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Trump moves to Eradicate nearly all asylum claims at U.S. southern border

What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
I suppose you think I'll get the straight story from one of the alternative right-wing sites instead? LOL
I don't trust much of anyone at this point, but the government sites that have no reason to lie don't seem to be answering those questions.
I hear one thing and then I hear another. It's confusing. I'm perfectly capable of figuring out the bias of an article or report. It is just hard to find anyone to answer questions that doesn't have an agenda.

What aren't you understanding? Do you not understand that our border has been swarmed with tens of thousands of migrants? That our immigration system isn't able to handle what's happened? That we can only hold immigrants for a short period of time and then we're forced to release them into the country? Do you wonder why your Democratic leaders told you over and over again that there was no crisis at the border? Only to turn around and declare that there WAS a crisis at the border?
I understand we are overwhelmed at the border. I did not know that gave the President the right to rewrite laws by himself. Please explain how that works.

One of the things that a President is tasked with is the security of our nation. That includes our borders. Trump is being forced to address our being overwhelmed at the border because Democrats have DELIBERATELY created the problem and then done nothing to fix it! It's hard for me to think of something that an Executive Order would be more appropriate in dealing with than this!

Please explain how Democrats first claimed there was no problem...and then turned around and declared that there was a crisis? Pick your poison, Old Lady...they were either lying in the first place...or they were totally clueless about what really WAS happening!
It's about time.

By definition, those seeking asylum, running away from something, must file for asylum in the 1st country they come to that is 'safe'....which is Mexico. Failure to do so makes anyone crossing into the US illegally ineligible for 'asylum'!

He ought to make it official through Executive order.

Yup and Mexico offered every one of those asshole asylum and they refused.

I wouldn't let any of them in our country and I'm glad the Mexican Army is at the border and won't let any more of these fake asylum seekers in.

Now we just need to boot those that are here right the hell out. They need to change the law. Congress should get off its dead ass and get it done.
I'm still waiting to learn how forcing Central Americans to claim asylum in Mexico without an agreement is in line with the immigration law that I just put up for you.

Have you read our immigration laws? Clearly you have not so I'll summarize. 95% of these illegals pouring across our border do not qualify to immigrate to our country legally, they don't meet our immigration standards. This is why hundreds of thousands of them are now scamming our asylum policy to sneak in. They sneak in illegally, claim asylum then because 95% of them don't even meet the asylum qualifications almost none of them ever show up for their asylum hearing, shocker.

Now is this really the class of people you want to allow into our country, lawless, scamming, dishonest, identify thieves who have no respect for us or our laws?
Land of the cheap, home of the craven. I'm lucky I grew up before fear became fashionable.

Post up your address......we'll make sure a few hundred of your beloved illegals find their way to your home pronto......

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Silence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
View attachment 269563 The Trump administration moved Monday to in effect end asylum for the vast majority of migrants who arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border, an enormous shift in policy that could block hundreds of thousands of people from seeking protection in the U.S. — and is certain to draw legal challenges.

But on Monday, the administration announced one of its most restrictive rules yet for a system, enshrined in international law, that Mr. Trump has called “ridiculous” and “insane.” CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY Trump moves to Eradicate nearly all asylum claims at U.S. southern border

Good moves as the vast majority of claims for asylum today are absolutely bogus.

Yup. They go in file for asylum. Get a court date and disappear.

None of them should be allowed into out country. Let a magistrate speak to them while they are still in Mexico. He can determine their claim. Magistrates do it in court each and every day.
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
When your agenda means more than the news, this is what happens.
I'm still waiting to learn how forcing Central Americans to claim asylum in Mexico without an agreement is in line with the immigration law that I just put up for you.

Have you read our immigration laws? Clearly you have not so I'll summarize. 95% of these illegals pouring across our border do not qualify to immigrate to our country legally, they don't meet our immigration standards. This is why hundreds of thousands of them are now scamming our asylum policy to sneak in. They sneak in illegally, claim asylum then because 95% of them don't even meet the asylum qualifications almost none of them ever show up for their asylum hearing, shocker.

Now is this really the class of people you want to allow into our country, lawless, scamming, dishonest, identify thieves who have no respect for us or our laws?
My point is that the laws may need to be changed but the Executive Branch does not have the authority to change laws that are already on the books. I copied the relevant part of the USC in an earlier post at the beginning of this thread.
Once again, Trump is going off half cocked.
I'm still waiting to learn how forcing Central Americans to claim asylum in Mexico without an agreement is in line with the immigration law that I just put up for you.

