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Trump" "Pissed.... at damn near everyone"

Got a legit source?

HOw would you like a bunch?

Days after visit, Trump blasts France's Macron as relations sour | Reuters


November 13, 2018 / 5:37 AM / Updated 2 hours ago. Days after visit,Trump blasts France's Macron as relations sour. Susan Heavey, Luke Baker. 4 Min Read.

Five days of fury: Inside Trump's Paris temper, election woes and staff ...


... Nov. 11, 2018. ... November 13 at 8:02 PM ... For Trump, that testy call set the tone for five days of fury — evident in Trump's splenetic tweets and described in ...

Trump, stung by midterms and nervous about ... - Los Angeles Times


President Trump, brooding over midterm losses and the Mueller probe, has cancelled a number of events that presidents normally ... Nov 13, 2018 | 12:25 PM.
1st one has nothing to do with the thread
2nd one is WashPo leftist propaganda much like CNN
3rd one says "administration official" LOL...yeah OK!

No. 1 is mentioned in the WaPo article also.
But you wouldn't know that since you posted about 5 seconds after I did, and didn't fucking read them.
First one talks about his French trip....WashPo is Anti American propaganda along with CNN and EVERY mainstream outlet.

Go ahead and bury your head in the sand.
It's real simple.
Trump has gone AWOL since he got back from France, too.
He's hiding in the East Wing.
Connect the dots if you fucking can't learn how to read.
Lol actually he just had an interview with the Daily Caller today...he isn't hiding. He is MAGA! Best doing that behind the desk or in meetings.
.......Yes, he's pissed -- at damn near everyone," a White House official said, noting the mood in the Oval Office is darker than normal this week. After nearly a month straight of campaigning before adoring crowds, the applause has gone silent and the President has retreated. The tempest has led to rampant speculation inside the building about the fates of other senior staffers, some of whom are beginning to plan their exits.

Friends of the President describe him as embittered by the election losses and troubled by the Mueller investigation. He met Monday with his lawyers to go over a series of written questions from the special counsel. Some of his longtime confidants are worried for his health, believing he's gained weight and looks unwell....

Trump's mood takes a foul turn: 'He's pissed -- at damn near everyone' - CNNPolitics

This is typical Trump: everyone is to blame except Trump himself. He's the idiot that indulges in conspiracy theories, he's the dope that has divided our allies, he's the imbecile that decided to forego the remembrance service because of a little rain and he's the dunce that tweeted absolute inanities about the California fires.

But beyond all that the Orange moron is responsible for the losses his party sustained on November 8th because the nation is sick and tired of his actions, words and conduct.

Be a man and take responsibility for your actions. That requires character, an attribute no one in his right mind would associate with Trump.
Got a legit source?
I know, it is not right wing Zerohedge, gateway pundit or InfoWars trash. Real news is anathema to the Trumpist right.
Got anything from Breitbart or RT or SOMETHING neutral? CNN is pure propaganda kind of like the crap you can buy at the grocery store checkout lines.
It definitely takes a Trumpist to call Russia Today neutral.
More neutral than CNN and the rest of the democrat propaganda machine.
Trump is a petulant child throwing a temper-tantrum – it further confirms the fact he’s unfit to be president, doesn’t have the temperament for elected office, and lacks the experience and intelligence to understand the nature of the political process where no one wins all the time.

Yet he appears to be doing one hell-of-a job....go figure.
Yeah..that Wall is AMAZING!
If it's CNN, I want a name and not some unnamed White House official or friends of the President. Names, I want NAMES! sheesh

How about his reactions and responses to those presidential duties since the election?

Will that do?

One doesn’t need a News service to witness what a sulky pouty and petulant President Trump has become since his ....
almost complete victory..... this past week.

Do you think he’s rejoicing in his victories there Meister?

Gotta wonder why he would get bent out of shape with all the....... winning.

