Trump officially declared a racist

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The only Americans that are not afraid are the sellouts.
The only people who are afraid are the cowards and snowflakes who never leave their own neighborhood.

Says the man that had to cut out even the reference to "what" he is ridiculing people for being afraid of .
I am ridiculing people for being so deathly afraid of immigrants. I am not a man. I am a woman. I don't live in fear and I don't have patience for cowards.

Fear is the rational response to danger.

Ignoring real danger(s), is not bravery, but foolishness. Or callousness, if your lack of concern is because you think only other people will be hurt.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.
Its just incredible to me how you people blindly defend Trump no matter what his dumbass says or does.

Except we don't. It is just that your side's attacks on him, are so over the top, bat shit, crazy, that it seems that way to you.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.
Its just incredible to me how you people blindly defend Trump no matter what his dumbass says or does.

"Fuck them all" is by the way what Hitler said once to all other political parties of Germany - and also to the parliament of Germany - and to everyone who was in his eyes not worth to be a German. ....]

Fuck you specifically, you godwin baiting asshole.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.
Its just incredible to me how you people blindly defend Trump no matter what his dumbass says or does.

No, we don't defend him in whatever he says IF he really says something to criticize him about. But when the left makes lies about what he said, of course we will defend him.
Trump is not your ordinary racist

He doesn’t just hate blacks, he hates Mexicans, hates immigrants from nonwhite nations, hates Muslims

Hell...he even hates handicapped people

No one hates you because of your retardation. It is because you are a race baiting asshole.

Millions of Americans voted for Trump because he is a racist

We call them deplorable

Your hate of your fellow Americans is disgusting.

If this country is so shitty, why don't you leave?
You are the one who hates the US constitution, Statue of Liberty & everything the US stands for. Why didn't you leave?

Name one thing I have stated that supports your fucktard claim that I "hate" the Constitution, or apologize for your being a fucktard.
Why, do you think I could find you by the name of your city? I live in Cleveland. Not afraid of anything. Talk about snowflake.
It's creepy that you're asking for it.

No, you're not afraid of me coming from Cleveland down to California to do you harm. You're afraid that I will look up those statistics to point out some facts we've been talking about.

Oh yes, I've done this multiple times with people just like yourself; making claims that diversity has no effect on their community. That was until I googled it to prove them wrong.

So my question left you with three choices: Refuse to tell me the area you live in so I can't find the stats. lie to me about where you actually live, or be honest where I can research the city or town to make some valid points to support my claims. You chose option number 1. But I'll give you credit for at least being honest.

You see, you don't have to live in an area to know what's going on there. This isn't the 60's. Many of us have friends that live all over the country, family perhaps like I do, even internet folks we became friends with.

That's besides the fact I caught you in a lie. In one post you claim you have no fear and therefore no need to own a firearm, but here you are, thinking that I could somehow possibly find out who you are by simply providing a city or town, and are in fear of me.

I'm Ray from Cleveland. And if you decide to come here to do me harm, good luck, because there are probably 10,000 people here with my first name, but even if you could deduce it somehow, I'm always prepared to defend myself BECAUSE I am a firearm owner.

Ray From Cleveland I am a woman and you are a conservative white man. Conservative white men in this country are the biggest threat to people who are not conservative white men. When you are a woman you can tell me when I should be cautious.

I never once claimed diversity never had an effect on my community! WHERE did you get that? I choose to celebrate it instead of cower from it. I love the diversity. Sure we have crime here. Like I said, I have successfully kept myself safe, even living here on the dangerous deadly border for many years without one gun. It's not that hard.

Oh yes, because conservative white men are so violent. :laughing0301:

So now we can conclude that yes, diversity is a problem like it is just about anywhere in this country. That's the only point I was trying to make.

I live in a diverse community. I know what it was like when it was predominately white, and I know what it's like today. It's not a minor difference, it's a major difference.

And perhaps when you come to the same conclusion that I have, you will understand our stance and what Trump is trying to do for the safety of ALL people in our country.

