Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

I’m proud of what I do.

Spy for Iran?

I can think of a lot of things to be more proud of, Farouk.

It’s one of those rare business that will flourish when more people get sick the more money I make.

You are not properly informed.

More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden's bid for president Thursday, according to an open letter that also offered a scathing rebuke of President Donald Trump's first term in office.

Perpetual war necons came out for Quid Pro? :eek:

The Marxists screamed all about how "4 generals are backing Beijing Biden!"

Funny how they never mention the 235 who have come out in support of Trump.

Your General Soleimani isn't among them, but he isn't among the living, he's in hell, with your god Muhammad. :)

I do in oh so many ways (snicker), and that is what a good accountant will do for you.

Anyone who wants to pay more can send it in.

But anything Trump does is
Orange Man Bad

Actually, Trump paid his taxes. Lots of tax. The $750 is another lie. That was merely the balance left over between what his preparers estimated and had already paid over the year and the IRS's final calculation.

Just another leftwing lie by the NYT and democrats hoping to damage Trump before the truth gets out.
Another Trump expert you are. What will you say when he leaves office broke and in jail?

No, I just follow the news and threads in this forum, not just the ones who tell you what you want to hear. What will I say? I guess we will need to wait and see first if Trump ever actually goes to jail.

Then I guess we will need to ask how it is Trump went to jail while so many around him, Hillary, Obumma, others committing far worse things NEVER DO?
Some on this board say Trump shouldn't reveal his taxes. I, like many, would agree that he should show the US citizens (and the world) he is on the up and up.

Someone could reveal the truth. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Let's face it: The real reason the left is in such a tizzy for Trump's taxes, is that they're 110% sure they'll find a link to Putin. That alone is the sole reason. They've been barking up that tree since the day he and Melania came down the escalator.
If Trump revealed his taxes are you saying you wouldn't look at them?
Maybe the truth is something you don't care about.

Why would I even look at them? Don't care, no way, no how.

I didn't hire him to put up a building for me, I hired him to straighten out my country and undo the decades of damage the left has done to it.

And he's doing a wonderful job.
"Why would I even look at them?"

Hell if I know why you would. Hmmm... Maybe you don't want to know. Not even curious. LOL
This thread is about his taxes. Correct me if it isn't.

I care even less. Trump draws a salary of $400,000 per year, which he donates. After the next four years are over, he will have donated $3.2 million dollars to various federal agencies.

The tax-monkeys who have their panties in a bunch over his taxes, can kindly fuck off.
Yet he only paid $750 of tax. Does that make sense? Tax deduction of $94,000 for make up artist? God deeeeng. Wonder if I can claim the other woman. I will fire my accountant tomorrow.
Sweet. Both Trump and we hate Democrats. And as long as Trump keeps shoving a baseball bat 4 feet up your asses, we will keep right on LOVING him.

Well, you both have IQs that can be measured in two digits, so why wouldn't you like him.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

Any of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been far better than this lousy inept incompetent president.

I know cultist like you refused to believed that Trump literally destroyed this country with his failures in handling the pandemic crisis. Trump and his cultist are responsible for all these sufferings of millions and millions of Americans that are facing today.

Trump is fighting with his last breath not to release his taxes in public all the way to the Supreme Court. What is he hiding? That only mean one thing....... he is a corrupted individual........ And you still vote for him again? That is sad isn’t it?

After almost 4 years of Trump he has shown that he is danger to American democracy and security. Demonstrated very poor leadership and only catered to a certain group. I am proud to vote for Biden.
You must really suck at what you do.
I don't know one person in any health field who is voting for Biden.
I’m proud of what I do. It’s one of those rare business that will flourish when more people get sick the more money I make.

You are not properly informed.

