Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

The Supreme Court made no such ruling. They couldn’t have as they never heard the case. And who knows what your dementia tells you to think it was Obama’s Supreme Court? He had placed only 2 of the 9 justices and that bench is led by a Bush appointee.

Supreme Court denies states’ request for proof of voter citizenship

SCOTUS: States Can't Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote Using Federal Form | Breitbart

Kansas hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law

You just double down on your stupidity.

The first two links are about the same case and it deals with a Fed form, not a state one.

The third link is the same story from Kansas, the one in which Kansas admits it poorly executed the law and removed some 30,000 citizens from the voter rolls.

You never read your own links, you just read the headline and then post them

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George Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, and other leftist NGOs created the crisis. More of what is omitted on liberal OMISSION media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc)

Then, information-deprived liberals go running around babbling about what they are uninformed about. THAT is what is "sad"

It's also sad how liberals keep talking about "brown people", always thinking they can snow the American people into believing this is a racial thing, when actually Democrats will take illegal alien VOTES from whomever and wherever they can get them. Like when Hillary was sucking up to white Irish illegal aliens in the New York area.


Yes, and those groups have the same agenda as the globalists, which is who I was talking about. I don’t think you understand, the powers-that-be are neither left or right, they play both sides against each other, but their agenda for all of US is anti-freedom, so the sooner people realize we’re all being manipulated, the better.

And to respond to your earlier reply, you might not have been talking about the national ID card, but I was talking about the bigger picture.
The wall is ALREADY stopping them, where it exists (same in about 90 countries around the world)

View attachment 255301
And it's working like a gang buster.

First, that is not a border wall, and second, explain how a person would get down without breaking their legs?

Uh, climb up ladder, reach top of wall. When at top of wall, lift ladder, place on other side of wall. Climb down other side of wall. Quite simple.

Try pulling that ladder up from the top of the wall and see how you manage without falling off the damn thing!

You are obviously a couch potato who has never done anything like that before. The actual border wall has points at the top, I suppose you just plan to grease it up and slide your ass down over it to stay in place.

I am in great shape. Nice ad hom tho.

No, it is not. It is a statement of fact that using a ladder such as that is not going to work for about 99.999% of illegals.

My driver's license required a birth certificate, proving I was born in the US and how old I am. My driver's license is the ID I show when voting. You are simply incorrect about no states requiring proof.

Dumbfuck, your own link states...

“The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections”​

Don’t you bother to read your own sources? Of is your problem that you’re too senile to understand them?
Thereby "upholding a lower court ruling against Kansas and Arizona", thereby ruling that those states could not require proof of citizenship. Your problem is you don't know how to THINK, thereby making you an IDIOT.
My driver's license required a birth certificate, proving I was born in the US and how old I am. My driver's license is the ID I show when voting. You are simply incorrect about no states requiring proof.
YOU are incorrect. You don't have to show a drivers license to vote. You could show many other other forms of ID, and I don't know what state you're in.

Even illegal aliens have photo IDs for their jobs. I work on a construction site. There are illegals here with company photo IDs. Bottom line though is that no state even requires ID. At most, they request it, and many forms of ID are acceptable.

You just double down on your stupidity.

The first two links are about the same case and it deals with a Fed form, not a state one.

The third link is the same story from Kansas, the one in which Kansas admits it poorly executed the law and removed some 30,000 citizens from the voter rolls.

You never read your own links, you just read the headline and then post them
Regardless of whatever it is you're blabbering about, the point here is that the Supreme court (Obama's) ruled against allowing a proof of citizenship requirement. Maybe YOU could read the links.
No matter what anyone may be blabbering about in this thread, one thing remains clear. That is that there still is no requirement for CITIZENSHIP PROOF when voting, and there still is the abomination of mail voting.

Both of those problems need to be fixed, and if they were, it would do a lot to solve the illegal immigration problem, which would likely fade away, with Democrats no longer being interested in bringing illegals here, and protecting them in sanctuary cities.

Why Trump is not attending to all this, is puzzling. It would probably be at least as effective as building a border wall (not that I'm against the wall idea)
Can anyone point out any evidence of non citizens voting?

My driver's license required a birth certificate, proving I was born in the US and how old I am. My driver's license is the ID I show when voting. You are simply incorrect about no states requiring proof.

I use a signature

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