Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

This post is fake news. I saw Trump admitting to it.
The Trump tape is akin to finding a tape or transcript where the national security advisor told FDR in November that the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor.

And then FDR "playing it down"
Like Bush and the Mission accomplish banner.
Republicans have a long history of explaining away why their guy lies.
This fn liar said he didn't want to cause a panic ,,,,,,,,Dr to patient "I didn't want to tell you you had a serious case of cancer .Didn't want you to panic " "You have 2 weeks left ,,good luck""
Once again for the hoaxers and liars. He said he wanted to play it down to avoid a panic and hoped it could stay down
Avoiding a panic is good except for liberals who live in a constant state of panic that was ALWAYS Caused by Someone Else or they try to create a fake one.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

This post is fake news. I saw Trump admitting to it.
admitting to what exactly?

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.
Again, this has nothing to do with military personnel. This is about how he admitted downplaying the virus to the American public.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.
DAMMIT!!! OK, but Fauci said it was no big deal too? So he is damned for listening to Fauci and damned for not listening to him. Like I said, I never would have locked down.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Do you have a tape.

Cons don't care. 45 lied about Corona Virus and they do not care. He lied and over 194,000 Americans died and they simply not care.
I trying to find what fairy tale book this is in, or did you just make it up?

No, Bob Woodward has a tape which has been played and replayed more times than I care to count.


But Cons do not care....just think what would have happened if a President HRC has lied about COVID-19...
So when Pelosi, Biden, DeBlasio, Ear's downplayed the virus at the beginning, you found that okay?
But, when Trump downplayed the virus to not cause a panic that was it. :rolleyes-41:
He didn't just lie to the American public. As PRESIDENT.

He THEN chose to MOCK Americans who were trying to protect themselves.

He is a disgrace and a menace.

He didn't just mock.

He took steps that he knew would spread the virus.

He knew it was airborne back in January. How many rallies and large gatherings has he has since then? Knowing that the gatherings and rallies would spread the virus.

It's just disgraceful.
Trump banned Chinese nationals from China entering the US.

In January......... :itsok:
Yup, and we all know (again with sarcasm) that the coronavirus ONLY infects chinese nationals.

So Americans in China wouldn't bring it back to the USA.
Please link me up to anyone, anywhere claiming the Kung Flu only infects chinese nationals.
I'll wait.
Trump isn't "lying," he is just doing what all good leaders and politicians do, he is and was. . . leading. Duh.
The Trump tape is akin to finding a tape or transcript where the national security advisor told FDR in November that the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor.

And then FDR "playing it down"
Like Bush and the Mission accomplish banner.
That ship did accomplish their mission. Apparently, you are too stupid to know the difference between a mission and a war.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.
Again, this has nothing to do with military personnel. This is about how he admitted downplaying the virus to the American public.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.
DAMMIT!!! OK, but Fauci said it was no big deal too? So he is damned for listening to Fauci and damned for not listening to him. Like I said, I never would have locked down.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Do you have a tape.

Cons don't care. 45 lied about Corona Virus and they do not care. He lied and over 194,000 Americans died and they simply not care.
I trying to find what fairy tale book this is in, or did you just make it up?

No, Bob Woodward has a tape which has been played and replayed more times than I care to count.


But Cons do not care....just think what would have happened if a President HRC has lied about COVID-19...
So when Pelosi, Biden, DeBlasio, Ear's downplayed the virus at the beginning, you found that okay?
But, when Trump downplayed the virus to not cause a panic that was it. :rolleyes-41:
He didn't just lie to the American public. As PRESIDENT.

He THEN chose to MOCK Americans who were trying to protect themselves.

He is a disgrace and a menace.

He didn't just mock.

He took steps that he knew would spread the virus.

He knew it was airborne back in January. How many rallies and large gatherings has he has since then? Knowing that the gatherings and rallies would spread the virus.

It's just disgraceful.
Yup, and we all know (again with sarcasm) that the coronavirus ONLY infects chinese nationals.

So Americans in China wouldn't bring it back to the USA.
Please link me up to anyone, anywhere claiming the Kung Flu only infects chinese nationals.
I'll wait.
Damn it Jim. I'm a doctor, not an english teacher. If you can't read, tell me, so i'll phone it in.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.
Again, this has nothing to do with military personnel. This is about how he admitted downplaying the virus to the American public.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.
DAMMIT!!! OK, but Fauci said it was no big deal too? So he is damned for listening to Fauci and damned for not listening to him. Like I said, I never would have locked down.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Do you have a tape.

Cons don't care. 45 lied about Corona Virus and they do not care. He lied and over 194,000 Americans died and they simply not care.
I trying to find what fairy tale book this is in, or did you just make it up?

No, Bob Woodward has a tape which has been played and replayed more times than I care to count.


But Cons do not care....just think what would have happened if a President HRC has lied about COVID-19...
So when Pelosi, Biden, DeBlasio, Ear's downplayed the virus at the beginning, you found that okay?
But, when Trump downplayed the virus to not cause a panic that was it. :rolleyes-41:
He didn't just lie to the American public. As PRESIDENT.

He THEN chose to MOCK Americans who were trying to protect themselves.