More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden's bid for president Thursday, according to an open letter that also offered a scathing rebuke of President Donald Trump's first term in office.
I heard Tom Ridge today and I thought to myself... just think about how many are silent about who they will support. Ridge was (and is) one of the republicans that has been totally against Fat Donnie. 2015. From the get-go.
Total opposite to the flakes who said they wouldn't support Trump, and did. Remember his primary opponents and the flipper from SC?
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

Any of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been far better than this lousy inept incompetent president.

I know cultist like you refused to believed that Trump literally destroyed this country with his failures in handling the pandemic crisis. Trump and his cultist are responsible for all these sufferings of millions and millions of Americans that are facing today.

Trump is fighting with his last breath not to release his taxes in public all the way to the Supreme Court. What is he hiding? That only mean one thing....... he is a corrupted individual........ And you still vote for him again? That is sad isn’t it?

After almost 4 years of Trump he has shown that he is danger to American democracy and security. Demonstrated very poor leadership and only catered to a certain group. I am proud to vote for Biden.
You must really suck at what you do.
I don't know one person in any health field who is voting for Biden.
I’m proud of what I do. It’s one of those rare business that will flourish when more people get sick the more money I make.

You are not properly informed.

More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden's bid for president Thursday, according to an open letter that also offered a scathing rebuke of President Donald Trump's first term in office.

Probably the same NSA dickheads who colluded with the Democrats and the Russians, to carry out the coup on Trump.

No wonder they're called "former."
Nah! Most of those are lifetime republicans.

Here’s another group nearly 500 retired top military, national security officials endorsed Biden. Your boy Donnie is in big trouble.

WASHINGTON – Nearly 500 generals, admirals and former national security officials from both parties endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday, and blasted President Donald Trump as "not equal" to the challenges of the job in a letter released Thursday.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

Any of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been far better than this lousy inept incompetent president.

I know cultist like you refused to believed that Trump literally destroyed this country with his failures in handling the pandemic crisis. Trump and his cultist are responsible for all these sufferings of millions and millions of Americans that are facing today.

Trump is fighting with his last breath not to release his taxes in public all the way to the Supreme Court. What is he hiding? That only mean one thing....... he is a corrupted individual........ And you still vote for him again? That is sad isn’t it?

After almost 4 years of Trump he has shown that he is danger to American democracy and security. Demonstrated very poor leadership and only catered to a certain group. I am proud to vote for Biden.
You must really suck at what you do.
I don't know one person in any health field who is voting for Biden.

You are not properly informed.

  • Throughout the 2020 election cycle, people in the health-care field have given over $3.8 million in donations to former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign and the outside groups that are supporting him.
  • Biden's fundraising surge from health-care leaders and their employees comes as Trump's coronavirus response has come under withering criticism from Democrats.
How much has been given to Trump?
I still know hundreds of people in the Health Care industry and not one of them is crying.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

Any of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been far better than this lousy inept incompetent president.

I know cultist like you refused to believed that Trump literally destroyed this country with his failures in handling the pandemic crisis. Trump and his cultist are responsible for all these sufferings of millions and millions of Americans that are facing today.

Trump is fighting with his last breath not to release his taxes in public all the way to the Supreme Court. What is he hiding? That only mean one thing....... he is a corrupted individual........ And you still vote for him again? That is sad isn’t it?

After almost 4 years of Trump he has shown that he is danger to American democracy and security. Demonstrated very poor leadership and only catered to a certain group. I am proud to vote for Biden.
You must really suck at what you do.
I don't know one person in any health field who is voting for Biden.
I’m proud of what I do. It’s one of those rare business that will flourish when more people get sick the more money I make.

You are not properly informed.

More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden's bid for president Thursday, according to an open letter that also offered a scathing rebuke of President Donald Trump's first term in office.

Probably the same NSA dickheads who colluded with the Democrats and the Russians, to carry out the coup on Trump.

No wonder they're called "former."
Nah! Most of those are lifetime republicans.

Here’s another group nearly 500 retired top military, national security officials endorsed Biden. Your boy Donnie is in big trouble.

