Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

They will get detained at or before they reach the border, so what? You believe a stupid wall will stop this. Cult45 should not throw stones.
The wall is ALREADY stopping them, where it exists (same in about 90 countries around the world)

View attachment 255301
And it's working like a gang buster.

First, that is not a border wall, and second, explain how a person would get down without breaking their legs?
Texas democrats were sending voter flyers to everybody, a few of them inevitability would go to non-citizens residences. These are intended for citizens. PILF has a far-right bias reputation with mixed factual reporting.

Federation for American Immigration Reform, another far right group.

All voter registrations go into the ICE database; they attract such attention to such immigration official if they register.
This whole thing has been poisoned by Trump's false conspiracies.
In Texas it was used to purge voter rolls.
because the real problem is election fraud.
You think this jibberish is going to snow anybody ?

What were sent were not "flyers", they were official registration applications, and NO, they were NOT sent to everybody. They were sent to non-citizen immigrants, and many of them spoke to the Texas secretary of state office, when non-citizens called, wondering whether there had been some change that made them now legally able to vote, despite not being citizens.

Looks like you didn't open the link. You would have known from the very first sentence to not say something as stupid as "flyers"

And OH, so "PILF has a far-right bias reputation" do they ? HA HA HA. and who is the reporter of that ? CNN ? MSNBC ? Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle)

As I said in a previous post, if you want to discredit a link, you must cite specific information in the CONTENT of it, not just blabber about how you don't like its "reputation". How about the reputations of the fake news jokes who you go to for reputation comments ?

And where is this idea about an ICE database from ? You got that in a dream ?
You got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?

95% of the election fraud in this country is illegal aliens voting. This is why the border wall, amnesty, sanctuary cities, etc, are such a big issue.
PILF gets a rating of factual reporting: mixed.
by contrast, Brennan center gets high factual reporting, and did an excellent job with debunking voter fraud myth.

You're not aware of the difference between election fraud and voter fraud? Election fraud pertains the election system. Voter fraud pertains to voters misrepresenting who the voter is.

ICE got just 19 for voting illegally. How do you think they did that? by having access to voter rolls. All that effort for just 19 votes; like a fart in the wind.
To my fellow conservatives... be careful, don't allow yourself to be manipulated. It has become increasingly clear to me that the powers-that-be are using the issue of illegal immigration as yet another pretext for a power grab and more unconstitutional anti-freedom legislation. They (the powers-that-be, this isn't a D or R thing) want the national ID card, they've been trying for that for many years now.

Think about this. If Obama would have been the one to bring about the national ID card, conservatives would have immediately rejected it (and rightfully so!) But now that we have an "R" in office, many Republicans who ordinarily would have opposed it are going to go along with it, simply because of who is in power, plus all the manipulation going on. We don't want a "Papers please!" police state, don't be fooled.
This has nothing to do with a national ID card, and all the 1984 paranoid freaks just have a trauma over that. Again and again and again, I say this is about simply providing proof of CITIZENSHIP to vote, that's all.

I provided proof of citizenship when I registered to vote.

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Ran out of your meds again I see.
You have no response to the OP, I see.

There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.

What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?

A national Identity Card - a hybrid Voter ID card, driver's license, passport, firearms license, etc. - is just the ticket to resolve this.

Your citizenship status is reflected on the card both visually and electronically.

Every polling place in the country to be equipped with the same Voter ID -checking "intake" machinery.

No "Citizen" status on your card, no ballot.

Discounted or free ID Cards for po' folk upon presentation of the same documentation required to obtain food stamps, etc.

Accelerate the inevitable "test cases" through the pansy-assed Appeals for the 9th Circuit, then fast track 'em to a 5-4 SCOTUS...
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The Republicans could be facing a catastrophe in 2020, if they don't some up with an airtight system to stop illegal alien and other non-citizen voting.

Illegal aliens and non-citizens are not changing the election outcome, tard.
Ran out of your meds again I see.
You have no response to the OP, I see.

There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.

What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?

A national Identity Card - a hybrid Voter ID card, driver's license, passport, firearms license, etc. - is just the ticket to resolve this.

Your citizenship status is reflected on the card both visually and electronically.

Every polling place in the country to be equipped with the same Voter ID -checking "intake" machinery.

No "Citizen" status on your card, no ballot.

Discounted or free ID Cards for po' folk upon presentation of the same documentation required to obtain food stamps, etc.

Accelerate the inevitable "test cases" through the pansy-assed Appeals for the 9th Circuit, then fast track 'em to a 5-4 SCOTUS...

The Fed Govt does not have the authority via the Constitution to do such a thing.

It is also one step closer to fascism...some brown shirt with an AK asking for your papers as you are waking down the street.

All for a non-existent problem. This is how the government always gets you to give up your freedom and liberty

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The Republicans could be facing a catastrophe in 2020, if they don't some up with an airtight system to stop illegal alien and other non-citizen voting.

Illegal aliens and non-citizens are not changing the election outcome, tard.

How do you know?

Because I'm smarter than you

I doubt that seriously, but there is no way you could know because you cannot tell me how many illegals have voted. Can you?

