Trump not so anti-immigration as he sounds-supports path to citizenship


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
"Among the Republican presidential field, Donald Trump has had some of the harshest words for undocumented immigrants. But when it comes to the actual policies he supports, he’s much less aggressive than he appears.

The New York real estate mogul kicked off his campaign with some sharp words about undocumented immigrants from Mexico: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

He then doubled down, arguing that as President he would make Mexico build a wall along the border. “You force them because we give them a fortune,” he said in an interview with CNN. “Mexico makes a fortune because of us. A wall is a tiny little peanut compared to that. I would do something very severe unless they contributed or gave us the money to build the wall.”

Those comments drew criticism from parts of the Republican establishment as well as many Hispanics, but they were part of an overall sales pitch that helped push Trump toward the head of the pack. A Fox News poll at the end of June showed Trump in second place behind Jeb Bush, with his support more than doubling since those controversial statements.

But when it came time to discuss the actual policies he’d support, Trump was not nearly as harsh.

On July 23, he told CNN that he would not actually build a wall the entire length of the border with Mexico. “In certain sections, you have to have a wall,” he said.

On MSNBC the next day, Trump endorsed a “merit system” for millions of undocumented immigrants already in the country—something that sounds a lot like a path to some sort of legal status, if not citizenship.

“I have to tell you, some of these people have been here; they’ve done a good job; in some cases sadly they’ve been living under the shadows,” he said. “We have to do something. … Somebody’s been outstanding, we (ought to) try to work something out.”

Trump was never as aggressive on the issue as his campaign launch made it seem. In the past, he’d even gone after Republicans for taking too harsh a tack against immigrants.

In the wake of Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s defeat in 2012, Trump blasted him for a “mean-spirited” policy suggestion during the GOP primary that the U.S. should make daily life uncomfortable enough for undocumented immigrants that they would simply leave.

“He had a crazy policy of self-deportation which was maniacal,” Trump told Newsmax at the time. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote.”
Donald Trump Is Not as Aggressive on Immigration As He Sounds

I think the main attraction to Donald Trump has always been his anti-immigration stance. He's going to build a wall--and then he even stated was going to spend 200-500 BILLION to remove the illegals that are already here. Now this is what he says on FOX News--but then he says something different on CNN and one day later--then the next day suggests a pathway to citizenship on MSNBC.

Of course since most Republicans would never watch MSNBC--how could they have possibly noticed this discrepancy? But they sure as heck didn't listen to other conservatives who were trying to tell them that Donald Trump was a FRAUD either.

Meh. He probably got some cost estimates for his Great Big Wall and discovered that unless he hired illegals to build it, it wouldn't fly.
He has never been anti immigration. He just wants the good ones to come in, not the rapists and murderers and not the ones who sneak across the border to pop out a few anchor babies for welfare puposes.
He has never been anti immigration. He just wants the good ones to come in, not the rapists and murderers and not the ones who sneak across the border to pop out a few anchor babies for welfare puposes.

I agree.

I have no problem with a path to citizenship as long as they go back to their countries and do it legally.
He NEVER was against LEGAL immigration. that is the lie made up by the left/democrats and their LAPDOG medias and LAraza the radical Hispanic open border group. that he was

folks just need to keep tract for yourself on where the candidates are and what they stand for. you can't RELY on this left leaning lamestream medias anymore. Not when they have connections to the White house like this they do with this administration especially.

Medias that are LEFT Biased.
He has always supported something like this. If you listened to him, you would know that.
He NEVER was against LEGAL immigration. that is the lie made up by the left/democrats and their LAPDOG medias and LAraza the radical Hispanic open border group. that he was

folks just need to keep tract for yourself on where the candidates are and what they stand for. you can't RELY on this left leaning lamestream medias anymore. Not when they have connections to the White house like this they do with this administration especially.

Medias that are LEFT Biased.
Still chowing down non-stop on those tard sandwiches I see. LOL.
"Among the Republican presidential field, Donald Trump has had some of the harshest words for undocumented immigrants. But when it comes to the actual policies he supports, he’s much less aggressive than he appears.

The New York real estate mogul kicked off his campaign with some sharp words about undocumented immigrants from Mexico: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

He then doubled down, arguing that as President he would make Mexico build a wall along the border. “You force them because we give them a fortune,” he said in an interview with CNN. “Mexico makes a fortune because of us. A wall is a tiny little peanut compared to that. I would do something very severe unless they contributed or gave us the money to build the wall.”

Those comments drew criticism from parts of the Republican establishment as well as many Hispanics, but they were part of an overall sales pitch that helped push Trump toward the head of the pack. A Fox News poll at the end of June showed Trump in second place behind Jeb Bush, with his support more than doubling since those controversial statements.

But when it came time to discuss the actual policies he’d support, Trump was not nearly as harsh.

On July 23, he told CNN that he would not actually build a wall the entire length of the border with Mexico. “In certain sections, you have to have a wall,” he said.

On MSNBC the next day, Trump endorsed a “merit system” for millions of undocumented immigrants already in the country—something that sounds a lot like a path to some sort of legal status, if not citizenship.

“I have to tell you, some of these people have been here; they’ve done a good job; in some cases sadly they’ve been living under the shadows,” he said. “We have to do something. … Somebody’s been outstanding, we (ought to) try to work something out.”

Trump was never as aggressive on the issue as his campaign launch made it seem. In the past, he’d even gone after Republicans for taking too harsh a tack against immigrants.

In the wake of Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s defeat in 2012, Trump blasted him for a “mean-spirited” policy suggestion during the GOP primary that the U.S. should make daily life uncomfortable enough for undocumented immigrants that they would simply leave.

“He had a crazy policy of self-deportation which was maniacal,” Trump told Newsmax at the time. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote.”
Donald Trump Is Not as Aggressive on Immigration As He Sounds

I think the main attraction to Donald Trump has always been his anti-immigration stance. He's going to build a wall--and then he even stated was going to spend 200-500 BILLION to remove the illegals that are already here. Now this is what he says on FOX News--but then he says something different on CNN and one day later--then the next day suggests a pathway to citizenship on MSNBC.

Of course since most Republicans would never watch MSNBC--how could they have possibly noticed this discrepancy? But they sure as heck didn't listen to other conservatives who were trying to tell them that Donald Trump was a FRAUD either.


He's never been anti-immigration. Just anti-illegal immigration.

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