Trump pardons ex-soldier convicted of killing Iraqi prisoner

On March 20th, 2009, Army Ranger 1st Lieutenant Michael Behenna was sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing Ali Mansur, a known Al Qaeda operative while serving in Iraq. Mansur was known to be a member of an Al Qaeda cell operating in the lieutenant’s area of operation and Army intelligence believed he organized an attack on Lt. Behenna’s platoon in April 2008 which killed two U.S. soldiers and injured two more. Army intelligence ordered the release of Mansur and Lt. Behenna was ordered to return the terrorist to his home.
President Trump Pardons Army Ranger 1st Lt. Michael Behenna - Sentenced to Prison for Killing Al-Qaeda Operative

Well won't this piss off the baby killing leftist hypocrites lol. Oh no
The Hill ^ | May 6, 2019 |

President Trump on Monday signed an executive clemency granting a full pardon to a former Army first lieutenant convicted of murdering an Iraqi prisoner.

The White House released a statement announcing Trump's decision to pardon Michael Behenna, who was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years for shooting and killing Ali Mansur Mohamed. The move comes after repeated requests from Oklahoma's attorney general for Trump to pardon Behenna.

"Mr. Behenna’s case has attracted broad support from the military, Oklahoma elected officials, and the public," the White House said, noting that more than two-dozen generals and admirals, as well as numerous Oklahoma officials, have expressed support from Behenna, who hails from Edmond. The statements adds that he has been "a model prisoner."

"In light of these facts, Mr. Behenna is entirely deserving of this Grant of Executive Clemency," the statement read.

Prosecutors argued Behenna shot and killed Mansur, an alleged al-Qaida operative, in the desert in 2008 in retaliation for an improvised explosive device (IED) attack. Mansur had previously been ordered released due to lack of evidence for his connection to the terrorist group, and Behenna reportedly killed him while returning him to his hometown after attempting to question him about the IED attack.

Behenna was paroled in 2014 and was to remain on parole until 2024 prior to the pardon. Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter (R) recently petitioned the Trump administration to pardon the Oklahoma native, writing to Attorney General Bill Barr in April that Behenna was convicted due to improper jury instructions and that prosecutors did not properly produce evidence bolstering his claim of self-defense. Hunter had previously petitioned for the pardon in February 2018.

Hunter's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

“This man is far more deserving of clemency than is that scumbag Bradley Manning.”

They're gonna hate the fairness.
So lessee: A soldier kills the enemy in the line of duty with the full support of the military up and down the ranks and some POS prosecutor sentences the man to 15 years? We need President Trump to arrest the prosecutor and sentence him to 15 years for conspiracy against the better interests of his own nation along with a fine of $250,000 to be paid by the prosecutor to the soldier's family for harm done!

He killed an unarmed prisoner, something we are taught in the first week of boot camp is a bad thing.
The Hill ^ | May 6, 2019 |

President Trump on Monday signed an executive clemency granting a full pardon to a former Army first lieutenant convicted of murdering an Iraqi prisoner.

The White House released a statement announcing Trump's decision to pardon Michael Behenna, who was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years for shooting and killing Ali Mansur Mohamed. The move comes after repeated requests from Oklahoma's attorney general for Trump to pardon Behenna.

"Mr. Behenna’s case has attracted broad support from the military, Oklahoma elected officials, and the public," the White House said, noting that more than two-dozen generals and admirals, as well as numerous Oklahoma officials, have expressed support from Behenna, who hails from Edmond. The statements adds that he has been "a model prisoner."

"In light of these facts, Mr. Behenna is entirely deserving of this Grant of Executive Clemency," the statement read.

Prosecutors argued Behenna shot and killed Mansur, an alleged al-Qaida operative, in the desert in 2008 in retaliation for an improvised explosive device (IED) attack. Mansur had previously been ordered released due to lack of evidence for his connection to the terrorist group, and Behenna reportedly killed him while returning him to his hometown after attempting to question him about the IED attack.

Behenna was paroled in 2014 and was to remain on parole until 2024 prior to the pardon. Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter (R) recently petitioned the Trump administration to pardon the Oklahoma native, writing to Attorney General Bill Barr in April that Behenna was convicted due to improper jury instructions and that prosecutors did not properly produce evidence bolstering his claim of self-defense. Hunter had previously petitioned for the pardon in February 2018.

Hunter's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

“This man is far more deserving of clemency than is that scumbag Bradley Manning.”

