Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

No, I am opposed to power grabs by the Fed Govt over a made up problem.

You are the one wanting to go contrary to our laws. The power over the elections was given to the states by design, so that they would not be controlled by an all powerful Fed Govt like you want them to be.

Citizenship is already required
YES, you ARE opposed to insuring that all US elections are VALID, with only CITIZENS voting, as required by law. That's all that requiring citizenship proof will do.

How in the world does insuring that only citizens vote, equate to a power grab ? Power grab by whom ? The American people ? (as opposed to aliens and their Democrat supporters) If so, GOOD. That is who is SUPPOSED to have the power of the US vote, and ONLY them.

It's a bit late in the going in April of 2019, to still laughably be trying to say that alien voting is a "made up problem." EARTH TO GG: Everyone has known for quite some time that Democrats have given up relying on the American people's vote, and rely on identity groups, which include everybody from anywhere in the world they can get to stuff ballot boxes with VOTES for THEM (which typically is the case with aliens whim they assist to come here)

"power over the elections given to the states" does not include allowing illegal voting by non-citizens. if it requires the US government to insure that elections are valid , then the US government absolutely needs to step in and get it under control.

Citizenship is required by law, yes, but there is no proof system to insure compliance. Not in a single one if the 50 states. Trump needs to set up a surefire complaince system, to prevent Democrats from stealing the 2020 election.

And stop putting these messages about your dopey iPhone. Nobody cares about it.

It is a power grab by the Feds because it is not their job, and every time they do something that is the state’s job they grab power from the states.

There is no widespread voter fraud of any sort. 1000s of people have tried to prove there is , including your savior in the White House and they have all failed. It just does not exist except in the imagination of partisan sheep like yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using

You mean like the counties in California with more registered voters than citizens?
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You tards drink any piss that's handed to you, don't you.
FACT CHECK: Does the U.S. Have Millions More Registered Voters Than Eligible Adults?

Another major issue with such a claim is the potential inclusion of “inactive” voters among the tallies of registered voters, a matter that was publicized in a 1 August 2017 letter Judicial Watch sent to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla threatening to sue unless the state and eleven of its counties produced voter records to them. According to Judicial Watch, their own analysis of U.S. Census data and voter registration records indicated those eleven counties included numbers of registered voters exceeding the numbers of adults eligible to vote in those counties.

In December 2017, Judicial Watch made good on their threat, initiating litigationthat is currently in progress in U.S. District Court, Central District of California. The lawsuit accuses California and multiple jurisdictions of violating the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) by failing to maintain updated voter registration rolls.

Stories based on Judicial Watch’s letter initially made Internet waves in late summer 2017 via right-leaning blogs and Kremlin propaganda networks. In April 2018, another version of the claim went viral in the form of an editorial published months ago by the financial publication Investors Business Daily

Many articles used that information to imply widespread voter fraud was taking place, an unfounded claim regularly invoked by President Donald Trump.

However, as multiple news organizations have already pointed out, the accusation of voter registration irregularities in California rests on the manner in which Judicial Watch counted California voters, combining active and inactive voters on a county-by-county basis:

Judicial Watch’s claim rests on its inclusion of “inactive voters” – people who have been removed from active rolls after a mail ballot, voter guide or other official document was returned as undeliverable – usually as a result of moving. They aren’t reflected in turnout tallies or signature-gathering requirements, don’t receive election materials, and are ignored by campaigns.

Inactive voters nevertheless underline Judicial Watch’s math suggesting that Los Angeles County has a registration rate of 112 percent, for example, or Stanislaus County has a registration rate of 102 percent. The letter cites a “failure to maintain accurate, up-to-date voter registration lists.”

Bob Popper, director of Judicial Watch’s election integrity project, said California has failed to report its inactive voter data to the federal government as required by the National Voter Registration Act. Counties should be doing more to cull their inactive voter lists, he said.

“What we identified is a red flag, a sign of smoke,” he said, saying people could be voting multiple times or in more than one state.

In fact, California did report the data. Its inactive voter tally of 5,065,746 at the time of last fall’s election is part of the most recent election administration and voting survey published by the federal Election Assistance Commission.
That last post was longer than a tweet, so I expect the tards won't read it. They only have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

" lol fake news!"
And Kansas itself admits the problem was not with that requirement but with how they enforced it.