Most of the mass shooters are white men. In my experience, conservative white men are angrier than other white men. Trumpers are seriously angry and I don't think any of us are surprised when they send bombs to congress people and shoot up churches.

Diversity is only a problem for people who only want to live with other white people. Or people who are afraid of people who aren't white. Kind of like how the Jews in Israel only want to live with other Jews. They are at perpetual war with their neighbors. I don't want to live like that. I don't want to only live with other white people.

I hear Idaho is nice. You'd probably like it better than Cleveland. You should go where you are happy. Cleveland will NEVER be all white again. It just won't. Accept reality.

What difference would that make? No matter where we move, that's where they want to go to.

Yeah, mass murderers are conservative white men. You mean like that guy who attended the Republican baseball practice?

So white men are usually mass murderers, but that doesn't change the statistics any. You have more people getting killed by those of color in Chicago on a holiday weekend than three mass murders. And let's not forget who it was that is responsible for the largest mass murder in the US.

You see, statistics don't lie. You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white in the US. And a higher chance at getting killed by a Hispanic than a white.
Oh by the way: Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib ... perhaps you like this story: One of the German ancestors of Donald Trump earned a lof of money in the Wild West of the USA with prostitutes. Then he came back to Germany and liked to be respected from everyone, because he was rich. But on the other side he was not ready to serve in the German army - what was in the 19th century a normal duty for everyone. Because he had the US-American nationality too they decided to take his German nationality and had sent him back to the USA. That's why Trump lives in New York now. The father of Donald Trump had said by the way that they came from Sweden. ... :lol:

Donald Trump - I guess I speak in the moment for more than 90%-99% of all Germans when I say: You are not welcome in Germany.
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A poster recently asked, what exactly is a racist? A white, college educated businessman from a northern state will answer it one way.

A white, college deficient farmer from the South will answer it a different way.

I can't tell you what a racist is, but I know one when I see one.

Speaking of which, President Trump visited a southern state yesterday to spread his racial hatred.

Referring to the four women of color, newly elected Democratic members of the House of Representatives, Trump told a packed arena, “These left-wing ideologues see our nation as a force for evil.” To roaring applause, he railed against what he called “hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down.”

“They don’t love our country,” he said. “I think, in some cases, they hate our country. You know what? If they don’t love it, tell them to leave it.”

After Trump reeled off several controversial comments made by Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, including accusations in which he depicted her as sympathetic to Al Qaeda, his adoring admirers began to chant “Send her back.”

For thirteen long seconds, Trump listened to the chant, a smirking grin on his face, obviously proud he had caused the chorus from the massive crowd of mostly southerners. He did not say another word until the chant finally died down.

Then came the morning after and the inevitable lies began.

Facing an onslaught of indignation and qualms even from his inner circle, Trump claimed to be unhappy his rally crowd broke into chants of "send her back."

"I was not happy with it. I disagree with it," Trump said at the White House a day after the rally, attacking those who attended his rally. Brilliant.

In a blatant lie, Trump told reporters he “started speaking very quickly” in an attempt to silence the rally attendees. He is on video with a shyt-eating grin on face listening to the chant for thirteen seconds until it dies out. How stupid can you be?

In another blatant lie that only his base could possibly believe, Trump casually said, "I didn't say that. They did."

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."

How stupid can you be?

Trump lies so easily now.

Why? Trump can do anything, say anything and Republicans in Congress do nothing to rein him in. Instead, they re-interpret what Trump says then tell the American people he really meant something else. It is as if both Trump and Trump Republicans have challenges with the English language.
Still cant get over the 2016 election huh?

It's creepy that you're asking for it.

No, you're not afraid of me coming from Cleveland down to California to do you harm. You're afraid that I will look up those statistics to point out some facts we've been talking about.

Oh yes, I've done this multiple times with people just like yourself; making claims that diversity has no effect on their community. That was until I googled it to prove them wrong.

So my question left you with three choices: Refuse to tell me the area you live in so I can't find the stats. lie to me about where you actually live, or be honest where I can research the city or town to make some valid points to support my claims. You chose option number 1. But I'll give you credit for at least being honest.

