Trump now says the folders marked “classified” were empty. He kept them because they were “cool”

Meanwhile lawyers without proper clearances or the “need to know” are scouring all Bidens homes and offices for random classified documents Biden took out of the White House. No FBI raids.

If a security clearance was required for scouring Biden's house, the government would give them an interim clearance for the period that they were checking the place out for documents (and yes, they would have their background investigated, it would start with a NAC, National Agency Check and work it's way up from there). As far as the "need to know", that would be covered by the government's need to have them check for documents. And, they would be given specific instructions as to how to handle any materials they find.

When I started working in the PRP program while stationed with an FA-18 squadron, they gave me an interim (meaning temporary) TS clearance so I could start participating in the program while my investigation was being completed. When my background investigation was completed, the interim TS clearance was changed to a full TS clearance.

But...................chances are very good...............the government already has lawyers that have clearances working for them, so those people would be assigned to the investigation since they would have already been investigated and given a clearance.

And, if Trump actually had declassified the information at Mar a Lago, there would be a record of the declassification for all the other agencies that also held that material.
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Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.

Translation: Let's deflect from Biden's docs.
Translation: Let's deflect from Biden's docs.

Actually, the right is using Biden's docs to deflect from Trump's. Trump's were found first, Biden's were found second, which is why Biden is being used to deflect from Trump.

If Biden's were found first, yeah, you could say they were using Trump to deflect from Biden, but due to the timeline, you can't.
There is an inventory list of the marked classified document sleeves they found and what they contained, some were empty, which were inventoried as such...some were filled, which were also inventoried.
The Trump documents are in the hands of the mediator and he has said that he has yet to find anything that can be considered damaging... I know they haven't reported that on CNN but he said it...
The Trump documents are in the hands of the mediator and he has said that he has yet to find anything that can be considered damaging... I know they haven't reported that on CNN but he said it...

So, since you claim to have heard it, and since CNN isn't reporting it, can you provide a link to where you heard it from?
Dude, if you want to go 'there' you have to mention

Santos, Warren, Blumenthal, and stop with the award-winning Joe Biden.

Biden was 'Sabtos' before there was a 'Santos....and those 3 don't hold a candle to Joe. IMO neither does Trump.

In the immortal words of Joe Biden, 'C'mon, man!'

According to Joe:

The 'good catholic' attended a black church in a Jewish Puerto Rican community and is Italian because his wife is Italian


While hanging out with KKK Grand Wizard Byrd, Joe was a civil rights activist, was arrested in Africa as a civil rights activist, and marched with Mandela.

He drove a semi-truck

He graduated at the to of his law class ... with honors ... and 3 degrees

He rode the train every day to work

He met the man who invented insulin, even though the guy died before he was born

Naval Academy

He did NOT meet with Hunter's business partners...
View attachment 749167

...and there's literally something new every day.

There were three men who invented insulin. One died after Biden was an adult. Links have been posted a half dozen times.
So, since you claim to have heard it, and since CNN isn't reporting it, can you provide a link to where you heard it from?
You can't find it even on the internet... but I heard it... Tucker Carlson reported it and Ron Johnson mentioned it on MSNBC just the other day.... and received no push back from the interviewer.... the web is biased dude... but in time it will leak out and the media will be forced to report it...

Trump had a bunch of top secret folders that were empty... the FBI thinks he hid the documents that were inside the folders... Trump said he thought the folders were cool and wanted to keep some of them...

So think about it... the FBI has shown they are biased and if Trump had hid or destroyed the documents than why keep the empty folders...

The truth is they have found nothing which they will stay quiet about until after the 24 election...
There were three men who invented insulin. One died after Biden was an adult. Links have been posted a half dozen times.
I believe you mean Charles Best. He worked on the insulin, no doubt about it.
Not only is it readily apparent that you've never been around classified material (otherwise you wouldn't have made the stupid statements above), but you're also an idiot of the first water believing Trump's bullshit.

While classified folders are only "classified" when they are holding information in them, even empty they are still controlled documents. The old DD214's that were 7 piece carbon interleaved forms weren't classified either when they had no information on them (when filled out, they could be considered confidential due to the personal nature of the information they contained), but they WERE considered controlled, and each and every one that came into my office had to be accounted for. When we received a brand new pack of 214's (Record of Discharge), we had to verify that they were all there by counting each and every one of them, then they were serialized and logged into a logbook that we kept just for that purpose. If you messed one up, you had to write in the logbook next to the assigned serial number that it was voided, the reason it was voided (usually because of a typo as you can't correct carbon forms by erasing them, especially the old 214's, as they had shaded areas that would react to being erased or corrected), and then a new one was issued to be completed.

Dunno how the RM's (Radiomen, who were the people that primarily kept all the classified folders) kept track of their folders, but they would go apeshit if one was missing.

No. Classified folders are not souvenirs to be kept because you think they look "cool".
Of course, not for you or me to keep. However, as someone said, no man is above the law and no man is below it; but a different set of rules for POTUS. I highly doubt DOJ will take him to court because trump wanted a few classified folders.
You can't find it even on the internet... but I heard it... Tucker Carlson reported it and Ron Johnson mentioned it on MSNBC just the other day.... and received no push back from the interviewer.... the web is biased dude... but in time it will leak out and the media will be forced to report it...

Trump had a bunch of top secret folders that were empty... the FBI thinks he hid the documents that were inside the folders... Trump said he thought the folders were cool and wanted to keep some of them...

So think about it... the FBI has shown they are biased and if Trump had hid or destroyed the documents than why keep the empty folders...

The truth is they have found nothing which they will stay quiet about until after the 24 election...'ve got nothing to back up your claims, and we just have to take your word for it. Good to the way, I don't take your word for it if you can't back it up, as this is an anonymous message board, and nobody has to be responsible for anything they say on it.

And yeah.............WHY keep the empty folders? Trump said it was because he wanted them as souvenirs because they "looked cool". I can think of a lot of things that would be better souvenirs than empty classified folders (which, incidentally, are controlled documents and must be logged in as to where they are and what they are being used for when in use).
Of course, not for you or me to keep. However, as someone said, no man is above the law and no man is below it; but a different set of rules for POTUS. I highly doubt DOJ will take him to court because trump wanted a few classified folders.

There is a SLIM possibility that someone who had them that worked around the WH might have given him some to keep, but I seriously doubt it, as everyone working at that level of government is very aware of how classified material is supposed to be handled, and knows that all of those folders are serialized and need to be logged as to what is going on with them, even if it's for destruction due to them becoming worn. They are also aware that there are consequences for unauthorized distribution of those folders, even if they are empty.'ve got nothing to back up your claims, and we just have to take your word for it. Good to the way, I don't take your word for it if you can't back it up, as this is an anonymous message board, and nobody has to be responsible for anything they say on it.

And yeah.............WHY keep the empty folders? Trump said it was because he wanted them as souvenirs because they "looked cool". I can think of a lot of things that would be better souvenirs than empty classified folders (which, incidentally, are controlled documents and must be logged in as to where they are and what they are being used for when in use).
We have caught many people in lies... from Biden to Wray to Garland... Fauci and many in the Left Wing media as well as big tech CEO's so is it really that hard to think you aren't getting the truth from any of them now?....
Well you don't have to kick me in the head.... I get it.... we are being deceived....
...and Romney had folders full of women.

Republicans need to stay away from folders altogether – it only gets them in trouble.
Well Pelosi had a priest do an exorcism on her home during Thanksgiving after her husband got caught in his home with a guy in his underwear swinging a hammer... so maybe we should do an exorcism on Biden's garage and Penn State offices and make it all better....

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