It's still a back and forth between the msm and Trump. Everyone knows how Trump is and everyone knows how the msm treats him.
Everyone expected a politician in Trump, he's not, he's a business man. I will take him over the last several politicians that held his position
any day.

So because everyone knows how Trump is.... the press shouldn’t ask the tough questions of the president that he doesn’t like and sees as adversarial?
One can only imagine the victory party Trump is going to throw when Maxine Waters starts investigating him and his tax records are exposed.

Is it too early to respond with a WOOHOO for all the winning?

chortle :)
When the dems start playing that game, you will know that they're overplaying their hand. This isn't
why the moderate dems elected them, nor the independents that voted for the dems.

Meistr, if republicans had done their constitutional duty of oversight of this president.... they’d still be the majority in the House.

Make no mistake. The American people expect democrats to keep their campaign promise but to also hold this president accountable instead of the dog and pony show we’ve witnessed from the republicans these past two years.
.......Yes, he's pissed -- at damn near everyone," a White House official said, noting the mood in the Oval Office is darker than normal this week. After nearly a month straight of campaigning before adoring crowds, the applause has gone silent and the President has retreated. The tempest has led to rampant speculation inside the building about the fates of other senior staffers, some of whom are beginning to plan their exits.

Friends of the President describe him as embittered by the election losses and troubled by the Mueller investigation. He met Monday with his lawyers to go over a series of written questions from the special counsel. Some of his longtime confidants are worried for his health, believing he's gained weight and looks unwell....

Trump's mood takes a foul turn: 'He's pissed -- at damn near everyone' - CNNPolitics

This is typical Trump: everyone is to blame except Trump himself. He's the idiot that indulges in conspiracy theories, he's the dope that has divided our allies, he's the imbecile that decided to forego the remembrance service because of a little rain and he's the dunce that tweeted absolute inanities about the California fires.

But beyond all that the Orange moron is responsible for the losses his party sustained on November 8th because the nation is sick and tired of his actions, words and conduct.

Be a man and take responsibility for your actions. That requires character, an attribute no one in his right mind would associate with Trump.

He should stop having press conferences, ignore Mueller, and build the Wall.

HIs numbers will come right up.

Hell ya, Mexico finally sent the money!
Trump pissed at damn near everyone. And the news there is?

Perhaps it is the easing of his mood by reducing his displeasure to a "damn near" level?
Kind of like the MSM, liberals, Democrats and never Trumper resistance that is in full outrage every damn day. Meh.

I have found being in denial never ends well for the denialist.

So far, I would say you are a living proof.
I am not in denial at about Trump. I am not here to burst your bubble though. Believe that all is well in Trump world and that he is loved throughout the land for his generosity, wisdom, leadership and that he never has a bad word to say about anyone.

Yes, sweet dreams to you.

What we have in a president is a spoiled man child who has always gotten his way and never had to put up with a press who asked tough questions of him..... till now.

And he’s reacting just as you would expect a spoiled man child would react. Whiney, petulant, pouty and pissed that things are not going his way.

To bad. You gotta wonder what he was expecting when he took on the mantle of the leader of the free world.

That we all would be hooting and hollering at his antics and wearing MAGA hats?

Politics is not for the faint of heart. It is a vicious business with high stakes that people play to win.

And losing, just as with winning, has consequences and if you’re not prepared then maybe you should find another line of work.
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Got to give the guy credit he came out of left field, right away started calling Every media outlet fake except fox & some small outlets most people from either side had never heard of. and got 30% of the population to call it truth. we all know that media leans towards the audience they try to attract (having lived in a hard right county I came to expect one of the two news papers to take a hard right stand & the 2nd paper to temper it some by weekly posting both sides of a situation.) MSMBC IS hard left and FOX is hard right. after seeing both Hannity & Pirro join Trump on stage at a Trump rally there is no way you can give them the tag of fair & balanced. teaching your self how to dig through the propaganda for nuggets of truth takes a little practice.
One can only imagine the victory party Trump is going to throw when Maxine Waters starts investigating him and his tax records are exposed.