You see, you don't have to live in an area to know what's going on there. This isn't the 60's. Many of us have friends that live all over the country, family perhaps like I do, even internet folks we became friends with.

That's besides the fact I caught you in a lie. In one post you claim you have no fear and therefore no need to own a firearm, but here you are, thinking that I could somehow possibly find out who you are by simply providing a city or town, and are in fear of me.

I'm Ray from Cleveland. And if you decide to come here to do me harm, good luck, because there are probably 10,000 people here with my first name, but even if you could deduce it somehow, I'm always prepared to defend myself BECAUSE I am a firearm owner.

Ray From Cleveland I am a woman and you are a conservative white man. Conservative white men in this country are the biggest threat to people who are not conservative white men. When you are a woman you can tell me when I should be cautious.

I never once claimed diversity never had an effect on my community! WHERE did you get that? I choose to celebrate it instead of cower from it. I love the diversity. Sure we have crime here. Like I said, I have successfully kept myself safe, even living here on the dangerous deadly border for many years without one gun. It's not that hard.

Oh yes, because conservative white men are so violent. :laughing0301:

So now we can conclude that yes, diversity is a problem like it is just about anywhere in this country. That's the only point I was trying to make.

I live in a diverse community. I know what it was like when it was predominately white, and I know what it's like today. It's not a minor difference, it's a major difference.

And perhaps when you come to the same conclusion that I have, you will understand our stance and what Trump is trying to do for the safety of ALL people in our country.

Most of the mass shooters are white men. In my experience, conservative white men are angrier than other white men. Trumpers are seriously angry and I don't think any of us are surprised when they send bombs to congress people and shoot up churches.

Diversity is only a problem for people who only want to live with other white people. Or people who are afraid of people who aren't white. Kind of like how the Jews in Israel only want to live with other Jews. They are at perpetual war with their neighbors. I don't want to live like that. I don't want to only live with other white people.

I hear Idaho is nice. You'd probably like it better than Cleveland. You should go where you are happy. Cleveland will NEVER be all white again. It just won't. Accept reality.

What difference would that make? No matter where we move, that's where they want to go to.

Yeah, mass murderers are conservative white men. You mean like that guy who attended the Republican baseball practice?

So white men are usually mass murderers, but that doesn't change the statistics any. You have more people getting killed by those of color in Chicago on a holiday weekend than three mass murders. And let's not forget who it was that is responsible for the largest mass murder in the US.

You see, statistics don't lie. You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white in the US. And a higher chance at getting killed by a Hispanic than a white.
Dont forget the mass killing at Fort Hood, a Muslim, Orlando Gay bar, a Muslim, or the San Bernardino, A Muslim. Dontcha think that Ilham Omar, needs to address the issue of Muslims killing US citizens without smiling about those deaths?
Did Trump form the Odd Squad? No he didn't. They formed themselves. He didn't pick out four individual people of color from all the commies in the House, the four colored women banded together against him.

Exactly. If anybody deserves blame here it's the colored women.

Well that's how Democrats are. They are like that little punk kid who throws rocks at the big kid, and then runs home to hide behind mommy. However when that big kid finally gets a hold of the rock thrower and beats the hell out of him, he cries and says the big kid started the fight.

Democrats have the mentality of a child. These bimbos have said the most caustic things about this President, and when he responds, they cry foul and run to the press.

The irony is that Trump is being called a racist for not saying anything racial, and he's being called that by anti-semites. Yet the left isn't bright enough to figure that one out yet.

Welcome to USMB by the way.

That vote and proclamation by the Democrat House was just about he most dishonest, disgraceful and dishonorable act I have ever seen. Anyone that voted yes should be publicly horsewhipped. And those four Congress whores should be back on the street hustling Johns.
REAL Americans making a stand against racism
Would that be the anti-semetism of the group of four? Or would it be be you can’t call an idiot an idiot because they are black? Or maybe keeping illegals out makes you racist.

What is racism in your view?
Siding against Israel is not antisemitism just like siding against Obama is not racism
No, you're not afraid of me coming from Cleveland down to California to do you harm. You're afraid that I will look up those statistics to point out some facts we've been talking about.

