Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

How stupid would someone have to be to think that Chinese virus refers to American Chinese? My God. Every time I think colfax can't look any more stupid, he proves me wrong. Amazing
how dare Trump call it the China Virus or the Kung Flu? that's so racist and fundamentally unAmerican. Joe Biden has too much decency to ever do that, folks!

in fact, i wish Biden would call it The Trump Virus or The Orange Flu, now that i think about it. that could play well in the swing states!
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:

NBC, the heart of fake news.

I do like you're worried about people being afraid of a loony or two out there who while you are perfectly fine with leftists rioting, looting and burning inner cities and you're suddenly not afraid of anyone being afraid

And we are back to you following your programing. Step one of the Trump defense syndrome is to claim bias and therefore you don't have to deal with the content.

NBC and the rest of fake news have proven repeatedly they are agenda driven. Yes, when you do that you lose your credibility.

Note you ignored the points I made about the article anyway

Your points are little more than a distraction to avoid the topic because you know that your only hope is to evade the questions and change the subject.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.
No, it isn’t. it is your wishful thinking because you lack any evidence.

As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

You've heard the tape of Biden calling him xenophobic for the travel ban many times. You have no integrity. I'm not wasting my time with that
On that tape, does Biden mention the travel ban?

Be honest. Yes or no.

He was talking about the travel ban. That was the subject. When you did papers in school, did you put in the paper that you were referring to the assignment or did you assume the teacher already grasped that?
What do you mean "that was the subject". Who made it the subject of his comments?

I take it that you are acknowledging that Biden never mentioned the travel ban in his comments.

It's called confirmation bias, of course you do

Well, since you won't directly address the questions, I take it there's a reason for it and that reason is likely because you don't want to admit that the truth.

So, again, who made it "the subject" of Biden's comments?

Of course you do, it's called confirmation bias. I reject your stupid shit and you take that as agreeing with you. It's pretty moronic. Like everything else you post

You're free to prove me wrong anytime, but you keep trying to change the subject rather than discuss it.

Who made the travel ban "the subject" of Biden's comments?

Dying to know, since this would prove your assertion, but since you refuse to acknowledge the question, I'm going to feel free to make an adverse inference on it. Again, it's up to you to prove me wrong anytime. I'm guessing you'd rather call names.
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.

So Obama was a racist for calling it the Ebola virus. Got it.

Here's an interesting one. I lived in Connecticut a long time and I called it Lyme disease. Did I hate myself?

And wow, Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Do they hate camping or is it the mountains themselves they hate? Or is it being spotted? How does that work?

You're truly an idiot. You don't just play one on message boards. You're the real thing.

No one thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans. You don't either, you're lying again
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.
No, it isn’t. it is your wishful thinking because you lack any evidence.

Sure, it's just a total coincidence that they noticed a rash of discrimination against Asians just at the same time that Trump has been harping on China relentlessly.

You're not that stupid, you just can't acknowledge you're wrong.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

You've heard the tape of Biden calling him xenophobic for the travel ban many times. You have no integrity. I'm not wasting my time with that
On that tape, does Biden mention the travel ban?

Be honest. Yes or no.

He was talking about the travel ban. That was the subject. When you did papers in school, did you put in the paper that you were referring to the assignment or did you assume the teacher already grasped that?
What do you mean "that was the subject". Who made it the subject of his comments?

I take it that you are acknowledging that Biden never mentioned the travel ban in his comments.

It's called confirmation bias, of course you do

Well, since you won't directly address the questions, I take it there's a reason for it and that reason is likely because you don't want to admit that the truth.

So, again, who made it "the subject" of Biden's comments?

Of course you do, it's called confirmation bias. I reject your stupid shit and you take that as agreeing with you. It's pretty moronic. Like everything else you post

You're free to prove me wrong anytime, but you keep trying to change the subject rather than discuss it.

Who made the travel ban "the subject" of Biden's comments?

Dying to know, since this would prove your assertion, but since you refuse to acknowledge the question, I'm going to feel free to make an adverse inference on it. Again, it's up to you to prove me wrong anytime. I'm guessing you'd rather call names.

You already proved that you won't acknowledge evidence. I just didn't believe you. Nostra proved it. You don't get a second chance when you already proved your lack of manhood.
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.

So Obama was a racist for calling it the Ebola virus. Got it.

Here's an interesting one. I lived in Connecticut a long time and I called it Lyme disease. Did I hate myself?

And wow, Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Do they hate camping or is it the mountains themselves they hate? Or is it being spotted? How does that work?

