Trump now says the folders marked “classified” were empty. He kept them because they were “cool”

If he was keeping them as a "keepsafe" because they were "cool" why would he need a court order in order to return? Furthermore, is Trump a 14 year teenager or the former president of the united states? What kind of excuse is, they looked cool so I took them. This is who MAGA revers as their idol!? Stupid is, as stupid does.
He said some of the folders may have been counted. They were in fact counted. It's really not a big deal.

The fact that he said he declassified the documents has nothing to do with this.

He was simply making the point that the media is making a big deal about the number of documents.

Biden probably lost more documents than have been found so far.
You are literally making shit up right now. Just think about this logically. Why would Trump bother even talking about empty folders unless he obviously means he is trying to make a point about anything the FBI found? Why the fuck should anyone care he has empty folders outside of the documents he took?
You are literally making shit up right now. Just think about this logically. Why would Trump bother even talking about empty folders unless he obviously means he is trying to make a point about anything the FBI found? Why the fuck should anyone care he has empty folders outside of the documents he took?

Why should anyone care about empty CLASSIFIED folders? Probably because even though they aren't classified if they are empty, they are still controlled documents. See post 37 for clarification.
Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.

You're amusing, Billy! Joe Biden's running scared...afraid to take reporter's questions because he's got no excuse for having dozens of classified documents in multiple unsecured places after calling Trump "irresponsible" for having documents in a locked storage room at Mar A Lago...but you're here talking about what they found at the Trump raid?

All that does is highlight how differently the Garland DOJ is treating Biden compared to Trump!
There is no contradiction.

He speculates wildly that the folders, which are a different subject, "perhaps" may have been counted as documents by the FBI.

It's actually a FACT that they were counted...

View attachment 748946

Thread title should be
Trump is right again, and lamestream media does another inaccurate "Fact-Check."

....think they counted 99 Magazines/Newpapers too?

All told, the inventory shows, the FBI seized more than 100 documents with classification markings in August, including 18 marked top secret, 54 secret and 31 confidential.
What I'd like to know is what Joe thought he should steal when he left the White House? Is it something that illustrates how he was working the countries that Barrack Obama put him in charge of for payoffs? Something that ties him and Hunter into those payoffs or indicates income that neither father or son were claiming on their taxes? Those documents are going to be given to Congressional investigators and they'll be following the money. When you've got two idiots like Hunter and Joe? That's not going to end well.
So instead of defending this nonsense said by someone running for re-election, you deflect to making it about me? How incredibly lame lol

When they can't defend themselves they just leave a laughing reaction on your or post memes :auiqs.jpg:
Why should anyone care about empty CLASSIFIED folders? Probably because even though they aren't classified if they are empty, they are still controlled documents. See post 37 for clarification.
Well yeah fair point. He’s just minimizing this shit in the dumbest ways.
You're amusing, Billy! Joe Biden's running scared...afraid to take reporter's questions because he's got no excuse for having dozens of classified documents in multiple unsecured places after calling Trump "irresponsible" for having documents in a locked storage room at Mar A Lago...but you're here talking about what they found at the Trump raid?

All that does is highlight how differently the Garland DOJ is treating Biden compared to Trump!
Quit being a pussy and deflecting. If you want to discuss Biden’s side of this, first you must address my OP. You’re worthless otherwise.
Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.

It's his supporters who are the dunces. They literally hang on his every word.
It's his supporters who are the dunces. They literally hang on his every word.
Really, Marc? It seems to me that you on the left are the ones that hang on every word that Trump put out. He'd get up in the morning and post a quick tweet sitting on the crapper and you on the left would go ballistic about it for days while Trump went off and laughed at you.
You are literally making shit up on the spot right now. If the defense makes a claim in court, they obviously have to provide evidence of this.
So? You imagine that’s difficult?
See I don’t even have to explain that to you. You already know it’s true.
Yep. Offer evidence then the burden gets plastered back all over the government. Don’t you grasp that? The government would need to establish by proof beyond a reasonable doubt that there were classified documents in some empty folder covers. God luck with that, dupshit.
You’re being a disingenuous child right now because you are failing to defend Trump.

I’m only calling you out for your bullshit. It’s crystal clear that you’re a whimpering little uninformed child.

But it’s even better for the prospective “defendant” than even that.

If you need it spelled out for you, send up a flare. 🤣
So? You imagine that’s difficult?

Yep. Offer evidence then the burden gets plastered back all over the government. Don’t you grasp that? The government would need to establish by proof beyond a reasonable doubt that there were classified documents in some empty folder covers. God luck with that, dupshit.

I’m only calling you out for your bullshit. It’s crystal clear that you’re a whimpering little uninformed child.

But it’s even better for the prospective “defendant” than even that.

If you need it spelled out for you, send up a flare. 🤣
Lol you can try really hard to sound witty all you want. You know you’re an idiot.

Uh you’re right. They would need to prove that. Luckily they have the documents in question!
Yep. Offer evidence then the burden gets plastered back all over the government. Don’t you grasp that? The government would need to establish by proof beyond a reasonable doubt that there were classified documents in some empty folder covers. God luck with that, dupshit.

Well, if they are anything like the commands I served with while I was in the Navy, classified folders were serialized, and when they were used, they were logged out and a couple word description of the information that was kept in them was logged with the serial number. That way, if classified folders were found unattended, they could be readily identified as to whether or not any information was missing. The logbooks were kept in Radio Central where you checked the classified folders out from. And yes, it was a secure space. If you weren't on the access list, you had to get permission to enter, and you were logged in as a visitor. If you were just showing up to get the daily message traffic, you knocked on the door, they opened a window, passed you your radio traffic, you signed for it in the logbook, they closed the window, and you went on your way.
Lol Trump never ceases to amaze me with the stupid shit he says.

Does it bother his supporters this contradicts his assertion he declassified the documents he stole? Nope probably not. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.

you say a lot of stupid shit too billy.....
Lol this is such nonsense. This fucking moron made the claim. Obviously he needs to prove it. It just boggles my mind how intellectually lazy you people are when defending Trump or republicans.

I am not a republican or "defending" Trump, but clearly that is not what Trump said.
He simply said that MOST of the papers stored were just the empty classified "folders".
Whether or not that was all that was there, we have no idea.
I the image, clearly MOST of the papers shown WERE just empty folders.
But it also does not at all matter, because clearly presidents and VPs are explicitly exempt from any and all classified doc regulations.
Trump can do whatever he wanted with them.

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