I'm not at all surprised Trump [pardoned a convicted murderer.

After all Trump did say he could shoot an American on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes.

Also, Trump never condemned the murder of journalist Khashoggi.

Trump really pictures himself as the modern day America gangster that prides himself on breaking down the rule of law.

If Trump is in The oval Office long enuff AmericKKKa will see it's very first dictator rise up.
So lessee: A soldier kills the enemy in the line of duty with the full support of the military up and down the ranks and some POS prosecutor sentences the man to 15 years? We need President Trump to arrest the prosecutor and sentence him to 15 years for conspiracy against the better interests of his own nation along with a fine of $250,000 to be paid by the prosecutor to the soldier's family for harm done!

He killed an unarmed prisoner, something we are taught in the first week of boot camp is a bad thing.

To me, a prisoner is a prisoner, an enemy combatant is an enemy combatant. This isn't just war, these people have sworn to destroy us or die trying. If I see an enemy fleeing for the fence, I shoot him in the back rather than let him escape. If an enemy lunges at me trying to kill me with his bare hands, I shoot him rather than let him choke me to death. If I kill an enemy who isn't armed, he must have been doing a pretty bad thing. I might say whoops, but I don't arrest my own soldier and ruin his life for 15 years for it. In the end, my soldier means 100X more to me than any enemy soldier. ISIS or whatever this guy was, he has no rights. He would not arrest you, they would not worry about your rights, they would torture and kill you without a second thought. These people are only lucky we don't do the same to them. Is this a battle you want to WIN or lose?
Trump pardons ex-Army lieutenant convicted of killing suspected Al Qaeda terrorist in 2009

Trump pardons ex-Army lieutenant convicted of killing suspected Al Qaeda terrorist in 2009
May 6, 2019 ~ By Samuel Chamberlain
President Trump has pardoned a former Army lieutenant who was convicted in 2009 of killing an Iraqi prisoner suspected of being an Al Qaeda terrorist, the White House announced Monday evening.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cited "broad support" for Michael Behenna, of Edmond, Okla., "from the military, Oklahoma elected officials, and the public" -- including 37 generals and admirals, along with a former Pentagon inspector general -- as the reason for Trump's clemency grant. Sanders also said Behenna had been a "model prisoner" while serving his sentence.
"In light of these facts, Mr. Behenna is entirely deserving of this Grant of Executive Clemency," Sanders concluded.

There was an earlier article which dud not make it clear that it was a terrorist that the soldier killed. Trump pardons ex-soldier convicted of killing Iraqi prisoner.
This is excellent news. Too many of our soldiers were prosecuted under Obama's draconian rules of engagement.
The article states that his original trial was in 2008, so he was prosecuted under Bush's draconian rules of engagement.
Blame Obama anyway....and its also ok to blame bush because enough time has passed for bush supporters to officially be trump supporters and pretend they never supported Bush
So lessee: A soldier kills the enemy in the line of duty with the full support of the military up and down the ranks and some POS prosecutor sentences the man to 15 years? We need President Trump to arrest the prosecutor and sentence him to 15 years for conspiracy against the better interests of his own nation along with a fine of $250,000 to be paid by the prosecutor to the soldier's family for harm done!

He killed an unarmed prisoner, something we are taught in the first week of boot camp is a bad thing.

To me, a prisoner is a prisoner, an enemy combatant is an enemy combatant. This isn't just war, these people have sworn to destroy us or die trying. If I see an enemy fleeing for the fence, I shoot him in the back rather than let him escape. If an enemy lunges at me trying to kill me with his bare hands, I shoot him rather than let him choke me to death. If I kill an enemy who isn't armed, he must have been doing a pretty bad thing. I might say whoops, but I don't arrest my own soldier and ruin his life for 15 years for it. In the end, my soldier means 100X more to me than any enemy soldier. ISIS or whatever this guy was, he has no rights. He would not arrest you, they would not worry about your rights, they would torture and kill you without a second thought. These people are only lucky we don't do the same to them. Is this a battle you want to WIN or lose?

If you are willing to murder combatants outside of your ROE then you obviously you have no regard for ROE & also you obviously have no regard for the rules here at USMB either.
Is Bradley Manning hanged yet? How about Obama?

Making a threat on an Ex-POTUS isn't really a great thing to do, IMO.

That's not a threat, you commie moonbat, it's a cry for justice.