You're truly an idiot. You don't just play one on message boards. You're the real thing.

No one thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans. You don't either, you're lying again

Does the medical community call it the China virus? Yes or no?

If no one thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans, why did Asian Americans face so many acts of discrimination and why did y'all freak out about Pelosi going to Chinatown?
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.
No, it isn’t. it is your wishful thinking because you lack any evidence.

Sure, it's just a total coincidence that they noticed a rash of discrimination against Asians just at the same time that Trump has been harping on China relentlessly.

You're not that stupid, you just can't acknowledge you're wrong.

Stupid is anyone who thinks "Chinese virus" refers to Chinese Americans. You know, you
how dare Trump call it the China Virus or the Kung Flu? that's so racist and fundamentally unAmerican. Joe Biden has too much decency to ever do that, folks!

in fact, i wish Biden would call it The Trump Virus or The Orange Flu, now that i think about it. that could play well in the swing states!

OK, so Obama was racist for calling it the Ebola virus. Got it
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

You've heard the tape of Biden calling him xenophobic for the travel ban many times. You have no integrity. I'm not wasting my time with that
On that tape, does Biden mention the travel ban?

Be honest. Yes or no.

He was talking about the travel ban. That was the subject. When you did papers in school, did you put in the paper that you were referring to the assignment or did you assume the teacher already grasped that?
What do you mean "that was the subject". Who made it the subject of his comments?

I take it that you are acknowledging that Biden never mentioned the travel ban in his comments.

It's called confirmation bias, of course you do

Well, since you won't directly address the questions, I take it there's a reason for it and that reason is likely because you don't want to admit that the truth.

So, again, who made it "the subject" of Biden's comments?

Of course you do, it's called confirmation bias. I reject your stupid shit and you take that as agreeing with you. It's pretty moronic. Like everything else you post

You're free to prove me wrong anytime, but you keep trying to change the subject rather than discuss it.

Who made the travel ban "the subject" of Biden's comments?

Dying to know, since this would prove your assertion, but since you refuse to acknowledge the question, I'm going to feel free to make an adverse inference on it. Again, it's up to you to prove me wrong anytime. I'm guessing you'd rather call names.

You already proved that you won't acknowledge evidence. I just didn't believe you. Nostra proved it. You don't get a second chance when you already proved your lack of manhood.

Nostra provided nothing of the sort. Nothing in Nostra's "evidence" showed that Biden's comments spoke of any travel ban.

So how did the travel ban become "the subject" of Biden's comments?

You cannot provide any single statement or quote demonstrating that. Instead of providing any statement or quote, you're going to keep calling me names and pretending evidence exists which doesn't.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.
No, it isn’t. it is your wishful thinking because you lack any evidence.

Sure, it's just a total coincidence that they noticed a rash of discrimination against Asians just at the same time that Trump has been harping on China relentlessly.

You're not that stupid, you just can't acknowledge you're wrong.

Stupid is anyone who thinks "Chinese virus" refers to Chinese Americans. You know, you

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.
No, it isn’t. it is your wishful thinking because you lack any evidence.

Sure, it's just a total coincidence that they noticed a rash of discrimination against Asians just at the same time that Trump has been harping on China relentlessly.

You're not that stupid, you just can't acknowledge you're wrong.

Stupid is anyone who thinks "Chinese virus" refers to Chinese Americans. You know, you

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.
No, it isn’t. it is your wishful thinking because you lack any evidence.

Sure, it's just a total coincidence that they noticed a rash of discrimination against Asians just at the same time that Trump has been harping on China relentlessly.

You're not that stupid, you just can't acknowledge you're wrong.
I don't follow the delusions of TDS afflicted idiot like you.

Show the evidence.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.
No, it isn’t. it is your wishful thinking because you lack any evidence.

Sure, it's just a total coincidence that they noticed a rash of discrimination against Asians just at the same time that Trump has been harping on China relentlessly.

You're not that stupid, you just can't acknowledge you're wrong.

Stupid is anyone who thinks "Chinese virus" refers to Chinese Americans. You know, you

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:
Common sense. It's the reason that we no longer call viruses after the location they were discovered. It unnecessarily stigmatizes a people.

So I'll side with the medical community of you're ignorance.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

Actually if you just joined us in reality, that would do it
Is that the reality where Trump claimed in the spring that COVID is no big deal, the Democrats are using it for a hoax, it’s going to disappear and it’s totally under control?