Have you read our immigration laws? Clearly you have not so I'll summarize. 95% of these illegals pouring across our border do not qualify to immigrate to our country legally, they don't meet our immigration standards. This is why hundreds of thousands of them are now scamming our asylum policy to sneak in. They sneak in illegally, claim asylum then because 95% of them don't even meet the asylum qualifications almost none of them ever show up for their asylum hearing, shocker.

Now is this really the class of people you want to allow into our country, lawless, scamming, dishonest, identify thieves who have no respect for us or our laws?
My point is that the laws may need to be changed but the Executive Branch does not have the authority to change laws that are already on the books. I copied the relevant part of the USC in an earlier post at the beginning of this thread.
Once again, Trump is going off half cocked.

Americans are being killed and raped by illegals. Illegals are suffering because we are not prepared to care for hundreds of thousands pouring across our borders in such a short time span. So what would you have president Trump and the executive branch do ignore the problem while congress sits on its hands? Please answer because the liberal media and Dem members of congress keep going down to the border and filming hit jobs on the president over the situation.
Americans are being killed and raped by illegals. Illegals are suffering because we are not prepared to care for hundreds of thousands pouring across our borders in such a short time span. So what would you have president Trump and the executive branch do ignore the problem while congress sits on its hands? Please answer because the liberal media and Dem members of congress keep going down to the border and filming hit jobs on the president over the situation.

Truth is.....
Americans can no longer depend on government to do the right thing. Those days are LONG gone. We "seem" to have a Prez who wants to do the right thing but his time is limited even if he wins a second term....then what? Even so the Left fights everything he tries to do tooth and nail.

Here it is...agree or disagree it's true.....

We're at a point where the only way to save America is for The People to realize only they can change things. And it won't be easy, and gets more difficult every day as it has been for the last 100 years. At least 10,000,000 Americans must step up and be willing to go the mile.

If We The People do not act, we will be acted upon. period. It's just how it works. We can keep kicking the can down the road for maybe a little bit longer, but the noose has been made and time is running out......besides procrastination rarely solves anything and one day you look up and you're at a dead end and it's too late to take a turn.

I really believe we're done unless Americans take it upon themselves.

Maybe things will have to reach the dead end and really horrible things have to happen before people realize this.
What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
These people are not enemies. They are not "using them against us". They just want a chance at a better life.

These people as you describe them are pawns! They're being used by liberal politicians to retain or take power...politicians that could care LESS what happens to those people who seek a better life! AOC is outraged about women having to drink water from toilets (something that she's somehow never been able to prove but boy did it get some great media coverage when she claimed it!) but doesn't give a flying you know what when those women were sexually assaulted on their journey from Central America to our border! It's all kabuki theatre to people like her.
It's not theater, it's these folks lives. They are coming here so they will no longer be pawns. We as humans have a duty to help our fellow humans. Doesn't your christian god demand it?
These people are not enemies. They are not "using them against us". They just want a chance at a better life.
22+ million illegals in the US in violation of US law and an approximate 100,000 per month more crossing illegally into the US is:

- An assault of US LAW

- An assault on our national security and sovereignty

- An assault on our economy, draining billion of US tax dollars each year, whish is undermining our own national security (especially considering we are TRILLION in debt. (We aren't just 'broke' - we would have to pay TRILLIONS in debt just to say 'we're broke'.)

- An assault on the health of American citizens, as many of these illegals are carrying various types of diseases that have been spread amongst the US populace

- is an attack on the safety and security of US citizens, many of whom are brutally murdered, killed by drunk drivers, who have killed copse, raped, and engaged in pedophilia against American citizens...

And you say they are NOT 'threats', are not our 'enemies'?

If you found out that an illegal immigrant had hacked into your bank account and was stealing $200 per month from you to stay in the US but you did not know about it until just now...are you saying you would allow him to continue to do so...because that is exactly what you are telling the rest of the country to do so.?!
Lmao at calling this an "attack".

What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
The crisis that didn't exist until several months after tRump insisted it did?

Doesn't that seem suspiciously convenient? Have you heard that there are radio ads urging people to go to America? Suspiciously convenient? Why does no one else notice this?

Are you not suspicious about how the caravans have been funded? About how those people were organized?

Are you not asking yourself how it is that Democrats first claimed that the caravans were nothing more than racist propaganda...and didn't really exist...only to then turn around and declare that we faced a crisis at the border with overcrowding?
Yes, I am asking how those caravans were organized so conveniently timed to create a crisis when there wasn't one even though tRump claimed there was?
Trump moves to Eradicate nearly all asylum claims at U.S. southern border
...because nearly all the asylum claims are bullshit, made by illegals from 3 countries over who attempted to enter the country illegally, rather than follow protocol to seek asylum by presenting themselves to a port of entry at the border of the nearest country.

