Trump officially declared a racist

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The only Americans that are not afraid are the sellouts.
The only people who are afraid are the cowards and snowflakes who never leave their own neighborhood.

Really? So tell us where you live. Not specifically, just the city or town. I'd love to look up the statics there.
No. I've told you I'm on the Southern California border and I spend time regularly in Tijuana. That's good enough.

I have also traveled internationally a good bit. In all this time I've never once been afraid for my physical safety. except in Israel. In hindsight, that was more intimidation from the teen age soldiers with machine guns and I just happened to be sitting on the wrong seat on the bus. But I know how to keep myself safe in my neighborhood AND looking down the barrel of whatever big gun that Israeli teenage soldier had pointed at me. So study your crime statistics and quake in fear. Stay close to home where you are safe.

I prefer to explore the world and revel in all it has to offer, which is A LOT.

So that's the name of your town, the Southern Border? :auiqs.jpg:

I expected such a response.
You're just a little too creepy for me Ray From Cleveland. I'm not comfortable giving you the name of my city.
The only Americans that are not afraid are the sellouts.
The only people who are afraid are the cowards and snowflakes who never leave their own neighborhood.

Really? So tell us where you live. Not specifically, just the city or town. I'd love to look up the statics there.
No. I've told you I'm on the Southern California border and I spend time regularly in Tijuana. That's good enough.

I have also traveled internationally a good bit. In all this time I've never once been afraid for my physical safety. except in Israel. In hindsight, that was more intimidation from the teen age soldiers with machine guns and I just happened to be sitting on the wrong seat on the bus. But I know how to keep myself safe in my neighborhood AND looking down the barrel of whatever big gun that Israeli teenage soldier had pointed at me. So study your crime statistics and quake in fear. Stay close to home where you are safe.

I prefer to explore the world and revel in all it has to offer, which is A LOT.

So that's the name of your town, the Southern Border? :auiqs.jpg:

I expected such a response.
You're just a little too creepy for me Ray From Cleveland. I'm not comfortable giving you the name of my city.

Why, do you think I could find you by the name of your city? I live in Cleveland. Not afraid of anything. Talk about snowflake.
He was smart enough to realize that crafting a platform designed to appeal to the American middle class and working poor could win, despite all the professionals saying it could not.

He was right, EVERYONE ELSE, was wrong.

LOL at the stupid Democrat politicians who pissed off the coal miners!
Because, by God, black lung disease and poisoned drinking water is their right!
Apparently pretty smart, because half of the idiots in cars can't figure it out.

That's another bullshit claim.

If that's what you believe, then you must be one of the people I'm talking about. Trust me, I've been a professional driver for over 40 years.

Right. I'm sure you have some really compelling anecdotal evidence that completely ignores the 50% claim that you made and somehow confirms how smart you are.

I'm doing a job most people can't do. 50% of people don't know how to use a turn signal. Another 50% can't keep their vehicle at a consistent speed on the highway because they are too stupid to know how to use cruise control. 80% of the people don't know how to enter an interstate highway. 50% of the people don't know not to cut off a trucks safety distance when they switch lanes in front of the vehicle. Most don't allow safety distance for themselves.

Like I said, it goes on all day long, and I've been doing this job for decades. It never changes.

Not one statement in that post has ANY factual basis whatsoever. You're completely full of shit.

Support one of those idiotic claims. Just one.

You're making up numbers without an ounce of accuracy for the sake of patting yourself on the back to confirm that you're smart. It's completely pathetic.

Very well.

For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]

In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, 30,296 deadly, killing 32,999, and injuring 2,239,000.[2] About 2,000 children under 16 die every year in traffic collisions.[3] Records indicate that there were 3,613,732 motor vehicle fatalities in the United States from 1899 to 2013.

Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year - Wikipedia
Trump will now be branded a racist for the rest of his days

A well earned title

He would be branded that no matter what from the left. And it's not just Trump. Any Republican that would have been elected would be branded the same.

Everybody knows how the Democrats constantly divide the country, and now it's on record.
I've never thought George W Bush was a racist. Or his daddy either.

I think I COULD have got behind Trump if he had been any sort of a decent person. I don't think all Republicans are racist, but all racists seem to be Republicans and they seem to be very welcome in the party. Trump caters to their worst instincts on daily basis and the deafening silence from the rest of the party is tacit approval.

Maybe that's why folks think Trump is a racist.
You listed no specifics. Put down your racist bullshit because of your feelz and list some.
Oh I don't need to do that. Turn on a news channel. Any news channel. Hell, they talking about it on Aljezeera for God's sake.