WASHINGTON – Nearly 500 generals, admirals and former national security officials from both parties endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday, and blasted President Donald Trump as "not equal" to the challenges of the job in a letter released Thursday.
The same Globalists who did the same in 2016.

I do in oh so many ways (snicker), and that is what a good accountant will do for you.

Anyone who wants to pay more can send it in.

But anything Trump does is
Orange Man Bad

Actually, Trump paid his taxes. Lots of tax. The $750 is another lie. That was merely the balance left over between what his preparers estimated and had already paid over the year and the IRS's final calculation.

Just another leftwing lie by the NYT and democrats hoping to damage Trump before the truth gets out.
Another Trump expert you are. What will you say when he leaves office broke and in jail?

No, I just follow the news and threads in this forum, not just the ones who tell you what you want to hear. What will I say? I guess we will need to wait and see first if Trump ever actually goes to jail.

Then I guess we will need to ask how it is Trump went to jail while so many around him, Hillary, Obumma, others committing far worse things NEVER DO?
Some on this board say Trump shouldn't reveal his taxes. I, like many, would agree that he should show the US citizens (and the world) he is on the up and up.

Someone could reveal the truth. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Let's face it: The real reason the left is in such a tizzy for Trump's taxes, is that they're 110% sure they'll find a link to Putin. That alone is the sole reason. They've been barking up that tree since the day he and Melania came down the escalator.
If Trump revealed his taxes are you saying you wouldn't look at them?
Maybe the truth is something you don't care about.

Why would I even look at them? Don't care, no way, no how.

I didn't hire him to put up a building for me, I hired him to straighten out my country and undo the decades of damage the left has done to it.

And he's doing a wonderful job.
"Why would I even look at them?"

Hell if I know why you would. Hmmm... Maybe you don't want to know. Not even curious. LOL
This thread is about his taxes. Correct me if it isn't.

I care even less. Trump draws a salary of $400,000 per year, which he donates. After the next four years are over, he will have donated $3.2 million dollars to various federal agencies.

The tax-monkeys who have their panties in a bunch over his taxes, can kindly fuck off.
Yet he only paid $750 of tax. Does that make sense? Tax deduction of $94,000 for make up artist? God deeeeng. Wonder if I can claim the other woman. I will fire my accountant tomorrow.
You know he lost all the $500M he made on his reality show? All of it.
Cohen said Trump does his own vanity comb-over. He's very sensitive about that mop.
He also said Hope Hicks did it for him once in a while. That is the broad Trump wanted but couldn't get.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

Any of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been far better than this lousy inept incompetent president.

I know cultist like you refused to believed that Trump literally destroyed this country with his failures in handling the pandemic crisis. Trump and his cultist are responsible for all these sufferings of millions and millions of Americans that are facing today.

Trump is fighting with his last breath not to release his taxes in public all the way to the Supreme Court. What is he hiding? That only mean one thing....... he is a corrupted individual........ And you still vote for him again? That is sad isn’t it?

After almost 4 years of Trump he has shown that he is danger to American democracy and security. Demonstrated very poor leadership and only catered to a certain group. I am proud to vote for Biden.
You must really suck at what you do.
I don't know one person in any health field who is voting for Biden.
I’m proud of what I do. It’s one of those rare business that will flourish when more people get sick the more money I make.

You are not properly informed.

More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden's bid for president Thursday, according to an open letter that also offered a scathing rebuke of President Donald Trump's first term in office.
I heard Tom Ridge today and I thought to myself... just think about how many are silent about who they will support. Ridge was (and is) one of the republicans that has been totally against Fat Donnie. 2015. From the get-go.
Total opposite to the flakes who said they wouldn't support Trump, and did. Remember his primary opponents and the flipper from SC?
There were about 3 Rs who were for Trump in 2016...They are what I call Portfolio Rs.
I heard Tom Ridge today and I thought to myself... just think about how many are silent about who they will support. Ridge was (and is) one of the republicans that has been totally against Fat Donnie. 2015. From the get-go.
Total opposite to the flakes who said they wouldn't support Trump, and did. Remember his primary opponents and the flipper from SC?
Ridge joins Jeff Flake and Bob Corker in the junk heap of history.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

Any of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been far better than this lousy inept incompetent president.

