Trump officially declared a racist

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I think I COULD have got behind Trump if he had been any sort of a decent person. I don't think all Republicans are racist, but all racists seem to be Republicans and they seem to be very welcome in the party. Trump caters to their worst instincts on daily basis and the deafening silence from the rest of the party is tacit approval.

Maybe that's why folks think Trump is a racist.

Trump is supported by American patriots who want what's best for America. Are you trying to imply that patriots are racists?

No wonder people think liberals like you should leave the country.
I think you should go back where you came from and practice your Glasnost and Perestroika.
Trump will now be branded a racist for the rest of his days

A well earned title

He would be branded that no matter what from the left. And it's not just Trump. Any Republican that would have been elected would be branded the same.

Everybody knows how the Democrats constantly divide the country, and now it's on record.
I've never thought George W Bush was a racist. Or his daddy either.

I think I COULD have got behind Trump if he had been any sort of a decent person. I don't think all Republicans are racist, but all racists seem to be Republicans and they seem to be very welcome in the party. Trump caters to their worst instincts on daily basis and the deafening silence from the rest of the party is tacit approval.

Maybe that's why folks think Trump is a racist.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration.

Those are completely valid issues, and no reasonable person would claim otherwise.
I don't disagree. Like I said, I could have got behind him if he had been a decent person. He is NOT.

Like many, I suspect, I did not know what a vile piece of human excrement Trump really is. I watched his TV show a season or two and I knew what a jackass he was but I had no idea how disgusting, incompetent and just plain stupid he is. He can barely read!

He was smart enough to realize that crafting a platform designed to appeal to the American middle class and working poor could win, despite all the professionals saying it could not.

He was right, EVERYONE ELSE, was wrong.
Again, for the howevermanyeth time, those walls have to be manned and armed all day and night, every day and night.

I don't have to ask Israel. I've been there. In 2014 during the Gaza war. I know how they protect their walls. I am well aware of what happens in Israel.

Right but Mexico is not Palestine. We don’t need to be as militant. If Mexico did behave like Hamas and or Fatah there would be no more Mexico.

You still need soldiers and guns on the border all day every day no more than 100 yards apart to make a wall effective.

It's a good thing we have you here to figure these things out. Certainly our every experienced border patrol, engineers, and ICE could have never done this.
They have it figured out. They are just not telling you. Better to whip you up thinking an unmanned wall will actually stop people determined to get across.

If a wall is built 700 feet high, it can be quite a deterrent, even if it isn't fully manned.

It takes time to make it over a fortification of that height, and if there video surveillance, border guards can be summoned if people are actually climbing.

History teaches us that a significant wall can be very effective for even thousands of years- if you'll look at the case of the Northern wall in Westeros.

You really don't need a wall that big. Remember that liberals think life is like a cartoon. You just grab a ladder and fearlessly run up the thing. They don't realize how high 30' actually is, or that ladders have a lot of movement once you get half way up.

Here is a list of 32 foot ladders at Home Depot. The cheapest one is 280 bucks and the most expensive is 630 bucks. What poor person is going to spend that kind of money to do a job they probably will fail at?

32 ft. - Extension Ladders - Ladders - The Home Depot
The only Americans that are not afraid are the sellouts.
The only people who are afraid are the cowards and snowflakes who never leave their own neighborhood.

Says the man that had to cut out even the reference to "what" he is ridiculing people for being afraid of .
I am ridiculing people for being so deathly afraid of immigrants. I am not a man. I am a woman. I don't live in fear and I don't have patience for cowards.
Again, for the howevermanyeth time, those walls have to be manned and armed all day and night, every day and night.

I don't have to ask Israel. I've been there. In 2014 during the Gaza war. I know how they protect their walls. I am well aware of what happens in Israel.

Right but Mexico is not Palestine. We don’t need to be as militant. If Mexico did behave like Hamas and or Fatah there would be no more Mexico.

You still need soldiers and guns on the border all day every day no more than 100 yards apart to make a wall effective.

It's a good thing we have you here to figure these things out. Certainly our every experienced border patrol, engineers, and ICE could have never done this.
They have it figured out. They are just not telling you. Better to whip you up thinking an unmanned wall will actually stop people determined to get across.

I never said unmanned. But you don't need people every 100 yards like you said. In fact, it's the border patrol who requested Trump erect transparent barriers so they can see who's on the other side and what they are up to before they even get to the area.

Between that and electronic surveillance, it would cut down invaders by at least 90%. Democrats are scared to death of that.
I really can't keep going with you on this. I don't think you've ever spent any time at the border, or even seen it. You don't seem to have any idea how things work on the border. Educate yourself and then get back to me.