I'm not playing your game. Trump is a proud racist.

That's quite an endorsement. Terrorists side with the Democrats. Why should anybody watch news all day to get an answer to a question you can provide right here in ten second?
Actually Aljezeera is not a big fan of the Saudis. You'd know that if you'd ever read it. I also read the Jerusalem Post which is much more conservative. You might like that one but you'd first need to have an interest in other parts of the world.
My speculation? Because they are anti-American assholes.

Most Americans are not surprised that these 4 women of color are anti-American.

I don't think its just these 4 broads that are extreme, in any sense of the word.

All 2 dozen contestants for the Dem nomination have come out in favor of Slave Reparations. They'll all come out in favor of even more radical socialized medicine than the Obama plan, they've all come out for higher taxes.

The Squad are among the vanguard of the new sharp turn to the Far Left by the Democrats, but they aren't alone if you paid attention to the DA in Chicago, and a growing number of wildly left new office holders, particularly in ultra left cities.
The only people who are afraid are the cowards and snowflakes who never leave their own neighborhood.

Really? So tell us where you live. Not specifically, just the city or town. I'd love to look up the statics there.
No. I've told you I'm on the Southern California border and I spend time regularly in Tijuana. That's good enough.

I have also traveled internationally a good bit. In all this time I've never once been afraid for my physical safety. except in Israel. In hindsight, that was more intimidation from the teen age soldiers with machine guns and I just happened to be sitting on the wrong seat on the bus. But I know how to keep myself safe in my neighborhood AND looking down the barrel of whatever big gun that Israeli teenage soldier had pointed at me. So study your crime statistics and quake in fear. Stay close to home where you are safe.

I prefer to explore the world and revel in all it has to offer, which is A LOT.

So that's the name of your town, the Southern Border? :auiqs.jpg:

I expected such a response.
You're just a little too creepy for me Ray From Cleveland. I'm not comfortable giving you the name of my city.

Why, do you think I could find you by the name of your city? I live in Cleveland. Not afraid of anything. Talk about snowflake.
It's creepy that you're asking for it.
That's another bullshit claim.

If that's what you believe, then you must be one of the people I'm talking about. Trust me, I've been a professional driver for over 40 years.

Right. I'm sure you have some really compelling anecdotal evidence that completely ignores the 50% claim that you made and somehow confirms how smart you are.

I'm doing a job most people can't do. 50% of people don't know how to use a turn signal. Another 50% can't keep their vehicle at a consistent speed on the highway because they are too stupid to know how to use cruise control. 80% of the people don't know how to enter an interstate highway. 50% of the people don't know not to cut off a trucks safety distance when they switch lanes in front of the vehicle. Most don't allow safety distance for themselves.

Like I said, it goes on all day long, and I've been doing this job for decades. It never changes.

Not one statement in that post has ANY factual basis whatsoever. You're completely full of shit.

Support one of those idiotic claims. Just one.

You're making up numbers without an ounce of accuracy for the sake of patting yourself on the back to confirm that you're smart. It's completely pathetic.

Very well.

For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]

In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, 30,296 deadly, killing 32,999, and injuring 2,239,000.[2] About 2,000 children under 16 die every year in traffic collisions.[3] Records indicate that there were 3,613,732 motor vehicle fatalities in the United States from 1899 to 2013.

Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year - Wikipedia

Are you really this dense?

How exactly do the existence of motor vehicle accidents support your claim that 50% of people don't know how to use their turn signals?
A racist? I don't think so my friends!

Best President ever! Bless!:2up:




And for you being sanctimonious. Happy to compare resumes at any time.
Do you live on the border? If you don't then you don't know how reality works on the border. I live it everyday. That's my resume on border issues.

So you know more than my two friends who are police officers and the border patrol agents? I find that hard to believe. I am neither pro or anti Wall. I am Pro listening to the border patrol agents who do want the the Wall.
If that's what you believe, then you must be one of the people I'm talking about. Trust me, I've been a professional driver for over 40 years.

Right. I'm sure you have some really compelling anecdotal evidence that completely ignores the 50% claim that you made and somehow confirms how smart you are.

I'm doing a job most people can't do. 50% of people don't know how to use a turn signal. Another 50% can't keep their vehicle at a consistent speed on the highway because they are too stupid to know how to use cruise control. 80% of the people don't know how to enter an interstate highway. 50% of the people don't know not to cut off a trucks safety distance when they switch lanes in front of the vehicle. Most don't allow safety distance for themselves.

