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Trump overheard saying "get me outta here." Leaves stage for G20 group photo (had to be brought back

I don't know, but he keeps claiming she's perfectly happy with the way things are and if she wasn't he would put her and her family out onto the street. He's got a real problem. What kind of real man would say such a thing?
He said she found him on an internet dating site and knew from the beginning what he expected in a woman. He said their marriage is more like a business deal. I think the site was for people with deformities because he has said he has a severe one. Maybe that is what has made him the way he is. I know several people with severe deformities, but none of them are as bitter as he is. Look at how Steven Hawking was. He was a loving and brilliant man who had a loving wife. He never had hate in his heart like this one does.
This one is damaged, probably beyond repair.

She is more than content with our situation. As you pointed out, she knew what I was, physically and philosophically when she contacted me (on Match.com). She had always wanted to find a white guy, and never dated Hispanic men. We have a relationship based on mutual needs, expressed and laid out at the beginning, rather than on wasteful emotions.

I do have a major physical deformity and numerous less visible symptoms of my genetic disorder. Due to that I got to see the dark heart of humanity very early in life. Hate and Anger are the only two truly useful emotions in the world. I’m well beyond repair at this point, and the Society you love do much is the biggest reason for that.
You admitted right here on this board that you in fact, beat your wife if she doesn't do exactly what you demand of her. I guess you calling it "corporal punishment" gives it a prettier name, but it's still beating her.

You are a deformed person, both physically and mentally. Thankfully, you have no say in the workings of this country.

Strong women don't require a man to tell them what to do or how to do it. They can stand on their own two feet and make a wonderful life for themselves. I am one of those women. I owned my own business at age 19, sold it 4 years later, then worked for a major airline where even back then, I made more money then that you do now. I bought two houses myself, and paid cash for my car and my truck. Also, I have 2 degrees, I am completely debt free and have a wonderful retirement from the airlines in addition to my SS, which is a large amount. I have a six figure IRA that keeps making money. So, someone like me wouldn't even spit on a nothing such as yourself.

1. I’ve never denied that my wife and I utilize physical punishment as a means to correct issues in our household. Thst does not equate to beating.

2. I am deformed physically but it has given me a much clearer view of your Society than you could imagine. I have just as much say in Society as you do, and thst should scare you.

3. Society is not about what people Can do or Want to do. It is and always has been about what we SHOULD do. No you wouldn’t give me a second look, and I wouldn’t give you one ether.

Enjoy your Earthly rewards. You can’t take them with you, and where you’re headed next they would just weigh you down. I don’t need millions of dollars, a huge house or fame. In fact I don’t want them. I’ve turned down two Supervisor positions in the last eight years. I’m content being a peon in the world and the King in my castle. Different expectations for different people.

If you use ANY physical means to "correct" your wife, you're mentally deformed too.
You admitted right here on this board that you in fact, beat your wife if she doesn't do exactly what you demand of her. I guess you calling it "corporal punishment" gives it a prettier name, but it's still beating her.

You are a deformed person, both physically and mentally. Thankfully, you have no say in the workings of this country.

Strong women don't require a man to tell them what to do or how to do it. They can stand on their own two feet and make a wonderful life for themselves. I am one of those women. I owned my own business at age 19, sold it 4 years later, then worked for a major airline where even back then, I made more money then that you do now. I bought two houses myself, and paid cash for my car and my truck. Also, I have 2 degrees, I am completely debt free and have a wonderful retirement from the airlines in addition to my SS, which is a large amount. I have a six figure IRA that keeps making money. So, someone like me wouldn't even spit on a nothing such as yourself.

1. I’ve never denied that my wife and I utilize physical punishment as a means to correct issues in our household. Thst does not equate to beating.

2. I am deformed physically but it has given me a much clearer view of your Society than you could imagine. I have just as much say in Society as you do, and thst should scare you.

3. Society is not about what people Can do or Want to do. It is and always has been about what we SHOULD do. No you wouldn’t give me a second look, and I wouldn’t give you one ether.

Enjoy your Earthly rewards. You can’t take them with you, and where you’re headed next they would just weigh you down. I don’t need millions of dollars, a huge house or fame. In fact I don’t want them. I’ve turned down two Supervisor positions in the last eight years. I’m content being a peon in the world and the King in my castle. Different expectations for different people.

I have never harmed another person or animal in my life. I am a volunteer for an animal, no kill, rescue group. My dear father loved all of the wild critters and passed that love down to me. I also knit scarves for those in the homeless shelters and have bought bags full of other necessities for them. I don't do this for praise, I do it because I need to and want to provide them with as much comfort as I possibly can. I have also helped many in section 8 housing with their power bills so that they won't be cold in the winter. I also donate to some animal rescue places every month.

