Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

No, I am opposed to power grabs by the Fed Govt over a made up problem.

You are the one wanting to go contrary to our laws. The power over the elections was given to the states by design, so that they would not be controlled by an all powerful Fed Govt like you want them to be.

Citizenship is already required
YES, you ARE opposed to insuring that all US elections are VALID, with only CITIZENS voting, as required by law. That's all that requiring citizenship proof will do.

How in the world does insuring that only citizens vote, equate to a power grab ? Power grab by whom ? The American people ? (as opposed to aliens and their Democrat supporters) If so, GOOD. That is who is SUPPOSED to have the power of the US vote, and ONLY them.

It's a bit late in the going in April of 2019, to still laughably be trying to say that alien voting is a "made up problem." EARTH TO GG: Everyone has known for quite some time that Democrats have given up relying on the American people's vote, and rely on identity groups, which include everybody from anywhere in the world they can get to stuff ballot boxes with VOTES for THEM (which typically is the case with aliens whim they assist to come here)

"power over the elections given to the states" does not include allowing illegal voting by non-citizens. if it requires the US government to insure that elections are valid , then the US government absolutely needs to step in and get it under control.

Citizenship is required by law, yes, but there is no proof system to insure compliance. Not in a single one if the 50 states. Trump needs to set up a surefire complaince system, to prevent Democrats from stealing the 2020 election.

And stop putting these messages about your dopey iPhone. Nobody cares about it.

It is a power grab by the Feds because it is not their job, and every time they do something that is the state’s job they grab power from the states.

There is no widespread voter fraud of any sort. 1000s of people have tried to prove there is , including your savior in the White House and they have all failed. It just does not exist except in the imagination of partisan sheep like yourself.

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You mean like the counties in California with more registered voters than citizens?
The Dirty Dems can't win fairly, so they have to cheat
Clackamas County elections employee Deanna Swenson indicted on ballot tampering charges

Swenson, a part-time temporary elections employee and a registered Republican, allegedly filled in down-ballot races left blank to cast additional votes for Republicans.

The poll worker was convicted. She had been a poll worker for years, so God knows how many ballots she altered for Republicans in all that time.

If only Oregon had Voter ID so they could have stopped the Republicans from cheating!

Oh wait...

She should be executed. Election fraud is not distinguishable from treason.
Article 1: Washington Times is a right-wing biased source. Not credible nor objective. The article only highlights shenanigans from Texas Democrats. NO proof of voter fraud.
Article 2: Based on a right-wing poll by John McLaughlin. Not credible nor objective.
Article 3: More right-wing biased 'research' where they found 'proof' of 3,120 nonlegal voters. Out of 235,248,000 registered voters, that's less than .001%. It's even lower considering only 56% actually vote.
Article 4: LibertyNation? Really? Right wing site, not credible nor objective, blathering on about the same poll from Article 3.
Article 5: Outdated, right wing doom and gloom article very light on objective sources, including the same poll from Article 2.
Article 6: Right wing opinion puff piece from a non credible and non objective site referencing the 'research' from Article 3.

There. I looked at your 'sources.' Happy now? And, like I said before, fake news.
And just where did you expect to find the TRUTH about illegal aliens voting ? In the Washington Post ? The New York Times ? Media Matters ?

You don't get an ounce of credibility by just coming in here and flashing the INVALIDATION card. if you want to invalidate links, you have to present specific arguments pertaining to the CONTENT in the links, not just mouth off that you don't like who they are. To do that, you would have to post something thousands of words long. You've done nothing here.

I suspect that NO, you did NOT read the sources. Wanna take a quiz on them ? :biggrin:
Here's a couple of links to voter supression of minorities by republicans. Looks like they're the ones playing dirty. Not much info of illegals voting in any numbers. A comparative hand full may have been found but that's it. Republicans have barred million of Blacks and Latinos from voting over the years.

