Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

There is absolutely no evidence that we need to do that. You are very good at hurling accusations but there is no proof of it. No one has found evidence of massive voter fraud. The last case was among Republicans.
Links are in the thread. Try reading them before posting, Johnny Come Lately.

What a farce, Leftist fools still trying to pass the notion that illegals don't vote. It's like they went to sleep 8 years ago and just woke up now. LOL

So all that's needed is to have all 50 states require CITIZENSHIP PROOF at time of voting and of course, abolish mail voting. This should be done as a matter of simple normal electoral procedure routinely carried out all over the world, whether any illegal alien voting or not.

I refuse to give your pals money by clicking on their links. I don't fund white supremacists. There is no need for proof of citizenship as there is no evidence of what you are saying.
Why don't you shut up. You have no idea what you are talking about. There is no evidence that has happened. We do not need voter id and Trump cannot unilaterally impose them. That is fascism.

You are a racist so you are in the wrong country. You get the fuck out.
You are the punk who ran away from my question, and then despite your cowardice, you come back with the same idiotic "racist" accusation again.

Well Mr Race Card- I ask you again. What race are you talking about ?

You also haven't bothered to look up the links that were posted earlier, and instead come in here foaming at the mouth, about evidence (you already received).

The very fact that you oppose voter ID shows that you support the illegal voting of nin0citizems, You ought to be arrested, tried, and convicted of TREASON and executed for it. I would suggest you be shot by a firing squad of survivors of illegal alien murders.

They do not vote by the millions. Links to your pals who are biased is not proof of anything.
Show a shred of evidence that the links are biased. I challenge you.

Yes, of course they vote by the millions, which is why the mass murderer Hillary Clinton did not win the electoral vote, OR the AMERICAN popular vote. She won NOTHING. :eusa_snooty:
Why don't you shut up. You have no idea what you are talking about. There is no evidence that has happened. We do not need voter id and Trump cannot unilaterally impose them. That is fascism.

You are a racist so you are in the wrong country. You get the fuck out.
You are the punk who ran away from my question, and then despite your cowardice, you come back with the same idiotic "racist" accusation again.

Well Mr Race Card- I ask you again. What race are you talking about ?

You also haven't bothered to look up the links that were posted earlier, and instead come in here foaming at the mouth, about evidence (you already received).

The very fact that you oppose voter ID shows that you support the illegal voting of nin0citizems, You ought to be arrested, tried, and convicted of TREASON and executed for it. I would suggest you be shot by a firing squad of survivors of illegal alien murders.


Name the convictions of these illegals that are voting. Even in red states like Texas, there has only been a handful of convictions for illegal voting. If there are millions then that shouldn't be too hard.
This is true.
Our national security is compromised by disbanding domestic terror intelligence unit, which is something that shouldnt encroach on our freedoms, but its gone.
Instead we have lies about immigrants voting, which does result in loss of freedoms.
YOU are who is lying, if you're saying that aliens are not voting. They vote by the millions, as there is no enforcement to stop them.

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

CITIZENSHIP PROOF is what is needed. ASAP.

They do not vote by the millions. Links to your pals who are biased is not proof of anything.
Of course they do.. where is your link they don’t?
To my fellow conservatives... be careful, don't allow yourself to be manipulated. It has become increasingly clear to me that the powers-that-be are using the issue of illegal immigration as yet another pretext for a power grab and more unconstitutional anti-freedom legislation. They (the powers-that-be, this isn't a D or R thing) want the national ID card, they've been trying for that for many years now.

Think about this. If Obama would have been the one to bring about the national ID card, conservatives would have immediately rejected it (and rightfully so!) But now that we have an "R" in office, many Republicans who ordinarily would have opposed it are going to go along with it, simply because of who is in power, plus all the manipulation going on. We don't want a "Papers please!" police state, don't be fooled.
Why don't you shut up. You have no idea what you are talking about. There is no evidence that has happened. We do not need voter id and Trump cannot unilaterally impose them. That is fascism.

You are a racist so you are in the wrong country. You get the fuck out.
You are the punk who ran away from my question, and then despite your cowardice, you come back with the same idiotic "racist" accusation again.

Well Mr Race Card- I ask you again. What race are you talking about ?

You also haven't bothered to look up the links that were posted earlier, and instead come in here foaming at the mouth, about evidence (you already received).

The very fact that you oppose voter ID shows that you support the illegal voting of nin0citizems, You ought to be arrested, tried, and convicted of TREASON and executed for it. I would suggest you be shot by a firing squad of survivors of illegal alien murders.


Name the convictions of these illegals that are voting. Even in red states like Texas, there has only been a handful of convictions for illegal voting. If there are millions then that shouldn't be too hard.
Tell me in areas with sanctuary citys how much effort do you think officals put into voter fraud
Name the convictions of these illegals that are voting. Even in red states like Texas, there has only been a handful of convictions for illegal voting. If there are millions then that shouldn't be too hard.
It would be impossible, because there is no way for election officials to ascertain who is legal to vote, and who isn't, with the current lack of CITIZENSHIP PROOF requirement.

And even if, hypothetically, there were no illegal alien voting, it would still be the normal and correct procedure to require proof of what is required (citizenship)-so it doesn't even matter if illegals were voting or not. 3rd time I've said that. Read the thread you lazy bum.

if you have a requirement, there should be a proof requirement to match that requirement.

still waiting to hear what this race is, you keep yammering about. waiting......waiting...…..waiting...…………...
Why whats wrong with only legal citizens being able to vote .please explain wennie

Nothing at the state level, state id is fine.

