Trump - not even sworn in and yet covered in scandal.

Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
And yet he's still your president and gets to pick the next SC Justice.

Oh he can nominate one but the Senate still needs 60 votes to confirm one. Since America's choice in 2012 was ignored combined with the popular vote, the Dems need to hold firm and deny the Groper's choice.

The Constitution only requires 51 for SC confirmation
And since Harry Reid has opened the door on the nuclear option, the Republicans could just adopt a simple rule change and eliminate the democrats' ability to block Trump's picks.
Republicans used reconciliation three times under Bush and they didn't have 60. And look at the damage they caused.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

It's like we elected Hillary, huh Deanie Baby?
Trump has 75 lawsuits now. I bet Hillary hasn't had that many in her entire life.
she didn't do anything in 30 years, doesn't surprise me at all. Although she is good at getting people dead.
She got 8 million children heath care. The Clinton foundation has helped over 400 million world wide.

I think you are confusing Trump with Clinton. The people who voted for Trump are the people he stiffed and will stiff again.
Trump won.....get over it.
It's like cancer.

Cancer won, get over it.

Not without a fight. I love this country. Republicans don't. And Trump just sees this country as another target to scam.

No, you are like cancer.

A constant growth of bigotry and stupidity.

It's people like you that caused Trump to be elected.

As others fight the blight that comes from people like you.
Nothing I did caused Trump to be elected. Believe it.

Oh, better wake up.

You own that people like you with your close-minded rhetoric caused a reaction that came in the form of Trump.

You, and people like you, are the reason Trump exists.

Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

It's like we elected Hillary, huh Deanie Baby?
Trump has 75 lawsuits now. I bet Hillary hasn't had that many in her entire life.
she didn't do anything in 30 years, doesn't surprise me at all. Although she is good at getting people dead.
She got 8 million children heath care. The Clinton foundation has helped over 400 million world wide.

I think you are confusing Trump with Clinton. The people who voted for Trump are the people he stiffed and will stiff again.

And she has a great PR group that suckers turkeys like you every day.

She should have put them on her campaign.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.
Supporting someone like Trump is NOT patriotism.

Questioning a corrupt man who has been elected president is very much good patriotism.
With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked

Kaz be like: This means she WAS successfully hacked!

He said exactly what I said, she exposed our secrets. You actually don't know what exposed means. I guess other than when you're wearing your overcoat ....
Senator Knoe Wun that's who.
Arlan Spector, who changed to democrat in 2009. Then Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman independents, not one republican voted for the bill.

He's dreaming. There were many Republicans who made the mistake of not changing Senate rules under W for the reason that they didn't want Democrats to change the rules when they were back in power. At that point it was flagrantly clear that Democrats were going to change the rules when they were back in power. The idiots wouldn't listen.

Then of course the Democrats did change the rules. Democrats have blown their wad. There is no pretense anymore. BlindBoo is blind, that's for sure. No Republican has any reason now to hold to the old rules that are left and help Democrats

I fully expect the Republicans to try and do just that. They will overplay their hand again and the pendulum will swing back.......
Very possible.

What I would PREFER to see, however, is for one "side" or the other to get it RIGHT, so that the pendulum can stop swinging back and forth.

I don't give a crap which party does it, so I'll hope for the best even though I didn't vote for him.
And you are?
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

It's like we elected Hillary, huh Deanie Baby?
Trump has 75 lawsuits now. I bet Hillary hasn't had that many in her entire life.
she didn't do anything in 30 years, doesn't surprise me at all. Although she is good at getting people dead.
She got 8 million children heath care. The Clinton foundation has helped over 400 million world wide.

I think you are confusing Trump with Clinton. The people who voted for Trump are the people he stiffed and will stiff again.
she fked up 90 million other children by helping the 8 million who already had services from the state. so congrats for fking up 200 million others health insurance.

you remember, if you like your current insurance keep it. Doh
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Kaz be like: This means she WAS successfully hacked!

He said exactly what I said, she exposed our secrets. You actually don't know what exposed means. I guess other than when you're wearing your overcoat ....
Arlan Spector, who changed to democrat in 2009. Then Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman independents, not one republican voted for the bill.

He's dreaming. There were many Republicans who made the mistake of not changing Senate rules under W for the reason that they didn't want Democrats to change the rules when they were back in power. At that point it was flagrantly clear that Democrats were going to change the rules when they were back in power. The idiots wouldn't listen.

Then of course the Democrats did change the rules. Democrats have blown their wad. There is no pretense anymore. BlindBoo is blind, that's for sure. No Republican has any reason now to hold to the old rules that are left and help Democrats

I fully expect the Republicans to try and do just that. They will overplay their hand again and the pendulum will swing back.......
Very possible.

