Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.



can you cite the era in which muslims atheists, gays, liberals, feminists,
sociaalists, and communists were stifled------over the past 50 years?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Does the NFL get federal funding? Does the NFL purport to be open spaces for the free exchange of ideas?
What right does Trump have to condemn free speech in the NFL while condemning colleges for doing the same?

A speaker spews hate about Muslims, Mexicans and Gays and a College says he is not welcome

A football player silently protests police killings of African Americans and the President is outraged
Kapernick is a fool spreading lies about the American flag

Trump expressed his opinion nothing more

but the lib colleges get taxpayer dollars

which makes them answerable to the federal government
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Did he tell CHRISTIAN COLLEGES that they will lose THEIR federal funding if they don't protect free speech?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Does the NFL get federal funding? Does the NFL purport to be open spaces for the free exchange of ideas?
What right does Trump have to condemn free speech in the NFL while condemning colleges for doing the same?

A speaker spews hate about Muslims, Mexicans and Gays and a College says he is not welcome

A football player silently protests police killings of African Americans and the President is outraged

Because the two situations are in no way related?

And it isn't speakers spewing hate, and even if it was, let them speak. the best disinfectant is sunlight, not shadows.

The speakers being denied are being CALLED fascists, but are in no way, shape, or form, fascist.
no, it's irony. they are pushing fascism to disallow another from speaking. they are exactly what they yell.

It isn't Irony on their part, its a deliberate act of obfuscation.
EO's are the realm of the lazy. If something is worth doing, fight to actually get it made into something enforceable.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country.
It has nothing to do with BLM.
Neither is antifa rioting "free speech"
Nor is hitting conservatives with pies "free speech"
Nor is indoctrinating college kids into liberalism using grades as leverage "free speech"
Why do you have a problem presenting both liberalism and conservatism fairly, since tax dollars are involved?
Supreme Court says it is
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Did he tell CHRISTIAN COLLEGES that they will lose THEIR federal funding if they don't protect free speech?

Which Christian Colleges are suppressing the free speech of their students?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Does the NFL get federal funding? Does the NFL purport to be open spaces for the free exchange of ideas?
What right does Trump have to condemn free speech in the NFL while condemning colleges for doing the same?

A speaker spews hate about Muslims, Mexicans and Gays and a College says he is not welcome

A football player silently protests police killings of African Americans and the President is outraged

wrong venue------
Much like the Democratic party, many. many colleges have been infested with America/Constitution-hating Socialists, Communists,, Anarchists, and radical liberals who do not attempt to 'educate' - which would require looking at all sides - but to Indoctrinate, punishing students for refusing to abandon and refusing to accept any and all ideology other than their own. These 'criminally partisan institutions' have become enemies of the state, using tax dollars to do so and run as such.

The fact that 'Free Speech Zones' were needed on college campuses in the United States where the US Constitution already guarantees the Right of Freedom of Speech means these 'enemies of the state' were / are in violation of the Constitution by stripping / denying students of their Constitutional Right to Free Speech....except in these Liberal-defined, limited, designated areas. They were / are acting as little 3rd-World pockets / nations within the United States where the US Constitution and Rule Of law are not recognized and / or do not apply. (This is the same thig they are doing with Sanctuary Cities.)

t's about time the US Govt / DOJ stepped in to end these Constitution / Law-violating acts / rules / 'dictatorship'...being funded by US tax dollars.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country.
It has nothing to do with BLM.
Neither is antifa rioting "free speech"
Nor is hitting conservatives with pies "free speech"
Nor is indoctrinating college kids into liberalism using grades as leverage "free speech"
Why do you have a problem presenting both liberalism and conservatism fairly, since tax dollars are involved?
Supreme Court says it is

the Supreme Court got that one screwed up------try doing a protest
in court
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Did he tell CHRISTIAN COLLEGES that they will lose THEIR federal funding if they don't protect free speech?
Under Trumps mandate, will Christian Schools be required to accept Pro Choice speakers?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country.
It has nothing to do with BLM.
Neither is antifa rioting "free speech"
Nor is hitting conservatives with pies "free speech"
Nor is indoctrinating college kids into liberalism using grades as leverage "free speech"
Why do you have a problem presenting both liberalism and conservatism fairly, since tax dollars are involved?
Supreme Court says it is