But there's a whole lot wrong with a national id.

To my fellow conservatives... be careful, don't allow yourself to be manipulated. It has become increasingly clear to me that the powers-that-be are using the issue of illegal immigration as yet another pretext for a power grab and more unconstitutional anti-freedom legislation. They (the powers-that-be, this isn't a D or R thing) want the national ID card, they've been trying for that for many years now.

Think about this. If Obama would have been the one to bring about the national ID card, conservatives would have immediately rejected it (and rightfully so!) But now that we have an "R" in office, many Republicans who ordinarily would have opposed it are going to go along with it, simply because of who is in power, plus all the manipulation going on. We don't want a "Papers please!" police state, don't be fooled.

eeeyep. Remember what happend the last time they told us to be ascared of brown people who they contended ''hate us for our freedoms.'' Problem. Reaction. Solution. And the people loved them for it.

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Cool. What's Opposite-World like this time of year?
It has long been known that good walls and fences stop illegals from coming in. Over 20 years ago, the San Diego fence was a success, and caused illegal aliens to travel long distances to get around it. It has continued to be successful.

Over the course of 2 1/2 decades, it has reduced the number of apprehensions of illegal aliens in San Diego from more than 628,000 in fiscal 1986, to its current number of around 30,000 a year. It should have extended over the whole border.

San Diego: Where a Border Wall Works

Underreported: How Building a Border Wall Changed San Diego

So that I can get this on record: You are stating positive results to the already existing border wall in San Diego. So you agree that a new wall is a stupid, short sighted idea. That there are better ideas for increasing border security than building a stupid fucking wall, amirite?!?
Why don't you shut up. You have no idea what you are talking about. There is no evidence that has happened. We do not need voter id and Trump cannot unilaterally impose them. That is fascism.

You are a racist so you are in the wrong country. You get the fuck out.
You are the punk who ran away from my question, and then despite your cowardice, you come back with the same idiotic "racist" accusation again.

Well Mr Race Card- I ask you again. What race are you talking about ?

You also haven't bothered to look up the links that were posted earlier, and instead come in here foaming at the mouth, about evidence (you already received).

The very fact that you oppose voter ID shows that you support the illegal voting of nin0citizems, You ought to be arrested, tried, and convicted of TREASON and executed for it. I would suggest you be shot by a firing squad of survivors of illegal alien murders.


Name the convictions of these illegals that are voting. Even in red states like Texas, there has only been a handful of convictions for illegal voting. If there are millions then that shouldn't be too hard.
Tell me in areas with sanctuary citys how much effort do you think officals put into voter fraud
Tell me in areas with sanctuary citys how much effort do you think officals put into voter fraud[
A lot, they encourage it.
To my fellow conservatives... be careful, don't allow yourself to be manipulated. It has become increasingly clear to me that the powers-that-be are using the issue of illegal immigration as yet another pretext for a power grab and more unconstitutional anti-freedom legislation. They (the powers-that-be, this isn't a D or R thing) want the national ID card, they've been trying for that for many years now.

Think about this. If Obama would have been the one to bring about the national ID card, conservatives would have immediately rejected it (and rightfully so!) But now that we have an "R" in office, many Republicans who ordinarily would have opposed it are going to go along with it, simply because of who is in power, plus all the manipulation going on. We don't want a "Papers please!" police state, don't be fooled.
This has nothing to do with a national ID card, and all the 1984 paranoid freaks just have a trauma over that. Again and again and again, I say this is about simply providing proof of CITIZENSHIP to vote, that's all.
In cites where Americans are stuggling and illegals are lowering wages yes we would ..why do you want to see Americans stuggle?
He (et al) don't care if we struggle. Illegal alien ass-kissers want one thing > As many Democrat VOTES as they can get. Simple as that.

I'm anti-illegal immigration. Been that way my whole life. Actually, to tell the complete truth? Yeah. I kinda like seeing assholes like yourself struggle sometimes. It keeps you grounded.
This has nothing to do with a national ID card, and all the 1984 paranoid freaks just have a trauma over that.

Generally speaking, people like yourself who participate in coercion understand very little of their role in it or what it actually is. And nothing at all of its consequence.
In cites where Americans are stuggling and illegals are lowering wages yes we would ..why do you want to see Americans stuggle?
He (et al) don't care if we struggle. Illegal alien ass-kissers want one thing > As many Democrat VOTES as they can get. Simple as that.

I'm anti-illegal immigration. Been that way my whole life. Actually, to tell the complete truth? Yeah. I kinda like seeing assholes like yourself struggle sometimes. It keeps you grounded.
Like my self?? All kinds of Americans are stuggling.. and when we fight back you will hide
In cites where Americans are stuggling and illegals are lowering wages yes we would ..why do you want to see Americans stuggle?
He (et al) don't care if we struggle. Illegal alien ass-kissers want one thing > As many Democrat VOTES as they can get. Simple as that.

I'm anti-illegal immigration. Been that way my whole life. Actually, to tell the complete truth? Yeah. I kinda like seeing assholes like yourself struggle sometimes. It keeps you grounded.
Like my self?? All kinds of Americans are stuggling.. and when we fight back you will hide

Isn't there a prison demanding your appearance soon?

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