Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes in wild arraignment morning rant

Would that be the Hillary who faced Republicans for 18hrs and didn't plead the 5th one time, that Hillary.

Other than having classified documents, what else should he be under prosecution for.

No, most of the whites who get off are white, it doesn't matter if they are Republican or Democrat.

So tell me why should black folks start voting Republican? Any black person (other than a few boot lickers) that come on this forum and listen to the racist, derogatory that Republican racist on this forum say about black folks, why would we want to vote Republican? Republicans are against anything that makes things better for black folks, so why would we want to vote Republican? You guys love to tell us what Democrats aren't doing or the negative things they are doing, why is it you can never tell us what Republicans are doing or will do?
Hillary destroyed subpoenaed data and hammered phones so no data could be recovered from them and waltzed away scot-free. Try that and see what happens to you. Even as a privileged white male, my ass would be grass If I did something like that.


You should go to the poor sections of the large urban areas where many poor blacks live. Pick an urban area like Chicago or Flint, Michigan which have been run by Democrats for decades and decades. Or you could wait for another 30 or 40 years to pass and chances are little if anything will have changed for the better. The Democrats will still be running the same big cities and life in those cities will suck for many blacks.

The Democrats will still be promising blacks diamonds and roses but will be giving you zirconium and daisies. They also will still be promising you reparations but blaming the Republicans for the fact they don’t come.

Why don’t the blacks make their own political party led by blacks and for blacks. What do you have to lose.

Urban Blight: A few days ago, filmmaker Michael Moore tweeted, “Flint has voted for Dems for 84 straight yrs” and wanted to know, “What did it get us?” He’s actually on to something.

Don’t drink the water in Flint, Mich. Federal and state officials botched a water supply switch there and ended up contaminating the city’s drinking water with lead. It’s a sad and infuriating story that has gone on far too long. It’s not quite a humanitarian crisis -- blessedly, we don’t see many of those in this country -- but it is a mess.

Of course blame has been liberally tossed around. Republican Gov. Rick Snyder has been sued. Moore wants him arrested. (Obviously there's a limit to Moore's ability to think clearly, and he reached it with his Flint tweet.) Some are convinced that the private sector is the villain, because, after all, isn’t it always? The loopy left even says that the Koch brothers are at fault.

But let’s backtrack to Moore’s tweet. Flint is indeed a Democratic Party bastion. Don’t its decades of Democratic dominance deserve some of the blame? It’s the city’s "Democratic rulers," Reason magazine’s Robby Soave reminds us, who have "robbed city residents blind to pad the pockets of public sector unions." They’ve also been in charge as Flint has become one the country’s poorest cities (the second poorest, says the Census Bureau, for a city of its size), and a haven for criminals -- it’s the most dangerous city in America, according to Business Insider.

Flint is not alone, though. America is awash with troubled, dysfunctional cities that have been electing Democratic mayors for decades.


When Democrats are in control, cities tend to go soft on crime, reward cronies with public funds, establish hostile business environments, heavily tax the most productive citizens and set up fat pensions for their union friends. Simply put, theirs is a Blue State blueprint for disaster.

What speaks volumes are Trump Humpers who are in denial that your Orange God is going to jail.

You said that seven years ago.

The collected weight of all your best people failed to deliver.

So, I'll believe it when I see it.

Till then i'm just lmao at the left's miserable incompetence.
We can't trust the Deep State anymore.
You can pile up 1000 ataboys but just one aw shit cancels them all out.

The same thing goes for companies and even government agencies.

A good reputation is hard to get and even harder to restore.
ormer president Donald Trump has now claimed that the classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago were “planted” in the boxes after they were obtained by the Department of Justice.

In a Truth Social rant, Mr Trump lashed out at Special Counsel Jack Smith on the morning of the former president’s arraignment at a Miami federal courthouse.

“This is the Thug, overturned consistently and unanimously in big cases, that Biden and his CORRUPT Injustice Department stuck on me. He’s a Radical Right Lunatic and Trump Hater, as are all his friends and family, who probably ‘planted’ information in the ‘boxes’ given to them. They taint everything that they touch, including our Country, which is rapidly going to HELL!” Mr Trump wrote on Tuesday morning.

Mr Trump will be arraigned at a federal court for the Southern District of Florida. He left Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey on Monday, staying overnight at the Trump National Doral resort in Miami, about 12 miles from the court. The arraignment has been scheduled for 3pm ET at the Wilkie D Ferguson Jr United States Courthouse.

Trump aide Walt Nauta has also been charged after he was apparently spotted on surveillance footage moving boxes at the property. The ex-president stands accused of having moved classified documents from the White House at the end of his presidency despite not having the right to do so.

