Trump On Rush Show Flops

...Awwwww poor little libber got his feelings hurt by the mean ole President.....sniff sniff here's a tissue
Not a 'libber'... I take a hard stance on Illegal Aliens, I want manufacturing jobs back in the US, I welcome a trade-war with China, hard-stance on PDRK and Iran, etc.

You confuse dogged opposition to your Robber-Baron Orange Baboon-God POS with Liberalism... you just be one of those blinkered One-Trick Ponies, aren't you, boy?

By the way... your resorting to juvenile and ineffective ad hominem attacks betrays your inability to defend your Orange Master against charges of debating-incompetence.

The sooner that turd is sent packing the better for The People and their Republic and its Constitution.
A candidate going off on a tangent is hardly anything new.
Rump must be experiencing the onset of senile dementia brought on by old age.

Ronnie Raygun, Bush 41, and Sleepy Old Uncle Joe all had-or-have a better grip on sanity and rationality than the Orange Baboon-God does.
You are a lost soul who is psychologically defeated, brainwashed in to what Hillary Clinton said, "We desire to create a more docile and obedient citizenry"

Welcome to Satanism 10.

When a radio listener asked her question on how Trumpcare will protect those with pre-existing health conditions Trump answered with the following:

“The Democrats are vicious and they lie, and what they do, as an example health care and other things,” Trump said, “they have me standing at the grave of beautiful soldier at an old cemetery, magnificent cemetery, and nobody respects soldiers more than I do, especially whether you’re talking about live soldiers or soldiers that gave their lives, and they have a source say these are suckers and losers. This was for a magazine that’s third-rate, you know super-liberal Obama magazine, and it’s a quote, they took that quote from one source I have 25 people that verbally, that, you know, on the record, said that was never said. Who would ever say that? Only an animal would say that.”

I wonder if all of Trump's supporters got all that information?

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe.

You gullible Sheeple are so pathetic.

Let me guess ....

Next you will say Trump has not denounced White Supremacy.

You sick Leftist fvcks are all the same.

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