Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes in wild arraignment morning rant

Come Backthatassupagain, you don't give a damn if Trump broke the Law. He probably won't face any prison sentence, because he is a rich, privileged white man.
Fuck yourself you racist bitch. Stop projecting. Just because you’re an odious racist doesn’t mean that others are.

You’re also factually wrong. Your racism isn’t the only example of your prejudgment. You presume to know what I think and why. You’re wrong in both cases.

I do care if Trump is guilty. Unlike you, however, I say such a conclusion should await actual reliable evidence. You prefer to rush to prejudgment. You hack.

And I also think that it is improper to put anyone in prison over any of the shit he is charged with even if he were to be proved guilty. I’d say the same of Obumbler.

You’re such a full blown racist, you ought to be wearing white robes with a white masked headpiece resembling a dunce cap.


Is that you Brutha?

Try to post on topic, next time.
Upholding the law isn't dirty tricks.
Has the FBI really been upholding the law or just targeting Trump to help the liberals?

The FBI had a great reputation with most Americans until just recently. The problem with a reputation is once it is damaged it is extremely hard to restore.

Has the FBI really been upholding the law or just targeting Trump to help the liberals?

The FBI had a great reputation with most Americans until just recently. The problem with a reputation is once it is damaged it is extremely hard to restore.

Your source is crap. You support criminals.
It is if it's Trump, he us above the Law.
If Trump is above the law like Hillary and Joe Biden then why is he facing prosecution and they are not?
You're right, if he gets the right Judge which he may have, his crooked ass will slide like many rich, law breaking whites are allowed to do.
Keep in mind that most of those whites who get off scot-free are Democrats. They run the Democratic Plantation and the blacks vote for them.
Come Backthatassupagain, you don't give a damn if Trump broke the Law. He probably won't face any prison sentence, because he is a rich, privileged white man.
He may not end up in prison as Hillary and Joe Biden had a much worse record handling highly classified information and they never even faced prosecution.

Put Trump behind bars and watch what happens.

The same rule applies idiot, Mar A Lago wouldn't have been targeted if Trump wasn't a criminal and would have cooperated with the NRA and turned those documents in. You don't find it amazing that the records the NRA requested from him just happened to be a Mar A Lago. What an idiot.
Public schooling has really failed us. I don't care if yours was inner-city
Fuck yourself you racist bitch. Stop projecting. Just because you’re an odious racist doesn’t mean that others are.

You’re also factually wrong. Your racism isn’t the only example of your prejudgment. You presume to know what I think and why. You’re wrong in both cases.

I do care if Trump is guilty. Unlike you, however, I say such a conclusion should await actual reliable evidence. You prefer to rush to prejudgment. You hack.

And I also think that it is improper to put anyone in prison over any of the shit he is charged with even if he were to be proved guilty. I’d say the same of Obumbler.

You’re such a full blown racist, you ought to be wearing white robes with a white masked headpiece resembling a dunce cap.

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Is that you Brutha?

Try to post on topic, next time.
LOL, funny how you cocksuckas can never post anything that I have said that was racist.

No this would be me, fuck boy.

LOL, funny how you cocksuckas can never post anything that I have said that was racist.

No this would be me, fuck boy.

Listen you pansy, candy-ass punk moron; your fantasies don’t count.

Everything you say is racist. Your every utterance depends on categorizing everything in life by race. You’re a nothing, in reality. But a racist? That you are. Deal with it.

Now, moving away from your racism and your delusions of adequacy, how about the topic?

Quote one time President Trump claimed that evidence “was” planted. See? That’s the actual topic. And it hasn’t happened. Ever. Not once.
If Trump is above the law like Hillary and Joe Biden then why is he facing prosecution and they are not?
Would that be the Hillary who faced Republicans for 18hrs and didn't plead the 5th one time, that Hillary.

Other than having classified documents, what else should he be under prosecution for.
Keep in mind that most of those whites who get off scot-free are Democrats. They run the Democratic Plantation and the blacks vote for them.
No, most of the whites who get off are white, it doesn't matter if they are Republican or Democrat.

So tell me why should black folks start voting Republican? Any black person (other than a few boot lickers) that come on this forum and listen to the racist, derogatory that Republican racist on this forum say about black folks, why would we want to vote Republican? Republicans are against anything that makes things better for black folks, so why would we want to vote Republican? You guys love to tell us what Democrats aren't doing or the negative things they are doing, why is it you can never tell us what Republicans are doing or will do?
Listen you pansy, candy-ass punk moron; your fantasies don’t count.

Everything you say is racist. Your every utterance depends on categorizing everything in life by race. You’re a nothing, in reality. But a racist? That you are. Deal with it.

Now, moving away from your racism and your delusions of adequacy, how about the topic?

Quote one time President Trump claimed that evidence “was” planted. See? That’s the actual topic. And it hasn’t happened. Ever. Not once.
Just like I said, fuck boy. You've got nothing, that's the new thing white racist do today is try and label black folks as racist. Funny.

