Trump not happy about Texas AG Paxton impeachment. Crooks supporting crooks.

I should know better than to argue with you delusions idiots. Trump? Why are you so hyper focused on that man? Have you been paying attention at all to the corrupt dumpster fire that is the Biden administration? The 46th and current president? That fucking fraudulent washed up has-been demented pathological liar plagiarist anti desegregationist and buddy to a KKK grand dragon. THAT guy that is wrecking our current economy and appoints unfit shitheads for superficial reasons. But Trump did stuff...really.
MAGA and your kind are the biggest danger to our country since the confederacy. You are going down. The USA will prevail over seditionists like you.
MAGA and your kind are the biggest danger to our country since the confederacy. You are going down. The USA will prevail over seditionists like you.
MAGA and your kind are the biggest danger to our country since the confederacy. You are going down. The USA will prevail over seditionists like you.
This isn't about Trump. This is about Biden. Just Google search Biden's connections to Robert Byrd and his connections to segregationist and the fact Biden is a pathological liar. Its a fact. Look it UP.
Trump is out of the picture. Why bother? You nice people that are obsessed with Trump do realize Biden is the current president? #46, that guy? The man that that was caught lying in 1988 and was friends with, and eulogized a KKK Grand Dragon? Biden? THAT BIDEN. Biden and inflation and Hunter and... LOOK IT UP. Biden is NOT anybody's friend here.
Shut up if you can't admit Trump is the boss of Paxton, one of his capos.
Shut up if you can't admit Trump is the boss of Paxton, one of his capos.
Biden got millions from China recently and in the past and Biden was a racist shill. Biden is the current president. Screw Trump. BIDEN. HE is the asshole 48th president. He is the one causing grief. Trump should be your last concern.
I should know better than to argue with you delusions idiots. Trump? Why are you so hyper focused on that man? Have you been paying attention at all to the corrupt dumpster fire that is the Biden administration? The 46th and current president? That fucking fraudulent washed up has-been demented pathological liar plagiarist anti desegregationist and buddy to a KKK grand dragon. THAT guy that is wrecking our current economy and appoints unfit shitheads for superficial reasons. But Trump did stuff...really.
Who is telling you this?
MAGA and your kind are the biggest danger to our country since the confederacy. You are going down. The USA will prevail over seditionists like you.
You don't realize the democrats where the party of slavery, the party that started the civil war and the party that fought desegregation. Google it, please. I beg you. 1870...

Of what relevance is that?
Brilliant! Because NOW they claim to have evolved and demand reparations for slavery...the very thing thing they caused and fought for, they flipped and say America is systemically racist and demand reparations 158 years later? What?
Biden got millions from China recently and in the past and Biden was a racist shill. Biden is the current president. Screw Trump. BIDEN. HE is the asshole 48th president. He is the one causing grief. Trump should be your last concern.
Biden has nothing to do with this GOP mess. He is a fine President, so more honorable than the criminal, Trump.
remember that Paxton is being impeached for making false statements.
Trump does not consider lying a bad thing.
  • Trump claimed that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history. This claim was also debunked.
  • Trump claimed that he had the biggest tax cut in history. This claim is not true.
  • Trump claimed that he had the highest approval rating of any Republican president in history. This is also not true.
  • Trump claimed that he had the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan. This is not true either.
Paxton is being impeached for a lot more than lying.

The reason Trump is supporting him is because Paxton challenged the 2020 election in four states. Trump is loyal to people who are loyal to him, until such time as it becomes inconvenient, then he does not hesitate to throw them under the bus.
You don't realize the democrats where the party of slavery, the party that started the civil war and the party that fought desegregation. Google it, please. I beg you.
Democrats WERE the party of slavery. The Republicans would not allow the confederate states to secede resulting in rg civil war. Thank goodness forr the 1860 Republicans led by Abraham Lincoln.
The 2023 Republican party has been hijacked by a lunatic fringe led by Trump. They are the party of white supremacy.
Times change. Stupid people do not understand that.
Trump is out of the picture. Why bother? You nice people that are obsessed with Trump do realize Biden is the current president? #46, that guy? The man that that was caught lying in 1988 and was friends with, and eulogized a KKK Grand Dragon? Biden? THAT BIDEN. Biden and inflation and Hunter and... LOOK IT UP. Biden is NOT anybody's friend here.

None of which has anything to do with Trump defending a corrupt politician.
Brilliant! Because NOW they claim to have evolved and demand reparations for slavery...the very thing thing they caused and fought for, they flipped and say America is systemically racist and demand reparations 158 years later? What?
8 generations ago...
Impeachment is a joke and just political. Most politicians are crooked.
“They’re all crooked” is an excuse that conservatives tell themselves to make it permissible to support crooks.

It’s a lie, but one with purpose.
Or maybe he's an actual conservative, and he's calling you magaturds chodes out for being the eternal hypocrites you are. :dunno:

I'm just asking questions here.
He pends more time prosecuting Obama than Texas criminals.All part of a fruitless performative conservative tax payer funded crusade.He should stay in his lane.

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