Mr Trump showed classified documents to others twice in 2021, the legal filing states.

According to the indictment, “In July 2021, at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey (‘The Bedminster Club’), during an audio-recorded meeting with a writer, a publisher, and two members of his staff, none of whom possessed a security clearance, TRUMP showed and described a ‘plan of attack’ that TRUMP said was prepared for him by the Department of Defense and a senior military official”.

“TRUMP told the individuals that the plan was ‘highly confidential’ and ‘secret.’ TRUMP also said, ‘as president I could have declassified it,’ and, ‘Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret’,” the filing says.

The hits just keep on coming.

He is ranting and raving about everybody from Jack Smith, the DOJ to President Biden.

Republicans claim they are the party of individual responsibility, it's amazing how they have lost everything for this one fool.

Well, chances are Trump had NO IDEA what was in those boxes. I doubt he took the time to look, I doubt he hardly looked at them when he was in the White House, if at all.

So to say they were planted, when he probably has no idea what's contained in them, is hilarious.
If the boxes of classified documents were planted, why did Trump ask for them back?

Because he had no idea what was in them in the first place. He probably never saw these documents before, they went to the White House when he was President, some lacky looked it over, Trump asked for a short version, very short, and then moved on to thinking about golf or gofers or whatever rocks his boat.
Then he says "no, there's nothing in these files" because he has no idea. Then wants them back after they're gone because he has no idea what's in them, but they're a political tool. Now he KNOWS what's in them, he's shitting a brick.
Nope numbnuts, as usual you are confused. See we don't give a damn about Biden's son for the simple fact he holds no public office and doesn't set any public policy. I have said time and time again, if Joe Biden broke the Law then charge him.
But Biden and son are partners in crime, which doesn't seem to phase them, who worship Joe (like you). And lefties spent 4 years going after Trump's family when they had committed no crimes at all. So all you two-faced hypocrites support a double standard which makes you all look like the disingenuous fools that you are.
Hillary destroyed subpoenaed data and hammered phones so no data could be recovered from them and waltzed away scot-free. Try that and see what happens to you. Even as a privileged white male, my ass would be grass If I did something like that.


You should go to the poor sections of the large urban areas where many poor blacks live. Pick an urban area like Chicago or Flint, Michigan which have been run by Democrats for decades and decades. Or you could wait for another 30 or 40 years to pass and chances are little if anything will have changed for the better. The Democrats will still be running the same big cities and life in those cities will suck for many blacks.

The Democrats will still be promising blacks diamonds and roses but will be giving you zirconium and daisies. They also will still be promising you reparations but blaming the Republicans for the fact they don’t come.

Why don’t the blacks make their own political party led by blacks and for blacks. What do you have to lose.

Urban Blight: A few days ago, filmmaker Michael Moore tweeted, “Flint has voted for Dems for 84 straight yrs” and wanted to know, “What did it get us?” He’s actually on to something.

Don’t drink the water in Flint, Mich. Federal and state officials botched a water supply switch there and ended up contaminating the city’s drinking water with lead. It’s a sad and infuriating story that has gone on far too long. It’s not quite a humanitarian crisis -- blessedly, we don’t see many of those in this country -- but it is a mess.

Of course blame has been liberally tossed around. Republican Gov. Rick Snyder has been sued. Moore wants him arrested. (Obviously there's a limit to Moore's ability to think clearly, and he reached it with his Flint tweet.) Some are convinced that the private sector is the villain, because, after all, isn’t it always? The loopy left even says that the Koch brothers are at fault.

But let’s backtrack to Moore’s tweet. Flint is indeed a Democratic Party bastion. Don’t its decades of Democratic dominance deserve some of the blame? It’s the city’s "Democratic rulers," Reason magazine’s Robby Soave reminds us, who have "robbed city residents blind to pad the pockets of public sector unions." They’ve also been in charge as Flint has become one the country’s poorest cities (the second poorest, says the Census Bureau, for a city of its size), and a haven for criminals -- it’s the most dangerous city in America, according to Business Insider.

Flint is not alone, though. America is awash with troubled, dysfunctional cities that have been electing Democratic mayors for decades.


When Democrats are in control, cities tend to go soft on crime, reward cronies with public funds, establish hostile business environments, heavily tax the most productive citizens and set up fat pensions for their union friends. Simply put, theirs is a Blue State blueprint for disaster.

All of that and nothing on why black folks should start voting Republican. All you do is babble about what Democrats don't do and nothing on what Republicans do or can do. Just more of the same bullshit. Democrats are the lesser of the 2 evils, period.

You said that seven years ago.

The collected weight of all your best people failed to deliver.

So, I'll believe it when I see it.