He is a disgrace and a menace.

He didn't just mock.

He took steps that he knew would spread the virus.

He knew it was airborne back in January. How many rallies and large gatherings has he has since then? Knowing that the gatherings and rallies would spread the virus.

It's just disgraceful.
Yes and rallies without masks
We do not have totalitarian style of government as much as you wish we did....

Yet that's not what you said.

Stop lying...the only flights allowed from China were to bring American citizens back home...and they were all immediately quarantined when they stepped off the jet....

Were you lying before, or are you lying about it now?
What are you playing gotcha?...he asked them to quarantine themselves...what is so hard to understand?...every nation on earth did the same after we did it first...why that's not good enough for you must simply be TDS....remember the predictions....2 million you have a calculator handy....minus 180,000 from 2 million...and tell us what you get.....
Meanwhile, every other nation in better shape started test and contact tracing LONG before we did. Trump does what he does.....plays golf and cheats at it.
Every other nation? Gotta link for that?
Yup, and we all know (again with sarcasm) that the coronavirus ONLY infects chinese nationals.

So Americans in China wouldn't bring it back to the USA.
Please link me up to anyone, anywhere claiming the Kung Flu only infects chinese nationals.
I'll wait.
Damn it Jim. I'm a doctor, not an english teacher. If you can't read, tell me, so i'll phone it in.
I accept your admission you are a lying sack.

There is nothing left to be said.

Trump is a POS. Not only did he knowingly and intentionally do very little to address the virus, he led his supporters to believe it wasn't very serious even as he packed arenas for his rallies thereby endangering his supporters. And why? It's because he doesn't give a tinker's damn about anyone else, and he just wants to feed his massive ego with chants and cheers even if and when it causes people do endanger their own lives and the lives of their family members.

After that POS is voted out of office, I hope he and his crime family are indicted on any viable charges, then prosecuted, and then imprisoned for the maximum time allowable by law.
Like Bush and the Mission accomplish banner.
That ship did accomplish their mission. Apparently, you are too stupid to know the difference between a mission and a war.

There were dozens of warships that served in Iraq, and the only one that apparently accomplished their mission was the Abraham Lincoln.

And of course Bush talked about how the Lincolns mission was to single handed, end the fighting in Iraq. (and in case you missed it, i'm being sarcastic)

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath is you listen to Fox.
So you don't have the tapes, have not heard the tapes, don't know context. You're just regurgitating fake news. When the tapes come out we may converse.
The recordings are in the article linked in the OP.
Didn't hear that one. Link the actual recording please.
Again: It's in the freakin' article linked in the freakin' OP.
Again, I didn't hear that specific one. Please link it.
Is this a joke? Why can't you just click on the article?

Evidently you don't want to hear it. Okay.
I did. It has multiple audios but not that one. Why can you not point me directly to it? Is this a joke or did you not read it and now are back pedaling?
Listen to the link titled "Play it down". Listen to the link titled "This is deadly stuff." I don't know how to link the recording. You'll have to click on the link and make the effort to scroll down and click again. That's the best I can do for you.

I won't hold my breath. I think you're just playing games.
Neither talks about the military personnel. Sorry. Need that audio, please.
Again, this has nothing to do with military personnel. This is about how he admitted downplaying the virus to the American public.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.

This isn't about the military.
DAMMIT!!! OK, but Fauci said it was no big deal too? So he is damned for listening to Fauci and damned for not listening to him. Like I said, I never would have locked down.

Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Do you have a tape.

Cons don't care. 45 lied about Corona Virus and they do not care. He lied and over 194,000 Americans died and they simply not care.
I trying to find what fairy tale book this is in, or did you just make it up?

No, Bob Woodward has a tape which has been played and replayed more times than I care to count.


But Cons do not care....just think what would have happened if a President HRC has lied about COVID-19...
So when Pelosi, Biden, DeBlasio, Ear's downplayed the virus at the beginning, you found that okay?
But, when Trump downplayed the virus to not cause a panic that was it. :rolleyes-41:
He didn't just lie to the American public. As PRESIDENT.

He THEN chose to MOCK Americans who were trying to protect themselves.

He is a disgrace and a menace.

He didn't just mock.

He took steps that he knew would spread the virus.

He knew it was airborne back in January. How many rallies and large gatherings has he has since then? Knowing that the gatherings and rallies would spread the virus.

It's just disgraceful.
None is true. He never said anything remotely along the lines that he knew it was very lethal(it isn’t) and that it would kill most everyone who caught it (it didn’t)but don’t tell anybody.

He wanted to avoid the liberal much desired outcome of causing a worst case scenario panic. This is his Presidential duty and he has no duty to be a liberal mouthpiece for disaster and locking everyone down
Damn son.... you're making claims your ass can't cash. I never did anything of what you claim I said, and you haven't posted a quote or a citation to back it up,

I didn't hear any denials there, just more of your stupid lying crap
Of course you didn't hear a denial. You have to read it.

Now cite what I did anything of what you claimed.
And in case you forgot what you said.

. You attack Trump for the economic impacts of the shutdown while you demand we shut down again.

So you deny that you attack Trump for things like unemployment and other bad economic effects from the shutdown?

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