Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

Clackamas County elections employee Deanna Swenson indicted on ballot tampering charges
Swenson, a part-time temporary elections employee and a registered Republican, allegedly filled in down-ballot races left blank to cast additional votes for Republicans.
The poll worker was convicted. She had been a poll worker for years, so God knows how many ballots she altered for Republicans in all that time.
If only Oregon had Voter ID so they could have stopped the Republicans from cheating!
Oh wait...

You come up with one little event, here and maybe one there, while Democrats are stuffing ballot boxes with MILLIONS of illegal alien votes all over the country, and are expanding it all greatly with the caravans. Oh wait....

More Cult45 fairy tales.
Every time I say "Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur", the tards hear, "There is no voter fraud." They have a special Tard Filter in their ears!

Five million Mexicans all registered to vote, and no one caught them!

Then those same five million Mexicans voted, and no one caught them!

We should hire these geniuses.

Here's Napoleon's army of 680,000 which invaded Russia:


Here's Trump's imaginary army of 5,000,000 illegal voters in California he can't seem to find:

And yet you can't find those millions!

Wow! Those Mexicans sure are clever. :lol:

"Ah cudn't git to duh ballot dere wuz so menee mexcans I wuz a trippin over em!"
At least you admit there were a lot of (so menee mexcans)

As for the millions, I DON'T HAVE TO find them. The majority of Americans know what's happening. You can pretend all you want - if it makes you feel better. :biggrin:

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot
I don't have to find my imaginary millions of illegal Mexican voters! I want to bleev it, so it must be true!

Freedom and liberty are more important than security...that is the basis this country was founded on.

You are in the wrong get that fuck out .

Security and national identity are and have always been the most important part of any nation. Freedom and Ali berry must exist inside those limits to have any value.

I would love to go somewhere else; unfortunately the alternatives are not reasonably acceptable. Mostly for religious or climate reasons.

Bullshit. If this was the case we would not have the 1st, 4th or 5th amendments.

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Five million Mexicans all registered to vote, and no one caught them!

Then those same five million Mexicans voted, and no one caught them!
Why would they be caught, when the only thing that could catch them (CITIZENSHIP PROOF) is still not required, in any of 50 states ? Duh!
Present something of substance then. You never seem to do that, so you're easy to dismiss.
I DID. 6 links. Which you also pretend are not substance. WANNA TAKE A QUIZ ON THEM ? LOL

The fact is , IT DOESN'T MATTER, if the illegals were voting or not. Even if they weren't, it is still the correct thing to do, to simply enforce the law (as all other countries do) :biggrin:

Article 1: Washington Times is a right-wing biased source. Not credible nor objective. The article only highlights shenanigans from Texas Democrats. NO proof of voter fraud.
Article 2: Based on a right-wing poll by John McLaughlin. Not credible nor objective.
Article 3: More right-wing biased 'research' where they found 'proof' of 3,120 nonlegal voters. Out of 235,248,000 registered voters, that's less than .001%. It's even lower considering only 56% actually vote.
Article 4: LibertyNation? Really? Right wing site, not credible nor objective, blathering on about the same poll from Article 3.
Article 5: Outdated, right wing doom and gloom article very light on objective sources, including the same poll from Article 2.
Article 6: Right wing opinion puff piece from a non credible and non objective site referencing the 'research' from Article 3.

There. I looked at your 'sources.' Happy now? And, like I said before, fake news.
This is true.
Our national security is compromised by disbanding domestic terror intelligence unit, which is something that shouldnt encroach on our freedoms, but its gone.
Instead we have lies about immigrants voting, which does result in loss of freedoms.
YOU are who is lying, if you're saying that aliens are not voting. They vote by the millions, as there is no enforcement to stop them.

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

CITIZENSHIP PROOF is what is needed. ASAP.
Texas democrats were sending voter flyers to everybody, a few of them inevitability would go to non-citizens residences. These are intended for citizens. PILF has a far-right bias reputation with mixed factual reporting.

Federation for American Immigration Reform, another far right group.

All voter registrations go into the ICE database; they attract such attention to such immigration official if they register.
This whole thing has been poisoned by Trump's false conspiracies.
In Texas it was used to purge voter rolls.
because the real problem is election fraud.

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