Oh yes, I've done this multiple times with people just like yourself; making claims that diversity has no effect on their community. That was until I googled it to prove them wrong.

So my question left you with three choices: Refuse to tell me the area you live in so I can't find the stats. lie to me about where you actually live, or be honest where I can research the city or town to make some valid points to support my claims. You chose option number 1. But I'll give you credit for at least being honest.

You see, you don't have to live in an area to know what's going on there. This isn't the 60's. Many of us have friends that live all over the country, family perhaps like I do, even internet folks we became friends with.

That's besides the fact I caught you in a lie. In one post you claim you have no fear and therefore no need to own a firearm, but here you are, thinking that I could somehow possibly find out who you are by simply providing a city or town, and are in fear of me.

I'm Ray from Cleveland. And if you decide to come here to do me harm, good luck, because there are probably 10,000 people here with my first name, but even if you could deduce it somehow, I'm always prepared to defend myself BECAUSE I am a firearm owner.

Ray From Cleveland I am a woman and you are a conservative white man. Conservative white men in this country are the biggest threat to people who are not conservative white men. When you are a woman you can tell me when I should be cautious.

I never once claimed diversity never had an effect on my community! WHERE did you get that? I choose to celebrate it instead of cower from it. I love the diversity. Sure we have crime here. Like I said, I have successfully kept myself safe, even living here on the dangerous deadly border for many years without one gun. It's not that hard.

Oh yes, because conservative white men are so violent. :laughing0301:

So now we can conclude that yes, diversity is a problem like it is just about anywhere in this country. That's the only point I was trying to make.

I live in a diverse community. I know what it was like when it was predominately white, and I know what it's like today. It's not a minor difference, it's a major difference.

And perhaps when you come to the same conclusion that I have, you will understand our stance and what Trump is trying to do for the safety of ALL people in our country.

Most of the mass shooters are white men. In my experience, conservative white men are angrier than other white men. Trumpers are seriously angry and I don't think any of us are surprised when they send bombs to congress people and shoot up churches.

Diversity is only a problem for people who only want to live with other white people. Or people who are afraid of people who aren't white. Kind of like how the Jews in Israel only want to live with other Jews. They are at perpetual war with their neighbors. I don't want to live like that. I don't want to only live with other white people.

I hear Idaho is nice. You'd probably like it better than Cleveland. You should go where you are happy. Cleveland will NEVER be all white again. It just won't. Accept reality.

What difference would that make? No matter where we move, that's where they want to go to.

Yeah, mass murderers are conservative white men. You mean like that guy who attended the Republican baseball practice?

So white men are usually mass murderers, but that doesn't change the statistics any. You have more people getting killed by those of color in Chicago on a holiday weekend than three mass murders. And let's not forget who it was that is responsible for the largest mass murder in the US.

You see, statistics don't lie. You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white in the US. And a higher chance at getting killed by a Hispanic than a white.
Dont forget the mass killing at Fort Hood, a Muslim, Orlando Gay bar, a Muslim, or the San Bernardino, A Muslim. Dontcha think that Ilham Omar, needs to address the issue of Muslims killing US citizens without smiling about those deaths?
Are you expected to speak up every time a Christian kills someone
No, you're not afraid of me coming from Cleveland down to California to do you harm. You're afraid that I will look up those statistics to point out some facts we've been talking about.

Oh yes, I've done this multiple times with people just like yourself; making claims that diversity has no effect on their community. That was until I googled it to prove them wrong.

So my question left you with three choices: Refuse to tell me the area you live in so I can't find the stats. lie to me about where you actually live, or be honest where I can research the city or town to make some valid points to support my claims. You chose option number 1. But I'll give you credit for at least being honest.

You see, you don't have to live in an area to know what's going on there. This isn't the 60's. Many of us have friends that live all over the country, family perhaps like I do, even internet folks we became friends with.

That's besides the fact I caught you in a lie. In one post you claim you have no fear and therefore no need to own a firearm, but here you are, thinking that I could somehow possibly find out who you are by simply providing a city or town, and are in fear of me.