What I would PREFER to see, however, is for one "side" or the other to get it RIGHT, so that the pendulum can stop swinging back and forth.

I don't give a crap which party does it, so I'll hope for the best even though I didn't vote for him.
And you are?
I agree, you're always wrong.
He said exactly what I said, she exposed our secrets. You actually don't know what exposed means. I guess other than when you're wearing your overcoat ....
He's dreaming. There were many Republicans who made the mistake of not changing Senate rules under W for the reason that they didn't want Democrats to change the rules when they were back in power. At that point it was flagrantly clear that Democrats were going to change the rules when they were back in power. The idiots wouldn't listen.

Then of course the Democrats did change the rules. Democrats have blown their wad. There is no pretense anymore. BlindBoo is blind, that's for sure. No Republican has any reason now to hold to the old rules that are left and help Democrats

I fully expect the Republicans to try and do just that. They will overplay their hand again and the pendulum will swing back.......
Very possible.

What I would PREFER to see, however, is for one "side" or the other to get it RIGHT, so that the pendulum can stop swinging back and forth.

I don't give a crap which party does it, so I'll hope for the best even though I didn't vote for him.
And you are?
I agree, you're always wrong.
I don't know who you are.

Do you matter?
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.
Being concerned about your country IS patriotism, not 'my country right or wrong'.
Some of the Crooked Hillary seem like folks needing a restraining order against them after a breakup. The Donald won, get over it and move on in life! It is a great time to be alive!

Love the part about morals. A serial adulterer who sexually attacks women but is kind enough to take a tictac first. To right wingers, that qualifies.

You mean Slick? Or the enabler who attacks Slick's sexual assault victims again you wanted to be President?

Not sure who you are talking about. Trump had 12 women come forward. He publicly admits he sexually assaults women and Trump's wife had nothing good to say about his many, many victims.

Ah, OK. Then you're talking about Trump. Slicks wife defended him and attacked the women he sexually assaulted
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.
Supporting someone like Trump is NOT patriotism.

Questioning a corrupt man who has been elected president is very much good patriotism.
The corrupt man has been in office for eight years. Stopping his legacy is patriotism.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
And yet he's still your president and gets to pick the next SC Justice.

Oh he can nominate one but the Senate still needs 60 votes to confirm one. Since America's choice in 2012 was ignored combined with the popular vote, the Dems need to hold firm and deny the Groper's choice.

The Constitution only requires 51 for SC confirmation
And since Harry Reid has opened the door on the nuclear option, the Republicans could just adopt a simple rule change and eliminate the democrats' ability to block Trump's picks.
Republicans used reconciliation three times under Bush and they didn't have 60. And look at the damage they caused.

Virtually nothing compared to the catastrophe that is Obamacare. Give it up, you went nuclear. The jig is up. Republicans can and will just end your ability to stop them and they should since you just spent eight years worshiping a dictator
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

It's like we elected Hillary, huh Deanie Baby?
Trump has 75 lawsuits now. I bet Hillary hasn't had that many in her entire life.
she didn't do anything in 30 years, doesn't surprise me at all. Although she is good at getting people dead.
She got 8 million children heath care. The Clinton foundation has helped over 400 million world wide.

I think you are confusing Trump with Clinton. The people who voted for Trump are the people he stiffed and will stiff again.

Actually the people who voted for Trump are the people you stiffed and want to again
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

It's like we elected Hillary, huh Deanie Baby?
Trump has 75 lawsuits now. I bet Hillary hasn't had that many in her entire life.
she didn't do anything in 30 years, doesn't surprise me at all. Although she is good at getting people dead.
She got 8 million children heath care. The Clinton foundation has helped over 400 million world wide.

I think you are confusing Trump with Clinton. The people who voted for Trump are the people he stiffed and will stiff again.

And she has a great PR group that suckers turkeys like you every day.

She should have put them on her campaign.

Can you imagine what she would have to say that Deanie Baby would say that wasn't true? I don't think it's possible
And yet he's still your president and gets to pick the next SC Justice.

Oh he can nominate one but the Senate still needs 60 votes to confirm one. Since America's choice in 2012 was ignored combined with the popular vote, the Dems need to hold firm and deny the Groper's choice.
That's easy enough for Republicans to fix. They could just take a page from Harry Reid's play book and do away with the filibuster for SC picks as well. You know very well they are considering doing it since Reid has opened that door.

Dems only need 3 GOP senators to stop that change to the long standing rules of the Senate. They could do it but what goes around comes around. The GOP will not have all three branches forever.
Something that Harry Reid would have been wise to consider when he went nuclear.
When did Reid use the nuclear option?
Nov, 2013.

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