Q: What kind of president would trade 5 enemy-of-the-state top-level terrorist leaders in exchange for a traitor? The traitorous kind, that's what kind, faggot.
It ain't no big secret. Just because I don't have the authority to exact justice, doesn't mean I don't know what it is and what it should be. Everyone has that in them to a certain extent. I'll leave it to karma and the law.

As I recall, didn't 4 of those 5 return to the battlefield? Those 4 are alive and plotting to kill more Americans as we speak. What we got in return was a worthless deserter. Can you imagine what they'd say of Trump if he did that? Technically, isn't that aiding and abetting the enemy? If that were Trump, Congress would be working to stop the release not to mention use it as grounds to say the man was crazy, mad, and unfit for the office.







And now the flappy-eared bastard flies around the world living the life of Riley talking shit against our own president.

Something very WRONG about that.
The Hill ^ | May 6, 2019 |

President Trump on Monday signed an executive clemency granting a full pardon to a former Army first lieutenant convicted of murdering an Iraqi prisoner.

The White House released a statement announcing Trump's decision to pardon Michael Behenna, who was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years for shooting and killing Ali Mansur Mohamed. The move comes after repeated requests from Oklahoma's attorney general for Trump to pardon Behenna.

"Mr. Behenna’s case has attracted broad support from the military, Oklahoma elected officials, and the public," the White House said, noting that more than two-dozen generals and admirals, as well as numerous Oklahoma officials, have expressed support from Behenna, who hails from Edmond. The statements adds that he has been "a model prisoner."

"In light of these facts, Mr. Behenna is entirely deserving of this Grant of Executive Clemency," the statement read.

Prosecutors argued Behenna shot and killed Mansur, an alleged al-Qaida operative, in the desert in 2008 in retaliation for an improvised explosive device (IED) attack. Mansur had previously been ordered released due to lack of evidence for his connection to the terrorist group, and Behenna reportedly killed him while returning him to his hometown after attempting to question him about the IED attack.

Behenna was paroled in 2014 and was to remain on parole until 2024 prior to the pardon. Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter (R) recently petitioned the Trump administration to pardon the Oklahoma native, writing to Attorney General Bill Barr in April that Behenna was convicted due to improper jury instructions and that prosecutors did not properly produce evidence bolstering his claim of self-defense. Hunter had previously petitioned for the pardon in February 2018.

Hunter's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

“This man is far more deserving of clemency than is that scumbag Bradley Manning.”

Great a grifter pardoning a murderer.
So lessee: A soldier kills the enemy in the line of duty with the full support of the military up and down the ranks and some POS prosecutor sentences the man to 15 years? We need President Trump to arrest the prosecutor and sentence him to 15 years for conspiracy against the better interests of his own nation along with a fine of $250,000 to be paid by the prosecutor to the soldier's family for harm done!

He killed an unarmed prisoner, something we are taught in the first week of boot camp is a bad thing.

To me, a prisoner is a prisoner, an enemy combatant is an enemy combatant. This isn't just war, these people have sworn to destroy us or die trying. If I see an enemy fleeing for the fence, I shoot him in the back rather than let him escape. If an enemy lunges at me trying to kill me with his bare hands, I shoot him rather than let him choke me to death. If I kill an enemy who isn't armed, he must have been doing a pretty bad thing. I might say whoops, but I don't arrest my own soldier and ruin his life for 15 years for it. In the end, my soldier means 100X more to me than any enemy soldier. ISIS or whatever this guy was, he has no rights. He would not arrest you, they would not worry about your rights, they would torture and kill you without a second thought. These people are only lucky we don't do the same to them. Is this a battle you want to WIN or lose?

If you are willing to murder combatants outside of your ROE then you obviously you have no regard for ROE & also you obviously have no regard for the rules here at USMB either.

Want to know the rules of engagement ISIS has for you?


Shoot you dead at first sight. No questions asked. When you bind yourself with a set of rules restricting yourself while your enemy has none, you are setting yourself up for failure. As to your charge of murder, quackbreath, apparently a whole flotilla of generals and other military commanders, as well as the President himself disagree with you.

So lessee: A soldier kills the enemy in the line of duty with the full support of the military up and down the ranks and some POS prosecutor sentences the man to 15 years? We need President Trump to arrest the prosecutor and sentence him to 15 years for conspiracy against the better interests of his own nation along with a fine of $250,000 to be paid by the prosecutor to the soldier's family for harm done!

He killed an unarmed prisoner, something we are taught in the first week of boot camp is a bad thing.