I'm Ray from Cleveland. And if you decide to come here to do me harm, good luck, because there are probably 10,000 people here with my first name, but even if you could deduce it somehow, I'm always prepared to defend myself BECAUSE I am a firearm owner.

Ray From Cleveland I am a woman and you are a conservative white man. Conservative white men in this country are the biggest threat to people who are not conservative white men. When you are a woman you can tell me when I should be cautious.

I never once claimed diversity never had an effect on my community! WHERE did you get that? I choose to celebrate it instead of cower from it. I love the diversity. Sure we have crime here. Like I said, I have successfully kept myself safe, even living here on the dangerous deadly border for many years without one gun. It's not that hard.

Oh yes, because conservative white men are so violent. :laughing0301:

So now we can conclude that yes, diversity is a problem like it is just about anywhere in this country. That's the only point I was trying to make.

I live in a diverse community. I know what it was like when it was predominately white, and I know what it's like today. It's not a minor difference, it's a major difference.

And perhaps when you come to the same conclusion that I have, you will understand our stance and what Trump is trying to do for the safety of ALL people in our country.

Most of the mass shooters are white men. In my experience, conservative white men are angrier than other white men. Trumpers are seriously angry and I don't think any of us are surprised when they send bombs to congress people and shoot up churches.

Diversity is only a problem for people who only want to live with other white people. Or people who are afraid of people who aren't white. Kind of like how the Jews in Israel only want to live with other Jews. They are at perpetual war with their neighbors. I don't want to live like that. I don't want to only live with other white people.

I hear Idaho is nice. You'd probably like it better than Cleveland. You should go where you are happy. Cleveland will NEVER be all white again. It just won't. Accept reality.

What difference would that make? No matter where we move, that's where they want to go to.

Yeah, mass murderers are conservative white men. You mean like that guy who attended the Republican baseball practice?

So white men are usually mass murderers, but that doesn't change the statistics any. You have more people getting killed by those of color in Chicago on a holiday weekend than three mass murders. And let's not forget who it was that is responsible for the largest mass murder in the US.

You see, statistics don't lie. You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black than a white in the US. And a higher chance at getting killed by a Hispanic than a white.
Dont forget the mass killing at Fort Hood, a Muslim, Orlando Gay bar, a Muslim, or the San Bernardino, A Muslim. Dontcha think that Ilham Omar, needs to address the issue of Muslims killing US citizens without smiling about those deaths?
Are you expected to speak up every time a Christian kills someone
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.
Its just incredible to me how you people blindly defend Trump no matter what his dumbass says or does.

"Fuck them all" is by the way what Hitler said once to all other political parties of Germany - and also to the parliament of Germany - and to everyone who was in his eyes not worth to be a German. ....]

Fuck you specifically, you godwin baiting asshole.

Your IQ is average minus more than one sigma, isn't it? And the rest of your aggressions is alcohol or drugs. Or what else did you like to ask or to say to me?

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A poster recently asked, what exactly is a racist? A white, college educated businessman from a northern state will answer it one way.

A white, college deficient farmer from the South will answer it a different way.

I can't tell you what a racist is, but I know one when I see one.

Speaking of which, President Trump visited a southern state yesterday to spread his racial hatred.

Referring to the four women of color, newly elected Democratic members of the House of Representatives, Trump told a packed arena, “These left-wing ideologues see our nation as a force for evil.” To roaring applause, he railed against what he called “hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down.”

“They don’t love our country,” he said. “I think, in some cases, they hate our country. You know what? If they don’t love it, tell them to leave it.”

After Trump reeled off several controversial comments made by Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, including accusations in which he depicted her as sympathetic to Al Qaeda, his adoring admirers began to chant “Send her back.”

For thirteen long seconds, Trump listened to the chant, a smirking grin on his face, obviously proud he had caused the chorus from the massive crowd of mostly southerners. He did not say another word until the chant finally died down.

Then came the morning after and the inevitable lies began.