I know cultist like you refused to believed that Trump literally destroyed this country with his failures in handling the pandemic crisis. Trump and his cultist are responsible for all these sufferings of millions and millions of Americans that are facing today.

Trump is fighting with his last breath not to release his taxes in public all the way to the Supreme Court. What is he hiding? That only mean one thing....... he is a corrupted individual........ And you still vote for him again? That is sad isn’t it?

After almost 4 years of Trump he has shown that he is danger to American democracy and security. Demonstrated very poor leadership and only catered to a certain group. I am proud to vote for Biden.
You must really suck at what you do.
I don't know one person in any health field who is voting for Biden.
I’m proud of what I do. It’s one of those rare business that will flourish when more people get sick the more money I make.

You are not properly informed.

More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden's bid for president Thursday, according to an open letter that also offered a scathing rebuke of President Donald Trump's first term in office.

Probably the same NSA dickheads who colluded with the Democrats and the Russians, to carry out the coup on Trump.

No wonder they're called "former."
Nah! Most of those are lifetime republicans.

Here’s another group nearly 500 retired top military, national security officials endorsed Biden. Your boy Donnie is in big trouble.

WASHINGTON – Nearly 500 generals, admirals and former national security officials from both parties endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday, and blasted President Donald Trump as "not equal" to the challenges of the job in a letter released Thursday.

That means very little to me. Just because someone has an "R" next to their name, doesn't mean that they can't be a shithead globalist too.
I heard Tom Ridge today and I thought to myself... just think about how many are silent about who they will support. Ridge was (and is) one of the republicans that has been totally against Fat Donnie. 2015. From the get-go.
Total opposite to the flakes who said they wouldn't support Trump, and did. Remember his primary opponents and the flipper from SC?
Ridge joins Jeff Flake and Bob Corker in the junk heap of history.
Today Trump dodged questions about his taxes and guess what he said?
NOTHING and he walked away. It's gonna take the fat man a few days for the most unbelievable lies to be told. Maybe a week, but when Fat Donnie gets cornered he waits for Hannity to help him bullshit his way out. Or just wait for something to happen on the international front. Are you waiting for the news cycle to change?
I heard Tom Ridge today and I thought to myself... just think about how many are silent about who they will support. Ridge was (and is) one of the republicans that has been totally against Fat Donnie. 2015. From the get-go.
Total opposite to the flakes who said they wouldn't support Trump, and did. Remember his primary opponents and the flipper from SC?
Ridge joins Jeff Flake and Bob Corker in the junk heap of history.
Today Trump dodged questions about his taxes and guess what he said?
NOTHING and he walked away. It's gonna take the fat man a few days for the most unbelievable lies to be told. Maybe a week, but when Fat Donnie gets cornered he waits for Hannity to help him bullshit his way out. Or just wait for something to happen on the international front. Are you waiting for the news cycle to change?
I think you should vote against anyone who ever legally took a tax exemption.
I’m proud of what I do.

Spy for Iran?

I can think of a lot of things to be more proud of, Farouk.

It’s one of those rare business that will flourish when more people get sick the more money I make.

You are not properly informed.

More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden's bid for president Thursday, according to an open letter that also offered a scathing rebuke of President Donald Trump's first term in office.

Perpetual war necons came out for Quid Pro? :eek:

The Marxists screamed all about how "4 generals are backing Beijing Biden!"

Funny how they never mention the 235 who have come out in support of Trump.