Is it too early to respond with a WOOHOO for all the winning?

chortle :)
When the dems start playing that game, you will know that they're overplaying their hand. This isn't
why the moderate dems elected them, nor the independents that voted for the dems.

Meistr, if republicans had done their constitutional duty of oversight of this president.... they’d still be the majority in the House.

Make no mistake. The American people expect democrats to keep their campaign promise but to also hold this president accountable instead of the dog and pony show we’ve witnessed from the republicans these past two years.
I see it differently, the repubs were going to lose the house, it's just the cycle of the elections.
Campaign promise of litigation's and investigations? Right, that's what the AMERICAN people want. Seriously?
I don't believe that for a second. Most Americans want what is important to their lives, not what YOU believe.
You also have to see the obvious even if it isn’t reported.

Democrats deliberately avoided talk of impeaching Trump because they didn’t want to give Trump and the republicans that club to beat them with.

Democrats might have been talking about health care and infrastructure etc., but come on.

Everyone knew what was going to happen if democrats won and got subpoena power and started investigating someone as shady as Trump, his taxes, business and his campaigns contacts with the Russians.

And Trump knows this.

And now you know the basis of Trumps foul mood.

Nobody likes to be screwed. Especially those who’ve been doing the screwing their whole life and are now going to be on the receiving end.

By someone like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.

Fake News :icon_rolleyes:
Trump is a petulant child throwing a temper-tantrum – it further confirms the fact he’s unfit to be president, doesn’t have the temperament for elected office, and lacks the experience and intelligence to understand the nature of the political process where no one wins all the time.

Yet he appears to be doing one hell-of-a job....go figure.
What do you call a hell of a job?
Hate crime substantially up
Debt increasing at higher rate than under Obama because of tax cuts. We benefit, our children pay the debt
Environmental laws weakened to make money now, our children suffer later
Western nations are disavowing USA because of isolationism.
Russia, China and North Korea love Trump because as he makes the US weaker in the world, they are getting stronger
We are no longer the moral leader of the free world
"In the last week, the President's frayed and fraught relationships have been laid bare for all to see: He's furious at Kelly for a Paris trip that ended in a public relations debacle. He's blaming his political advisers for losing the winning narrative of the midterms. And he was caught off guard by his wife's shot across the bow at one of the top advisers in the West Wing -- a sign that their private conversations clearly aren't functional." ibid

And because Trump is a political neophyte with no understanding, no experience, and no knowledge of sound governance and responsible public policy, he’s at a complete loss as what to do and how to salvage the disaster that is his failed presidency.
Kind of like the MSM, liberals, Democrats and never Trumper resistance that is in full outrage every damn day. Meh.

I have found being in denial never has a good ending for the denialist.
Have you always been such a pussy?
There is no bigger pussy than the hysterical Trump supporter. Look a caravan!


but I digress...
A caravan filled with the type of guys you like to hang out with.
Fake News :icon_rolleyes:
Trump is a petulant child throwing a temper-tantrum – it further confirms the fact he’s unfit to be president, doesn’t have the temperament for elected office, and lacks the experience and intelligence to understand the nature of the political process where no one wins all the time.

Yet he appears to be doing one hell-of-a job....go figure.
What do you call a hell of a job?
Hate crime substantially up
Debt increasing at higher rate than under Obama because of tax cuts. We benefit, our children pay the debt
Environmental laws weakened to make money now, our children suffer later
Western nations are disavowing USA because of isolationism.
Russia, China and North Korea love Trump because as he makes the US weaker in the world, they are getting stronger
We are no longer the moral leader of the free world

Ohhhh Nooooo, we're not the moral leader!? And what does a fricken lib know about morals?
Poor man just got his ass kicked in the midterms and Mueller is preparing to release his report

Not happy days for Trump
.......Yes, he's pissed -- at damn near everyone," a White House official said, noting the mood in the Oval Office is darker than normal this week. After nearly a month straight of campaigning before adoring crowds, the applause has gone silent and the President has retreated. The tempest has led to rampant speculation inside the building about the fates of other senior staffers, some of whom are beginning to plan their exits.

