Trump Pence presser underwhelming

Its all on Trump's shoulders this guy Pence will be useless at best. I think its likely the MSM will engineer an ambush on Pence tripping him into saying something really stupid and that will be all she wrote for Pence. That's why you needed someone like Newt who could bitch slap the MSM and debate moderators silly.

Yeah, Newt Never said anything retarded.
For the first time in my life I agreed with Paul Begala on was gruesome....verbally and technically...

Onward and upward.

Like sassy says...long way to go...and we have Hillary and Pokahontas coming up...

Help is NOT on the way. This is why politics is a profession, best left to the professionals. There are 4 sides to every move you make in this juncture of a race (one on one)….

Something you say or do:

1. Helps you and hurts them
2. Helps you and helps them
3. Hurts you and helps them
4. Hurts you and hurts them

1 is the classic attack ad, well crafted speech, or outside variable that plays up your strengths while highlighting your opponents weakness—think economy crash of 2007.

2 is the rarest of ever but if you and your opponent are similar in some respect, an outside variable that helps both of you is a zero sum gain in most scenarios. Its so rare that I can’t think of a concrete example but one that comes close was the collapse of the Soviet Union. Carvel and Stepaophulous (sp?) spun it as an opportunity for Clinton who would best be able to take advantage of it with his bridge to the 21st century.

3 is what you saw today with this press conference. There was no reason to have it today other than if you knew it was going to be a disaster and you put it on during the weekend to minimize the damage. The RNC brass must be pulling their hair out at this point. Also the classic gaffe; the Sniper Fire quote, the “47% remark”, the “Corporations are people….”

4 is the NOT well crafted ad/action that often seeks to elevate the candidate but usually just screws over both candidates at best. Hillary’s “3 AM ad” was one. But it was blunted (not well) by someone in the Obama camp saying “Neither was ready for the 3 AM phone call” which was truthful but also not helpful to BHO’s campaign.

If you put these 4 into a grid and start clockwise with 1 in the upper right, 2 in the lower right, 3 in the lower left and 4 in the upper left; you have a matrix. Now, take every ad, every speech, every photo op, every endorsement and every variable that happens between now and November and put a dot on the grid somewhere (the further right and up, the more help; the further left and downward, the less help)…and you won’t need to read or hear a thing. The gal/guy who gets the most dots in box 1 will probably do well. But it’s no guarantee. However, the gal/guy who gets the most in box #3 will almost certainly lose… What hurts you is far more potent than ANYTHING that may help you. This is what amateurs in politics do not understand first and foremost.

What you never want to do is get anything to the left of the middle line (or Y axis if you will) because you can only put so many dots on the matrix yourself. There is not unlimited TV time to buy unlimited ads (contrary to what the Trump campaign thinks). It actually begins to dry up after Labor Day because state races begin buying that ad time. Rubio and everyone going for his Senate seat will be buying ads all over Florida. Ohio has some contests this year. As does Pennsylvania. Big rallies are great except when you rent out large arenas, it costs you money and you still usually only get a 10-30 second sound byte on the evening news. Better to give the same speech outdoors during a staged event you’re not paying for and get the same byte…

Anyway, watch and learn losers.
For the first time in my life I agreed with Paul Begala on was gruesome....verbally and technically...

Onward and upward.

Like sassy says...long way to go...and we have Hillary and Pokahontas coming up...

Help is NOT on the way. This is why politics is a profession, best left to the professionals. There are 4 sides to every move you make in this juncture of a race (one on one)….

Something you say or do:

1. Helps you and hurts them
2. Helps you and helps them
3. Hurts you and helps them
4. Hurts you and hurts them

1 is the classic attack ad, well crafted speech, or outside variable that plays up your strengths while highlighting your opponents weakness—think economy crash of 2007.

2 is the rarest of ever but if you and your opponent are similar in some respect, an outside variable that helps both of you is a zero sum gain in most scenarios. Its so rare that I can’t think of a concrete example but one that comes close was the collapse of the Soviet Union. Carvel and Stepaophulous (sp?) spun it as an opportunity for Clinton who would best be able to take advantage of it with his bridge to the 21st century.