I was raised in the Catholic Church and went to Catholic grade school. We got a box every year where we would put our money in and it went to the people in war torn countries. It was during Lent, and I put every penny of my allowance in it. My parents donated food to the food banks for the poor.

Oh hell, I don't know why I'm telling you this as you think I'm going to hell. I've never beaten my other half and he's never beaten me. We're partners, which is what a healthy relationship is. Yours is not healthy. It's diseased,.. You're diseased. Your poor wife doesn't know any better and that's sad. She might have come from a background where women were less than human and that's why she allows you to treat her the way you do. But a real man would never treat his wife, or any woman the way you do.
You admitted right here on this board that you in fact, beat your wife if she doesn't do exactly what you demand of her. I guess you calling it "corporal punishment" gives it a prettier name, but it's still beating her.

You are a deformed person, both physically and mentally. Thankfully, you have no say in the workings of this country.

Strong women don't require a man to tell them what to do or how to do it. They can stand on their own two feet and make a wonderful life for themselves. I am one of those women. I owned my own business at age 19, sold it 4 years later, then worked for a major airline where even back then, I made more money then that you do now. I bought two houses myself, and paid cash for my car and my truck. Also, I have 2 degrees, I am completely debt free and have a wonderful retirement from the airlines in addition to my SS, which is a large amount. I have a six figure IRA that keeps making money. So, someone like me wouldn't even spit on a nothing such as yourself.

1. I’ve never denied that my wife and I utilize physical punishment as a means to correct issues in our household. Thst does not equate to beating.

2. I am deformed physically but it has given me a much clearer view of your Society than you could imagine. I have just as much say in Society as you do, and thst should scare you.

3. Society is not about what people Can do or Want to do. It is and always has been about what we SHOULD do. No you wouldn’t give me a second look, and I wouldn’t give you one ether.

Enjoy your Earthly rewards. You can’t take them with you, and where you’re headed next they would just weigh you down. I don’t need millions of dollars, a huge house or fame. In fact I don’t want them. I’ve turned down two Supervisor positions in the last eight years. I’m content being a peon in the world and the King in my castle. Different expectations for different people.

If you use ANY physical means to "correct" your wife, you're mentally deformed too.

Thank you, you are correct.
I have never harmed another person or animal in my life.

I was raised in the Catholic Church and went to Catholic grade school. We got a box every year where we would put our money in and it went to the people in war torn countries. It was during Lent, and I put every penny of my allowance in it.

Yours is not healthy. It's diseased,.. You're diseased. Your poor wife doesn't know any better and that's sad. She might have come from a background where women were less than human and that's why she allows you to treat her the way you do. But a real man would never treat his wife, or any woman the way you do.

1. Then you’ve either lived a very sheltered life or you don’t really believe in anything. My guess is more the latter than the former.

2. Thst doesn’t surprise me. I grew up in a very devout Lutheran home. I can’t say I was a believer myself. I saw through the organized religion thing fairly early and left it entirely at age 27 when my father died. My UNICEF box always went back pretty empty.

3. I could suggest the same things about your relationship with your husband based on my beliefs, but if it works for you two, so be it. I live the way I have come to believe people are supposed to, and what works for me. I do it with someone who sees things the same way. Yet you won’t grant us the same respect that we give the rest of you. And I thought you folks were supposed to be so respectful of different viewpoints.
I don't know, but he keeps claiming she's perfectly happy with the way things are and if she wasn't he would put her and her family out onto the street. He's got a real problem. What kind of real man would say such a thing?
He said she found him on an internet dating site and knew from the beginning what he expected in a woman. He said their marriage is more like a business deal. I think the site was for people with deformities because he has said he has a severe one. Maybe that is what has made him the way he is. I know several people with severe deformities, but none of them are as bitter as he is. Look at how Steven Hawking was. He was a loving and brilliant man who had a loving wife. He never had hate in his heart like this one does.
This one is damaged, probably beyond repair.

She is more than content with our situation. As you pointed out, she knew what I was, physically and philosophically when she contacted me (on Match.com). She had always wanted to find a white guy, and never dated Hispanic men. We have a relationship based on mutual needs, expressed and laid out at the beginning, rather than on wasteful emotions.

I do have a major physical deformity and numerous less visible symptoms of my genetic disorder. Due to that I got to see the dark heart of humanity very early in life. Hate and Anger are the only two truly useful emotions in the world. I’m well beyond repair at this point, and the Society you love do much is the biggest reason for that.

If you use ANY physical means to "correct" your wife, you're mentally deformed too.