Friends of the President describe him as embittered by the election losses and troubled by the Mueller investigation. He met Monday with his lawyers to go over a series of written questions from the special counsel. Some of his longtime confidants are worried for his health, believing he's gained weight and looks unwell....

Trump's mood takes a foul turn: 'He's pissed -- at damn near everyone' - CNNPolitics

This is typical Trump: everyone is to blame except Trump himself. He's the idiot that indulges in conspiracy theories, he's the dope that has divided our allies, he's the imbecile that decided to forego the remembrance service because of a little rain and he's the dunce that tweeted absolute inanities about the California fires.

But beyond all that the Orange moron is responsible for the losses his party sustained on November 8th because the nation is sick and tired of his actions, words and conduct.

Be a man and take responsibility for your actions. That requires character, an attribute no one in his right mind would associate with Trump.
Got a legit source?

The Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN.

Three of them.
Fake News :icon_rolleyes:
Trump is a petulant child throwing a temper-tantrum – it further confirms the fact he’s unfit to be president, doesn’t have the temperament for elected office, and lacks the experience and intelligence to understand the nature of the political process where no one wins all the time.

Yet he appears to be doing one hell-of-a job....go figure.
What do you call a hell of a job?
Hate crime substantially up
Debt increasing at higher rate than under Obama because of tax cuts. We benefit, our children pay the debt
Environmental laws weakened to make money now, our children suffer later
Western nations are disavowing USA because of isolationism.
Russia, China and North Korea love Trump because as he makes the US weaker in the world, they are getting stronger
We are no longer the moral leader of the free world

Ohhhh Nooooo, we're not the moral leader!? And what does a fricken lib know about morals?
at least you agree with every other point I made
.......Yes, he's pissed -- at damn near everyone," a White House official said, noting the mood in the Oval Office is darker than normal this week. After nearly a month straight of campaigning before adoring crowds, the applause has gone silent and the President has retreated. The tempest has led to rampant speculation inside the building about the fates of other senior staffers, some of whom are beginning to plan their exits.

Friends of the President describe him as embittered by the election losses and troubled by the Mueller investigation. He met Monday with his lawyers to go over a series of written questions from the special counsel. Some of his longtime confidants are worried for his health, believing he's gained weight and looks unwell....

Trump's mood takes a foul turn: 'He's pissed -- at damn near everyone' - CNNPolitics

This is typical Trump: everyone is to blame except Trump himself. He's the idiot that indulges in conspiracy theories, he's the dope that has divided our allies, he's the imbecile that decided to forego the remembrance service because of a little rain and he's the dunce that tweeted absolute inanities about the California fires.

But beyond all that the Orange moron is responsible for the losses his party sustained on November 8th because the nation is sick and tired of his actions, words and conduct.

Be a man and take responsibility for your actions. That requires character, an attribute no one in his right mind would associate with Trump.
He’ll feel better after his two scoops and some info wars
“For weeks this fall, an ebullient President Trump traveled relentlessly to hold raise-the-rafters campaign rallies — sometimes three a day — in states where his presence was likely to help Republicans on the ballot.

But his mood apparently has changed as he has taken measure of the electoral backlash that voters delivered Nov. 6. With the certainty that the incoming Democratic House majority will go after his tax returns and investigate his actions, and the likelihood of additional indictments by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, Trump has retreated into a cocoon of bitterness and resentment, according to multiple administration sources.”


What else would Trump expect – Trump is so arrogant that he actually thought he could act in a reckless, irresponsible manner, attack our most fundamental democratic institutions, exhibit nothing but contempt and disdain for the principles enshrined in the Constitution and the rule of law, and not suffer an appropriate and warranted backlash from voters.

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