The wall won't work. Trump knows that and does not care. He's trying to scare you and you're fearful enough in life to fall for it. I can't help you with that.
He was smart enough to realize that crafting a platform designed to appeal to the American middle class and working poor could win, despite all the professionals saying it could not.

He was right, EVERYONE ELSE, was wrong.

LOL at the stupid Democrat politicians who pissed off the coal miners!
Trump will now be branded a racist for the rest of his days

A well earned title

He would be branded that no matter what from the left. And it's not just Trump. Any Republican that would have been elected would be branded the same.

Everybody knows how the Democrats constantly divide the country, and now it's on record.
I've never thought George W Bush was a racist. Or his daddy either.

I think I COULD have got behind Trump if he had been any sort of a decent person. I don't think all Republicans are racist, but all racists seem to be Republicans and they seem to be very welcome in the party. Trump caters to their worst instincts on daily basis and the deafening silence from the rest of the party is tacit approval.

Maybe that's why folks think Trump is a racist.
You listed no specifics. Put down your racist bullshit because of your feelz and list some.
Oh I don't need to do that. Turn on a news channel. Any news channel. Hell, they talking about it on Aljezeera for God's sake.

I'm not playing your game. Trump is a proud racist.

That's quite an endorsement. Terrorists side with the Democrats. Why should anybody watch news all day to get an answer to a question you can provide right here in ten second?
In April of 2018, President Donald Trump nominated the first African-American female to become a general in the U.S. Marine Corps.

President Trump nominated Col. Lorna M. Mahlock, a soldier who served in Germany, operated in the Office of Legislative Affairs, and served in Okinawa, Japan.

Col. Lorna M. Mahlock was born in Kingston, Jamaica and immigrated to Brooklyn

I love President Trump! he was never a racist! and he will never be! Bless him!

Well that's how Democrats are. They are like that little punk kid who throws rocks at the big kid, and then runs home to hide behind mommy. However when that big kid finally gets a hold of the rock thrower and beats the hell out of him, he cries and says the big kid started the fight.

Democrats have the mentality of a child. These bimbos have said the most caustic things about this President, and when he responds, they cry foul and run to the press.

The irony is that Trump is being called a racist for not saying anything racial, and he's being called that by anti-semites. Yet the left isn't bright enough to figure that one out yet.

Welcome to USMB by the way.

That vote and proclamation by the Democrat House was just about he most dishonest, disgraceful and dishonorable act I have ever seen. Anyone that voted yes should be publicly horsewhipped. And those four Congress whores should be back on the street hustling Johns.
REAL Americans making a stand against racism
Would that be the anti-semetism of the group of four? Or would it be be you can’t call an idiot an idiot because they are black? Or maybe keeping illegals out makes you racist.

What is racism in your view?

In my view, racism is disagreeing with a flaming liberal. Fukumall.
Even blacks and Hispanics are racist in the democrat world if they don’t tow the line.

Correct. When we highlight black conservatives, it's the left that calls them Uncle Tom's. But that's not racist of course because Democrats say it.
You're just grasping now.

How smart do you have to be to drive a truck for a living?

Apparently pretty smart, because half of the idiots in cars can't figure it out.

That's another bullshit claim.

If that's what you believe, then you must be one of the people I'm talking about. Trust me, I've been a professional driver for over 40 years.

Right. I'm sure you have some really compelling anecdotal evidence that completely ignores the 50% claim that you made and somehow confirms how smart you are.

I'm doing a job most people can't do. 50% of people don't know how to use a turn signal. Another 50% can't keep their vehicle at a consistent speed on the highway because they are too stupid to know how to use cruise control. 80% of the people don't know how to enter an interstate highway. 50% of the people don't know not to cut off a trucks safety distance when they switch lanes in front of the vehicle. Most don't allow safety distance for themselves.

Like I said, it goes on all day long, and I've been doing this job for decades. It never changes.

Not one statement in that post has ANY factual basis whatsoever. You're completely full of shit.

Support one of those idiotic claims. Just one.

You're making up numbers without an ounce of accuracy for the sake of patting yourself on the back to confirm that you're smart. It's completely pathetic.
If a wall is built 700 feet high, it can be quite a deterrent, even if it isn't fully manned.

It takes time to make it over a fortification of that height, and if there video surveillance, border guards can be summoned if people are actually climbing.

History teaches us that a significant wall can be very effective for even thousands of years- if you'll look at the case of the Northern wall in Westeros.