Are you ever not wrong?
Are you ever right ? Kansas wanted the requirement. Obama's
SCOTUS is who didn't. Now Kansas wants it back. Got it ?
The Supreme Court made no such ruling. They couldn’t have as they never heard the case. And who knows what your dementia tells you to think it was Obama’s Supreme Court? He had placed only 2 of the 9 justices and that bench is led by a Bush appointee.

Supreme Court denies states’ request for proof of voter citizenship

SCOTUS: States Can't Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote Using Federal Form | Breitbart

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law
National ID, what a novel idea...

So enforcing US law is equivalent to World War II Nazism. What will liberals devise next ? :wtf: :rolleyes:
You can't possibly be so fucking retarded that you bleev five million Mexicans can register to vote without getting caught, and then vote without getting caught.

You can't possibly be that stupid and still able to breathe.
Watch a lot of CNN huh ?

You can't possibly be so fucking retarded that you bleev five million Mexicans can't register to vote without getting caught, and then can't vote without getting caught.

You can't possibly be that stupid and still able to breathe.

Noe that we've established that, how about telling us what is going to stop them from registering to vote, and then voting. We eagerly await your reply.

How about answering my question that you responded to >> "Why would they be caught, when the only thing that could catch them (CITIZENSHIP PROOF) is still not required, in any of 50 states ?"

Waiting for your answer.
I'm still waiting for you to answer how Der Führer will accomplish this without Congress.
No you're not. I already told how. You're just too lazy to go back and read the thread, so instead, you come stumbling in here ignorant. :slap:
FACT CHECK: Does the U.S. Have Millions More Registered Voters Than Eligible Adults?

Another major issue with such a claim is the potential inclusion of “inactive” voters among the tallies of registered voters, a matter that was publicized in a 1 August 2017 letter Judicial Watch sent to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla threatening to sue unless the state and eleven of its counties produced voter records to them. According to Judicial Watch, their own analysis of U.S. Census data and voter registration records indicated those eleven counties included numbers of registered voters exceeding the numbers of adults eligible to vote in those counties.

In December 2017, Judicial Watch made good on their threat, initiating litigationthat is currently in progress in U.S. District Court, Central District of California. The lawsuit accuses California and multiple jurisdictions of violating the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) by failing to maintain updated voter registration rolls.

Stories based on Judicial Watch’s letter initially made Internet waves in late summer 2017 via right-leaning blogs and Kremlin propaganda networks. In April 2018, another version of the claim went viral in the form of an editorial published months ago by the financial publication Investors Business Daily

Many articles used that information to imply widespread voter fraud was taking place, an unfounded claim regularly invoked by President Donald Trump.

However, as multiple news organizations have already pointed out, the accusation of voter registration irregularities in California rests on the manner in which Judicial Watch counted California voters, combining active and inactive voters on a county-by-county basis:

Judicial Watch’s claim rests on its inclusion of “inactive voters” – people who have been removed from active rolls after a mail ballot, voter guide or other official document was returned as undeliverable – usually as a result of moving. They aren’t reflected in turnout tallies or signature-gathering requirements, don’t receive election materials, and are ignored by campaigns.

Inactive voters nevertheless underline Judicial Watch’s math suggesting that Los Angeles County has a registration rate of 112 percent, for example, or Stanislaus County has a registration rate of 102 percent. The letter cites a “failure to maintain accurate, up-to-date voter registration lists.”

Bob Popper, director of Judicial Watch’s election integrity project, said California has failed to report its inactive voter data to the federal government as required by the National Voter Registration Act. Counties should be doing more to cull their inactive voter lists, he said.

“What we identified is a red flag, a sign of smoke,” he said, saying people could be voting multiple times or in more than one state.

In fact, California did report the data. Its inactive voter tally of 5,065,746 at the time of last fall’s election is part of the most recent election administration and voting survey published by the federal Election Assistance Commission.
STRAW MAN. That's not the issue. The issue is the illegal alien VOTE, and Democrats activities to create it (ex. Pueblo Sin Fronteras and Soros groups funding the caravans), and protect it with amnesty, birthright citizenship, and sanctuary cities.
Dude, you’re the one advocating for a “your papers please” mentality. Didn’t have a pic of Stasi border guards which would have been more apropos to your POV
The "mentality" is to obey US law, with someone checking to see that you do. You have a problem with that ? Are you one of the ones who favors breaking that US law ?

That's who typically hates law enforcement >> criminals.