To me, a prisoner is a prisoner, an enemy combatant is an enemy combatant. This isn't just war, these people have sworn to destroy us or die trying. If I see an enemy fleeing for the fence, I shoot him in the back rather than let him escape. If an enemy lunges at me trying to kill me with his bare hands, I shoot him rather than let him choke me to death. If I kill an enemy who isn't armed, he must have been doing a pretty bad thing. I might say whoops, but I don't arrest my own soldier and ruin his life for 15 years for it. In the end, my soldier means 100X more to me than any enemy soldier. ISIS or whatever this guy was, he has no rights. He would not arrest you, they would not worry about your rights, they would torture and kill you without a second thought. These people are only lucky we don't do the same to them. Is this a battle you want to WIN or lose?

If you are willing to murder combatants outside of your ROE then you obviously you have no regard for ROE & also you obviously have no regard for the rules here at USMB either.

Want to know the rules of engagement ISIS has for you?

View attachment 259824

Shoot you dead at first sight. No questions asked. When you bind yourself with a set of rules restricting yourself while your enemy has none, you are setting yourself up for failure. As to your charge of murder, quackbreath, apparently a whole flotilla of generals and other military commanders, as well as the President himself disagree with you.


if we are going to become them to beat them, what's the point?
So lessee: A soldier kills the enemy in the line of duty with the full support of the military up and down the ranks and some POS prosecutor sentences the man to 15 years? We need President Trump to arrest the prosecutor and sentence him to 15 years for conspiracy against the better interests of his own nation along with a fine of $250,000 to be paid by the prosecutor to the soldier's family for harm done!

He killed an unarmed prisoner, something we are taught in the first week of boot camp is a bad thing.

To me, a prisoner is a prisoner, an enemy combatant is an enemy combatant. This isn't just war, these people have sworn to destroy us or die trying. If I see an enemy fleeing for the fence, I shoot him in the back rather than let him escape. If an enemy lunges at me trying to kill me with his bare hands, I shoot him rather than let him choke me to death. If I kill an enemy who isn't armed, he must have been doing a pretty bad thing. I might say whoops, but I don't arrest my own soldier and ruin his life for 15 years for it. In the end, my soldier means 100X more to me than any enemy soldier. ISIS or whatever this guy was, he has no rights. He would not arrest you, they would not worry about your rights, they would torture and kill you without a second thought. These people are only lucky we don't do the same to them. Is this a battle you want to WIN or lose?

If you are willing to murder combatants outside of your ROE then you obviously you have no regard for ROE & also you obviously have no regard for the rules here at USMB either.

Want to know the rules of engagement ISIS has for you?

View attachment 259824

Shoot you dead at first sight. No questions asked. When you bind yourself with a set of rules restricting yourself while your enemy has none, you are setting yourself up for failure. As to your charge of murder, quackbreath, apparently a whole flotilla of generals and other military commanders, as well as the President himself disagree with you.


I don't give TWO SHITS about you and your goddamn MACHO MAN bullshit, nor your fantasies about "assreaming"

Search Results for Query: ass reaming | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Behenna was court-martialed, and found GUILTY by a jury of unpremeditated murder aka SECOND DEGREE MURDER.

So, take your dumb ass graphics & stick them where the sun don't shine, Mr. Macho Man.

Last edited:
The Hill ^ | May 6, 2019 |

President Trump on Monday signed an executive clemency granting a full pardon to a former Army first lieutenant convicted of murdering an Iraqi prisoner.

The White House released a statement announcing Trump's decision to pardon Michael Behenna, who was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years for shooting and killing Ali Mansur Mohamed. The move comes after repeated requests from Oklahoma's attorney general for Trump to pardon Behenna.

"Mr. Behenna’s case has attracted broad support from the military, Oklahoma elected officials, and the public," the White House said, noting that more than two-dozen generals and admirals, as well as numerous Oklahoma officials, have expressed support from Behenna, who hails from Edmond. The statements adds that he has been "a model prisoner."

"In light of these facts, Mr. Behenna is entirely deserving of this Grant of Executive Clemency," the statement read.

Prosecutors argued Behenna shot and killed Mansur, an alleged al-Qaida operative, in the desert in 2008 in retaliation for an improvised explosive device (IED) attack. Mansur had previously been ordered released due to lack of evidence for his connection to the terrorist group, and Behenna reportedly killed him while returning him to his hometown after attempting to question him about the IED attack.