Yet a dragon took it down in 30 seconds.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

So OP....if Trump is a is it that he nominated the first African American female to become a General in the US Marine Corps?

President Trump is NOT a racist! GOD Bless him!

Right but Mexico is not Palestine. We don’t need to be as militant. If Mexico did behave like Hamas and or Fatah there would be no more Mexico.

You still need soldiers and guns on the border all day every day no more than 100 yards apart to make a wall effective.

It's a good thing we have you here to figure these things out. Certainly our every experienced border patrol, engineers, and ICE could have never done this.
They have it figured out. They are just not telling you. Better to whip you up thinking an unmanned wall will actually stop people determined to get across.

I never said unmanned. But you don't need people every 100 yards like you said. In fact, it's the border patrol who requested Trump erect transparent barriers so they can see who's on the other side and what they are up to before they even get to the area.

Between that and electronic surveillance, it would cut down invaders by at least 90%. Democrats are scared to death of that.
I really can't keep going with you on this. I don't think you've ever spent any time at the border, or even seen it. You don't seem to have any idea how things work on the border. Educate yourself and then get back to me.

The wall won't work. Trump knows that and does not care. He's trying to scare you and you're fearful enough in life to fall for it. I can't help you with that.

Two of my life long friends are police officers in TX. I know what they tell me. I believe Them. They want the wall as do the border patrol agents. I defer to them. And for you being sanctimonious. Happy to compare resumes at any time.
The only Americans that are not afraid are the sellouts.
The only people who are afraid are the cowards and snowflakes who never leave their own neighborhood.

Really? So tell us where you live. Not specifically, just the city or town. I'd love to look up the statics there.
No. I've told you I'm on the Southern California border and I spend time regularly in Tijuana. That's good enough.

I have also traveled internationally a good bit. In all this time I've never once been afraid for my physical safety. except in Israel. In hindsight, that was more intimidation from the teen age soldiers with machine guns and I just happened to be sitting on the wrong seat on the bus. But I know how to keep myself safe in my neighborhood AND looking down the barrel of whatever big gun that Israeli teenage soldier had pointed at me. So study your crime statistics and quake in fear. Stay close to home where you are safe.

I prefer to explore the world and revel in all it has to offer, which is A LOT.
Trump will now be branded a racist for the rest of his days

A well earned title

He would be branded that no matter what from the left. And it's not just Trump. Any Republican that would have been elected would be branded the same.

Everybody knows how the Democrats constantly divide the country, and now it's on record.
I've never thought George W Bush was a racist. Or his daddy either.

I think I COULD have got behind Trump if he had been any sort of a decent person. I don't think all Republicans are racist, but all racists seem to be Republicans and they seem to be very welcome in the party. Trump caters to their worst instincts on daily basis and the deafening silence from the rest of the party is tacit approval.

Maybe that's why folks think Trump is a racist.

No, only brainwashed people think Trump is a racist because the media and Democrat leaders are doing the brainwashing.

That's why not one of you can answer the simple question: what racist thing did Trump say against any of these four hags?

You see, they teach you what to think, but not why you should be thinking it. That's why you think the racists are in the Republican party. Your mind automatically erases comments like:

1) "(Obama’s) a nice person, he’s very articulate this is what’s been used against him, but he couldn’t sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic." -- Dan Rather

2) “White folks was in the caves while we [blacks] was building empires … We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was … we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." -- Al Sharpton

3) "‘Hymies.’ ‘Hymietown.’" -- Jesse Jackson’s description of New York City while on the 1984 presidential campaign trail.

4) "A few years ago, (Barack Obama) would have been getting us coffee." -- Bill Clintonto Ted Kennedy

15) "The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.” -- Louis Farrakhan

There is a list of them.
The only Americans that are not afraid are the sellouts.
The only people who are afraid are the cowards and snowflakes who never leave their own neighborhood.

Really? So tell us where you live. Not specifically, just the city or town. I'd love to look up the statics there.
No. I've told you I'm on the Southern California border and I spend time regularly in Tijuana. That's good enough.

I have also traveled internationally a good bit. In all this time I've never once been afraid for my physical safety. except in Israel. In hindsight, that was more intimidation from the teen age soldiers with machine guns and I just happened to be sitting on the wrong seat on the bus. But I know how to keep myself safe in my neighborhood AND looking down the barrel of whatever big gun that Israeli teenage soldier had pointed at me. So study your crime statistics and quake in fear. Stay close to home where you are safe.

I prefer to explore the world and revel in all it has to offer, which is A LOT.

So that's the name of your town, the Southern Border? :auiqs.jpg:

I expected such a response.
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