the Supreme Court got that one screwed up------try doing a protest
in court

Then get it overruled
Until then, flag burning is free speech
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Without free speech there is no America. Schools have to choose, money from Communists or from the U.S. Chinese government influence is strong and most be crushed.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country.
It has nothing to do with BLM.
Neither is antifa rioting "free speech"
Nor is hitting conservatives with pies "free speech"
Nor is indoctrinating college kids into liberalism using grades as leverage "free speech"
Why do you have a problem presenting both liberalism and conservatism fairly, since tax dollars are involved?

"Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country"

kneeling is NOT disrespect for the flag.

It was a statement about inequality in the US.

Did trump disrespect the Anthem and the Flag when he danced around at his super bowl party while the Anthem was being played?

I have lost count of the number of U.S. Military personnel Hair Trump has mocked, ridiculed, insulted....even after death......


you are a hypocrite
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Did he tell CHRISTIAN COLLEGES that they will lose THEIR federal funding if they don't protect free speech?
Under Trumps mandate, will Christian Schools be required to accept Pro Choice speakers?

it depends on if a Student Group wants them there, and if the School's rules declare themselves to be open forums of discussion.
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Did he tell CHRISTIAN COLLEGES that they will lose THEIR federal funding if they don't protect free speech?
Under Trumps mandate, will Christian Schools be required to accept Pro Choice speakers?
Do you have an example of a far left loon being denied speech at a Christian college?
Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday requiring U.S. colleges to protect free speech on their campuses or risk losing federal research funding.

The new order directs federal agencies to ensure that any college or university receiving research grants agrees to promote free speech and the exchange of ideas, and to follow federal rules guiding free expression.

“Even as universities have received billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers, many have become increasingly hostile to free speech and to the First Amendment,” Trump said at a White House signing ceremony. “These universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”
see link for the rest of the story.

but good. if they're not going to allow both sides equal time, then no $ for you.

Did he tell CHRISTIAN COLLEGES that they will lose THEIR federal funding if they don't protect free speech?
Under Trumps mandate, will Christian Schools be required to accept Pro Choice speakers?

and let us not forget that (with Devos et al) we have people entrenched in power who would LOVE to destroy PUBLIC EDUCATION and replace it ALL with CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN education......where, due to their religious beliefs) they will be allowed to brainwash YOUR kids with their hate
We will not stand idly by to allow public institutions to violate their students’ constitutional rights,” Trump said. “If a college or university doesn’t allow you to speak, we will not give them money. It’s very simple.”

So when the KKK wants to march on campus, Trump will protect their First Amendment rights
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country.
It has nothing to do with BLM.
Neither is antifa rioting "free speech"
Nor is hitting conservatives with pies "free speech"
Nor is indoctrinating college kids into liberalism using grades as leverage "free speech"
Why do you have a problem presenting both liberalism and conservatism fairly, since tax dollars are involved?
Supreme Court says it is

the Supreme Court got that one screwed up------try doing a protest
in court

Then get it overruled
Until then, flag burning is free speech

I do not agree that burning the USA flag during a
public ceremony is ok. Burning a
BOOK is not a crime so long as one OWNS the book.
Burning a bible in church, IN MY LAUDED OPINION,
is a crime even if one OWNS the bible
Walking into a mosque and burning the Koran is,
Farting loudly whist a judge delivers a verdict is
a crime-----it is contempt of court
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country.
It has nothing to do with BLM.
Neither is antifa rioting "free speech"
Nor is hitting conservatives with pies "free speech"
Nor is indoctrinating college kids into liberalism using grades as leverage "free speech"
Why do you have a problem presenting both liberalism and conservatism fairly, since tax dollars are involved?

when you salute the flag,you are saluting the CIA and our corrupt government who is out to kiss us all.:abgg2q.jpg:

I tip my hat off the NFL players who kneel.i ALWAYS leave to go to the restroom when they play the national anthem,i am not about to salute our corrupt government and CIA that starts wars around the world.LAND OF THE FREE? Uh this is no free country,its th eland of the OPPRESSED.

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