In a Society thst accepts gays, transsexuals, Progressives and other immoral people and ideals as normal and allowed; I’ll take that comment as a wonderful compliment.

Immoral to you, but you are not the ruler of this country or the world....thank God! Some of my best friends are gay and they're the most loving and giving people I know. They are a million times better people like you are. They accept everyone for who they are and don't judge anyone.

Are you a Christian? If you are, break out you bible and read what it says about judging people.

I don't presume to know who will go to heaven or hell, and honestly, don't really believe in either one the way the Evangelicals describe them. But, i do think that after you die, there's some kind of punishment for all of the terrible things you've done in life, except if you were punished while still living for them. For instance, people in prison who repented and served their time for their crimes, won't be punished for them in the afterlife. That is, if they're truly sorry for them.

One of my faults is that I'm too tenderhearted.I can't even kill a bug without feeling bad about it. Actually, I make a deal with all of the critters who happen to come int the house. You don't sting/bite me, and I won't kill you. I've taken spiders, wasps, bees, baby mice and even baby snakes out and have never been been bitten or stung by any of them. I live in a wooded area so I get many critters in the house. I even had a bird come in and the cats ignored it. I had to get the pool skimmer to catch it in and then put it outside. My cat loves to get baby rabbits in the Spring and I now have someone who is a rabbit rehab person, so i take them to her. The cat never kills them, She just carried them like mothers do kittens, but the scruff of the neck, and brings them to me. So you see, nothing gets killed here, not even by my cat.

But, if you say I'm going to hell, then since you have some inside information, I guess you're right. (Snark)
Ah yes! They're all idiots. And the only genius among them is TRUMP. All the world believes that and as well as about 2/3 of America.

Actually, as foreigners they’re sub-human scum unworthy of the flesh and oxygen they use on a daily basis. I was trying to be polite about it.

Trump is no genius but st least he’s an American.

I hope this is SARCASM.

(Oh please tell us the post isn't REAL)
No, he is serious.

He is also batshit insane.
I don't know,
Let us know when you do.
Are you a woman? Are you okay with what he said? He's admits to everything I posted.
muslims beat their women and treat them like dirt. Many women want to import more into the US.

Reconcile it.
You mean seek asylum? Is domestic abuse allowed as a reason for asylum?
I mean Obama's importing entire muslim families. Over 38,000 in 2016 alone.

U.S. admits record number of Muslim refugees in 2016

110,000 in 2017.

President Obama: U.S. Will Accept 110,000 Refugees From Around the World

Dat's a lot of wife beating homo killers.

Poor orange asshole is just getting NO RESPECT. If he can't be the center of attention, he DOES NOT want to play.

Trump overheard saying 'get me out of here' as he suddenly walks off stage at G20 summit
US leader leaves Argentinian president alone on stage

The Independent US
Donald Trump was recorded off camera saying "get me out of here" to an aide at the end of the G20 summit in Argentina, as he walked off stage even as other world leaders gathered for a photo.

The US president was also scheduled to pose for the final photos, as the meeting in Buenos Aires came to an end after a whirlwind two days.

But footage shows Mr Trump shaking hands with Mauricio Macri, the Argentinean president, before rapidly walking off stage. Mr Macri, who stretched out a hand after him, appeared confused by the US leader's behaviour and was left alone in front of the photographers.

An aide then rushed across the stage after Mr Trump who, off camera, can be heard saying "Get me out of here."

Despite the president's wishes he did eventually return to the stage, to pose for group photos with the other world leaders...

Trump overheard saying 'get me out of here' as he suddenly walks off stage at G20 summit

So what?
I have never harmed another person or animal in my life.

I was raised in the Catholic Church and went to Catholic grade school. We got a box every year where we would put our money in and it went to the people in war torn countries. It was during Lent, and I put every penny of my allowance in it.

Yours is not healthy. It's diseased,.. You're diseased. Your poor wife doesn't know any better and that's sad. She might have come from a background where women were less than human and that's why she allows you to treat her the way you do. But a real man would never treat his wife, or any woman the way you do.

1. Then you’ve either lived a very sheltered life or you don’t really believe in anything. My guess is more the latter than the former.

2. Thst doesn’t surprise me. I grew up in a very devout Lutheran home. I can’t say I was a believer myself. I saw through the organized religion thing fairly early and left it entirely at age 27 when my father died. My UNICEF box always went back pretty empty.

3. I could suggest the same things about your relationship with your husband based on my beliefs, but if it works for you two, so be it. I live the way I have come to believe people are supposed to, and what works for me. I do it with someone who sees things the same way. Yet you won’t grant us the same respect that we give the rest of you. And I thought you folks were supposed to be so respectful of different viewpoints.

