Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

PILF gets a rating of factual reporting: mixed.
by contrast, Brennan center gets high factual reporting, and did an excellent job with debunking voter fraud myth.

You're not aware of the difference between election fraud and voter fraud? Election fraud pertains the election system. Voter fraud pertains to voters misrepresenting who the voter is.

ICE got just 19 for voting illegally. How do you think they did that? by having access to voter rolls. All that effort for just 19 votes; like a fart in the wind.
You shot your own post in the foot when you used Media Bias Fact Check as a source to claim that >> "PILF gets a rating of factual reporting: mixed." Instead of berating PILF, you praised them by using a biased and untrustworthy source, yourself >(MBFC).

As evidence of its untrustworthiness, Media Bias Fact Check has declared that PolitiFact “is the gold standard for political fact checking.” To the contrary, Just Facts (a real trustworthy source) has documented that PolitiFact has an extensive record of propagating falsehoods. Any org that would praise PolitiFarce is a laughingstock itself.

After that fiasco, I hardly need to examine he rest of your post as it credibility is already in ashes, but I would be remiss to not mention your laughable comment of the Brennan Center as being of "high factual reporting" and allegedly having debunked voter fraud as a myth. HA HA. One just has to laugh at all this absurdity.

The Brennan Center is a purely LIBERAL think tank, as biased to the left as anything could ever be. As a person born and well educated in New York, as well as having taught economics and geography in the City University of New York, I am well aware (even if you aren't) that the Brennan Center for Justice is a Soros funded lap dog of the left, part of New York University's Law School (very leftist).

Oh, I'm well aware of the Soros so-called "voter fraud report". I'm aware of it having first showed up on Oct. 12, 2012, in the totally fake news laughingstock New York Times, and from there the findings then made the rounds on liberal blogs and were written up by other outlets. This Soros-funded report was then promoted by the Soros-funded lefty media, which reaches more than 300 million people every month. Members of the Media Consortium, which received $425,000 from the Soros Open Society Foundations, pushed the story.

Thanks for helping confirm the validity of my sources.

Soros-Backed Voting Study Promoted By Soros-Funded Media
This whole thread is for dummies. Voting is NOT done by national rules, every state has their own rules for who, how and where it's citizens vote. The only NATIONAL RULE, is what day of the year it happens.

And even the day is not solid as many states allow voting up to a week early

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I provided proof of citizenship when I registered to vote.
You could also stand on your head when you registered, but neither of those required you to do it. No state does.

And quit telling us about your stupid iPhone toy.

It is required in every state I have lived in...about a dozen, they all state being a US citizen is required.

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The Fed Govt does not have the authority via the Constitution to do such a thing.

It is also one step closer to fascism...some brown shirt with an AK asking for your papers as you are waking down the street.

All for a non-existent problem. This is how the government always gets you to give up your freedom and liberty
HA HA HA. Liberals will say ANYTHING. So the feds don't have the authority to ensure compliance with their own US election law ? (Pheeeeew-high-pitched whistle; :rolleyes: :slap:

Let's see how many lefty scamming points were used in this moronic post ?

1. authority via the Constitution
2. fascism
3. non-existent problem

Liberals still haven't learned how insenced the American people get when liberals try to scam them. Should have learned that in November 2016.And now with the Russian collusion hoax. And they're still at it. wow. incurable.
It is required in every state I have lived in...about a dozen, they all state being a US citizen is required.
Silly goose. It (ie. CITIZENSHIP) is "required. Yes, in ALL 50 states, by law. Sure. But it is the PROOF of that citizenship which is NOT REQUIRED. That is the crux of the topic here. :biggrin:
The Fed Govt does not have the authority via the Constitution to do such a thing.

It is also one step closer to fascism...some brown shirt with an AK asking for your papers as you are waking down the street.

All for a non-existent problem. This is how the government always gets you to give up your freedom and liberty
HA HA HA. Liberals will say ANYTHING. So the feds don't have the authority to ensure compliance with their own US election law ? (Pheeeeew-high-pitched whistle; :rolleyes: :slap:

Let's see how many lefty scamming points were used in this moronic post ?

1. authority via the Constitution
2. fascism
3. non-existent problem

Liberals still haven't learned how insenced the American people get when liberals try to scam them. Should have learned that in November 2016.And now with the Russian collusion hoax. And they're still at it. wow. incurable.

The constitution (you know, the thing you hate so much) gives the control of the elections to the states, not the Feds. This was done by design to keep the Feds from abusing their power, but you want to ignore the Constitution for a problem that only exist in your mind.