I'm not a criminal. I don't hate law enforcement. When I go to the VA hospital for treatment, first thing is they ask for is my papers (a national ID card). No problem. :biggrin:
No, I am opposed to power grabs by the Fed Govt over a made up problem.

You are the one wanting to go contrary to our laws. The power over the elections was given to the states by design, so that they would not be controlled by an all powerful Fed Govt like you want them to be.

Citizenship is already required
YES, you ARE opposed to insuring that all US elections are VALID, with only CITIZENS voting, as required by law. That's all that requiring citizenship proof will do.

How in the world does insuring that only citizens vote, equate to a power grab ? Power grab by whom ? The American people ? (as opposed to aliens and their Democrat supporters) If so, GOOD. That is who is SUPPOSED to have the power of the US vote, and ONLY them.

It's a bit late in the going in April of 2019, to still laughably be trying to say that alien voting is a "made up problem." EARTH TO GG: Everyone has known for quite some time that Democrats have given up relying on the American people's vote, and rely on identity groups, which include everybody from anywhere in the world they can get to stuff ballot boxes with VOTES for THEM (which typically is the case with aliens whim they assist to come here)

"power over the elections given to the states" does not include allowing illegal voting by non-citizens. if it requires the US government to insure that elections are valid , then the US government absolutely needs to step in and get it under control.

Citizenship is required by law, yes, but there is no proof system to insure compliance. Not in a single one if the 50 states. Trump needs to set up a surefire complaince system, to prevent Democrats from stealing the 2020 election.

And stop putting these messages about your dopey iPhone. Nobody cares about it.

It is a power grab by the Feds because it is not their job, and every time they do something that is the state’s job they grab power from the states.

There is no widespread voter fraud of any sort. 1000s of people have tried to prove there is , including your savior in the White House and they have all failed. It just does not exist except in the imagination of partisan sheep like yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using

You mean like the counties in California with more registered voters than citizens?
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You tards drink any piss that's handed to you, don't you.

Sorry, but this is NOT the appropriate place to share your fetishes. Limit discussion to you and your shrink.
The Supreme Court made no such ruling. They couldn’t have as they never heard the case. And who knows what your dementia tells you to think it was Obama’s Supreme Court? He had placed only 2 of the 9 justices and that bench is led by a Bush appointee.

Supreme Court denies states’ request for proof of voter citizenship

SCOTUS: States Can't Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote Using Federal Form | Breitbart

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law


Dumbfuck, your own link states...

“The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections”

Don’t you bother to read your own sources? Of is your problem that you’re too senile to understand them?

The Supreme Court made no such ruling. They couldn’t have as they never heard the case. And who knows what your dementia tells you to think it was Obama’s Supreme Court? He had placed only 2 of the 9 justices and that bench is led by a Bush appointee.

Supreme Court denies states’ request for proof of voter citizenship

SCOTUS: States Can't Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote Using Federal Form | Breitbart

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law


Dumbfuck, your own link states...

“The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections”

Don’t you bother to read your own sources? Of is your problem that you’re too senile to understand them?

“The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case
The Supreme court could change their minds. Do you know anything about their history?
The Supreme Court made no such ruling. They couldn’t have as they never heard the case. And who knows what your dementia tells you to think it was Obama’s Supreme Court? He had placed only 2 of the 9 justices and that bench is led by a Bush appointee.

Supreme Court denies states’ request for proof of voter citizenship

SCOTUS: States Can't Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote Using Federal Form | Breitbart

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law


Dumbfuck, your own link states...

“The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections”

Don’t you bother to read your own sources? Of is your problem that you’re too senile to understand them?

“The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case
The Supreme court could change their minds. Do you know anything about their history?
We’re talking about what happened; not what didn’t happen.
The Supreme Court made no such ruling. They couldn’t have as they never heard the case. And who knows what your dementia tells you to think it was Obama’s Supreme Court? He had placed only 2 of the 9 justices and that bench is led by a Bush appointee.

Supreme Court denies states’ request for proof of voter citizenship

SCOTUS: States Can't Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote Using Federal Form | Breitbart

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law


Dumbfuck, your own link states...

“The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections”

Don’t you bother to read your own sources? Of is your problem that you’re too senile to understand them?

“The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case
The Supreme court could change their minds. Do you know anything about their history?
We’re talking about what happened; not what didn’t happen.
We’re talking about what happened; not what didn’t happen.

We will be finding out what happened to trigger three years of lies.

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