Like I said, it goes on all day long, and I've been doing this job for decades. It never changes.

Not one statement in that post has ANY factual basis whatsoever. You're completely full of shit.

Support one of those idiotic claims. Just one.

You're making up numbers without an ounce of accuracy for the sake of patting yourself on the back to confirm that you're smart. It's completely pathetic.

Very well.

For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]

In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, 30,296 deadly, killing 32,999, and injuring 2,239,000.[2] About 2,000 children under 16 die every year in traffic collisions.[3] Records indicate that there were 3,613,732 motor vehicle fatalities in the United States from 1899 to 2013.

Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year - Wikipedia

Are you really this dense?

How exactly do the existence of motor vehicle accidents support your claim that 50% of people don't know how to use their turn signals?

So where can I find these statistics you're looking for on how many people don't use turn signals?

This is so typical of you leftists.
Right. I'm sure you have some really compelling anecdotal evidence that completely ignores the 50% claim that you made and somehow confirms how smart you are.

I'm doing a job most people can't do. 50% of people don't know how to use a turn signal. Another 50% can't keep their vehicle at a consistent speed on the highway because they are too stupid to know how to use cruise control. 80% of the people don't know how to enter an interstate highway. 50% of the people don't know not to cut off a trucks safety distance when they switch lanes in front of the vehicle. Most don't allow safety distance for themselves.

Like I said, it goes on all day long, and I've been doing this job for decades. It never changes.

Not one statement in that post has ANY factual basis whatsoever. You're completely full of shit.

Support one of those idiotic claims. Just one.

You're making up numbers without an ounce of accuracy for the sake of patting yourself on the back to confirm that you're smart. It's completely pathetic.

Very well.

For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]

In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, 30,296 deadly, killing 32,999, and injuring 2,239,000.[2] About 2,000 children under 16 die every year in traffic collisions.[3] Records indicate that there were 3,613,732 motor vehicle fatalities in the United States from 1899 to 2013.

Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year - Wikipedia

Are you really this dense?

How exactly do the existence of motor vehicle accidents support your claim that 50% of people don't know how to use their turn signals?

So where can I find these statistics you're looking for on how many people don't use turn signals?

This is so typical of you leftists.


You tell me. You're the one making bullshit claims with bullshit numbers.
And for you being sanctimonious. Happy to compare resumes at any time.
Do you live on the border? If you don't then you don't know how reality works on the border. I live it everyday. That's my resume on border issues.

So you know more than my two friends who are police officers and the border patrol agents? I find that hard to believe. I am neither pro or anti Wall. I am Pro listening to the border patrol agents who do want the the Wall.
I also know border patrol agents. Lots of them. They live here with me on the border. They don't all want a wall. Most know it is better to focus money and attention on the ports of entry, where the true crime happens.
A poster recently asked, what exactly is a racist? A white, college educated businessman from a northern state will answer it one way.

A white, college deficient farmer from the South will answer it a different way.

I can't tell you what a racist is, but I know one when I see one.

Speaking of which, President Trump visited a southern state yesterday to spread his racial hatred.

Referring to the four women of color, newly elected Democratic members of the House of Representatives, Trump told a packed arena, “These left-wing ideologues see our nation as a force for evil.” To roaring applause, he railed against what he called “hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down.”

“They don’t love our country,” he said. “I think, in some cases, they hate our country. You know what? If they don’t love it, tell them to leave it.”

After Trump reeled off several controversial comments made by Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, including accusations in which he depicted her as sympathetic to Al Qaeda, his adoring admirers began to chant “Send her back.”

For thirteen long seconds, Trump listened to the chant, a smirking grin on his face, obviously proud he had caused the chorus from the massive crowd of mostly southerners. He did not say another word until the chant finally died down.

Then came the morning after and the inevitable lies began.

Facing an onslaught of indignation and qualms even from his inner circle, Trump claimed to be unhappy his rally crowd broke into chants of "send her back."

"I was not happy with it. I disagree with it," Trump said at the White House a day after the rally, attacking those who attended his rally. Brilliant.

In a blatant lie, Trump told reporters he “started speaking very quickly” in an attempt to silence the rally attendees. He is on video with a shyt-eating grin on face listening to the chant for thirteen seconds until it dies out. How stupid can you be?

In another blatant lie that only his base could possibly believe, Trump casually said, "I didn't say that. They did."

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."

How stupid can you be?

Trump lies so easily now.