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Generally speaking, people like yourself who participate in coercion understand very little of their role in it or what it actually is. And nothing at all of its consequence.
So should we not be coerced to refrain from committing car theft, burglary, arson, rape, murder, fraud ? The "coercion" you are propagandizing about, has a name. It's called LAW. And everyone is coerced into obeying it, by the use of police and the justice system.

And election law is just part of that overall system of LAW, except that it is lacking in having a functional and proper method of compliance.
The constitution (you know, the thing you hate so much) gives the control of the elections to the states, not the Feds. This was done by design to keep the Feds from abusing their power, but you want to ignore the Constitution for a problem that only exist in your mind.
First, you want everyone to think that it only exists in my mind. You problem is that it also exists in the minds of the American people (voters), because they know that it is the major problem that it is.

As for the Constitution, I'm very fine with it, but sorry, you don't get any leverage here by flashing the Constitution card. The US federal govt has made numerous changes regarding voting throughout US history, but this isn't even doing that, it is just ensuring compliance with election law that already exists. That's all. Has nothing to do with the Constitution, but nice try. :biggrin:
It is required in every state I have lived in...about a dozen, they all state being a US citizen is required.
Silly goose. It (ie. CITIZENSHIP) is "required. Yes, in ALL 50 states, by law. Sure. But it is the PROOF of that citizenship which is NOT REQUIRED. That is the crux of the topic here. :biggrin:
I have lived in Missouri since 2001 and they do demand you prove who you are, where you live and your proof of citizenship for a driver's license and to be registered to vote.. That required info is also required for voting, and even before there was a voter ID law the polling precincts ask for your ID and looked up your registration on the voters list.
It is required in every state I have lived in...about a dozen, they all state being a US citizen is required.
Silly goose. It (ie. CITIZENSHIP) is "required. Yes, in ALL 50 states, by law. Sure. But it is the PROOF of that citizenship which is NOT REQUIRED. That is the crux of the topic here. :biggrin:

You are lying. Every state requires proof of citizenship at the time of registering

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When you threaten to stop cold, liberals' last hope to preserve what little power they have, and possibly regain that which they have lost, they go NUTS. HA HA HA.

It's really funny to watch them jumping out of their skins, at the idea that their alien voting charade might be destroyed. They know how little chance they would have, they were to have to depend on legitimate AMERICANS' votes.

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Did you bother to read you link? The states wanted the US Election Commission to change its registration requirements to match the state’s requirement of proving citizenship.

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Did you bother to read you link? The states wanted the US Election Commission to change its registration requirements to match the state’s requirement of proving citizenship.
Looks like you're a little lost. Allow me to help. The state of Kansas had a PROOF of citizenship requirement. The Obama SCOTUS (before Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) ruled against them (that they could could not require PROOF).

Now, with the Trump SCOTUS in power, Kansas is trying to get the ability to require proof of citizenship once again. Got it now ?

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law
Did you bother to read you link? The states wanted the US Election Commission to change its registration requirements to match the state’s requirement of proving citizenship.
Looks like you're a little lost. Allow me to help. The state of Kansas had a PROOF of citizenship requirement. The Obama SCOTUS (before Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) ruled against them (that they could could not require PROOF).

Now, with the Trump SCOTUS in power, Kansas is trying to get the ability to require proof of citizenship once again. Got it now ?

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law

And Kansas itself admits the problem was not with that requirement but with how they enforced it.

Are you ever not wrong?

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Did you bother to read you link? The states wanted the US Election Commission to change its registration requirements to match the state’s requirement of proving citizenship.
Looks like you're a little lost. Allow me to help. The state of Kansas had a PROOF of citizenship requirement. The Obama SCOTUS (before Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) ruled against them (that they could could not require PROOF).

Now, with the Trump SCOTUS in power, Kansas is trying to get the ability to require proof of citizenship once again. Got it now ?

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law
”The Obama SCOTUS (before Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) ruled against them (that they could could not require PROOF).”

You’re fucking senile, gramps. :cuckoo: The Supreme Court made no such ruling. They couldn’t have as they never heard the case. And who knows what your dementia tells you to think it was Obama’s Supreme Court? He had placed only 2 of the 9 justices and that bench is led by a Bush appointee.
Five million Mexicans all registered to vote, and no one caught them!

Then those same five million Mexicans voted, and no one caught them!
Why would they be caught, when the only thing that could catch them (CITIZENSHIP PROOF) is still not required, in any of 50 states ? Duh!
You can't possibly be so fucking retarded that you bleev five million Mexicans can register to vote without getting caught, and then vote without getting caught.

You can't possibly be that stupid and still able to breathe.
This can't be done by the Congress, as Democrats will vote against it. It is up to Trump to get it done. OR ELSE.
I'm still waiting for you to answer how Der Führer will accomplish this without Congress.

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