Trump Pence presser underwhelming

So what should they have done to make it overwhelming? Trump goes over the top people criticize he tones it down people criticize shit make your minds.
I am very consistent in my opinion of Trump. Your post has ZERO merit.
My post has as much merit as yours or anyone else's here perhaps you would like to try answering the question I asked.
Trump could have tried talking a bit more about his choice rather than himself for starters lol
Perhaps but the fact is people don't vote for a Presidential candidate because of the VP pick this election like all the past ones is about the person on the top of the ticket not the bottom.
So what should they have done to make it overwhelming? Trump goes over the top people criticize he tones it down people criticize shit make your minds.
I am very consistent in my opinion of Trump. Your post has ZERO merit.
My post has as much merit as yours or anyone else's here perhaps you would like to try answering the question I asked.
Trump could have tried talking a bit more about his choice rather than himself for starters lol
Perhaps but the fact is people don't vote for a Presidential candidate because of the VP pick this election like all the past ones is about the person on the top of the ticket not the bottom.
I know several people who are voting based on vp choices. It's no different than voting on a single issue like abortion or entitlements. Especially this year with the two most hated candidates in recent history. Had Trump picked Newt he would have received my vote. Very unlikely now unless I learn a lot of unknown things about Pence I like.
Not an impressive jump out of the gate.

Agreed not at all, and certainly not a person women would run out and vote for.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

I don't give two shits about your stupid bullshit woman agenda. I seriously don't so stop fucking quoting me to tell me about it. IDGAF

That's why you lose is because you don't care about it. You think you can continue to offend the largest voting block in this country (women) and win elections.

You didn't learn anything from 2012. You and your cohurts lined the stage with several knuckle dragging Neanderthals that would never win women.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

And if you can't win women you don't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.


So now you've got Governor Pence to defend--LOL

Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
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Not an impressive jump out of the gate.

Agreed not at all, and certainly not a person women would run out and vote for.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

I don't give two shits about your stupid bullshit woman agenda. I seriously don't so stop fucking quoting me to tell me about it. IDGAF

We're well aware men don't care about women's issues, but your lack of concern is duly noted. You seem to care enough to vote for a party which treats women as mental deficients, who insists on full disclosure of what an abortion does before being allowed to have this operation. We know what abortion does. We don't need to have it mansplained for us. But you passed a law insisting on it.
Its all on Trump's shoulders this guy Pence will be useless at best. I think its likely the MSM will engineer an ambush on Pence tripping him into saying something really stupid and that will be all she wrote for Pence. That's why you needed someone like Newt who could bitch slap the MSM and debate moderators silly.

Yeah, Newt Never said anything retarded.

Shouldn't you be attending summer school?

Wow, that was the most pussy-like response ever. For you that is saying a lot.

Meh JV libs don't rate a top 10 insult. Comb your hair and iron your clothes maybe then you can attract a man.
Not an impressive jump out of the gate.

Agreed not at all, and certainly not a person women would run out and vote for.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

I don't give two shits about your stupid bullshit woman agenda. I seriously don't so stop fucking quoting me to tell me about it. IDGAF

We're well aware men don't care about women's issues, but your lack of concern is duly noted. You seem to care enough to vote for a party which treats women as mental deficients, who insists on full disclosure of what an abortion does before being allowed to have this operation. We know what abortion does. We don't need to have it mansplained for us. But you passed a law insisting on it.

It's not a "womans" issue, it's a LIFE issue. And his point is MEANINGLESS. Anyone that votes on the right to abortion issue doesn't vote Republican anyway.
Now Trump is conceding that Pence was picked for the sake of 'party unity'. So much for his bold assertion that he would go ahead with or without the GOP establishment behind him.
you think biden was chosen because of his genius -LOL

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