Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

So that I can get this on record: You are stating positive results to the already existing border wall in San Diego. So you agree that a new wall is a stupid, short sighted idea. That there are better ideas for increasing border security than building a stupid fucking wall, amirite?!?
No. you are NOT right, because you are posting jibberish. Of course I don't agree that a wall is a stupid idea,

it is a smart, common sense idea that has been proven to work for 20+ years in San Diego, and all around the world, in dozens of countries.

I doubt that you are this ignorant.

How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online
In cites where Americans are stuggling and illegals are lowering wages yes we would ..why do you want to see Americans stuggle?
He (et al) don't care if we struggle. Illegal alien ass-kissers want one thing > As many Democrat VOTES as they can get. Simple as that.

I'm anti-illegal immigration. Been that way my whole life. Actually, to tell the complete truth? Yeah. I kinda like seeing assholes like yourself struggle sometimes. It keeps you grounded.
Like my self?? All kinds of Americans are stuggling.. and when we fight back you will hide

Isn't there a prison demanding your appearance soon?
Not yet ha
Why whats wrong with only legal citizens being able to vote .please explain wennie

Nothing at the state level, state id is fine.

But there's a whole lot wrong with a national id.

To my fellow conservatives... be careful, don't allow yourself to be manipulated. It has become increasingly clear to me that the powers-that-be are using the issue of illegal immigration as yet another pretext for a power grab and more unconstitutional anti-freedom legislation. They (the powers-that-be, this isn't a D or R thing) want the national ID card, they've been trying for that for many years now.

Think about this. If Obama would have been the one to bring about the national ID card, conservatives would have immediately rejected it (and rightfully so!) But now that we have an "R" in office, many Republicans who ordinarily would have opposed it are going to go along with it, simply because of who is in power, plus all the manipulation going on. We don't want a "Papers please!" police state, don't be fooled.

eeeyep. Remember what happend the last time they told us to be ascared of brown people who they contended ''hate us for our freedoms.'' Problem. Reaction. Solution. And the people loved them for it.


The sad thing is, they keep repeating that same pattern / strategy, you'd think that more people would've caught on by now. Whenever the PTSB have a goal that they ordinarily wouldn't be able to achieve, they always create a "crisis." That way they don't have to twist anyone's arm, because they get the PUBLIC to cry out for the solution to the "problem" they created in the first place, and of course the "solution" was their goal all along.

Problem, reaction, solution. Lather, rinse, repeat. *sigh*
The sad thing is, they keep repeating that same pattern / strategy, you'd think that more people would've caught on by now. Whenever the PTSB have a goal that they ordinarily wouldn't be able to achieve, they always create a "crisis." That way they don't have to twist anyone's arm, because they get the PUBLIC to cry out for the solution to the "problem" they created in the first place, and of course the "solution" was their goal all along.

Problem, reaction, solution. Lather, rinse, repeat. *sigh*

The good thing is that we're seeing more and more people disassociate themselves from the fake two party system. That number is growing every year. It's over 50% again, same as when Trump got elected.
Isn't there a prison demanding your appearance soon?
That would be YOU (for TREASON) :laugh:

Oh snap! You seem to believe you're the cleverist turd in the Cult45 bowl, I'll give you that. If you actually paid attention to what people actually say on this board, you may have understood my comment. Unfortunately, you are an ignorant turd who doesn't see much beyond your own nose. Sorry for triggering your snowflake sensibilities.
The sad thing is, they keep repeating that same pattern / strategy, you'd think that more people would've caught on by now. Whenever the PTSB have a goal that they ordinarily wouldn't be able to achieve, they always create a "crisis." That way they don't have to twist anyone's arm, because they get the PUBLIC to cry out for the solution to the "problem" they created in the first place, and of course the "solution" was their goal all along.