The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters – Rolling Stone

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
This is a drop in the bucket compared to MILLIONS of illegal aliens voting - the whole reason why Democrats bring them here, lawyer them, shield them in sanctuary cities, try to legalize them, etc. Maybe you though we were all going to think they do that out of compassion, huh ? HA HA HA.

Texas democrats were sending voter flyers to everybody, a few of them inevitability would go to non-citizens residences. These are intended for citizens. PILF has a far-right bias reputation with mixed factual reporting.

Federation for American Immigration Reform, another far right group.

All voter registrations go into the ICE database; they attract such attention to such immigration official if they register.
This whole thing has been poisoned by Trump's false conspiracies.
In Texas it was used to purge voter rolls.
because the real problem is election fraud.
You think this jibberish is going to snow anybody ?

What were sent were not "flyers", they were official registration applications, and NO, they were NOT sent to everybody. They were sent to non-citizen immigrants, and many of them spoke to the Texas secretary of state office, when non-citizens called, wondering whether there had been some change that made them now legally able to vote, despite not being citizens.

Looks like you didn't open the link. You would have known from the very first sentence to not say something as stupid as "flyers"

And OH, so "PILF has a far-right bias reputation" do they ? HA HA HA. and who is the reporter of that ? CNN ? MSNBC ? Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle)

As I said in a previous post, if you want to discredit a link, you must cite specific information in the CONTENT of it, not just blabber about how you don't like its "reputation". How about the reputations of the fake news jokes who you go to for reputation comments ?

And where is this idea about an ICE database from ? You got that in a dream ?
You got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?

95% of the election fraud in this country is illegal aliens voting. This is why the border wall, amnesty, sanctuary cities, etc, are such a big issue.
There is no good response to someone that wants to institute a national ID with proof of citizenship.

What’s next, being stopped and asked for your papers?
So you are opposed to insuring that all US elections are VALID, with only CITIZENS voting, as required by law. That's not surprising, since Democrats, liberals, leftists, and other assorted fruitcakes, have no regard for US law, and only wish to have things done that will facilitate them to grab power.

Quite amazing to see people post this way - 100% contrary to our law, and what is respectable.

As for what is "next", > nothing. Once citizenship is required, our elections will be on solid ground, and the American people will be protected from alien voting.

There is absolutely no evidence that we need to do that. You are very good at hurling accusations but there is no proof of it. No one has found evidence of massive voter fraud. The last case was among Republicans.
Cool. What's Opposite-World like this time of year?
It has long been known that good walls and fences stop illegals from coming in. Over 20 years ago, the San Diego fence was a success, and caused illegal aliens to travel long distances to get around it. It has continued to be successful.

Over the course of 2 1/2 decades, it has reduced the number of apprehensions of illegal aliens in San Diego from more than 628,000 in fiscal 1986, to its current number of around 30,000 a year. It should have extended over the whole border.

San Diego: Where a Border Wall Works

Underreported: How Building a Border Wall Changed San Diego
Here's a couple of links to voter supression of minorities by republicans. Looks like they're the ones playing dirty. Not much info of illegals voting in any numbers. A comparative hand full may have been found but that's it. Republicans have barred million of Blacks and Latinos from voting over the years.

The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters – Rolling Stone

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
This is a drop in the bucket compared to MILLIONS of illegal aliens voting - the whole reason why Democrats bring them here, lawyer them, shield them in sanctuary cities, try to legalize them, etc. Maybe you though we were all going to think they do that out of compassion, huh ? HA HA HA.


You are a lying racist asshole. You talk big but offer no proof.
I am near certain that is the true aim of Voter ID. Because Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur, then it is obvious its true purpose has to be something else. And that purpose is to force everyone to carry identity papers.

Sieg Heil!


Everyone should reserve time to read past legislation regarding national id. They pretty much said they left it wide open on purpose so that the intelligence agencies could arbitrarliy add anything to it they deem necessary or relevant to anything they might wanna know. Your poltical views, your social media, your sexual orientation, your religion, how much wealth you have, etc, etc...

