Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.
What if I told you there was a man who was the head of a COVID Bioweapon development project that predicted The Trump Administration would be attacked by that very same COVID Bioweapon that he was in charge of developing?

Head of COVID Bioweapon development predicts Trump Administration will be attacked with his very own COVID Bioweapon.
Head of COVID Bioweapon development predicts Trump Administration will be attacked with his COVID Bioweapon.

So in your world Fauci developed aids too. How about hepatitus , and typhus
/----/ And you slept through Critical Thinking class, so we are even.
Critical thinking ? That’s hilarious. The rights substitute for education. Nice. You can go through life just practicing “critical thinking“. If all you need is one class on critical thinking, why is the right so wrong all the time. ?
Of course you can’t even apply critical thinking without evidence and facts, something the right has no idea of.
”Critical thinking is the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations,”
So without FACTS and evidence, and observations, critical thinking doesn’t exists. And who is primarily responsible to assimilating facts, evidence and observations ? The research and educational institutes of the world……not the bogus right and not Fix News with drop out Hannity and Tucker the dim wit.
So in your world Fauci developed aids too. How about hepatitus , and typhus

Critical thinking ? That’s hilarious. The rights substitute for education. Nice. You can go through life just practicing “critical thinking“. If all you need is one class on critical thinking, why is the right so wrong all the time. ?
Of course you can’t even apply critical thinking without evidence and facts, something the right has no idea of.
”Critical thinking is the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations,”
So without FACTS and evidence, and observations, critical thinking doesn’t exists. And who is primarily responsible to assimilating facts, evidence and observations ? The research and educational institutes of the world……not the bogus right and not Fix News with drop out Hannity and Tucker the dim wit.
Fauci was not ordered to create AIDS then predicted that Trump was going to experience an AIDS pandemic from the very AIDS virus Fauci was in charge of creating. So no, I don't think Fauci developed AIDS, but not a bad theory. Perhaps he was involved. The UN has been wanting to kill off a few billion people for quite a long got that going for you.

The paper trail for COVID19 starts in The Obama Administration, goes through The Defense Department and EcoHealth, and ends at Fauci's doorstep in Wuhan with the blessing and backing of The CCP who we know owns Biden Inc.

Fauci, Biden, and Obama are directly responsible for COVID19

Head of COVID Bioweapon development predicts Trump Administration will be attacked with his COVID Bioweapon.
/----/ And you slept through Critical Thinking class, so we are even.
One can be even with the dimwits at Fix News…..
Fauci was not ordered to create AIDS then predicted that Trump was going to experience an AIDS pandemic from the very AIDS virus Fauci was in charge of creating. So no, I don't think Fauci developed AIDS, but not a bad theory. Perhaps he was involved. The UN has been wanting to kill off a few billion people for quite a long got that going for you.

The paper trail for COVID19 starts in The Obama Administration, goes through The Defense Department and EcoHealth, and ends at Fauci's doorstep in Wuhan with the blessing and backing of The CCP who we know owns Biden Inc.

Fauci, Biden, and Obama are directly responsible for COVID19

Head of COVID Bioweapon development predicts Trump Administration will be attacked with his COVID Bioweapon.

The infamous paper trail…somewhere. Never saw Trump in a lab coat. So which is it. We going to give Trump credit for the vaccine that doesn’t work ? What is your story this week ?
So, Obama and Fauci aJD Biden are responsible for a coronavirus that’s been around for hundreds of years ? That’s centuries. Amazing.
One can be even with the dimwits at Fix News…..

The infamous paper trail…somewhere. Never saw Trump in a lab coat. So which is it. We going to give Trump credit for the vaccine that doesn’t work ? What is your story this week ?
Depends if you want to pay me to tell the lies they pay you to tell.

Below are some facts for you.

Fauci lied, people died. Fauci is not a prophet. COVID19 was planned and funded by The Obama Administration and unleashed on The Trump Administration intentionally as an attack on our Democracy.

One can be even with the dimwits at Fix News…..

The infamous paper trail…somewhere. Never saw Trump in a lab coat. So which is it. We going to give Trump credit for the vaccine that doesn’t work ? What is your story this week ?
So, Obama and Fauci aJD Biden are responsible for a coronavirus that’s been around for hundreds of years ? That’s centuries. Amazing.
Fauci Lied, People Died!