Problem, reaction, solution. Lather, rinse, repeat. *sigh*

The good thing is that we're seeing more and more people disassociate themselves from the fake two party system. That number is growing every year. It's over 50% again, same as when Trump got elected.
I hope you're right about that! But I dunno, it doesn't look that way to me.
This is true.
Our national security is compromised by disbanding domestic terror intelligence unit, which is something that shouldnt encroach on our freedoms, but its gone.
Instead we have lies about immigrants voting, which does result in loss of freedoms.
YOU are who is lying, if you're saying that aliens are not voting. They vote by the millions, as there is no enforcement to stop them.

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

CITIZENSHIP PROOF is what is needed. ASAP.
From your link....

“If true there will be serious consequences,” he said.

.... so what were the consequences?
I hope you're right about that! But I dunno, it doesn't look that way to me.

Well, you've known me for years, you know how I am. I'm more of a trends guy.

As I look around this board and elsewhere on the web I see a trend where people are starting to not trust their federal government. And this is happening on both sides of the traditional left/right paradigm. It's a welcomed trend. As I said, 50%. And growing every year.
Clackamas County elections employee Deanna Swenson indicted on ballot tampering charges
Swenson, a part-time temporary elections employee and a registered Republican, allegedly filled in down-ballot races left blank to cast additional votes for Republicans.
The poll worker was convicted. She had been a poll worker for years, so God knows how many ballots she altered for Republicans in all that time.
If only Oregon had Voter ID so they could have stopped the Republicans from cheating!
Oh wait...

You come up with one little event, here and maybe one there, while Democrats are stuffing ballot boxes with MILLIONS of illegal alien votes all over the country, and are expanding it all greatly with the caravans. Oh wait....
Name one illegal alien who voted.....
I hope you're right about that! But I dunno, it doesn't look that way to me.

Well, you've known me for years, you know how I am. I'm more of a trends guy.

As I look around this board and elsewhere on the web I see a trend where people are starting to not trust their federal government. And this is happening on both sides of the traditional left/right paradigm. It's a welcomed trend. As I said, 50%. And growing every year.

It is a welcomed trend as far as I'm concerned. We should question our gov't. Always. It's currently needed.
The Republicans could be facing a catastrophe in 2020, if they don't some up with an airtight system to stop illegal alien and other non-citizen voting. The Mexican border isn't being deluged by accident, with migrants trying to get into the US.

Leftist schemers are behind all these caravans, and for a very specific reason. To get as many people into the country to become Democrat voters. These folks have made it clear that they will try to get into the US legally, if they can, but if that is too difficult, they have no compunctions about simply running across a lightly defended, unwalled border.

Once in the US, as always, they likewise will have no compunctions about voting in an electoral system not set up to stop them. Currently, it appears that power-mad Democrats are in full gear to try to win the 2020 elections, in ANY way they can, while Republicans are not taking the necessary steps they need.

This can't be done by the Congress, as Democrats will vote against it. It is up to Trump to get it done. OR ELSE.

Maybe so Mr. P, but if Trump tries to enact Voter ID at this late juncture, he'll be accused of voter suppression, ESPECIALLY when he wins, and the Democrats will then have a new excuse for the next 4 years investigating him for "election rigging."
The Republicans could be facing a catastrophe in 2020, if they don't some up with an airtight system to stop illegal alien and other non-citizen voting. The Mexican border isn't being deluged by accident, with migrants trying to get into the US.

Leftist schemers are behind all these caravans, and for a very specific reason. To get as many people into the country to become Democrat voters. These folks have made it clear that they will try to get into the US legally, if they can, but if that is too difficult, they have no compunctions about simply running across a lightly defended, unwalled border.

Once in the US, as always, they likewise will have no compunctions about voting in an electoral system not set up to stop them. Currently, it appears that power-mad Democrats are in full gear to try to win the 2020 elections, in ANY way they can, while Republicans are not taking the necessary steps they need.

This can't be done by the Congress, as Democrats will vote against it. It is up to Trump to get it done. OR ELSE.

Maybe so Mr. P, but if Trump tries to enact Voter ID at this late juncture, he'll be accused of voter suppression, ESPECIALLY when he wins, and the Democrats will then have a new excuse for the next 4 years investigating him for "election rigging."
Do not fear they will find something to investigate him over for years if he wins again they ate that butt hurt

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