular vote" polls, because those would be a stupid waste of time and money.


Latest Election Polls 2016

You may have forgotten already, but Hillary did not win Pennsylvania by 4.1%(lost by 0.7%), Wisconsin by 4.1%(lost by 0.8%), Michigan by 2.4%(lost by 0.2%), North Carolina by 2.3%(lost by 3.6%) or Florida by 2.2%(lost by 1.2%).
The 77k for Trump in the upper midwest that gave him the election were less than .006% of the vote, validating that the polls were right. The PV went to Clinton.

Not to worry: in this growing blue wave of smashtrump, the EV advantage cannot help the GOP.
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

Part of Trump's personality is asshole. Nobody denies it. Some is for entertainment, some by design.

But this wasn't worth a thread IMO. Everything Trump does is declared scandalous by progressives, primarily because they're short on material. Trump's point is Bush's statement was subjective and didn't produce anything, while Trump gets shit done.

Don't forget he has never shown his birth certificate and never released his school grades, BTW, how is his bone spur?
And guess what, far righties?

The 77000 out of the 138 million odd votes cast came to 0.005 5579% of the total vote.

So the polls were even better than when Toddster says they were.

Thanks, Todd.

It's true, those state level polls made everyone think the corrupt old bitch had it in the bag. DERP!

Ah...but Putin and his Bots had put enough false stories out there to elect an Orange Clown.
Many in the evangelist world never understood that they were voting for a very nasty asshole....they won't do it again.
And guess what, far righties?

The 77000 out of the 138 million odd votes cast came to 0.005 5579% of the total vote.

So the polls were even better than when Toddster says they were.

Thanks, Todd.

It's true, those state level polls made everyone think the corrupt old bitch had it in the bag. DERP!

Ah...but Putin and his Bots had put enough false stories out there to elect an Orange Clown.

Yes, all those false stories about Hillary's corruption.
All the stories about the DNC's corruption.
Trump mocks Bush's 1000 Points of Light, #MeToo at rally

Face it RWers....your so called president is a classless jerk. The Oval Office is being occupied by a nasty, knuckle dragging, Bastard....we have never had a Commander in Chief with a mouth that puts drunken sailors to shame.

You hated Bush with a passion, just shut up. The Bush's are among the most evil people the US has ever birthed. From Prescott on down they are evil and vile people.

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