Depends if you want to pay me to tell the lies they pay you to tell.

Below are some facts for you.

Fauci lied, people died. Fauci is not a prophet. COVID19 was planned and funded by The Obama Administration and unleashed on The Trump Administration intentionally as an attack on our Democracy.

Amazing. So Trump was right or wrong when he said the virus would be fo in the spring. It doesn’t take much to fool you guys. How does it feel to hang on Tucker ‘s every word ?
Amazing. So Trump was right or wrong when he said the virus would be fo in the spring. It doesn’t take much to fool you guys. How does it feel to hang on Tucker ‘s every word ?
He was correct had we followed his leadership. Masks, Social Distancing, Lockdowns all EXTENDED the SCAMDEMIC.

Ivermectin and HCQ should have been made widely available. Vaccine Mandates did nothing really but enrich Big Pharma.

Who is Tucker?

Gee, Trump lied and had sex with a prostitute allwhile this was going on. ,
I thought you lefties did not care about what people did in the bedroom. Has nothing to do with the topic. I can see now that you don't care about facts.

Russian Troll?

Or are you China Chicken?

Maybe Iranian or North Korean

Fauci should be tried on War Crimes for violation of The Nuremberg Code and so should Obama and Biden.

I thought you lefties did not care about what people did in the bedroom. Has nothing to do with the topic. I can see now that you don't care about facts.

Russian Troll?

Or are you China Chicken?

Maybe Iranian or North Korean

Fauci should be tried on War Crimes for violation of The Nuremberg Code and so should Obama and Biden.

A fact isn’t shit “you” and Tucker make up, or even the American Conservative, what eve tripe they have to peddle.
I thought you lefties did not care about what people did in the bedroom. Has nothing to do with the topic. I can see now that you don't care about facts.

Russian Troll?

Or are you China Chicken?

Maybe Iranian or North Korean

Fauci should be tried on War Crimes for violation of The Nuremberg Code and so should Obama and Biden.

Trump can fk all the prostitutes he wants…he’s still a liar and cheater. He’s a fraud for illegally using his campaign contributions to pay off his hookers dufus.
A fact isn’t shit “you” and Tucker make up, or even the American Conservative, what eve tripe they have to peddle.
Nothing is made up. You are a troll or simply a misguided useful idiot. You are not here to discuss any topics.

Fauci Lied, Obama Lied, Biden Lied and people died. The Dems hired the Russians in 2016 to help rig things in Hillary's favor with Operation Russian Collusion and worked with The FBI and Democrats in Congress to launch 3 Bureaucratic COUPs.
So much for "the peaceful transfer of power".

Plan B, Operation Scamdemic was already in place 10 days before Trump was sworn in only this time The Dems contracted with Fauci, The Communist Chinese and The Wuhan Lab to produce The COVID19 Bioweapon funded by laundering money from The Defense Department through EcoHealth right in to Fauci's hands in Wuhan.

When you embrace the fact that these people lie to you and do not care about you and see you only as a resource and a tool for them to get what they want, and you understand that as soon as you are no longer useful that they could care less about you or your family, your sanity will return.
They are…..anyone can get it, either under a different name or if you want it under a doctor supervision, sign up for a trial. Everything you say is BS.
Honestly you are just a foaming at the mouth rabid liberal who is more concerned about political agendas than you are about the life and health and freedom of others.

The Biden Administration has tried to ban, or suppress the prescribing of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine, and Monoclonal Antibodies.

There is no good reason to do that unless you were actually trying to extend The Plandemic. In fact all their actions did nothing to end it but only lengthened it. How about you educate yourself and see how Dr's were treated who wanted to use antivirals and monoclonal antibodies instead of injecting people with experimental mrna treatments, Dr. Mengele?

Anti-vaccine doctor fired for trying to treat COVID-19 patients with ivermectin

Trump can fk all the prostitutes he wants…he’s still a liar and cheater. He’s a fraud for illegally using his campaign contributions to pay off his hookers dufus.
So Russian, Iranian, Chinese, or North Korean Troll? You certainly aren't an American Citizen. Perhaps you are one of these godless atheists, or satanists.
Maybe you worship Allah-Satan?

Are you in a bad mood because your goat sacrifice was a failure today?

Please share why you are such an ill-tempered and ugly person.

Maybe we can help you.

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