Behenna was paroled in 2014 and was to remain on parole until 2024 prior to the pardon. Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter (R) recently petitioned the Trump administration to pardon the Oklahoma native, writing to Attorney General Bill Barr in April that Behenna was convicted due to improper jury instructions and that prosecutors did not properly produce evidence bolstering his claim of self-defense. Hunter had previously petitioned for the pardon in February 2018.

Hunter's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

“This man is far more deserving of clemency than is that scumbag Bradley Manning.”

So lessee: A soldier kills the enemy in the line of duty with the full support of the military up and down the ranks and some POS prosecutor sentences the man to 15 years? We need President Trump to arrest the prosecutor and sentence him to 15 years for conspiracy against the better interests of his own nation along with a fine of $250,000 to be paid by the prosecutor to the soldier's family for harm done!
He murdered someone released for lack of evidence, in cold blood.
The Hill ^ | May 6, 2019 |

President Trump on Monday signed an executive clemency granting a full pardon to a former Army first lieutenant convicted of murdering an Iraqi prisoner.

The White House released a statement announcing Trump's decision to pardon Michael Behenna, who was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years for shooting and killing Ali Mansur Mohamed. The move comes after repeated requests from Oklahoma's attorney general for Trump to pardon Behenna.

"Mr. Behenna’s case has attracted broad support from the military, Oklahoma elected officials, and the public," the White House said, noting that more than two-dozen generals and admirals, as well as numerous Oklahoma officials, have expressed support from Behenna, who hails from Edmond. The statements adds that he has been "a model prisoner."

"In light of these facts, Mr. Behenna is entirely deserving of this Grant of Executive Clemency," the statement read.

Prosecutors argued Behenna shot and killed Mansur, an alleged al-Qaida operative, in the desert in 2008 in retaliation for an improvised explosive device (IED) attack. Mansur had previously been ordered released due to lack of evidence for his connection to the terrorist group, and Behenna reportedly killed him while returning him to his hometown after attempting to question him about the IED attack.

Behenna was paroled in 2014 and was to remain on parole until 2024 prior to the pardon. Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter (R) recently petitioned the Trump administration to pardon the Oklahoma native, writing to Attorney General Bill Barr in April that Behenna was convicted due to improper jury instructions and that prosecutors did not properly produce evidence bolstering his claim of self-defense. Hunter had previously petitioned for the pardon in February 2018.

Hunter's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

“This man is far more deserving of clemency than is that scumbag Bradley Manning.”

So lessee: A soldier kills the enemy in the line of duty with the full support of the military up and down the ranks and some POS prosecutor sentences the man to 15 years? We need President Trump to arrest the prosecutor and sentence him to 15 years for conspiracy against the better interests of his own nation along with a fine of $250,000 to be paid by the prosecutor to the soldier's family for harm done!
He murdered someone released for lack of evidence, in cold blood.
Since his conviction, Behenna, an Oklahoma native, has won the support of former governor Mary Fallin (R), state Attorney General Mike Hunter (R), and more than 30 retired generals and admirals — among them Trump’s former special envoy for the Persian Gulf, retired Gen. Anthony Zinni.

The Surrender Monkey had key evidence pulled from his trial.... That Muslim terrorist loving piece of shit should be hanged as a traitor!
I don't give TWO SHITS about you and your goddamn MACHO MAN bullshit, nor your fantasies about "assreaming"
Search Results for Query: ass reaming | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Behenna was court-martialed, and found GUILTY by a jury of unpremeditated murder aka SECOND DEGREE MURDER.
So, take your dumb ass graphics & stick them where the sun don't shine, Mr. Macho Man.

Your preoccupation with asses aside, you obviously failed to read the OP's link where a vast number of military and others all felt the original decision was SO WRONG, it demanded a presidential parson.

President Trump Pardons Army Ranger 1st Lt. Michael Behenna - Sentenced to Prison for Killing Al-Qaeda Operative

If the scum was released for lack of evidence and our guy knew this was a big mistake, all hats off to him for doing the right thing. You don't have to become the enemy to know what it takes to BEAT the enemy.

KILL the enemy.
War is an ugly part of Human history.
This wasn't an innocent child, and this wasn't an innocent mother.
This was a terrorist who was responsible for killing some military brothers.
To combat, close is good enough. No telling how many deaths
he was responsible for and not getting caught.
I'm not going to lose sleep over the pardon.

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