3 is what you saw today with this press conference. There was no reason to have it today other than if you knew it was going to be a disaster and you put it on during the weekend to minimize the damage. The RNC brass must be pulling their hair out at this point. Also the classic gaffe; the Sniper Fire quote, the “47% remark”, the “Corporations are people….”

4 is the NOT well crafted ad/action that often seeks to elevate the candidate but usually just screws over both candidates at best. Hillary’s “3 AM ad” was one. But it was blunted (not well) by someone in the Obama camp saying “Neither was ready for the 3 AM phone call” which was truthful but also not helpful to BHO’s campaign.

If you put these 4 into a grid and start clockwise with 1 in the upper right, 2 in the lower right, 3 in the lower left and 4 in the upper left; you have a matrix. Now, take every ad, every speech, every photo op, every endorsement and every variable that happens between now and November and put a dot on the grid somewhere (the further right and up, the more help; the further left and downward, the less help)…and you won’t need to read or hear a thing. The gal/guy who gets the most dots in box 1 will probably do well. But it’s no guarantee. However, the gal/guy who gets the most in box #3 will almost certainly lose… What hurts you is far more potent than ANYTHING that may help you. This is what amateurs in politics do not understand first and foremost.

What you never want to do is get anything to the left of the middle line (or Y axis if you will) because you can only put so many dots on the matrix yourself. There is not unlimited TV time to buy unlimited ads (contrary to what the Trump campaign thinks). It actually begins to dry up after Labor Day because state races begin buying that ad time. Rubio and everyone going for his Senate seat will be buying ads all over Florida. Ohio has some contests this year. As does Pennsylvania. Big rallies are great except when you rent out large arenas, it costs you money and you still usually only get a 10-30 second sound byte on the evening news. Better to give the same speech outdoors during a staged event you’re not paying for and get the same byte…

Anyway, watch and learn losers.
I watched it unedited on YouTube. Very disappointed that audience remained seated during National Anthem. Trump speaking from a script needs practice. Teleprompter might have helped, but reading it as he did sort of fell flat. I liked Pence's speech and he did a better job of awakening the audience. Action in the video starts after the 29:00 minute mark, having people sit around so long may have been the part of the problem.

I watched it unedited on YouTube. Very disappointed that audience remained seated during National Anthem. Trump speaking from a script needs practice. Teleprompter might have helped, but reading it as he did sort of fell flat. I liked Pence's speech and he did a better job of awakening the audience. Action in the video starts after the 29:00 minute mark, having people sit around so long may have been the part of the problem.

A ‘hindenberg’ of a press conference
I believe Trump picked the wrong man.

Gosh! Have you told him? I'm certain he will worry about what you believe all night long.
I hope you never post a personal opinion here ya jackass. When you do I'll be sure to remind you that no one gives a fuck as you've just done. All your future posts are now considered irrelevant by your own measuring stick.
So what should they have done to make it overwhelming? Trump goes over the top people criticize he tones it down people criticize shit make your minds.
I am very consistent in my opinion of Trump. Your post has ZERO merit.
My post has as much merit as yours or anyone else's here perhaps you would like to try answering the question I asked.
Its all on Trump's shoulders this guy Pence will be useless at best. I think its likely the MSM will engineer an ambush on Pence tripping him into saying something really stupid and that will be all she wrote for Pence. That's why you needed someone like Newt who could bitch slap the MSM and debate moderators silly.

Yeah, Newt Never said anything retarded.

Shouldn't you be attending summer school?
Its all on Trump's shoulders this guy Pence will be useless at best. I think its likely the MSM will engineer an ambush on Pence tripping him into saying something really stupid and that will be all she wrote for Pence. That's why you needed someone like Newt who could bitch slap the MSM and debate moderators silly.

Yeah, Newt Never said anything retarded.

Shouldn't you be attending summer school?

Wow, that was the most pussy-like response ever. For you that is saying a lot.
So what should they have done to make it overwhelming? Trump goes over the top people criticize he tones it down people criticize shit make your minds.
I am very consistent in my opinion of Trump. Your post has ZERO merit.
My post has as much merit as yours or anyone else's here perhaps you would like to try answering the question I asked.
Trump could have tried talking a bit more about his choice rather than himself for starters lol

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