Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

The "argument" was in the previous post (5,458) but you're too DUPED to realize it. Trump brought the Covid deaths waaaay down. 90% reduction.

He saved more lives in America, than probably anyone in our generation. HUGE SUCCESS.
COVID is the reason he lost in November I guess NO ONE agrees with your lie.
What successes?

THESE successes >>

  • Covid deaths sharply declined since April 2020, from 17,000/week to 2,000/week in June, and stayed relatively low all year long, HUGE SUCCESS, and that is because of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding
  • the Task Force,
  • ventilators (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships,
  • the stimulus checks,
  • social distancing,
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals,
  • ramped up production of medical supplies,
  • eliminated govt restrictions on manufacturing medical supplies,
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron,
  • Trump's Operation Warp Speed fast development of a vaccine, now going in distribution, thanks to Trump.
In contrast, the VILLIANS of Covid, are Fauci (funded the Wuhan lab with gain of function work). Pelosi, for stopping the stimulus checks, and blue state governors for the lockdowns.


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I hope Florida parents sue little trump when their children start falling ill. It seems a good law suit is the only thing these idiots fear
That's what they should do to Biden for opening up the Mexican Border, and then flying unvetted, unvaccinated, undocumented, illegal aliens all over the country,... after Trump stopped the virus, by all the things mentioned in Post # 5,484
Stop lying Hezbollah Hanna. Trump stopped flights from the epicenter of the disease, Xi's man biden called him a racist for it while the democrat Reich blatantly lied to cover up the origin of the Wuhan Designer Virus®
Biden said it was xenophobic, calling it the Cha-(EYE)-Nah virus.

"but neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia, labeling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have been taken thus far by the Trump administration."

But but I know, your Trumpybear is the real victim here.
Poor, senile gramps. :cuckoo:

"If we do things together well, almost perfectly, we could get in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 fatalities." ~ Dr. Birx
Birx and Fauci worked against Trump, not with him. Your post has nothing to do with Trump's SUCCESS on Covid, and you still appear to be unaware of what I just posted in Post # 5,486.
Biden said it was xenophobic, calling it the Cha-(EYE)-Nah virus.

"but neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia, labeling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have been taken thus far by the Trump administration."

But but I know, your Trumpybear is the real victim here.
He is the victim of slanders like yours et al.
Shouldn't have been either. Trump's actions of shutting down the border, banning flights to and from China, setting up temperature readings at points of foreign and domestic transportation outlets, providing New York with a floating hospital provided isolarion, healing, and care for coronavirus victims. Mayor Cuomo made the decision to route sick and dying into nursing homes had a kill rate of over 90% for innocent seniors and their families, and that's where the rubber hits the road. Because Democrats in their arrogance were so bitten by the defeat of Hillary "I forget" Clinton and her vulgar war room aparatchik kissups Cuomo knew he would never have to say he was sorry for his mass murder of paying senior citizens whose families trusted their going broke to care for their senior parents many of whom needed help to get dressed every day and someone else to cook so their homes would not burn down because they forgot to turn off the burners.

Every time I see Cuomo's name, I just feel sick to my stomach. And everyone who lost their seniors because of Cuomo's imperial arrogance likely does, too.

Do not be fooled. The Democrats in power knew a lot more about the corona virus because they were in constant communication with tbeir pampered medical conspirtor Fauci. And their financial stake in using the medicare tax money they saved was HIGHLY likely to be pocketed for campaign money after thousands of medicare patients were in fact murdered by Cuomo's decree because their boy Fauci figured out how to get rid of the expense by killing off people with death by mass murder, and that is why they didn't impeach Maxine Waters the money madam when she told her little creepy aparatchiks to stalk President Trump's staff so they'd quit and the war room could say "we told you so" about Trump staff turnover.

Democrats are freedom's cancer and they are getting away with it and profiteering off every penny the IRS collects from taxpayers like you and me. It is criminal and anyone who takes money from them to spread their Alenski takeover of the United States treasury is a defacto criminal also.

That is why good people are leaving the Democrat party of their fathers: Evil makes good people sick.
I am still waiting for one answer from the demofks, if the vaccine works, why are you afraid of unvaccinated people? come on now, let's see who has the gonads in here.
The Wuhan Designer Virus™ that you Nazis and your CCP masters unleashed as a biological weapon?
they still haven't answered why their vaccine is inefficient to protecting their pigs from unvaccinated folks. Actually, Trump's vaccine. but hey they want to own it now. too fking funny. I really think these demofks play Chinese fire drill around themselves daily.

There is nothing left to be said.
Trump took steps to keep the infected chinese out, arranged for the study and producing the vaccines, and didn't want to create an unnecessary panic that would have done nothing good. You are very silly if you think that locking the US earlier would have improved anything. It would made the US broker...while getting people to rebel against the lock downs sooner before the treatments and vaccines were made.
HE WON immensely votewise. He lost fraudwise.

And I challenge you to SHOW how anything I said is a lie.
Dumbfuck, it's your burden to prove your own claims. You claim there was massive fraud which would have changed the outcome of the election. That's your claim to prove

Obviously you can't possibly prove it otherwise you would have; instead of challenging others to prove you're lying.
Biden said it was xenophobic, calling it the Cha-(EYE)-Nah virus.

"but neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia, labeling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have been taken thus far by the Trump administration."

But but I know, your Trumpybear is the real victim here.
It's the chinese/dem fauci kung flu bio-weapon, blind. These are the facts.
THESE successes >>

  • Covid deaths sharply declined since April 2020, from 17,000/week to 2,000/week in June, and stayed relatively low all year long, HUGE SUCCESS, and that is because of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding
  • the Task Force,
  • ventilators (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships,
  • the stimulus checks,
  • social distancing,
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals,
  • ramped up production of medical supplies,
  • eliminated govt restrictions on manufacturing medical supplies,
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron,
  • Trump's Operation Warp Speed fast development of a vaccine, now going in distribution, thanks to Trump.
In contrast, the VILLIANS of Covid, are Fauci (funded the Wuhan lab with gain of function work). Pelosi, for stopping the stimulus checks, and blue state governors for the lockdowns.

Gramps, the April, 2020 spike went down after the country locked down. I do give credit to Trump for recommending that. Oddly, you blame Democrats for that.

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