Your General Soleimani isn't among them, but he isn't among the living, he's in hell, with your god Muhammad. :)

Oh my goodness Uncensored. I’m getting tired blasting your wonderful ignorance. Killing Soleimani is not worth the life of Americans soldiers that was killed after Soleimani. It is not worth for kicking our ass with 12 missiles pin point accuracy inside Iraq hurting with 100+ brain injury. Killing Soleimani will not stop Iran from blowing any of US interest if and where and when they wanted to. Trump is an idiot.

FYI...... I am a catholic. I speak Latin, French, Italian, Mandarin (Chinese), Spanish, Tagalog (Philippines)....... English. But not Farsi keep that in mind.
Oh my goodness Uncensored. I’m getting tired blasting your wonderful ignorance. Killing Soleimani is not worth the life of Americans soldiers that was killed after Soleimani. It is not worth for kicking our ass with 12 missiles pin point accuracy inside Iraq hurting with 100+ brain injury. Killing Soleimani will not stop Iran from blowing any of US interest if and where and when they wanted to. Trump is an idiot.

FYI...... I am a catholic. I speak Latin, French, Italian, Mandarin (Chinese), Spanish, Tagalog (Philippines)....... English. But not Farsi keep that in mind.

Thousands of American's were killed by Soleimani, he was one of your top terrorists.
But no Americans were killed in the raid that took your general out. And despite the threats by your government AND BY YOU, no American soldiers were killed afterward in connection to putting down your terrorist general.
The original projection was 2.1 to 2.5 million deaths by the OSU health sciences team. Had we followed the Biden approach of doing nothing for 6 months we could well have reached this massive numbers of deaths.
You know calling BIden "vice president" is just honorary. He wasn't in charge of anything, and made no decisions about the coronavirus.
It is much better then the historical forerver title Impeached President of the United States.
I prefer Aquited forever President Trump
Trump don’t have any health o
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

Of course, his army of sycophants here will cover their ears, close their eyes and holler "Fake News"!
I'm too busy laughing at how you idiots on the left lap this crap up! Remember when Rachel Maddow told everyone that MSNBC had Trump's taxes? Remember what a farce that was? This is even more pathetic.

Run on the issues...not this bull shit! Oh can't DO that! Joe Biden is your candidate and he was one of the dumber guys in Washington BEFORE he got senile! Now he's having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself!

And Im laughing at how far your nose is up #45's ass.

Just because there is evidence that #45 is possibly a tax evading cheat does not mean I'm a fan of Biden either. Neither of them are fit for office IMO.

I voted for Trump last time because the Democrats ran an awful candidate. I'll vote for him again because the Democrats have managed to run an even worse candidate this time! Joe Biden has literally been running for President for fifty years and he's never gotten the Democratic nomination because he's invariably said something so stupid he gets laughed out of the race. Not this time though! It doesn't matter how idiotic a statement Biden makes if the main stream media refuses to cover it!

Any of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been far better than this lousy inept incompetent president.

I know cultist like you refused to believed that Trump literally destroyed this country with his failures in handling the pandemic crisis. Trump and his cultist are responsible for all these sufferings of millions and millions of Americans that are facing today.

Trump is fighting with his last breath not to release his taxes in public all the way to the Supreme Court. What is he hiding? That only mean one thing....... he is a corrupted individual........ And you still vote for him again? That is sad isn’t it?

After almost 4 years of Trump he has shown that he is danger to American democracy and security. Demonstrated very poor leadership and only catered to a certain group. I am proud to vote for Biden.
You must really suck at what you do.
I don't know one person in any health field who is voting for Biden.

You are not properly informed.

  • Throughout the 2020 election cycle, people in the health-care field have given over $3.8 million in donations to former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign and the outside groups that are supporting him.
  • Biden's fundraising surge from health-care leaders and their employees comes as Trump's coronavirus response has come under withering criticism from Democrats.
How much has been given to Trump?
I still know hundreds of people in the Health Care industry and not one of them is crying.
Where is trump health plan that he keeps bragging since early this year? Trump is not good for the health care industry.

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