Trump now says the folders marked “classified” were empty. He kept them because they were “cool”

Trump was the president and was authorized to declassify documents. Biden had no such authority and his Pa. "think tank" where most of the documents were found mysteriously received millions in donations from China. Is that a smoking gun or what?
Tell trump's lawyers to use that as their defense you dumb bitch.
When your fellow republicans are willing to go along with your corruption it's not difficult to see why he's never had to answer for his crimes. That kind of illustrates the current state of the GOP these days. There's corruption in each party, but this is reminiscent of how fascist governments come to power.

Look to world history. It's NEVER about one guy. It's about those craven individuals who enable and maintain him for their own agenda.

In this case, it's the GQP and MAGA media. The street-level rubes are just the manipulated foot soldiers.
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How many times will Trump be exonerated?

---Trump Becomes 1st President to Be Acquitted TWICE by Senate---

Has the senate ever NOT acquitted?
How many times will Trump be exonerated?

---Trump Becomes 1st President to Be Acquitted TWICE by Senate---

Dummy, did you even read those "aquitals"?

In the first impeachment a common Republican excuse to not remove was not a refute of the charges, but that they wanted to "leave it up to the voters". Well, the voters went ahead and REMOVED Trump.

Second impeachment Republican excuse was that removing Trump was moot because he was no longer the president.

Trump has managed to get himself twice impeached, kicked out of office after just one term and land himself among the 5 worst Presidents this country has ever had. He is now the first ex-president to get indicted on criminal charges.

"Aquited" he was not, and aquited he will not be in the current criminal proceedings against him.
Hey WrongAgain, now that Trump has been indicted and trial is scheduled, will you finally notice how your assessments on what is likely is worth fuck all?
I haven’t spoken of “likelihood” except to note that he could be indicted (he was) and that it is “possible” if not likely that he will be convicted in a deep blue cesspool such as NYC.

Your reading comprehension ability is still sub par. For a chimp.
“When it will be” assumes that there will be an indictment and a trial.

Possible. But not likely.
I haven’t spoken of “likelihood”

Wrong, WrongAgain.

You are wrong. And nothing you posted constitutes any proof of your dishonest claim, Antoine.

Dang, girl. You’re astoundingly stupid. 👍
Dang, you are hopelessly stupid and small.

CLEARLY you've said that indictment and trial is unlikely. Now that Trump is indicted and trial is try to claim you've never said that.

People can read above and see for themselves how full of shit you are.
You are hopelessly stupid and small.

People can read above and see that for themselves.
You’re a total asshole; and anyone with a brain can see that in your every post. 👍

Fuck sake. You don’t even have the decency to just go die.
Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.
It contradicts nothing, shit for brains. Do you actually believe both things can't be true? How stupid are you?
You are literally making shit up on the spot right now. If the defense makes a claim in court, they obviously have to provide evidence of this. See I don’t even have to explain that to you. You already know it’s true. You’re being a disingenuous child right now because you are failing to defend Trump.
The defense hasn't made any claims in court, moron.
The little boy who cried wolf.

Rump is such a liar that if he said that Night was Dark and that Day was Light, you would be well-advised to get a Second Opinion.

Translation: his credibility was shot-to-hell before he even took office, and his Big Lie of November 2020 put a cap in his a$$ with respect to credibility.

Nobody but his own rapidly-shrinking base believes a word he says.

Even if he ever told the Truth - by accident - not that he'd recognize Truth if it came up and bit him on the a$$.
Lol this is such nonsense. This fucking moron made the claim. Obviously he needs to prove it. It just boggles my mind how intellectually lazy you people are when defending Trump or republicans.
Wrong. Unless his lawyers make the claim in court, he doesn't need to prove jack squat.
You are literally making shit up on the spot right now. If the defense makes a claim in court, they obviously have to provide evidence of this. See I don’t even have to explain that to you. You already know it’s true. You’re being a disingenuous child right now because you are failing to defend Trump.
Have Trump's lawyers made any claims in court yet?
You’re a total asshole; and anyone with a brain can see that in your every post. 👍

Fuck sake. You don’t even have the decency to just go die.
Standard reply by this poster when caught in his own bullshit

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