Till then i'm just lmao at the left's miserable incompetence.
That's not surprising, I know that white privilege runs deep. You Trump Humpers are banking that it will save Trump's ass again.
But Biden and son are partners in crime, which doesn't seem to phase them, who worship Joe (like you).
How is that? Pull up a few of my posts worshiping Joe, that is what Trump Humpers do.
And lefties spent 4 years going after Trump's family when they had committed no crimes at all. So all you two-faced hypocrites support a double standard which makes you all look like the disingenuous fools that you are.
If they didn't commit any crimes why did your Orange God plead the 5th after he claimed only the mob and criminals plead the 5th.
How is that? Pull up a few of my posts worshiping Joe, that is what Trump Humpers do.

If they didn't commit any crimes why did your Orange God plead the 5th after he claimed only the mob and criminals plead the 5th.
Trump was likely following the advice of council. Pleading the 5th doesn't prove guilt. But I haven't been keeping up with this latest sham Kangaroo Court proceeding. It's getting old and boring watching the lefties try to pin someone on the dude.
Trump was likely following the advice of council. Pleading the 5th doesn't prove guilt. But I haven't been keeping up with this latest sham Kangaroo Court proceeding. It's getting old and boring watching the lefties try to pin someone on the dude.
"You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said in April 2018. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment." Donald Trump.
"You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said in April 2018. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment." Donald Trump.
Often times, pleading the fifth gives the appearance of guilt. Sometimes, there are strategic reasons for pleading the 5th. Lawyers are trained to know when to or not to use that constitutionally protected function. But like the lefties around here routinely say: Biden is innocent until there's evidence to prove otherwise. The same is true of Trump. You may believe that Trump is guilty as sin, just like I believe Biden is extremely corrupt. But that's as far as it goes for the time being.
Often times, pleading the fifth gives the appearance of guilt. Sometimes, there are strategic reasons for pleading the 5th. Lawyers are trained to know when to or not to use that constitutionally protected function. But like the lefties around here routinely say: Biden is innocent until there's evidence to prove otherwise. The same is true of Trump. You may believe that Trump is guilty as sin, just like I believe Biden is extremely corrupt. But that's as far as it goes for the time being.
I am going by Trump’s words.
Often times, pleading the fifth gives the appearance of guilt. Sometimes, there are strategic reasons for pleading the 5th. Lawyers are trained to know when to or not to use that constitutionally protected function. But like the lefties around here routinely say: Biden is innocent until there's evidence to prove otherwise. The same is true of Trump. You may believe that Trump is guilty as sin, just like I believe Biden is extremely corrupt. But that's as far as it goes for the time being.
Trump said it.

"You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said in April 2018. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment."

Was he lying?
ormer president Donald Trump has now claimed that the classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago were “planted” in the boxes after they were obtained by the Department of Justice.

In a Truth Social rant, Mr Trump lashed out at Special Counsel Jack Smith on the morning of the former president’s arraignment at a Miami federal courthouse.

“This is the Thug, overturned consistently and unanimously in big cases, that Biden and his CORRUPT Injustice Department stuck on me. He’s a Radical Right Lunatic and Trump Hater, as are all his friends and family, who probably ‘planted’ information in the ‘boxes’ given to them. They taint everything that they touch, including our Country, which is rapidly going to HELL!” Mr Trump wrote on Tuesday morning.

Mr Trump will be arraigned at a federal court for the Southern District of Florida. He left Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey on Monday, staying overnight at the Trump National Doral resort in Miami, about 12 miles from the court. The arraignment has been scheduled for 3pm ET at the Wilkie D Ferguson Jr United States Courthouse.

Trump aide Walt Nauta has also been charged after he was apparently spotted on surveillance footage moving boxes at the property. The ex-president stands accused of having moved classified documents from the White House at the end of his presidency despite not having the right to do so.

Mr Trump showed classified documents to others twice in 2021, the legal filing states.

According to the indictment, “In July 2021, at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey (‘The Bedminster Club’), during an audio-recorded meeting with a writer, a publisher, and two members of his staff, none of whom possessed a security clearance, TRUMP showed and described a ‘plan of attack’ that TRUMP said was prepared for him by the Department of Defense and a senior military official”.

“TRUMP told the individuals that the plan was ‘highly confidential’ and ‘secret.’ TRUMP also said, ‘as president I could have declassified it,’ and, ‘Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret’,” the filing says.

The hits just keep on coming.

He is ranting and raving about everybody from Jack Smith, the DOJ to President Biden.

Republicans claim they are the party of individual responsibility, it's amazing how they have lost everything for this one fool.
Sure he did, bike thief.
I am going by Trump’s words.

Trump said it.

"You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said in April 2018. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment."

Was he lying?
He never said it. You lie.

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