Trump nominates Gorsuch

Ginsberg understands her job better than Trump does his

Evidently she understands it so well...

....(wait for it)...


...she can do it in her sleep.
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OMG he's a fucking Nazi
Everybody's a "Nazi". You guys are hysterical. Don't worry, the crying libtard will fight it every step of the way
Eventually the uninformed voters who didn't realize all the bad things the GOP would do will come around.

Unfortunately this appointment is for life. I am pissed!
Life is a loooooonnnng time.
The masses today don't deserve labor laws, high wages, a right to their jobs, overtime, sick days, vacation days, ...That shit my grandparents faught for and earned. This year Ford and GM paid record profit sharing. Something like $9000 each employee. Those days are gone.

And these low paid masses don't deserve the social security or medicare that's going to be taken from them. Get ready. You think the 60s sexual revolution Woodstock peace movement was something.

You can't pull the country right because we are a progressive liberal society who just doesn't realize how liberal we really are.
Amazing a white Protestant nominated bout damn time
He's Episcopalian, which is like diet-catholic without all those Popey calories. But they're as close as you can get to catholic so?

Not enough dems will oppose him in the Senate because of their concerns that more Rust Belt dems will defect in 2018 than even 2016. They picked Trump because of this appointment. Wise dems will understand this is not the fight to rub Rust Belt dems' noses in.
Trump has nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch for the Supreme Court let the over the top hysteria begin.
Gorsuch sounds like a very capable man to put on the court. Present Trump has once again President Trump kept his word.
Mitch McFuck gotta lotta fuckin nerve....asking the cowards on the left to play fair....what fuckin planet has this mindless Ky hick been on....Karma mf, Karma!
I'm sorry white people, but that white mf does not look 49 at all, more like people age horribly, no wonder your pissed all the time, you dino looking leather fuckers
Gorsuch was nominated to the federal bench by obama and Schumer. If they want to disqualify him now they will have to cite actual cases. Wandering around muttering nazi, woman hater, homophobe, racist won't work.
It's going to be entertaining to watch the left attack this all-American guy. Keep on showing the country what you are, you collection of rejects.

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