If 600 more illegals had voted for Algore in 2000'e election in Florida, he would have become an "Inconvenient Truth" himself! Fortunately, voter intimidation, like requiring an ID, kept most illegals in the shadows, even back then!
...The Fed Govt does not have the authority via the Constitution to do such a thing...
That can be argued and spun both ways - your position on this is not really a barrier in-and-of itself.

...It is also one step closer to fascism...some brown shirt with an AK asking for your papers as you are waking down the street...
The same could be said of any of a hundred different types of identity cards used every day in the US.

Cleaner elections - ensuring that only citizens vote - is sufficiently important, to undertake such a project.

...All for a non-existent problem...
Illegal Aliens voting in local elections proves that it is a problem-in-the-making... it will creep onto the national scene soon enough.

This is merely being proactive, to prevent that sort of "problem creep", and to poison that well for Illegals at the Local level.

...This is how the government always gets you to give up your freedom and liberty...
That's what the pundits said about Draft Cards and Social Security Cards and Drivers Licenses and Medicare Cards etc, etc.
They will get detained at or before they reach the border, so what? You believe a stupid wall will stop this. Cult45 should not throw stones.
The wall is ALREADY stopping them, where it exists (same in about 90 countries around the world)

View attachment 255301
And it's working like a gang buster.

First, that is not a border wall, and second, explain how a person would get down without breaking their legs?

Uh, climb up ladder, reach top of wall. When at top of wall, lift ladder, place on other side of wall. Climb down other side of wall. Quite simple.
Uh, climb up ladder, reach top of wall. When at top of wall, lift ladder, place on other side of wall. Climb down other side of wall. Quite simple.

Which is why the wall needs to be electrifies and have a spiked top. It also needs armed patrols to shoot climbers
They will get detained at or before they reach the border, so what? You believe a stupid wall will stop this. Cult45 should not throw stones.
The wall is ALREADY stopping them, where it exists (same in about 90 countries around the world)

View attachment 255301
And it's working like a gang buster.

First, that is not a border wall, and second, explain how a person would get down without breaking their legs?

Uh, climb up ladder, reach top of wall. When at top of wall, lift ladder, place on other side of wall. Climb down other side of wall. Quite simple.

Try pulling that ladder up from the top of the wall and see how you manage without falling off the damn thing!

You are obviously a couch potato who has never done anything like that before. The actual border wall has points at the top, I suppose you just plan to grease it up and slide your ass down over it to stay in place.
This whole thread is for dummies. Voting is NOT done by national rules, every state has their own rules for who, how and where it's citizens vote. The only NATIONAL RULE, is what day of the year it happens.
The sad thing is, they keep repeating that same pattern / strategy, you'd think that more people would've caught on by now. Whenever the PTSB have a goal that they ordinarily wouldn't be able to achieve, they always create a "crisis." That way they don't have to twist anyone's arm, because they get the PUBLIC to cry out for the solution to the "problem" they created in the first place, and of course the "solution" was their goal all along.

Problem, reaction, solution. Lather, rinse, repeat. *sigh*
George Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, and other leftist NGOs created the crisis. More of what is omitted on liberal OMISSION media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc)

Then, information-deprived liberals go running around babbling about what they are uninformed about. THAT is what is "sad"

It's also sad how liberals keep talking about "brown people", always thinking they can snow the American people into believing this is a racial thing, when actually Democrats will take illegal alien VOTES from whomever and wherever they can get them. Like when Hillary was sucking up to white Irish illegal aliens in the New York area.

This whole thread is for dummies. Voting is NOT done by national rules, every state has their own rules for who, how and where it's citizens vote. The only NATIONAL RULE, is what day of the year it happens.
That's beside the point. What makes it NATIONAL, are the OFFICES the elections are for > President, cabinet members, Supreme court, US senators, etc

And yes. The only national rule is what day of the year it happens. That's why this thread exists. To call for the creation of rules to ensure compliance with election law. If that law existed (as it should), this thread wouldn't.
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Oh snap! You seem to believe you're the cleverist turd in the Cult45 bowl, I'll give you that. If you actually paid attention to what people actually say on this board, you may have understood my comment. Unfortunately, you are an ignorant turd who doesn't see much beyond your own nose. Sorry for triggering your snowflake sensibilities.
When you get over yourself and all your hot air, come back when you have something of substance to add. Like why US elections shouldn't have a security system to ensure compliance with US election law (that only US citizens may vote)

PS - getting as many votes as possible for Democrat candidates wouldn't qualify. :laugh:
They will get detained at or before they reach the border, so what? You believe a stupid wall will stop this. Cult45 should not throw stones.
The wall is ALREADY stopping them, where it exists (same in about 90 countries around the world)

View attachment 255301
And it's working like a gang buster.

First, that is not a border wall, and second, explain how a person would get down without breaking their legs?

Uh, climb up ladder, reach top of wall. When at top of wall, lift ladder, place on other side of wall. Climb down other side of wall. Quite simple.

Try pulling that ladder up from the top of the wall and see how you manage without falling off the damn thing!

You are obviously a couch potato who has never done anything like that before. The actual border wall has points at the top, I suppose you just plan to grease it up and slide your ass down over it to stay in place.

I am in great shape. Nice ad hom tho.

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