"Congress will hopefully now look at the ever continuing Witch Hunts and ELECTION INTERFERENCE against me on perfectly legal Boxes,where I have no doubt that information is being secretly 'planted' by the scoundrels in charge, the Perfect Phone Calls (Atlanta), the illegal DOJ/Pomerantz/Manhattan D.A. Hoax, where virtually EVERYONE agrees THERE IS NO CASE, and the NYSAG SCAM, where I have proven beyond a doubt that there is no case, but have a hostile Judge who should not be on this case!" Trump continued.
ormer president Donald Trump has now claimed that the classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago were “planted” in the boxes after they were obtained by the Department of Justice.

In a Truth Social rant, Mr Trump lashed out at Special Counsel Jack Smith on the morning of the former president’s arraignment at a Miami federal courthouse.

“This is the Thug, overturned consistently and unanimously in big cases, that Biden and his CORRUPT Injustice Department stuck on me. He’s a Radical Right Lunatic and Trump Hater, as are all his friends and family, who probably ‘planted’ information in the ‘boxes’ given to them. They taint everything that they touch, including our Country, which is rapidly going to HELL!” Mr Trump wrote on Tuesday morning.

Mr Trump will be arraigned at a federal court for the Southern District of Florida. He left Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey on Monday, staying overnight at the Trump National Doral resort in Miami, about 12 miles from the court. The arraignment has been scheduled for 3pm ET at the Wilkie D Ferguson Jr United States Courthouse.

Trump aide Walt Nauta has also been charged after he was apparently spotted on surveillance footage moving boxes at the property. The ex-president stands accused of having moved classified documents from the White House at the end of his presidency despite not having the right to do so.

Mr Trump showed classified documents to others twice in 2021, the legal filing states.

According to the indictment, “In July 2021, at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey (‘The Bedminster Club’), during an audio-recorded meeting with a writer, a publisher, and two members of his staff, none of whom possessed a security clearance, TRUMP showed and described a ‘plan of attack’ that TRUMP said was prepared for him by the Department of Defense and a senior military official”.

“TRUMP told the individuals that the plan was ‘highly confidential’ and ‘secret.’ TRUMP also said, ‘as president I could have declassified it,’ and, ‘Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret’,” the filing says.

The hits just keep on coming.

He is ranting and raving about everybody from Jack Smith, the DOJ to President Biden.

Republicans claim they are the party of individual responsibility, it's amazing how they have lost everything for this one fool.
As desperate as the D.C. Communists are to keep Trump from running, it wouldn't surprise any of us that FBI Gestapo did plant fake evidence. It wouldn't be the first time someone was framed by "law" enforcement.
Just like I said, fuck boy. You've got nothing, that's the new thing white racist do today is try and label black folks as racist. Funny.

"Congress will hopefully now look at the ever continuing Witch Hunts and ELECTION INTERFERENCE against me on perfectly legal Boxes,where I have no doubt that information is being secretly 'planted' by the scoundrels in charge, the Perfect Phone Calls (Atlanta), the illegal DOJ/Pomerantz/Manhattan D.A. Hoax, where virtually EVERYONE agrees THERE IS NO CASE, and the NYSAG SCAM, where I have proven beyond a doubt that there is no case, but have a hostile Judge who should not be on this case!" Trump continued.
Listen fuck face, just because a scumbag moron like you says something doesn’t mean that what you said is meaningful or true or even coherent.

Face facts. You’re a blowhard. You’re a racist. And you lack the ability to think critically or rationally.

I don’t try to label black peoples as racists. I label racists as racists regardless of their skin color. You’re busy pretending that, because you happen to be black, it isn’t possible for you to be a racist. Fuck off with that bullshit. You are black and you are a racist.

That said, I give you one tip of the cap. Your quote (assuming accuracy) (and although not properly cited) does come close to noting a time where Trump claimed that evidence was being planted.

It’s a bit convoluted. But you almost stepped up.
As desperate as the D.C. Communists are to keep Trump from running, it wouldn't surprise any of us that FBI Gestapo did plant fake evidence. It wouldn't be the first time someone was framed by "law" enforcement.
Oh now you are concerned about folks being framed, black folks have been saying that for years and you turned a blind eye and deaf ear. Now that it's your Orange God, you believe that folks are being framed. Give me a break Trump Humper. You Trump Humpers don't even care if Trump broke the Law, that's the sad part.
If I say that superbadbreath is probably a little Indian child, i haven’t said that he IS one.

I doubt he will understand that. But for grins and chuckles, now re-read what Trump actually wrote.
Oh now you are concerned about folks being framed, black folks have been saying that for years and you turned a blind eye and deaf ear. Now that it's your Orange God, you believe that folks are being framed. Give me a break Trump Humper. You Trump Humpers don't even care if Trump broke the Law, that's the sad part.
And you Biden hookers still believe Biden is a paragon of virtue and his son is just a “good boy.” But like Biden says in my signature line: If your crackhead son gets a slap on the wrist for federal crimes ... then “you ain't black.” But you'll still kiss his boots like a “good boy" --- won't you!!
And you Biden hookers still believe Biden is a paragon of virtue and his son is just a “good boy.” But like Biden says in my signature line: If your crackhead son gets a slap on the wrist for federal crimes ... then “you ain't black.” But you'll still kiss his boots like a “good boy" --- won't you!!
Nope numbnuts, as usual you are confused. See we don't give a damn about Biden's son for the simple fact he holds no public office and doesn't set any public policy. I have said time and time again, if Joe Biden broke the Law then charge him.

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