Trump On Rush Show Flops

Holy crap, I listened for 30 minutes. Non-stop bitching and moaning by Trump The Victim, insulting anyone and everyone, and calling everything "a disgrace". Even Rush could barely get a word in.

Does he really think this is going to help him?
Fucking brilliant move by Limbaugh to get even more liberals to listen.
You think Trump's performance changed some minds, do ya?

I think liberals help Rush’s ratings.
Yeah, me neither.
When a radio listener asked her question on how Trumpcare will protect those with pre-existing health conditions Trump answered with the following:

“The Democrats are vicious and they lie, and what they do, as an example health care and other things,” Trump said, “they have me standing at the grave of beautiful soldier at an old cemetery, magnificent cemetery, and nobody respects soldiers more than I do, especially whether you’re talking about live soldiers or soldiers that gave their lives, and they have a source say these are suckers and losers. This was for a magazine that’s third-rate, you know super-liberal Obama magazine, and it’s a quote, they took that quote from one source I have 25 people that verbally, that, you know, on the record, said that was never said. Who would ever say that? Only an animal would say that.”

I wonder if all of Trump's supporters got all that information?

Probably a good thing he's pulled out of the next Town Hall style debate. He'd get creamed.
He didn't pull out, why do you lie so much. the CPD is changing rules and called it.....learn the fucking facts.
When a radio listener asked her question on how Trumpcare will protect those with pre-existing health conditions Trump answered with the following:

“The Democrats are vicious and they lie, and what they do, as an example health care and other things,” Trump said, “they have me standing at the grave of beautiful soldier at an old cemetery, magnificent cemetery, and nobody respects soldiers more than I do, especially whether you’re talking about live soldiers or soldiers that gave their lives, and they have a source say these are suckers and losers. This was for a magazine that’s third-rate, you know super-liberal Obama magazine, and it’s a quote, they took that quote from one source I have 25 people that verbally, that, you know, on the record, said that was never said. Who would ever say that? Only an animal would say that.”

I wonder if all of Trump's supporters got all that information?

That is how trump is going to protect people with preexisting conditions after he gets the Supreme Court to rule Obamacare unconstitutional?


Does he even know what the question was?

I sure would like to have heard a rational and honest reply to the question. I'm one of those who would be classified as preexisting condition.

I want to know how I will be able to buy insurance when Obamacare is ruled unconstitutional.

I would like to point out that if we are forced to be able to have proper health care only if we buy insurance then our government shouldn't make it legal for any insurance company to deny a policy or any coverage to anyone with a preexisting condition. Or charge them astronomical rates so they can't afford it or the insurance is worthless.

If our government is going to make it legal for millions of us to never be able to buy insurance again in our lives then the government better damn well offer us more than just "go to the ER."

The government better damn well offer us a public non profit option if the government is going to make it legal for insurance companies to deny selling us a policy or at rates we can't afford.
Well how do you protect black people from being discriminated against. Pre Existing conditions if just a form of discrimination, correct?
Trump nor Biden can save mankind from Bible Prophecy and the coming 666 New World Order, but I believe we have an obligation to fight Evil until that day. So how do you know who to choose?

God says we are to choose life.

Figure it out.
When a radio listener asked her question on how Trumpcare will protect those with pre-existing health conditions Trump answered with the following:

“The Democrats are vicious and they lie, and what they do, as an example health care and other things,” Trump said, “they have me standing at the grave of beautiful soldier at an old cemetery, magnificent cemetery, and nobody respects soldiers more than I do, especially whether you’re talking about live soldiers or soldiers that gave their lives, and they have a source say these are suckers and losers. This was for a magazine that’s third-rate, you know super-liberal Obama magazine, and it’s a quote, they took that quote from one source I have 25 people that verbally, that, you know, on the record, said that was never said. Who would ever say that? Only an animal would say that.”

I wonder if all of Trump's supporters got all that information?

:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
When a radio listener asked her question on how Trumpcare will protect those with pre-existing health conditions Trump answered with the following:

“The Democrats are vicious and they lie, and what they do, as an example health care and other things,” Trump said, “they have me standing at the grave of beautiful soldier at an old cemetery, magnificent cemetery, and nobody respects soldiers more than I do, especially whether you’re talking about live soldiers or soldiers that gave their lives, and they have a source say these are suckers and losers. This was for a magazine that’s third-rate, you know super-liberal Obama magazine, and it’s a quote, they took that quote from one source I have 25 people that verbally, that, you know, on the record, said that was never said. Who would ever say that? Only an animal would say that.”

I wonder if all of Trump's supporters got all that information?

Probably a good thing he's pulled out of the next Town Hall style debate. He'd get creamed.
He didn't pull out, why do you lie so much. the CPD is changing rules and called it.....learn the fucking facts.

He pulled out. Jeez, just can't stop with the "alternate facts" huh?
He was already at a disadvantage in a Town Hall format. But now that just the remote possibility of riffing has been removed, he's screwed.
Like everything else with Donald, he brings it on himself. But he should remember, COVID is just their latest hoax.
When a radio listener asked her question on how Trumpcare will protect those with pre-existing health conditions Trump answered with the following:

“The Democrats are vicious and they lie, and what they do, as an example health care and other things,” Trump said, “they have me standing at the grave of beautiful soldier at an old cemetery, magnificent cemetery, and nobody respects soldiers more than I do, especially whether you’re talking about live soldiers or soldiers that gave their lives, and they have a source say these are suckers and losers. This was for a magazine that’s third-rate, you know super-liberal Obama magazine, and it’s a quote, they took that quote from one source I have 25 people that verbally, that, you know, on the record, said that was never said. Who would ever say that? Only an animal would say that.”

I wonder if all of Trump's supporters got all that information?

Probably a good thing he's pulled out of the next Town Hall style debate. He'd get creamed.
He didn't pull out, why do you lie so much. the CPD is changing rules and called it.....learn the fucking facts.

He pulled out. Jeez, just can't stop with the "alternate facts" huh?
He was already at a disadvantage in a Town Hall format. But now that just the remote possibility of riffing has been removed, he's screwed.
Like everything else with Donald, he brings it on himself. But he should remember, COVID is just their latest hoax.
He didn't dipshit.....he said no vitual debate........that's it, show me where he pulled out of a normal townhall debate? I dare you
The Orange Gorilla-God just didn't want the moderator to have control of an actual Mute Button when his time was up... :p
A candidate going off on a tangent is hardly anything new.
Rump must be experiencing the onset of senile dementia brought on by old age.

Ronnie Raygun, Bush 41, and Sleepy Old Uncle Joe all had-or-have a better grip on sanity and rationality than the Orange Baboon-God does. have nominated a brainless guy who wears a diaper for president.

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