Why? Trump can do anything, say anything and Republicans in Congress do nothing to rein him in. Instead, they re-interpret what Trump says then tell the American people he really meant something else. It is as if both Trump and Trump Republicans have challenges with the English language.

Why did you post the exact same thing on more than one thread? Afraid someone might miss your pretentious, self-important views?
And for you being sanctimonious. Happy to compare resumes at any time.
Do you live on the border? If you don't then you don't know how reality works on the border. I live it everyday. That's my resume on border issues.

So you know more than my two friends who are police officers and the border patrol agents? I find that hard to believe. I am neither pro or anti Wall. I am Pro listening to the border patrol agents who do want the the Wall.
I also know border patrol agents. Lots of them. They live here with me on the border. They don't all want a wall. Most know it is better to focus money and attention on the ports of entry, where the true crime happens.

89% favor a wall? Again, I am not an expert but they are.

Border Patrol agents overwhelmingly support Trump’s wall in new survey

Border Patrol union president speaks up in support of Trump’s border wall
Really? So tell us where you live. Not specifically, just the city or town. I'd love to look up the statics there.
No. I've told you I'm on the Southern California border and I spend time regularly in Tijuana. That's good enough.

I have also traveled internationally a good bit. In all this time I've never once been afraid for my physical safety. except in Israel. In hindsight, that was more intimidation from the teen age soldiers with machine guns and I just happened to be sitting on the wrong seat on the bus. But I know how to keep myself safe in my neighborhood AND looking down the barrel of whatever big gun that Israeli teenage soldier had pointed at me. So study your crime statistics and quake in fear. Stay close to home where you are safe.

I prefer to explore the world and revel in all it has to offer, which is A LOT.

So that's the name of your town, the Southern Border? :auiqs.jpg:

I expected such a response.
You're just a little too creepy for me Ray From Cleveland. I'm not comfortable giving you the name of my city.

Why, do you think I could find you by the name of your city? I live in Cleveland. Not afraid of anything. Talk about snowflake.
It's creepy that you're asking for it.

No, you're not afraid of me coming from Cleveland down to California to do you harm. You're afraid that I will look up those statistics to point out some facts we've been talking about.

Oh yes, I've done this multiple times with people just like yourself; making claims that diversity has no effect on their community. That was until I googled it to prove them wrong.

So my question left you with three choices: Refuse to tell me the area you live in so I can't find the stats. lie to me about where you actually live, or be honest where I can research the city or town to make some valid points to support my claims. You chose option number 1. But I'll give you credit for at least being honest.

You see, you don't have to live in an area to know what's going on there. This isn't the 60's. Many of us have friends that live all over the country, family perhaps like I do, even internet folks we became friends with.

That's besides the fact I caught you in a lie. In one post you claim you have no fear and therefore no need to own a firearm, but here you are, thinking that I could somehow possibly find out who you are by simply providing a city or town, and are in fear of me.

I'm Ray from Cleveland. And if you decide to come here to do me harm, good luck, because there are probably 10,000 people here with my first name, but even if you could deduce it somehow, I'm always prepared to defend myself BECAUSE I am a firearm owner.
I'm doing a job most people can't do. 50% of people don't know how to use a turn signal. Another 50% can't keep their vehicle at a consistent speed on the highway because they are too stupid to know how to use cruise control. 80% of the people don't know how to enter an interstate highway. 50% of the people don't know not to cut off a trucks safety distance when they switch lanes in front of the vehicle. Most don't allow safety distance for themselves.

Like I said, it goes on all day long, and I've been doing this job for decades. It never changes.

Not one statement in that post has ANY factual basis whatsoever. You're completely full of shit.

Support one of those idiotic claims. Just one.

You're making up numbers without an ounce of accuracy for the sake of patting yourself on the back to confirm that you're smart. It's completely pathetic.

Very well.

For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]

In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, 30,296 deadly, killing 32,999, and injuring 2,239,000.[2] About 2,000 children under 16 die every year in traffic collisions.[3] Records indicate that there were 3,613,732 motor vehicle fatalities in the United States from 1899 to 2013.

Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year - Wikipedia

Are you really this dense?

How exactly do the existence of motor vehicle accidents support your claim that 50% of people don't know how to use their turn signals?

So where can I find these statistics you're looking for on how many people don't use turn signals?

This is so typical of you leftists.


You tell me. You're the one making bullshit claims with bullshit numbers.

