Trump "Moving On" Bingo. The dude is DONE. When will this be accepted?

When will Trump be Shunned? Choose Your Bingo Date. Meaning, NOT the (R) POTUS Nom.

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Looks like the (R) are jumping ship from trump.

Although I'm not a republican (or democrat) Trump lost my support before he even won the 2016 election. I just couldn't put up with all his lies and his socialist/progressive ideas.
Like wanting to put up a wall that restricts Americans from the Rio Grande and in many instances restricts American land owners (on that border) from the south side of their own property.
After getting elected, he really lost my support. His BS Platinum Plan, no vetoes for all that spending. assaulting our 2A and his lack of any attempts to improve the value of the dollar.
Good grief. That list is a mile long. Trump is just too liberal for me.
Although I'm not a republican (or democrat) Trump lost my support before he even won the 2016 election. I just couldn't put up with all his lies and his socialist/progressive ideas.
Like wanting to put up a wall that restricts Americans from the Rio Grande and in many instances restricts American land owners (on that border) from the south side of their own property.
After getting elected, he really lost my support. His BS Platinum Plan, no vetoes for all that spending. assaulting our 2A and his lack of any attempts to improve the value of the dollar.
Good grief. That list is a mile long. Trump is just too liberal for me.
/——/ All of your diatribe is BS.
/——/ All of your diatribe is BS.

Sorry bro, but Trump's just too liberal for me. He's way to the left of center, and his supporters don't even realize it.

Can you imagine Biden banning bump stocks? Or getting that Platinum Plan signed into law? FFS, that's socialism. As if the black community needed more federal money. Especially to the tune of $500 Billion (with a B), just because it was the black community.
Sorry bro, but Trump's just too liberal for me. He's way to the left of center, and his supporters don't even realize it.

Can you imagine Biden banning bump stocks? Or getting that Platinum Plan signed into law? FFS, that's socialism. As if the black community needed more federal money. Especially to the tune of $500 Billion (with a B), just because it was the black community.
/----/ Nobody believes you.
Given that Trump is a declared presidential candidate with a lot of support, I'd say you may as well give up.

He should give up. He and DeSantis are neck & neck in the polls, and Trump's got 4 years as president to back up what he supposedly stands for. Which isn't anything conservative.
Trump holds the record for the most money spent by a GOP president. And he authorized more spending than 99% of all the other presidents combined. The only who spent more than Trump was Obama. And it took him 8 years to do it, where it only took Trump 4 years.

DeSantis a long record of cutting spending and now taxes.
Trumps tax cut was not even 5%. And the tax deductions that were eliminated made it all revenue neutral. So the government didn't lose one dime of income.

Trump's a liberal. And his worshippers are just too loyal to see it.
Nobody believe's what? That the Platinum Plan wasn't socialistic? That it didn't pick winners and losers? That it wasn't bias against whites, Asians and hispanics?

You're just a Trump loyalist and are either too loyal to admit it? Or you’re dumb.
/——-/ Yeah, you got it. So who did you vote for? BTW, before you call someone dumb, learn the difference between your and you’re.
When will the Loyalist Decide to MOVE ON.........From this POS.

When will trump be shunned.

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