Facing an onslaught of indignation and qualms even from his inner circle, Trump claimed to be unhappy his rally crowd broke into chants of "send her back."

"I was not happy with it. I disagree with it," Trump said at the White House a day after the rally, attacking those who attended his rally. Brilliant.

In a blatant lie, Trump told reporters he “started speaking very quickly” in an attempt to silence the rally attendees. He is on video with a shyt-eating grin on face listening to the chant for thirteen seconds until it dies out. How stupid can you be?

In another blatant lie that only his base could possibly believe, Trump casually said, "I didn't say that. They did."

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."

How stupid can you be?

Trump lies so easily now.

Why? Trump can do anything, say anything and Republicans in Congress do nothing to rein him in. Instead, they re-interpret what Trump says then tell the American people he really meant something else. It is as if both Trump and Trump Republicans have challenges with the English language.
Still cant get over the 2016 election huh?

Some people grow high, because they move themselves. Others seem to grow high, because they are pushing down others.

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... Dont forget the mass killing at Fort Hood, a Muslim, Orlando Gay bar, a Muslim, or the San Bernardino, A Muslim. Dontcha think that Ilham Omar, needs to address the issue of Muslims killing US citizens without smiling about those deaths?

What was the name of the Muslim who murdered in Las Vegas on October 1st, 2017 58 people and hurted 869? ... Got the name: He had the Arabian name Stephen Paddock - a name from the Norse/Swedish/Danish/Frisian root "padde"(="toad"). I guess you should not sell weapons to toads. Weapons are only something for Iions and such honoric animals.

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Oh by the way: Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib ... perhaps you like this story: One of the German ancestors of Donald Trump earned a lof of money in the Wild West of the USA with prostitutes. Then he came back to Germany and liked to be respected from everyone, because he was rich. But on the other side he was not ready to serve in the German army - what was in the 19th century a normal duty for everyone. Because he had the US-American nationality too they decided to take his German nationality and had sent him back to the USA. That's why Trump lives in New York now. The father of Donald Trump had said by the way that they came from Sweden. ... :lol:

Donald Trump - I guess I speak in the moment for more than 90%-99% of all Germans when I say: You are not welcome in Germany.

Trumps grandfather ran a whore house
... Dont forget the mass killing at Fort Hood, a Muslim, Orlando Gay bar, a Muslim, or the San Bernardino, A Muslim. Dontcha think that Ilham Omar, needs to address the issue of Muslims killing US citizens without smiling about those deaths?

What was the name of the Muslim who murdered in Las Vegas on October 1st, 2017 58 people and hurted 869? ... Got the name: He had the Arabian name Stephen Paddock - a name from the Norse/Swedish/Danish/Frisian root "padde"(="toad"). I guess you should not sell weapons to toads. Weapons are only something for Iions and such honoric animals.

That was a liberal Bernie Supporter who was pissed that the Democrooks stole the election from Sanders. So he went after innocent children at a Country Western Event. Why do liberals hate children, born or unborn? I know, make sure to check voter roles and if a Liberal, no gun for you. Dont want weapons in the hands of the mentally ill. Sound good?
I can only speak for my neighbors and friends who are border agents.

So that’s less than 1%. I am listening to the 89% with all due respect. Regardless of who is in the White House.
No, you are listening to what someone is TELLING you the other 89% are saying. There is a difference.

The Trump administration is not known for honesty.

You don’t listen well. I said IDC who is in the WH. There are numerous articles on border patrol agents wanting a Wall. I believe them. I saw a 60 Minutes piece on this as well. Now you’re just being an arrogant TDS jerk.
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I can only speak for my neighbors and friends who are border agents.

So that’s less than 1%. I am listening to the 89% with all due respect. Regardless of who is in the White House.
No, you are listening to what someone is TELLING you the other 89% are saying. There is a difference.

The Trump administration is not known for honesty.

You don’t listen well. I said IDC who is in the WH. There are numerous articles on border patrol agents wanting a Wall. I believe them. I saw a 60 Minutes piece on this as well. Now you’re just being an arrogant TDS jerk.
Mr Trump.....Tear down that wall
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