No, the numbers I gave you are factual. The reality is I'm on the road all day every day. It's also reality that because you choose not to believe me, you ask for statistics you know don't exist. Like I said, so very typical of leftists.
Last edited:
No. I've told you I'm on the Southern California border and I spend time regularly in Tijuana. That's good enough.

I have also traveled internationally a good bit. In all this time I've never once been afraid for my physical safety. except in Israel. In hindsight, that was more intimidation from the teen age soldiers with machine guns and I just happened to be sitting on the wrong seat on the bus. But I know how to keep myself safe in my neighborhood AND looking down the barrel of whatever big gun that Israeli teenage soldier had pointed at me. So study your crime statistics and quake in fear. Stay close to home where you are safe.

I prefer to explore the world and revel in all it has to offer, which is A LOT.

So that's the name of your town, the Southern Border? :auiqs.jpg:

I expected such a response.
You're just a little too creepy for me Ray From Cleveland. I'm not comfortable giving you the name of my city.

Why, do you think I could find you by the name of your city? I live in Cleveland. Not afraid of anything. Talk about snowflake.
It's creepy that you're asking for it.

No, you're not afraid of me coming from Cleveland down to California to do you harm. You're afraid that I will look up those statistics to point out some facts we've been talking about.

Oh yes, I've done this multiple times with people just like yourself; making claims that diversity has no effect on their community. That was until I googled it to prove them wrong.

So my question left you with three choices: Refuse to tell me the area you live in so I can't find the stats. lie to me about where you actually live, or be honest where I can research the city or town to make some valid points to support my claims. You chose option number 1. But I'll give you credit for at least being honest.

You see, you don't have to live in an area to know what's going on there. This isn't the 60's. Many of us have friends that live all over the country, family perhaps like I do, even internet folks we became friends with.

That's besides the fact I caught you in a lie. In one post you claim you have no fear and therefore no need to own a firearm, but here you are, thinking that I could somehow possibly find out who you are by simply providing a city or town, and are in fear of me.

I'm Ray from Cleveland. And if you decide to come here to do me harm, good luck, because there are probably 10,000 people here with my first name, but even if you could deduce it somehow, I'm always prepared to defend myself BECAUSE I am a firearm owner.

Ray From Cleveland I am a woman and you are a conservative white man. Conservative white men in this country are the biggest threat to people who are not conservative white men. When you are a woman you can tell me when I should be cautious.

I never once claimed diversity never had an effect on my community! WHERE did you get that? I choose to celebrate it instead of cower from it. I love the diversity. Sure we have crime here. Like I said, I have successfully kept myself safe, even living here on the dangerous deadly border for many years without one gun. It's not that hard.
And for you being sanctimonious. Happy to compare resumes at any time.
Do you live on the border? If you don't then you don't know how reality works on the border. I live it everyday. That's my resume on border issues.

So you know more than my two friends who are police officers and the border patrol agents? I find that hard to believe. I am neither pro or anti Wall. I am Pro listening to the border patrol agents who do want the the Wall.
I also know border patrol agents. Lots of them. They live here with me on the border. They don't all want a wall. Most know it is better to focus money and attention on the ports of entry, where the true crime happens.

89% favor a wall? Again, I am not an expert but they are.

Border Patrol agents overwhelmingly support Trump’s wall in new survey

Border Patrol union president speaks up in support of Trump’s border wall
I can only speak for my neighbors and friends who are border agents.
Not one statement in that post has ANY factual basis whatsoever. You're completely full of shit.

Support one of those idiotic claims. Just one.

You're making up numbers without an ounce of accuracy for the sake of patting yourself on the back to confirm that you're smart. It's completely pathetic.

Very well.

For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]

In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes, 30,296 deadly, killing 32,999, and injuring 2,239,000.[2] About 2,000 children under 16 die every year in traffic collisions.[3] Records indicate that there were 3,613,732 motor vehicle fatalities in the United States from 1899 to 2013.

Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year - Wikipedia

Are you really this dense?

How exactly do the existence of motor vehicle accidents support your claim that 50% of people don't know how to use their turn signals?

So where can I find these statistics you're looking for on how many people don't use turn signals?

This is so typical of you leftists.


You tell me. You're the one making bullshit claims with bullshit numbers.

No, the numbers I gave you are factual. The reality is I'm on the road all day every day. It's also reality that because you choose not to believe me, you ask for statistics you know doesn't exist. Like I said, so very typical of leftists.


It's "factual" yet there is absolutely no documented evidence for it and it's entirely determined by you. And it's somehow my fault that you can't support your own idiotic claim. Unbelievable. You're a fucking idiot.
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