Or should I stay in the reality where COVID has killed hundreds of thousands, continues to kill about a thousand people per day and has caused trillions upon trillions of economic damage?

You mean the sring where Nancy was inviting people down to Chinatown, and Joe was calling the travel ban xenophobic, and fear mongering? That spring?

And due to the administrations actions the death toll from this virus is within CDC projected numbers...That's science.

But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Colfax: But Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Fact check: Liar, liar pants on fire

Colfax: and what was exactly was wrong with inviting people to Chinatown in February?

Your hypocrisy of attacking Trump now for admitting he downplayed the Biden virus

Colfax: Biden never called the ban xenophobic and fear mongering

Kaz: Yes he did and I have proof.

Colfax: Can I see this proof?

Kaz: No! (Jumps out window)

You are really bad at making a compelling case.

“Nakedly xenophobic”

Cant wait for your lame ass spin claiming he wasn’t talking about the travel ban.....or some other dumbassery.


Biden's words speak for themselves.

“The pandemic has unleashed familiar forces of hate, fear and xenophobia that he always flames … that have always existed in this society,” Biden said. “But this president brought it with him, has brought with it a new rash of racial messages, verbal and physical attacks and other acts of hate, some subtle, some overt, against the Asian American and Pacific Islanders.”

“We deserve better than a president who attacks the Speaker of the House for visiting a local Chinatown business in San Francisco. We deserve better than a president who aggressively and childishly insults Asian American reporter. Think of that, the president of the U.S. for the whole world to see, insults an Asian American reporter in the Rose Garden for doing her job and asking a direct question. You deserve a partner and a friend in the White House.”

He said exactly what he means and nothing in his comments referred to the travel ban.

Thank you for providing an article that contradicts what you want me to believe. It's far easier this way. Perhaps you should have read it.

LOL, just as I predicted in the last post.

colfax: Biden's comments about the travel ban weren't referring to the travel ban.

Thank you, Mr. Doublespeak
I would like for colfax_m to tell us what part of Trump’s Kung Flu response was “xenophobic”, if it wasn’t the travel bans.

It’s in Biden’s comments, which if you read, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Calling it the China virus stigmatized Asian Americans who were discriminated against as a result.

Thats the best ya got?

Link us up to all this discrimination due to calling it the China Virus.


It's a trivial google search:
Your link provides ZERO EVIDENCE those acts were caused by calling it the Chinese virus.

Try again.

It's common sense that his relentless attacks on China as responsible for the coronavirus are going to have collateral damage.

Don't be a ignorant.
No, it isn’t. it is your wishful thinking because you lack any evidence.

Sure, it's just a total coincidence that they noticed a rash of discrimination against Asians just at the same time that Trump has been harping on China relentlessly.

You're not that stupid, you just can't acknowledge you're wrong.
I don't follow the delusions of TDS afflicted idiot like you.

Show the evidence.
Temporal relationship is evidence. Besides, we have the evidence from the acts themselves.

They Lying 5-Deferments Draft Dodging, Russian Loving Coward 45 has been busted for claiming he (the Draft Dodging Shit For Brain Coward 45) received the "Bay of Pigs" Award.


Which is all kinds of lying, no big surprise there all that Pussy Grabbing Pervert does is lie.


That lying sack pig shit can only lie.
The death counts are! Prove one death by wuhan
CDC. Autopsies. The numbers are out there. You are some dude on a messageboard.

Trump supporters serve as speedbumps on the road to knowledge.
Dude we just had this discussion let me refresh your memory on what you said about autopsies
'Medical examiners only examine people who have an unknown or disputed cause of death. Someone who came in from an auto crash and died of his injuries would NOT be sent to the medical examiner.

Someone who got run over by a truck, would not be sent to the medical examiner.

Quincy is a busy man, they don't bother him unless they don't know the cause of death."


Absolutely, all sudden deaths in NZ and Australia are sent to coroners court for an autopsy. I would be very surprised if the same thing didn't happen in the US. Then again, we are a bit ahead of the US in things like this. What does a foreigner have to do with anything you cracker idiot.

Please, you're a pimple on our ass. No, most people do not get an autopsy in the United States. A tiny percentage.

You're a tiny, homogeneous country. We have like 80 times the people you do. You're your own islands. We have an open border to a third world country.

You think it's because you're "ahead." Do lecture us, Karen
How many countries with smart leaders are way ahead of America in regard to cases of the virus and deaths? How does it feel republicans to have voted for Mr Stupid Trump?,,,hoping you won't make the same mistake twice
Why does it matter?

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