Trump owed tens of millions to Bank of China

And your proving my point.. Democrats.. or leftists or whatever you are ...are out for the interests of foreign nations not the U.S..... you think we should pay more, but the reality is... all of those European nations want to pay LESS and want us to pick up the tab as well.

if we are currently paying 14 % and so is Germany than thats fine.... I could care less about their GDP... that is THEIR back yard... the more they have to pay... then the more they will be engaged and concerned about their policies with Russia and not just sitting back and sipping lattes. I realize though that this concept must be very alien to you and hard to grasp.
Just remember how the Germans laughed at Trump openly when he suggested they should not be dependent on Russian fuel... and this was before the war that none of them.. or you saw coming.

secondly... yes the U.S. has troops in Japan and the ME. Well, guess what? Europeans buy Saudi oil as THEY are benefiting by us having our troops stationed there.... CHINA is a world problem, not just a problem for Japan, Taiwan and the United States. If we are keeping our troops there as a deterent... it is also benefiting the Europeans.... and they dont have to lift a finger. We also have been keeping our soldiers in Europe ever since the big war when we bailed them out from their mistakes.... so YES... they should be compensating by paying more.. and that would be fair and rational for all the reasons I just mentioned.

So, you don't even read what I wrote.

NATO is the US's tool. It was the US's alliance against the Soviet Union. That was at a time when the USSR had the Warsaw Pact. So each side had their lackeys to support them.

Now the situation is different. Now China is rising and Russia is being aggressive. The US needs all the allies it can get.

NATO, plus Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand have a population that is smaller than China's.

But Trump was the one damaging the alliance by angering other NATO members, Japan and South Korea. You're talking about the left being the problem. That's nonsense.

So you want the US to pay the same as Germany even though their POPULATION, not their GDP, is four time smaller? So you think it's only fair that a country like Iceland with a population of 387,000 people should pay the same money as the USA with a population of 330 million?

That's ridiculous.

Yes, these countries have benefited from the US's attacks on OPEC. They didn't ask for it, the US did it and did it in the way it did for US interests. Afghanistan, a US issue, and yet they got NATO to go in and try and sort it out, which they couldn't because of bad US policies.
The reality is that if the US angers its allies, the US might find itself without allies. Then what? You think the US can be a major player in the world without allies? Without bases in Europe, or Japan, South Korea etc, the US isn't anything.

But I guess the Trump supporters don't care to do research, to understand issues. They simply listen to someone say "NATO needs to pay more" and you hear it and say "I like the sound of that" and that's your opinion right there.... simplistic and based on ignorance.
It was not a "Chinese Bank", it was a bank owned and controlled by the STATE. And you are right, Trump fails to pay the GOVERNMENT OF CHINA is going to seize that property. What sane person would support someone, anyone, putting that property in that position. I mean you guys wail like a stuck pig over a weather balloon floating over, a billion dollars worth of property owned by China in the middle of Manhattan, how is that going to go over?
Probably someone who can pay back the loan would do it. What does it matter if it is a “Chinese bank” or a Jewish one? You’d lose you assets to the bank either way. Maybe the Chinese one gave a better interest rate? Maybe the Jewish Bankers didn‘t like Trump so he had no other choice? Who cares?
From the article: The Bank of China issued a statement that they had sold their share in the debt…
“Bank of China has not had any ownership interest in that loan since late November 2012.”

Talk about a nothing Burger.
But hey! On another property the bank of China has ownership of the building fixtures, like the toilets!
it lists the Bank of China as a secured party having a financial interest in the building’s fixtures — such as air conditioning systems and toilets — in case of default on the loan.

You people really are pathetic.
From the article: The Bank of China issued a statement that they had sold their share in the debt…
“Bank of China has not had any ownership interest in that loan since late November 2012.”

Talk about a nothing Burger.
But hey! On another property the bank of China has ownership of the building fixtures, like the toilets!
it lists the Bank of China as a secured party having a financial interest in the building’s fixtures — such as air conditioning systems and toilets — in case of default on the loan.

You people really are pathetic.
Another Synthaholic thread fail.

So you admit that Trump had loans?
Why would a guy worth $10 BILLION need a loan?

You're such a moron.
Anyone claiming that this had no effect on his decisions regarding China is just dishonest.

Trump owed tens of millions to Bank of China

The president's financial dealings with the state-owned bank complicate his attacks on Biden.

Donald Trump is warning “China will own the United States” if Joe Biden is elected president.

But Trump himself has taken on debt from China. In 2012, his real estate partner refinanced one of Trump’s most prized New York buildings for almost $1 billion. The debt included $211 million from the state-owned Bank of China, which matures in the middle of what could be Trump’s second term.

Steps from Trump Tower in Manhattan, the 43-story 1290 Avenue of the Americas skyscraper spans an entire city block. Trump owns a30 percent stake in the property valued atmore than $1 billion, making it one of the priciest addresses in his portfolio, according to his financial disclosures.

Trump’s ownership of the building received a smattering of attention before and after his 2016 campaign. But the arrangement with the Bank of China in 2012 has gone largely unnoticed. The questions surrounding Trump’s ties to the Bank of China come as his campaign is claiming that Biden would be a gift to the Communist country and America’s chief economic rival.

[After the first version of this article was published, Bank of China issued a statement Friday evening stating that it sold its debt on the building weeks after the 2012 loan on the property. Vornado Realty Trust owns 70 percent of the building.

“On November 7, 2012 several financial institutions including the Bank of China participated in a commercial mortgage loan of $950 million to Vornado Realty Trust,” said Peter Reisman, managing director and chief communications officer of Bank of China U.S.A. “Within 22 days, the loan was securitized and sold into the [commercial mortgage-backed securities] market, as is a common practice in the industry. Bank of China has not had any ownership interest in that loan since late November 2012.”

Another public document, however, lists Bank of China as a creditor on 1290 Avenue of the Americas even after the bank said it was no longer involved in the property. Filed in2017 with the New York City Department of Finance Office of the Register, it lists the Bank of China as a secured party having a financial interest in the building’s fixtures — such as air conditioning systems and toilets — in case of default on the loan.

More bad news for Trump at the link.
Trump was the first world leader to call out china and the CCP as an evil regime

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