What did you expect? Those "asylum" seekers have been using our immigration laws against us! They don't have to sneak across the border. They simply show up...request asylum...are given a court date for their asylum case...and are then released inside of the US where they disappear...seldom showing for court. When you're "gaming" the system under the existing rules...then it's obvious that those rules need to be tightened up to prevent the farce that's taking place now!
I thought they were all being kept in detention until their claims were filed. I thought that was what all the crowding was about. Is there any place that actually gives the straight story on what the hell is going on down there?

You won't get the "straight story" from the main stream media, Old Lady because they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the left! Our "detention" centers are overwhelmed! They've been overwhelmed on purpose. What's happening on our southern border is unprecedented and you've been lied to about it all along by your Democratic leaders and the media outlets you obviously listen to!
The crisis that didn't exist until several months after tRump insisted it did?

Doesn't that seem suspiciously convenient? Have you heard that there are radio ads urging people to go to America? Suspiciously convenient? Why does no one else notice this?
If what is occurring at The Southern Border is a Manufactured, Imaginary Crisis, then President Trump should issue an EO stating that there is No Immigration Crisis, and there are No Illegal Aliens in The US and he therefore is reducing all Federal Funding for the support of Illegal Aliens down to $0 Dollars, and cutting off all Benefits for them and any organizations receiving Federal Funds since there are actually No Illegal Aliens in The US.

An Imaginary Crisis should only be funded with Imaginary Money.

We should send tRump the bill for his manufactured crisis.
View attachment 269563 The Trump administration moved Monday to in effect end asylum for the vast majority of migrants who arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border, an enormous shift in policy that could block hundreds of thousands of people from seeking protection in the U.S. — and is certain to draw legal challenges.

But on Monday, the administration announced one of its most restrictive rules yet for a system, enshrined in international law, that Mr. Trump has called “ridiculous” and “insane.” CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY Trump moves to Eradicate nearly all asylum claims at U.S. southern border

Trump has been on an ONSLAUGHT lately.

With this rate, Trump will win in 2020 like we have never seen before.
These people are not enemies. They are not "using them against us". They just want a chance at a better life.
22+ million illegals in the US in violation of US law and an approximate 100,000 per month more crossing illegally into the US is:

- An assault of US LAW

- An assault on our national security and sovereignty

- An assault on our economy, draining billion of US tax dollars each year, whish is undermining our own national security (especially considering we are TRILLION in debt. (We aren't just 'broke' - we would have to pay TRILLIONS in debt just to say 'we're broke'.)

- An assault on the health of American citizens, as many of these illegals are carrying various types of diseases that have been spread amongst the US populace

- is an attack on the safety and security of US citizens, many of whom are brutally murdered, killed by drunk drivers, who have killed copse, raped, and engaged in pedophilia against American citizens...

And you say they are NOT 'threats', are not our 'enemies'?

If you found out that an illegal immigrant had hacked into your bank account and was stealing $200 per month from you to stay in the US but you did not know about it until just now...are you saying you would allow him to continue to do so...because that is exactly what you are telling the rest of the country to do so.?!
Lmao at calling this an "attack".

Inability to intelligently reply to a post results in snowflakes only being able to laugh.
These people are not enemies. They are not "using them against us". They just want a chance at a better life.
22+ million illegals in the US in violation of US law and an approximate 100,000 per month more crossing illegally into the US is:

- An assault of US LAW

- An assault on our national security and sovereignty

- An assault on our economy, draining billion of US tax dollars each year, whish is undermining our own national security (especially considering we are TRILLION in debt. (We aren't just 'broke' - we would have to pay TRILLIONS in debt just to say 'we're broke'.)

- An assault on the health of American citizens, as many of these illegals are carrying various types of diseases that have been spread amongst the US populace

- is an attack on the safety and security of US citizens, many of whom are brutally murdered, killed by drunk drivers, who have killed copse, raped, and engaged in pedophilia against American citizens...

And you say they are NOT 'threats', are not our 'enemies'?

If you found out that an illegal immigrant had hacked into your bank account and was stealing $200 per month from you to stay in the US but you did not know about it until just now...are you saying you would allow him to continue to do so...because that is exactly what you are telling the rest of the country to do so.?!
Lmao at calling this an "attack".

Inability to intelligently reply to a post results in snowflakes only being able to laugh.

Look out! The immigrants are attacking!

Who's the snowflake here frosty?
Lmao!! Look out! The immigrants are attacking! Who's the snowflake here frosty?
The pathetic thing is you think you are being funny. The truth is you are proving what a complete idiot you are.

Try making that joke to the faces of the families or friends who buried their loved ones listed on this site who were murdered by illegals, dumbass:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

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