The founders warned us about standing armies. Remember? They just tried to overthrow a government's election process. Much the same as they've done for decades around the world.

With national id freedom in America is dead. It turns the Constitution on its head.
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There is absolutely no evidence that we need to do that. You are very good at hurling accusations but there is no proof of it. No one has found evidence of massive voter fraud. The last case was among Republicans.
Links are in the thread. Try reading them before posting, Johnny Come Lately.

What a farce, Leftist fools still trying to pass the notion that illegals don't vote. It's like they went to sleep 8 years ago and just woke up now. LOL

So all that's needed is to have all 50 states require CITIZENSHIP PROOF at time of voting and of course, abolish mail voting. This should be done as a matter of simple normal electoral procedure routinely carried out all over the world, whether any illegal alien voting or not.

Everyone should reserve time to read past legislation regarding national id. They pretty much said they left it wide open on purpose so that the inteligence agencies could arbitrarliy add anything to it they deem necessary. Your polrtical views, your social media, your sexual orientation, your religion, how much wealth you have, etc, etc...

The founders warned us about standing armies. Remember? They just tried to overthrow a government's election process. Much the same as they've done for decades around the world.

With national id freedom in America is dead. It turns the Constitution on its head.
NONSENSE! You are just blabbering ridiculous talking points, designed to protect Democrats' immigration-voting scenario, their existence has come to depend upon (since most AMERICANS will no longer vote for them) Ho hum. Yawn****

And it is US CITIZENSHIP PROOF that the thread is about, not any "card" - the same US CITIZENSHIP PROOF that is required for employment and other things,

Leftist loons freaking out over the idea of CITIZENSHIP PROOF to vote - sure, because if threatens to stop their immigration vote scam methodology. :biggrin:
Freedom and liberty are more important than security...that is the basis this country was founded on.

You are in the wrong get that fuck out .
YOU DON'T HAVE freedom or liberty, if/when your leaders are being chosen by foreigners. This country was not founded on elections being conducted illegally, contrary to what you said yourself >> citizenship being required to vote.

All this thread is saying, is that requirement should be enforced to ensure compliance.

You are in support of criminal activity. You are in the wrong get the fuck out .

Why don't you shut up. You have no idea what you are talking about. There is no evidence that has happened. We do not need voter id and Trump cannot unilaterally impose them. That is fascism.

You are a racist so you are in the wrong country. You get the fuck out.
NONSENSE! You are just blabbering ridiculous talking points, designed to protect Democrats' immigration-voting scenario, their existence has come to depend upon (since most AMERICANS will no longer vote for them) Ho hum. Yawn****

And it is US CITIZENSHIP PROOF that the thread is about, not any "card" - the same US CITIZENSHIP PROOF that is required for employment and other things,

You have some nerve referring to others as leftists on here. You're actually one of the most rabid leftists on this board. You're just too stupid to realize it. You do not understand freedom. You do not understand the proper role of government. I wouldn't give a bucket of piss for your opinion on the matter.
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In cites where Americans are stuggling and illegals are lowering wages yes we would ..why do you want to see Americans stuggle?
He (et al) don't care if we struggle. Illegal alien ass-kissers want one thing > As many Democrat VOTES as they can get. Simple as that.
Democrats HATE people with different opinions.. funny how they pander to Latinos lol
This is true.
Our national security is compromised by disbanding domestic terror intelligence unit, which is something that shouldnt encroach on our freedoms, but its gone.
Instead we have lies about immigrants voting, which does result in loss of freedoms.
YOU are who is lying, if you're saying that aliens are not voting. They vote by the millions, as there is no enforcement to stop them.

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

CITIZENSHIP PROOF is what is needed. ASAP.

They do not vote by the millions. Links to your pals who are biased is not proof of anything.

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