I have been all over the world, so no, not a sheltered life at all. And I believe that respect for your husband/wife makes a solid foundation for a marriage. So, you believe that beating your wife is the way husband and wife are supposed to live? I do respect different viewpoints, but beating someone is not something I respect at all.
Are you a Christian? If you are, break out you bible and read what it says about judging people.

I’m not a Christian. I grew up as one but learned better fairly early in life. I gave up on all organized religion with my fathers death in 2001. Since then I’ve found a Spiritual path that makes far more sense to me and my experiences in life.
I have been all over the world, so no, not a sheltered life at all. And I believe that respect for your husband/wife makes a solid foundation for a marriage. So, you believe that beating your wife is the way husband and wife are supposed to live? I do respect different viewpoints, but beating someone is not something I respect at all.

I’ve never been outsothebUSA and hope to never be. There’s nothing out there I need to do or see.

Show me what someone will kill or die for and I’ll show you what they believe in. Show me what they will not kill or die for and I’ll show you what they care not about.

I believe that Law and Order/Right and Wrong are the only important concepts in Life. When anyone steps outside thevkinectheybneed to be corrected and brought back in line; by whatever means is necessary.

Physical punishment is not the first step of thst correction but it needs to be an available option to maintain Order.

As far as “beating” my wife - TWICE in an almost seven year relationship, both times after multiple other attempts to correct the behavior, a physical correction became necessary. Neither episode left any sort of permanent mark or caused any significant injury. Neither were even close to the punishments I received as a child when I misbehaved.

We have gone more than four years since that second occasion without having need for a third. She’s mentioned that the first two have made her far more willing to respond to the lower levels of discipline and correction. Sounds like it worked as intended.
You are really pathetic! You beat your wife and then claim to be a true American man. Well, where I come from, no real man, American or otherwise beats his wife if she doesn't "obey" him.

And, you also hate any woman who dares to have a career like being a doctor or lawyer or owns a business. To you, those women deserve to be killed. To you, a woman's place is in the home/kitchen serving her man and knowing her "place."

Melania doesn't do any of those things, so what do you think of her? And I can imagine what she'd do if tramp dared to raise a hand to her.

Also, many "brown, black and red" people are real Americans, but you would like to see them eliminated too, right?

1. Real Americans of both genders (there are only 2) understand that Order is a necessity in a proper society and discipline is a part of that. I don’t beat my wife, and she’d be more than happy to back that up. However, she also understands that corporal punishment may be needed when other means to correct improper behavior have failed.

2. I believe a woman’s place is supporting, serving and pleasing her Husband. In most casss thst means being the domestic side of the relationship. You’re right thst I see an incredibly limited place for women in the workforce. I’ve never claimed to want those women killed; I simply go out of my way to avoid them and wish them a speedy trip to Hell when their life is over.

3. Mrs Trump has actually been one of my favorite First Ladies in recent times. Nobody expects the First Lady to cook or clean the White House, and obviously a multi-billionaires wife isn’t going to do that st home. That’s what servants are for. However, she has maintained a low profile, stayed mostly silent on political matters and not made s scene out of herself, unlike so many former First Ladues gave.

4. Race is not an issue for me, so long as they were born here, have their dole loyalty to this country, and are living with Conservatism and personal responsibility as the core of their world. I married a Puerto Rican woman for goodness sake, and 11 members of her family live with us in our duplex.

You beat your wife.

You belong in prison.

What you do to your wife is a crime.

"corporal punishment" is just a different way to say you beat your wife.

You disgust me. You're nothing but a weak spineless man who has to find weak women because a strong and independent woman scares the crap out of you. A strong and independent woman would never allow you to raise a hand to her. She would be on the phone to the police faster than you can blink your eye if you ever even raised a hand to beat her.

You're nothing but a coward. No good man beats their wife or believes he has to "punish" her.

I bet you beat your kids too.

What you're doing to your wife is a crime. Assault and battery.

You don't belong in decent society. You should be in prison for your crimes.

If I knew where you lived I would quickly call the police on you.
...You disgust me. You're nothing but a weak spineless man who has to find weak women because a strong and independent woman scares the crap out of you. A strong and independent woman would never allow you to raise a hand to her. She would be on the phone to the police faster than you can blink your eye if you ever even raised a hand to beat her.

You're nothing but a coward. No good man beats their wife or believes he has to "punish" her.

I bet you beat your kids too.

What you're doing to your wife is a crime. Assault and battery.

You don't belong in decent society. You should be in prison for your crimes.

If I knew where you lived I would quickly call the police on you.

We’ve heard it a thousand times before and we’ll hear it a thousand more. Your world disgusts us to a point where We go out of our way to interact with it (and people like you) as little as possible.

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